"It's not impossible to earn a million a year if you do it well!" Su Yang said with a smile, "Our Jufan Holdings spans media, fitness, food and catering, housekeeping services, law firms... It's a very powerful group company!"

Wu Kai smiled and replied: "I know, I ate Jiuxiang Hotpot last time I went back to Rongcheng, it should be yours, right?"

"It's ours!" Su Yang asked with a smile, "Is it delicious?"

"It's delicious!" Wu Kai nodded, "It's a pity that you don't sell hotpot base, I wanted to take some out for my colleagues to eat."

"Do they like it?"

"Some people don't like it, but there are also some who like it. I have Chinese colleagues!"

"Are there many Chinese?"


After chatting about hotpot, the relationship between the two became much closer!

"What is your ideal salary?"

"The boss must know the situation of domestic psychological counseling business. If I work in Rongcheng, I may need to get a fixed annual salary... Can the annual salary be 500,000?"

Wu Kai thought about it seriously and said a more conservative number!

He is very clear about the gap between domestic and foreign psychological counseling. In China, psychological counseling is still a niche industry, and most Chinese people are more resistant!

I feel like going for psychological counseling is like being a psychopath!

He is also more aware of the price level in Rongcheng, at least not as high as in the ugly country.

If possible, he would rather return to China!

Who would be willing to leave their hometown for no reason?

Su Yang nodded: "It's quite reasonable!"

This request is a little low... He thought the other party would ask for 700,000!

Wu Kai took a deep breath, thought for a while and said: "Boss, I want to sign a longer contract, at least five years!"

Some things are hard for him to say.

Layoffs in China are fierce, and it would be troublesome if he wants to claim compensation!

If he goes back to develop, he will definitely take risks.

After all, most of his connections are in the ugly country.

He has a good impression of Su Yang, but he still has to consider his own future.

"It won't work. The contract can be torn up after it's signed!" Su Yang waved his hand and said generously, "You come back to Rongcheng to work for me. I'll give you a resettlement allowance of 3 million first, a basic annual salary of 500,000, and bonuses and performance are calculated separately. We can discuss it later."


"3 million, you can buy a nice new house in Rongcheng now!"

"I know!"

"How is it?"

"No problem!"

What else can Wu Kai say?

Anyway, he has seen Su Yang's strength!

"Oh, and, please help me introduce our company to your circle to see if there are any talents willing to return to China for development!"

Many talents from famous schools and top institutions gather together.

The social circle of overseas Chinese is not large, and any news spreads quickly.

Su Yang just wants to dig more ready-made talents. Anyway, he will not lose money in the service industry!

Wu Kai was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Boss, I understand!"

Afterwards, Wu Kai talked to Su Yang about the situation of the domestic psychological counseling industry.

When he found out that Su Yang was not only wealthy, but also had a relatively calm and objective understanding of the industry, and was prepared for long-term losses, and that the consulting company's main service objects were also company employees and vocational school students, the last stone in his heart was put down.

The boss chose him, and he actually chose the boss too!

After finishing the interview, Wu Kai looked out the window at the rising sun in Pennsylvania.

He pushed open the window and took a deep breath.

Feeling hungry, he couldn't help but think of the smell of smoked chicken feet in Jiuxiang Hot Pot Restaurant.

He took out his mobile phone and found his mother's phone number... He hesitated for a while, but he still didn't dial it.

It should be late there now!

Chapter 324 Watching a movie in the office! There is a scam advertising company!

At 11 o'clock in the evening, Su Yang leaned back in the boss's chair and rubbed his sore eyes.

Counting it up, since he became the boss, he hasn't worked overtime in the office so much for a long time.

Of course, if managing relationships and accompanying customers for dinner are also considered overtime, it is indeed not the first time.

However, the results of this overtime are still quite obvious.

He had a rough idea of ​​who to hire from the more than 100 top students.

After turning off the computer and walking out of the office, Su Yang saw that in the bright office, only Jiang Yuzhen was still sitting in front of the computer, holding potato chips and watching a movie.

The employees at other workstations had already left.

Emmmm... Don't you even accompany your boss!

Coming behind Jiang Yuzhen, he reached into her bag of potato chips.


Jiang Yuzhen was so scared that she almost shook the potato chips.

Turning around and seeing that it was Su Yang, she complained: "Boss, you almost scared me to death!"

Su Yang had to work overtime today, and as Su Yang's secretary, she couldn't leave work.

So she stayed in the company and occasionally poured some water for Su Yang!

Bored, everyone in the company had left, so she just found a movie to watch.

"What movie?"

Su Yang saw that the picture quality of the movie was not very good, and it felt like an old Hong Kong-style movie.

"The Old Corpse in the Mountain Village, a friend recommended it to me, it's pretty scary!"


Su Yang still has some impression of this movie.

When he was bored before, he preferred to watch European and American bloody movies, such as zombies.

He declined to watch horror movies from Japanese, Korean, and Thai countries.

He only watched them occasionally with his roommates!

He sat down next to Jiang Yuzhen and naturally took the bag of potato chips from her arms.

He was really hungry and hadn't eaten dinner yet.

The potato chips produced by Jiuxiang Food Factory tasted really good.

His secretary also had good taste!

Jiang Yuzhen saw Su Yang snatching her potato chips and didn't know what to say.

She also ate with Su Yang while watching the movie!

The movie was already halfway through, the horror atmosphere was getting stronger and stronger, and the characters died miserably... At some point, Jiang Yuzhen's little hand tightly grasped Su Yang's arm.

The sliding computer chair also leaned against Su Yang.

Occasionally, she would tremble with fear at the horror atmosphere.

Su Yang wanted to leave after eating all the potato chips, but at this time he was also attracted by the plot.

I have to say that these old movies are better than many new movies.

When the plot came to an end and Chu Renmei's sad singing sounded throughout the office, Jiang Yuzhen had already hugged Su Yang's arm in her arms.

Su Yang thought about it and let her go.

Also, Su Yang felt a little scared when watching this kind of horror movie.

He could also feel brave if he got closer to Jiang Yuzhen!

Of course, he didn't take any advantage, because Xiao Jiang was a washboard and she wore thicker clothes!

Finally, the movie was over, and Jiang Yuzhen breathed a sigh of relief.

But at this time, she noticed the thing in her arms.

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