The group exploded at once.

"Ye Suxi? The girl who was expelled from school?"

"Why does she want to come to the class reunion? Strictly speaking, she doesn't count as our classmates, right?"

"That's right, isn't she very vicious, what will our classmates do?"

"Don't say it so badly. After all, she was a classmate for three years. She said she was coming, so she couldn't help but welcome her."

"Yeah, I heard that she doesn't have a good job yet. She came to participate in the class reunion. Could it be that she is begging everyone to help her find a job!"

"However, she is also a beauty. There is a bar in my house, and she can sell wine at the bar."

"Is there any misunderstanding about what happened back then? Don't make generalizations. You always think that Ye Suxi is a very good person."

"What a good person, just pretending."


The opinions of everyone in the group are very different.

Some girls, those who were jealous of Ye Suxi and gloated at the misfortune, wanted Ye Suxi to participate in the class reunion, so as to humiliate her and use her as a foil for them. Of course, some girls also have a good impression of Ye Suxi. They feel that Ye Suxi is very good and welcome her.

Of course there are very few such people.

Some boys thought Ye Suxi was beautiful at first, but they were often brainwashed by girls and thought Ye Suxi was a vicious woman.

After all, she did kill the girls in the dormitory.

At that time, there was a popular saying in the school, saying thank you to a dormitory for not killing.

Because of Ye Suxi's murder of Feng Shurou, everyone felt that people in a dormitory should be more careful.

Some boys don't care much about this, they think it's just one more person to eat.

Seeing everyone's reaction in the group, Jia Xiangsi laughed, "Look at everyone's reaction in the group."

Jia Xiangsi was very proud at this time.

Jian Luping said, "It will be fun then."

"Let's go, let's go and see if there are any latest dresses. We can compare other girls that day."


For these, Ye Suxi didn't know.

She doesn't have a class group, and her phone number has changed since she left school.

Ye Suxi dragged her cheeks and thought about it, she could know the possible reactions of the classmates.

But she didn't care.

Because those people are not important to her, she only cherishes her good friends.

Cherish those who are worth cherishing.

When she came home for dinner at night, Ye Suxi ate with her head down and didn't speak.

Xiao Jinshen peeled the shrimp for her, looked at Ye Suxi, and asked, "Is there something on your mind?"

With that said, Xiao Jinshen handed the peeled shrimp to Ye Suxi.

Ye Suxi took it and ate it, and said, "You can see it all!"

"Yes, I can see that you have something on your mind."

When dealing with Ye Suxi, Xiao Jinshen was always careful.

Ye Suxi said, "A few days later, a classmate of D University asked me to attend the class reunion. I know she has bad intentions."

"Then do you want to participate?" Xiao Jinshen respected Ye Suxi's inner thoughts.

Ye Suxi pursed her lips, "Probably wanted to participate, to see how these people are doing now, and to find out the truth."

Before she escaped to the imperial capital.

I don't want to face those things.

But those things didn't exist that she didn't want to face.

All of them say she kills people, plagiarizes her jewelry designs, says she cheats.

Ye Suxi couldn't bear it.

Xiao Jin looked at Ye Suxi tenderly, with a light of encouragement in his eyes, "If you want to go, go, I will accompany you to the imperial capital."

Ye Suxi was stunned, "Have you dealt with everything in Yuncheng? Can you go to the Imperial Capital now?"

"The families involved in Yuncheng have all been dealt with, the wealthy families have also been re-ranked, and many things that should have been dealt with have been dealt with."

When Xiao Jinshen came to Yuncheng, he actually wanted to find out some traitors and support a few families again, which was exclusively his Xiao Jinshen's power.

Not the weapon that the Xiao family used against him.

He caught the meticulous work, found out some things, and completely controlled Yuncheng in his own hands.

This is the purpose of Xiao Jinshen coming to Yuncheng.

Of course, Ye Suxi was his biggest gain and his surprise.

Ye Suxi's eyes lit up, "Then I also want you to accompany me to the imperial capital. With you, I will have strength."

This statement is not false at all.

With Xiao Jinshen by her side, she felt that her whole body was full of energy and there was nothing to be afraid of.

A soft light flashed in Xiao Jin's deep eyes, and he said softly, "Don't worry, I will always be by your side."

Ye Suxi nodded vigorously, "Mmmm!"

As if thinking of something, Ye Suxi asked, "Jin Shen, that, is the Imperial Hotel in the Imperial Capital your property?"

Xiao Jin raised his eyebrows deeply, "That's right, why, are you guys going to have a party at the Imperial Capital?"

Ye Suxi nodded, "Yes, the address sent is the Imperial Palace Hotel, on a street where every inch of land is worth the money."

"It is indeed the property under my name. I will say hello to there and have fun at the party."

Ye Suxi waved her hand, "No, no need to do anything special, just let them consume."

Anyway, Ye Suxi was preparing for aa, so she only paid her own share of the fee.

Those people weren't her friends either, and she didn't want to make them special.

However, because of Xiao Jinshen's presence, Ye Suxi felt very confident.

Xiao Jin smiled deeply but did not say a word.


A few days later, Ye Suxi explained a lot of things, and went to the imperial capital by private plane with Xiao Jinshen.

When the plane was in the air, Ye Suxi's mood was also complicated.

Since she left the imperial capital that year, she has never returned.

I didn't expect this scene when I came back again.

She thought she would be sad.

But no, she was in a calm mood.

Perhaps because Xiao Jinshen was by her side, she was fearless.

Ye Suxi looked at Yuncheng through the window, and her thoughts fell into the memories of the past.


At the age of seventeen, she was sitting on the train with an admission letter from D University, and she was very excited.

She actually went to the Imperial Capital when she was a child, when her grandparents were still there.

Grandpa will arrange for her to come to the imperial capital to study.

So she is no stranger here.

In the past, when my grandfather was here, they were always driven to drive her there.

But now, she can only take the cheapest train, the station ticket.

I stood there for five or six hours along the way, and then got off the bus with a big bag.

The suitcase was bought with the money she saved. It was very cheap and the quality was not very good. When pulling it on the road, Ye Suxi had to pull it carefully.

She was looking forward to school life at that time.

She hopes to learn a lot and have a good relationship with her classmates.

After all, at that time, although she was suppressed by Madam Ye, her mind was relatively simple.

I thought that walking out of the Ye family and coming to the imperial capital would usher in a new life.

After getting off the train, she walked out of the station and saw a large D banner outside the station, which was to pick up the train.

Ye Suxi walked over, she was stunned when she saw the two senior sisters.

"Someone really came by train!"

"There are one or two of those every year."

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