Shen Ruoxuan was so angry that she wanted to swear.

She almost scolded Wei Chenluo.

But Shen Ruoxuan desperately controlled the urge to curse.

But the movements of the hands kept going.

She kept hitting Wei Chenluo with the pillow in her hand, "Since you can't give anything, don't talk nonsense."

"Wei Chenluo, I didn't even know you were such a person."

Shen Ruoxuan kept hitting Wei Chenluo with the pillow, as if she was venting her anger.

Wei Chenluo didn't fight back, and let Shen Ruoxuan keep hitting him.

Shen Ruoxuan was tired and stopped to take a breath.

But my heart hurts, it really hurts like tearing.

Why do this to her.

What did she do wrong, what did she do wrong.

She treats Wei Chenluo with all her heart and lungs, and it turns out that she is Wei Chenluo's enemy.

People approached her for revenge.

Oh, she is a joke.

If it weren't for Duoduo, Shen Ruoxuan would not have been alive in the first place.

But for Duoduo, she survived strong.

She can't be killed, she has to live well.

Yes, she still has Duoduo, she has to be strong.

Just when Shen Ruoxuan calmed down, Wei Chenluo said, "I can give you the material."

Shen Ruoxuan took a deep breath, suppressed the tearing pain in her heart, and said: "Okay, then you can give me more material, I am actually a money-worshipper, you give me more living expenses, I went shopping today and saw some jewelry. , it's very expensive, I'm not willing to buy it yet."

Since Wei Chenluo can give it, she will.

Don't be in vain.

Wei Chenluo looked at Shen Ruoxuan deeply, but no one could understand his eyes at this time.

Shen Ruoxuan didn't want to understand either.

Anyway, Shen Ruoxuan knew that Wei Chenluo's heart was given to Zhou Meier, but not to her.

She didn't even think about it, she wanted material things!

Wei Chenluo said quietly: "Be good, I will buy everything you want to buy."

Shen Ruoxuan also knew how rich Wei Chenluo was now, and the Wei family gave him Wei's film and television entertainment company.

That's the cash cow.

Not to mention that the Wei family has other companies.

He also has many private properties, which are immeasurable.

He doesn't have to do anything, just spend money on his private property.

In fact, the part he gave her was really a drop in the bucket.

What he gave to Zhou Meier was the real value.

It is to create Zhou Meier.

Zhou Meier, a newcomer, was smashed by Wei Chenluo with resources.

Sometimes Shen Ruoxuan is also jealous of Zhou Mei'er and is protected by Wei Chenluo like that.

When Zhou Meier enters the entertainment industry, she just needs to film well.

All the scripts were selected by the agent and sent to her.

No one should think about robbing Zhou Meier for resources.

After all, Wei Chenluo is the prince of the film and television entertainment company.

Moreover, the Wei family has a great influence in the imperial capital, and his relationship with Young Master Si Kou is also very strong.

So no one moved the Wei family.

Shen Ruoxuan couldn't do anything, she couldn't compete with Wei Chenluo at all.

Although Ye Suxi can help her, Shen Ruoxuan is not so selfish.

She didn't want Ye Suxi to confront people like the imperial capital for her.

She also has to think about it for Ye Suxi.

And Ye Suxi had helped her so much, and it was too late for her to be grateful.

Not to mention Ye Suxi.

Shen Ruoxuan was a little tired, it was a kind of tired heart that hollowed out her spirit.

"I'm tired and want to sleep!"

"Go to sleep!"

Then Wei Chenluo hugged Shen Ruoxuan and covered her with a quilt.

The movement is gentle.

Shen Ruoxuan laughed at herself.

She didn't dare to be selfish.

In fact, after lying down, Shen Ruoxuan couldn't fall asleep.

feeling terrible.

I really think of hitting Wei Chen again.

But she also knew that she was really tired, tired, and had no strength to do anything.

It wasn't until the middle of the night, when Shen Ruoxuan felt that it was almost dawn, she fell asleep.

When Shen Ruoxuan woke up the next day, she woke up naturally.

Just woke up around noon.

When she woke up, there was no one in the room.

She knew that Wei Chenluo should have left. He usually doesn't stay here during the day, and only comes back at night.

Shen Ruoxuan would never ask where Wei Chenluo went.

Where he went, she didn't care.

She knew that it was useless for her to care.

But Shen Ruoxuan didn't care, and the servant Aunt Cui looked at Shen Ruoxuan and said, "Miss Shen, Young Master Wei left early in the morning. Are you having breakfast or lunch?"

After all, it was almost noon at this time.

"Let's have lunch!"

Shen Ruoxuan was a little listless.

She was sitting at the dining table, swiping with her phone in her hand.

The imperial capital headlines appeared all at once.

At first glance, it was a picture of the studio. The reason I noticed this news picture was because the man in the photo was Wei Chenluo and the woman was Zhou Meier.

Although it looks a little blurry, the man is a back.

But at first glance, there was something wrong with Zhou Meier on the set, Wei Chen came over and hugged Zhou Meier.

So if there is an urgent matter, it is Zhou Mei'er's business.

Wei Chenluo didn't have time to eat breakfast, and hurried to find Zhou Mei'er?

The headline on the news is [Zhou Meier's mysterious boyfriend appears, he is a young master from a wealthy family]

[Zhou Meier hangs Weiya injured, her boyfriend shows up and takes her to the hospital]

[An insider said that Zhou Mei'er's boyfriend is the Crown Prince of Wei's Entertainment]


The headlines on the news are like this.

Shen Ruoxuan looked at it, and when she looked at that photo again, she felt a stinging pain in her heart.

And the photo is very eye-stinging.

Shen Ruoxuan only felt her eyes hurt.

Then she threw the phone aside.

Aunt Cui looked at Shen Ruoxuan's face and said cautiously, "Miss Shen, let's eat first!"

Shen Ruoxuan was clearly a little hungry, but she had no appetite when she saw the food.

She picked up the chopsticks to eat, but couldn't eat it.

"You go away, I don't want to eat."

Aunt Cui looked at Shen Ruoxuan's figure going upstairs, sighed, and said nothing.

In fact, Aunt Cui looked at Shen Ruoxuan and felt a little distressed.

A good-looking young lady from the Shen family has become like this now.

Wei Shao is not a sympathetic person.


Wei Chenluo accompanied Zhou Meier in the hospital and said, "I asked the doctor, your leg is fine, and you will be discharged in a few days."

"Didn't I arrange several stand-ins for you, why does Weiya have to go on by himself?"

Zhou Mei'er's eyes rolled, and there was a hint of coquettishness in her eyes, "But a stand-in is also a human being, and it's okay to be an actor if you work hard."

Wei Chenluo frowned, "But if there is an accident this time, your leg will be broken, which is too dangerous."

"Or stop being an actor."

Zhou Meier said: "No, this is my job, network, you know, I think I can be worthy of you."

Wei Chenluo once brought Zhou Meier back to the Wei family, but all the elders of the Wei family did not accept Zhou Meier.

So Zhou Meier had to act in order to get the highest award and the approval of the Wei family.

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