Otherwise, why would they help?

But this is definitely not what Xu Tianqi wants!

He also consulted a lawyer he knew, who told him that it was indeed possible, but there were still certain legal risks.

And he didn't even know who had bought memberships and private lessons at Qiangli Fitness!

Maybe they wouldn't take legal action!

Unless he left Rongcheng and went far away after getting the money!

But is that possible?

He has other businesses in Rongcheng!

At this time, he stopped driving and parked his car on the side of the road, flipping through the WeChat messages sent by Gao Qiang while waiting for Gao Qiang to call back.

Not long after, Gao Qiang really called Xu Tianqi back.

"What did they say?"

"Xinghuo's store manager Xu Zhiping said that their boss is more interested in Muscle Fitness!"

Xu Tianqi frowned and said, "Why? What's so good about that broken store?"

He knew about Muscle Fitness, and he had investigated it more or less before opening a gym.

"It seems that Muscle Fitness should be profitable, but we are still losing money!"

"How does Xu Zhiping know that we are losing money?"

"I told him before."


Xu Tianqi felt depressed and had the urge to throw his phone!

"Boss, you know, I used to ask Xu Zhiping about some gym management issues, and insiders can definitely guess our Qiangli situation, whether I say it or not is the same!"

"Is there really no way?"

"Boss, I think we still have a chance!"

Xu Tianqi asked hurriedly: "Why?"

"Since the boss of Xinghuo is interested in Muscle Fitness, then we still have a chance. Our Qiangli has luxurious decoration, 90% new equipment, and a good location. Except for a little more debt, how can it be inferior to Muscle Fitness?"


Xu Tianqi agreed with what Gao Qiang said.

"And I think Xu Zhiping's opinion doesn't necessarily represent their boss's opinion. Their boss is very generous, has no shortage of money, and also likes the fitness industry. If the boss really wants Xinghuo to take over, he still has to talk directly to Xinghuo's boss!"

"I heard that Jijian's boss Gu Jianjun personally visited Xinghuo and persuaded Xinghuo's boss before Xinghuo's boss went to Jijian to inspect it!"

Xu Tianqi asked, "Do you mean to let me talk in person?"

"Yes, that's the only way to show sincerity!" Gao Qiang persuaded, "The second generation of rich people cares most about face. If you make him happy, he might directly offer a price. The price of a car may be more expensive than our gym!"

"Makes sense!"

Xu Tianqi has seen the screenshots sent by Gao Qiang and knows that Su Yang's family is very rich, much richer than him!

"Boss, if you really want to sell, I suggest you talk as soon as possible, and it's best to sell before Jijian. If the boss is not in a hurry, you can wait!"


Xu Tianqi asked in confusion.

"Because there is no guarantee that after Xinghuo's boss buys Jijian, he will still be interested in our Qiangli!" Gao Qiang analyzed, "What if Xinghuo doesn't continue to buy Jijian after buying it? I know Xu Zhiping. He is conservative and cautious. Xinghuo is still in a loss-making stage after significantly increasing employee salaries. He definitely doesn't want his boss to buy gyms randomly. Their boss trusts Xu Zhiping!"

Xu Tianqi: "Then I will go now?"

Gao Qiang: "It depends on the boss's idea!"

Xu Tianqi asked again: "You seem to want to see Xinghuo buy Qiangli."

Gao Qiang smiled a little embarrassedly: "Xinghuo is famous for being rich and generous!"

Xu Tianqi did not doubt him and said directly: "Then pay attention to the news in your group. If Xinghuo buys Jijian, call me!"

"Okay, boss!"

"That's it!"

After hanging up the phone, Xu Tianqi decisively started the car and went to Xinghuo!

He also felt that Gao Qiang made sense. After buying Jijian, people might not be interested in Qiangli in a short time!

Since he has planned to sell the gym, he must do it quickly.

After all, the gym is "losing money" every month!

At this time, Su Yang was visiting Jijian Fitness and found that the facts were just as Xu Zhiping said.

Most of Jijian's fitness equipment is relatively old, but there are always professionals to maintain the equipment.

Due to stable business operations, the turnover rate of Jijian's fitness coaches is much lower than that of ordinary commercial fitness companies.

These fitness coaches are older, but their professional abilities are still good.

The overall level is even higher than Xinghuo!

Jijian's private training classes are not sold much, all thanks to a group of loyal and hardcore users who have been operating for five years.

The price offered by Gu Jianjun is also relatively reasonable. He can transfer the gym to Su Yang for 150,000 yuan, and Su Yang needs to take over the old customers.

Su Yang made a little deduction and decided to go for it!

After buying it, he will indeed lose money for a few months.

However, as long as he operates it step by step, the gym's annual profit can make back 150,000 yuan.

If the salary refund of the Golden Finger system is included, it will only take more than a month.

And Gu Jianjun went to him personally, which showed his sincerity!

Of course, another reason was that if Su Yang hesitated for a while, there would be old customers of Jijian who would buy Jijian.

It was only 150,000 yuan, and there were still many rich people in Rongcheng.

In Gu Jianjun's small office, Su Yang said while drinking tea:

"Mr. Gu, Ji Jian looks pretty good to me. The price of 150,000 yuan is also reasonable. I'm willing to buy it!"

Gu Jianjun said happily: "Thank you very much, Mr. Su!"

Su Yang changed the subject: "But I have a small request!"

"What request?"

"Don't spread the news that we have reached an agreement for the time being, just say that we are still talking!"

Gu Jianjun was stunned for a moment and then smiled: "That's no problem!"

He didn't know what Su Yang wanted to do.

But he is definitely willing to give Su Yang this face!

"But Mr. Su, can you take care of those old guys in the gym?" Gu Jianjun may also be a little embarrassed after saying this, "My request may be a bit presumptuous, but their professional abilities are definitely excellent. , can also endure loneliness!”

"As long as they have excellent professional skills, do not violate the rules and regulations of the gym, and work hard, I will not dismiss every employee easily." Su Yang glanced at Zhou Shunian next to Gu Jianjun and said, "Manager Xu also told me However, store manager Zhou is very capable and conscientious in his work. I will also let him continue to be the store manager!”

Gu Jianjun said happily: "Thank you very much, Mr. Su!"

"You're welcome!"

Zhou Shunian next to him gave Xu Zhiping a grateful look when he heard Su Yang praising him!

The boss gives himself too much face in front of his old friends!

This made Xu Zhiping feel like drinking frozen Coke in the summer. He was so happy that the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up!

Please give me some recommendation votes or something!

Chapter 29 I mean, you give our boss a million!

"Boss, the front desk just called me and said that Xu Tianqi, the boss of Powerful Fitness, has arrived at Xinghuo Fitness and he wants to see you!"

As soon as Su Yang left Ji Jian Fitness, he heard Xu Zhiping say with a strange expression.

He didn't expect that Xu Tianqi would actually come to the door as Su Yang expected!

Su Yang looked at the bustling streets outside the car window and said calmly:

"Then let's meet!"

"Okay boss!"

"Remember the role you played?"


Xu Zhiping nodded while driving.

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