"I heard your gym is still losing money?"

"It will be profitable soon, probably next month!"

"So confident!"

"Of course!"

Su Yang nodded seriously.

The atmosphere always felt a little ambiguous.

The legendary nanny never showed up from beginning to end.

Su Yang ate breakfast quickly, and after thanking Qin Shuang, he breathed a sigh of relief after leaving the villa.

He was not afraid of what Qin Shuang would do to him.

But he was worried about himself.

Driving his U8, Su Yang went to the headquarters of Jiuxiang Catering in Hyatt Tower.

He drove himself today, and Ma Ran went to the interview.

As soon as he put the car in the parking space, Su Yang received a call from his mother.

"Mom, what's up?"

"Are you busy now?"


"It's about your cousin."

Su Yang asked in confusion: "Cousin? Which cousin?"

"Your cousin He Zhiheng!"

"What's wrong with him?"

"Your third aunt asked you to help check on him... She's a little worried!"

"Did you tell them that I opened a store?"

"Yeah!" Su Yang's mother asked in a low voice on the phone, "Does this have any impact?"

"No!" Su Yang asked in confusion, "But doesn't He Zhiheng work for a foreign company in Shancheng?"

"I heard that the foreign company withdrew its investment and the factory closed... Your cousin didn't tell your third aunt until yesterday. Your third aunt found out that he returned to Rongcheng!" Su Yang's mother said helplessly, "You know, your cousin doesn't like to talk, he's more introverted, and doesn't like to talk to your third aunt. You need to have a better relationship with him."

"Yeah, I know, I'll go check it out!"


Su Yang hung up the phone and noticed a WeChat message, which was sent to him by his third aunt.

Probably just to trouble him to help her go and see her cousin and see what his cousin's situation is.

Su Yang agreed without thinking too much.

His family has a pretty good relationship with relatives.

His father was a live-in, and later he built his own new house with the money he earned.

Su Yang has a good relationship with his mother's relatives.

His relationship with his father's relatives is not bad either.

A bunch of relatives are ordinary farmers, and they often go to the city to work and earn money.

During the busy farming season, relatives will help each other.

They often make appointments to play mahjong together in their spare time.

When he was a child, his third aunt treated him very well.

The red envelopes given during the New Year's greetings were divided into two portions.

One portion of 200 yuan was given openly, knowing that it would be taken away by his mother.

One portion of 50 yuan was secretly given to him.

However, although his third aunt has a kind personality, she is quite strong.

When she gets angry, she doesn't even give face to his grandfather!

She is very strict with his cousin.

His cousin He Zhiheng is more introverted and sensitive, and his grades in the first year of high school are not bad.

His grades started to decline in the second year of high school, and completely fell in the third year of high school because of the excessive pressure and his mentality.

However, his third aunt always believed that his grades dropped because he was addicted to online novels.

In the eyes of the older generation, psychological problems do not exist, they are just stubborn.

Fortunately, He Zhiheng studied mechanical engineering after being admitted to a junior college.

After graduation, he was lucky enough to enter a factory in an island country in Shancheng.

The benefits are very good, and there is even overtime pay for overtime work.

It is more than what he got in the advertising company.

Chapter 75 The cousin who almost took out a loan to work!

Su Yang called He Zhiheng and the call was connected soon.


"Why didn't you tell me you were coming to Rongcheng?"


Su Yang heard the sound of a car horn: "Are you on the way?"


"Send me the location later, I'll come to find you in the afternoon!"

"Will it be too much trouble?"

"Then I'll send you the location, come over in the evening!"


"Which district are you in?"

"High-tech Zone!"

"Okay, that's it, be safe!"

Su Yang hung up the phone and went to the company.

He has a cousin and a cousin on his mother's side.

Because his mother's brothers and sisters have a good relationship, Su Yang has a good relationship with them.

His cousin is six years older than him, mature and stable, and is relatively well-connected in society.

He works in a construction company and bought a house in the county town by himself, got married and had children.

Cousin He Zhiheng, that's a completely honest child.

He has a strong self-esteem, loves to be serious, is a bit stubborn, does things without flexibility, and is a bit hypocritical.

I remember that he was a bit crybaby...

When the cat he raised died when he was a child, he would cry for a long time.

When Su Yang came to the company, he mainly looked at the progress of the market development department.

Mei Jingshan asked him if he wanted to hire a secretary or assistant.

Su Yang thought he could slowly look for one first.

Although he is not too busy now, it does not mean that he will not be busy in the future!

Su Yang found a barbecue restaurant in the high-tech zone on his mobile phone and sent his cousin the location information of the store, and made an appointment at 8 o'clock in the evening.

He Zhiheng replied: "It may be a bit busy at 8 o'clock!"

Su Yang was a little surprised and said: "What are you busy with?"

He Zhiheng: "Delivering food!"

Su Yang really didn't expect that his cousin would actually go to deliver food.

"Then at 4 o'clock in the afternoon."

He Zhiheng: "Okay!"

He Zhiheng is not only introverted, but also can't make decisions.

He is always hesitant in doing things.

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