Obviously, that should be called abandoning the dark and joining the light!

After finishing a day's work, Su Yang returned to the office of Xinghuo Qinglong Store.

Sitting in the office, Su Yang briefly counted the income brought to him by the three fitness stores:

Xinghuo Fitness (Qinglong District Store) (1,800 square meters), currently has 29 employees (21+8), and is expected to pay 470,000 yuan in wages in July.

Under his vigorous reform, the income from private lessons sold by fitness coaches has decreased by more than one-third, close to one-half!

The number of fitness members has increased a lot, but this is just a drop in the bucket!

Deducting the rent, Su Yang estimates that the Qinglong District Store will lose about 130,000 yuan in July!

Su Yang still remembers that when Zhang Liang handed the gym to him, it was barely profitable.

As a result, after he took over, it directly lost 130,000 yuan in the second month!

Xinghuo Fitness North Street Store (Jijian Fitness) (700 square meters), currently has 10 employees, and is expected to pay 120,000 yuan in wages in July after the salary increase.

But Su Yang doesn't care, most of the wages in July are still paid by Gu Jianjun.

He only needs to pay the extra 50,000 yuan from the salary increase!

But if the promotion is not intensified, the Beida Street store will definitely start to lose money due to employee salaries next month... It is estimated that it will lose 40,000 to 50,000 yuan every month!

Xinghuo Fitness High-tech Zone Store (Strong Fitness) (2,000 square meters) currently has 25 employees and is expected to pay 510,000 yuan in July wages after the salary increase.

The main reason is that their performance in July was not good, and the share of fitness coaches was not high.

Fortunately, the July salary of 340,000 yuan was paid by Xu Tianqi, and Su Yang probably needed to make up 170,000 yuan!

This store has been losing money.

With Su Yang's business reform, it will only lose more in a short period of time.

After reading these data, Su Yang couldn't help but laugh at himself:

I'm really a genius at losing money!

But think about the happy things, even if it is a loss on the books, he is actually still profitable!

After all, he is a man with a system, and his salary will be returned!

Xu Zhiping's Qinglong District store, Su Yang can probably get 350,000 yuan.

Gao Qiang's High-tech Zone store, he should be able to get 340,000 yuan personally.

This 340,000 is Xu Tianqi's friendly reward, and the loss in July is also Boss Xu's!

Zhou Shunian's Beida Street store, he can get 70,000 personally.

70,000 also comes from Gu Jianjun's friendly sponsorship.

But the profit of more than 10,000 in July is also Boss Gu's.

In general, Su Yang can get 760,000 from the three gyms in early August!

It is slightly lower than Su Yang expected.

But it is not unacceptable.

Including his hot pot restaurant, he had an income of more than 800,000 in early August.

A monthly income of one million is not a dream!

He knows very well that after next month, it will be the promotion period for the gym!

Su Yang's goal is to break even!

In addition, the number of employees in his gym has reached 64!

After a while, he will recruit more people, and with the employees of the hot pot restaurant, he seems to be not far from 100 employees.

Chapter 34 Xiao Xiao wants to lose weight! A call from the squad leader!

Su Yang took another look at his account balance.

After opening the hot pot restaurant, his account balance was more than 1.6 million.

He then transferred another 200,000 yuan to the hot pot restaurant's account, which was mainly used for marketing and purchasing ingredients.

And now, he still has more than 1.5 million yuan in his account!

He spent only 150,000 yuan on buying Jijian.

He also paid the landlord a deposit and rent, a total of more than 200,000 yuan!

He received 200,000 yuan from Xu Tianqi for buying Qiangli.

When he re-signed the lease with the property, he paid a deposit of 50,000 yuan.

The rent has not been paid yet, and Xu Tianqi also paid the rent for two months!

In addition to the 130,000 yuan reward for three employees in the high-tech zone with a loyalty of 90...


He doesn't seem to have spent any money!

Su Yang feels that in addition to being able to obtain the title of a loss-making genius, he can also get the title of a money-saving expert!

However, some of his money should be spent soon.

He has to pay the three gyms, otherwise they can't support it.

In addition, the gyms will have large-scale marketing activities next month!

These will definitely cost money!

But the marketing of the gym will not cost too much.

The main expenses are still advertising and online marketing.

Offline marketing still needs to be done by fitness coaches and employees!

And on the 7th of next month, all four stores under his name will pay wages at the same time.

After getting his mood in order, Su Yang left the gym and got into Ma Ran's car.

Ma Ran was full of confidence in his last interview, but in the end there was no result.

But Ma Ran was not too discouraged...

"Interview failure is the norm!"

When he said this, Ma Ran was quite open-minded!

Of course, the second sentence he said was: "Don't you still have a boss who wants me?"

Su Yang laughed at that time!

At 7 o'clock in the afternoon, standing on the side of the busy food street, watching the Jiuxiang Beef Hot Pot Restaurant still full of customers, when several customers sat on the stools waiting, Su Yang was in a very good mood.

The opening seven-day big discount event ended for several days, but there was still a constant stream of customers coming to Jiuxiang to consume.

Guo Fang would give him the revenue of the hot pot restaurant every night, and the business was still booming.

The daily turnover can reach at least 20,000, and it is normal to exceed 30,000 on weekends.

20,000 turnover, that's 600,000 a month!

If the gross profit margin is 50%, it is also 300,000.

Minus the 50,000 rent, water, electricity, gas, and labor costs, it is close to 200,000 net income...

200,000 a month, much more profitable than the gym!

He glanced at the skewers shop next door, and their business was also good.

Just like what he saw half a month ago!

In other words, Jiuxiang's rise did not affect the other party's business.

It can only be said that a good store location and a large flow of customers are really important!

Taking out his mobile phone, Su Yang took a few more photos and sent them to his mother.

He casually sent a message: "Business is full, I calculated the accounts yesterday, and I can pay off the loan with this month's dividends!"

Two days ago, his mother called him and asked about the loan.

Before Su Yang could wait for the news, Jian Wei saw him and ran over immediately.

"Boss, you're here?"

Su Yang asked curiously, "I heard someone is coming to visit the store today?"

"They're already here, and they're in the store now!"


Su Yang followed Jian Wei into the store, and saw a staff member holding a video camera near the window of the hot pot restaurant, filming a plump pretty girl.

At this time, the girl was eating beef in big mouthfuls, sweating on her forehead, and the corners of her mouth were stained with red oil.

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