Qiao Shaobai lowered his head and said, "I can't answer, that's because I'm afraid of my brother!"

Ye Suxi shook her head, "No, I just don't know how to face Senior Brother, and it will be seen."

"What happened to being seen?"

Ye Suxi bit her head and said, "Senior brother, don't you know that you are a big celebrity now, and your every move will be noticed by others."

Listening to Ye Suxi's words, Qiao Shaobai was really surprised.

Although he was a graduate student at D University, he actually came to the school very little and didn't spend much time in the school.

So many things in the school, Qiao Shaobai didn't know.

"Every move is being watched?"

"Yes, if senior brother doesn't know, you can look at the school's post!"

Qiao Shaobai really didn't pay attention to the school's post bar.

A strange light flashed across his eyes, and he said seriously: "Okay, I'll take a look!"


on the plane

Ye Suxi fell into memory

She looked out the window, her whole person was in a trance, and there was an unreal feeling.

Xiao Jin deeply felt that Ye Suxi's emotions were not right.

It's just that the aura emanating from Ye Suxi's body is not the same.

Xiao Jin said softly, "Do you want some hot water?"

Hearing Xiao Jinshen's voice, Ye Suxi suddenly recovered.

When Ye Suxi saw that it was Xiao Jinshen, her heart suddenly warmed up.

She shook her head, reached out and hugged Xiao Jinshen hard.

"If you don't drink water, you just want to hold it!"

Holding Xiao Jinshen like this, Ye Suxi felt that everything she was doing was real.

It was only when she felt that Xiao Jinshen was by her side, she no longer had to be alone.

Xiao Jin looked at Ye Suxi's dependence on him, and shook his head helplessly, "Furse your seat belt, I can't hold you well, wait for you to get off the plane, eh?"


Ye Suxi controlled her emotions well and completely recovered from her memories.

"Where do we live in the imperial capital?"

"Of course I live in my own home. Don't worry, there is a villa on the east side of the city."

Ye Suxi sighed in her heart that this is where she has her own industry, and asked, "Are there villas everywhere?"

Xiao Jin explained patiently: "It's just that there are industries in a few important places, and you can live in your own home when you go there."

"If you don't have an industry, then stay at the Zunhao Hotel, which is also your own home."

Anyway, Xiao Jinshen would not let Ye Suxi live elsewhere, no matter where he went, he would give her a home.

Ye Suxi said with emotion: "It's still good to have an industry, and there is a place to live anywhere."

"These properties are also yours!"


"Well, you are my wife, so it all belongs to you!"

Ye Suxi was amused by Xiao Jinshen's few words.

She took Xiao Jinshen's arm and leaned on his shoulder, "Then you are mine too!"

Xiao Jin said in a funny and gentle way, "Well, it's yours!"

Ye Suxi giggled.

The plane quickly landed at the airport, Xiao Jinshen picked up Ye Suxi's jacket and put it on her first, "It's cold outside, wear more."


Beside Xiao Jinshen, Ye Suxi was used to not having to think about anything, not to worry about anything.

Ye Suxi stood up, and it was Xiao Jinshen who stretched out her coat and helped her put it on.

Put a thick coat on Ye Suxi, Xiao Jinshen put on his own coat, and then pulled Ye Suxi off the plane.

As soon as I got off the plane, the cold wind blew in.

Ye Suxi's face became cold, she closed her eyes to avoid the sudden wind.

Xiao Jinshen arranged the scarf for Ye Suxi, then stood in front of her, "Okay, get off the plane!"

After getting off the plane, someone specially came to pick them up.

Along the way, Ye Suxi and Xiao Jinshen drove through many streets and headed east.

Their villa is in the Dongcheng District of the Imperial Capital.

Ye Suxi sat in the back seat of the car, and through the window, she could see the street scene outside.

Seeing this, Ye Suxi's expression became dazed.

She still remembered that when she was in school at D University, she would often walk on this street, and it was a part-time job at that time.

There was no entertainment at that time, everyone went out to play and travel, and she seldom went.

I don't go shopping or go out to eat anything delicious.

I also just take a walk on the street, feel the wind of the season, and take a look at the street scene.

When it's extravagant, go to the roadside to buy some snacks.

Xiao Jinshen asked softly, "There are many memories here?"

Xiao Jinshen knew that Ye Suxi went to the university at Imperial D University, and looking at her expression, she felt that some of her memories might have been touched here.

Ye Suxi turned her head to look at Xiao Jinshen, and said with a smile, "Actually, I feel that when I was in college at D University, my memory was actually very vague. I seldom went shopping on the street and seldom came out to play."

"At that time, I was busy with a lot of part-time jobs, busy studying, and didn't have the heart to play."

"But every now and then, I'll treat myself as well, just stroll around the snack street and eat something delicious."

"Sometimes it's a pleasure to eat a bowl of hot noodles."

Xiao Jin stroked Ye Suxi's hair deeply, "Fool, it's really easy to satisfy."

"Yeah, I was really easy to satisfy at that time. I felt very happy to eat a bowl of noodles and some Mala Tang."

When she was too tired, or when everyone went out to play during the holidays, when she was paid part-time wages, Ye Suxi would occasionally reward herself.

Will eat a bowl of noodles in a fixed noodle shop, eat some Mala Tang.

She goes to a place to eat, and if she finds it delicious, she usually comes here to eat the same thing every time.

Ye Suxi thought that maybe she was actually a persistent person in her bones.

Xiao Jin looked at Ye Suxi's eyes with light and a smile, with a sense of youth and a girl, and there was a smile on his eyebrows.

He gently arranged the hair around his face for Ye Suxi with his hands, and there was a distressed light in his eyes.

"If you like to eat, I will take you to eat."

Xiao Jin deeply felt sorry for Ye Suxi and only wanted to compensate Ye Suxi better.

Ye Suxi's eyes lit up, "There is a snack street here, and there is a restaurant that is particularly delicious. I will eat it at that time."

Xiao Jin deeply thought that Ye Suxi said she wanted to go to a restaurant, but she didn't expect that she only liked noodles.

"Are you sure it's a face?"

"Yes, pickled fish noodles, I like it very much, it tastes very good, I ate a bowl of more than 20, and I was reluctant to eat it at that time. I only went to eat a bowl of noodles if I paid part-time money, or to reward myself for the festival. "

Listening to this, Xiao Jin was deeply saddened.

Xiao Jin stroked Ye Suxi's hair deeply, "Fool, let's eat more if we want."

Ye Suxi blinked and asked, "Then do you like noodles?"

Xiao Jinshen said without hesitation, "I like to eat!"

Ye Suxi was happy, "I also like to eat."

"And what do you like to eat?"

"Malatang, skewers, chicken nuggets, braised pork..."

There are a lot of snacks here, Ye Suxi wants to eat them all.

"Don't you want a big meal?"

Ye Suxi shook her head, "I don't know anything else in the imperial capital, all I know are these unique snacks."

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