"Mr. Su, are you sure?"

A catering company with only one store offers a million-dollar annual salary to its general manager.

This is not realistic no matter how you look at it.


Su Yang put the U8 car key on the table.

It's not that he wants to show off his wealth, but it's more convincing and saves a lot of words.

Sure enough, when he saw the iconic car key, Jiang Zilin's face relaxed.

It can only be said that it is still necessary to buy a good car for business.

He smiled respectfully and said, "Then Mr. Su, do you want to recruit some other people? For example, recruit a few more vice presidents in charge of operations management, administrative management, financial management, and marketing management? Or recruit a few more talents in charge of procurement, public relations, auditing, planning, and engineering?"

Su Yang shouted in his heart, what a guy!

Just grab him and try to pull him?

"Recruit the general manager first!" Su Yang didn't think of giving up the other party's idea, "If you can satisfy me, I will continue to look for you."

"We promise to satisfy Mr. Su!"

Jiang Zilin said this with confidence.

The catering industry has not been doing well recently, even catering giants are laying off employees.

As long as Su Yang pays enough, he is confident that he can find talents that satisfy him!

In the following time, Su Yang went to two stores that were being renovated, and then inspected the publicity work of three gyms. He came to the gym to exercise in the afternoon.

Su Yang, who was sweating profusely and in a good mood, heard a knock on the door as soon as he returned to the office.

"Come in!"

The person came in and closed the door.

Su Yang looked up and saw Yuan Sisi standing in front of him.

"What's the matter?"

"Boss, I'm here to apologize!"

"What to apologize for?"

"I shouldn't refuse to appear on camera!"

Yuan Sisi really doesn't like to appear on camera, but if Su Yang persuades her, she will definitely agree.

Yuan Sisi herself has ideas about Su Yang.

But since the private training class ended at the beginning of the month, Su Yang almost cut off contact with her.

It is obvious that the relationship between the two parties was quite good before, and there was a trend of developing into a lover.

As a result, it was cut off abruptly.

The more Yuan Sisi thought about it, the angrier she got, and the more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable she felt!

When she heard that it was Su Yang who asked her to appear on camera, she was a little willful, hoping that Su Yang would lower himself to coax her... but things went in the opposite direction.

Thinking of Tao Xue who got into Su Yang's car yesterday, she was angry and annoyed!

Su Yang said patiently: "I'm not angry about this, you are not a contracted actor of our gym."

Seeing Yuan Sisi bowed her head and didn't speak, Su Yang thought for a while and said: "Forget it, I forgive you, you go back to work!"

He didn't intend to argue with Yuan Sisi.

After all, she was also the business pillar of the gym.

The relationship between the two sides was not bad before, and Yuan Sisi didn't make any mistakes!

Half a minute later, Su Yang saw Yuan Sisi standing there.

"What's wrong?"

Yuan Sisi raised her head and glanced at him.

Su Yang saw that her eyes were red, as if she was about to cry.

"Uh... why are you crying?"

He was a little confused!

"Recently, there are rumors in the gym that you are dissatisfied with me."

"This doesn't seem to be a rumor, right?"

"Hmm?" Yuan Sisi looked at Su Yang in a daze, "You have forgiven me, haven't you?"

"How about this!" Su Yang thought for a while, "Please order a nutritious meal for me, and we will have lunch together at noon."


Yuan Sisi calmed down this time.

She didn't mention Tao Xue's matter, because she didn't know what the relationship between Tao Xue and Su Yang was.

She already hated Tao Xue in her heart!

In the following time, Su Yang was quite busy.

After he rented the company's office space in the Hyatt Building, he entrusted an agency to help register the company.

Because the company registration does not require actual payment now, he registered 5 million.

Considering the restrictions of domestic laws on sole proprietorships and one-person limited companies, Su Yang pulled his parents into the catering company and gave them 5% of the shares respectively.

By the way, he invited them to Rongcheng to play for two days and see his hot pot restaurant.

Anyway, they were very happy to see that the hot pot restaurant was doing a booming business!

However, seeing that Su Yang was so busy, they only played for two days and left.

Before leaving, his mother also told him to take good care of his health, and asked about Su Yang's personal relationship problems.

His father took the initiative to speak for him, saying that boys should focus on their careers!

Chapter 69 Tomorrow I will ask Gao Qiang to fire you

As for the legal person of the company, Su Yang decided to do it himself.

With business deduction skills, he is really not afraid of taking any risks.

And even if he is not a legal person, as the actual controller of the company, he can't escape if something big happens.

At the same time, Julong Headhunter quickly recommended ten talents suitable for general manager of catering companies to Su Yang.

Almost all of these talents have served as management in catering giants or catering chains.

With at least ten years of work experience, they are all talents that Su Yang needs.

Jiang Zilin also admitted that as long as he is given a little more time, he can find more.

At this stage, what is lacking in China is not management talents.

What is lacking is bosses like Su Yang who want to start a business.

Soon after the company was registered, Su Yang's interview work was also coming to an end.

His interview was very simple, and he first explored the other party's management level.

Then find out the other party's business philosophy and ask them what salary level they want.

Finally, use business deduction skills to check the company's operating conditions after the other party takes the position of general manager.

No matter how nice the words are, how rich the experience is, and how correct the answers are, it is better to put him in the position and see the results.

Finally, Su Yang chose Ji Guoxiong, a 45-year-old local of Rongcheng.

Ji Guoxiong has more than 20 years of experience in catering companies.

He has master-level management and operation skills for large catering chains and master-level supply chain optimization skills.

He once served as a regional manager and management of a domestic catering giant.

Later, he resigned and co-founded his own catering brand, but ultimately failed.

After the failure of his business, he also served as the general manager of a medium-sized catering chain.

Two months ago, the catering chain went bankrupt and he lost his job.

Although this guy's resume is a bit miserable, after he was put in Jiuxiang Catering, his performance was quite good.

Ji Guoxiong is not the best among the ten interviewees.

But he is the most suitable for Su Yang.

For example, a 35-year-old interviewee named Xu Tian has proficient-level management and operation skills for large-scale restaurants, as well as proficient-level restaurant branding skills.

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