Xiao Jinshen also found out that there was something wrong with the Lu family, so people stared at the Lu family.

He also checked some information about the Lu family.

But the external information is very simple. What Xiao Jinshen wants is the detailed internal information of the Lu family.

Only in this way can we find out the problem, find the breakthrough, break through the outer defense of the Lu family, and know the secret hidden in it.

Ye Suxi's eyes sank, "Then there must be something wrong with the Lu family, so there are many family problems hidden in the dark."

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it, you just need to be safe."

The only thing Xiao Jinshen worried about was Ye Suxi's safety.

Ye Suxi nodded, "Ye Wu has been discharged from the hospital in a few days, I will arrange for her to come to the imperial capital to protect me by my side."

"That way you don't have to worry."

In fact, Ye Suxi felt that her skills were better than those of the dead, but in order to reassure Xiao Jin, she still decided to arrange for someone to protect herself.

As for Xiao Jiu, Ye Suxi arranged for her to do other things.

"Well, go downstairs for dinner first."

"it is good."

Xiao Jinshen took Ye Suxi's hand and went downstairs to eat directly.

Even if you eat in a restaurant, it is a diamond private room.

Ye Suxi sat at the table, and through the floor-to-ceiling windows, she could see many views of the imperial capital.

Many buildings are not as tall as a Grand Hotel.

Looking down, the whole person has a very open feeling.

"Doubt, this is rotating?"

Ye Suxi sat for a while, only to realize that this floor was actually spinning.

She was amazed.

Xiao Jinshen scooped the porridge for Ye Suxi and said, "Well, it's spinning, eat slowly, you can enjoy the scenery outside the window."

Ye Suxi said, "Wow, eating breakfast like this is so novel."

Ye Suxi, like a curious baby, looked at the seat and outside.

"It's really relaxing."

Looking at the scenery outside, there is a different feeling.

"Okay, eat first, or you'll be hungry."

Listening to Xiao Jinshen's words, Ye Suxi picked up the spoon to eat breakfast.

She took a deep breath, "I feel in a good mood."

While eating, she looked out the window.

Suddenly, when she looked into the distance, she could directly see the landmark building of D, the library.

Looking at the library, Ye Suxi squinted her eyes, a little distracted.

After all, there are many memories of her in the D library.


Ye Suxi's memory went back to when she was in college.

She works hard at school.

I also help out in the library on weekdays to make some money.

She needs to re-categorize the books that everyone has borrowed and returned, and put them on the bookshelf.

Once, it was Qiao Shaobai who helped her put the book on the shelf because she couldn't reach the shelf.

When she turned around, she saw that it was Qiao Shaobai.

At that moment, Ye Suxi was actually full of gratitude.

Because she has always been used to relying on herself for everything, and suddenly someone does a little thing, she is also grateful.

After all, Qiao Shaobai also helped Ye Suxi before.

Ye Suxi said to Qiao Shaobai, "Thank you!"

When Qiao Shaobai saw that it was Ye Suxi, he smiled gracefully, "Sister, we meet again."

"Senior brother, are you also in the library?"

Qiao Shaobai said: "Well, I'll check the information."

Since Qiao Shaobai sent Ye Suxi back last time, the two have not seen each other again.

Qiao Shaobai gave Ye Suxi his mobile phone number, but did not find Ye Suxi contacting him.

He originally wanted to help her arrange a part-time job so that she could earn more through work-study.

Because after returning, he logged into the school system, checked Ye Suxi's profile, and found that she was really the kind of poor student who worked hard.

Unlike many students at D University.

She came to the school with the first place on her own strength, and the tuition fee was reduced or exempted.

If it is not the first few, if other students are not from good families, they simply cannot afford the high tuition fees.

Because Ye Suxi's academic performance is very good, all tuition fees are reduced or exempted.

No wonder she worked so hard.

Going to a place like a bar to sing.

Ye Suxi nodded, not knowing how to speak to Qiao Shaobai.

In fact, she was nervous, afraid of being seen by people in the library.

Of course, this bookshelf is a bit remote, and no classmates have looked here for the time being.

Even so, Ye Suxi was nervous.

Qiao Shaobai looked at Ye Suxi with her head lowered, holding a stack of books, and said, "I'll help you put them on!"

"No, I can just get a stool myself."

Qiao Shaobai took the book directly from Ye Suxi's hand, "I'll help you. I've done this in the library before, so I know how to classify it."

Ye Suxi blinked, "Senior brother, have you also worked part-time in the library?"

Ye Suxi was really confused, Qiao Shaobai's family didn't need to do such a thing at all.

Qiao Shaobai smiled and said, "It was a two-week practice class at that time. I needed to do something and get the credits, and I was assigned to the library."

I see.

Ye Suxi understood, "Senior Brother University is also in D University?"

"Well, yes, the university is in D University, and the graduate students who are directly promoted are also in D University."

"I heard from my classmates that my senior brother was planning to go abroad for graduate studies."

Qiao Shaobai was silent for a while, and then slowly said, "Something happened, so I am a graduate student at D University. Our D University is also very good."

"And when I was in my sophomore year, I went abroad to study and exchange, so it's nothing if I can't go out to study."

At that time, Qiao Shaobai took one year to complete the four-year foreign credits, and has already obtained the foreign diploma.

In China, he is not really in school.

Because he was very smart, he could finish all the courses in a short period of time, and Ye Xiu had enough credits.

So he doesn't come to school very often.

But there are some scientific research projects in the school, or if something happens, he will still come back.

Ye Suxi nodded, "Senior brother is very smart."

Qiao Shaobai smiled and said, "You are also very smart. You are the first in every exam, which is great."

Ye Suxi's eyes flashed, no one had praised her like that.

Madam Ye wouldn't, and her mother had never praised her like that.

After a long time, she seems to be the first in the exam, as she should.

In fact, she also hopes that people around her can praise her.

"Brother, thank you!"

This time, Ye Suxi sincerely smiled at Qiao Shaobai.

Qiao Shaobai looked at Ye Suxi's pure smile. The sunlight came in through the window and fell on Ye Suxi's body, making her body seem to exude a moving light.

Qiao Shaobai looked dazed.

He also smiled lightly, "You should smile more, little girl, smile more to look good."

"I'm not a little girl."

Ye Suxi didn't want to be treated like a child, she was not a child.

Qiao Shaobai looked at Ye Suxi and smiled, and asked warmly, "Are you angry?"

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