The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 985: Independence, we want to be independent!

South Korea is unable to send troops, moreover. Frequent wars are a sign of deterioration for a country’s finances. South Korea has just risen and cannot send troops continuously in a short period of time.

Even if it is extremely interested in Chen Di, South Korea has to consider the actual situation.

"At present, the timing of our dispatch of troops is not correct, we need Chendi, enough chaos. The chaos is so chaotic that only we dispatch troops can maintain the current situation." Zhang Lianghao pointed out without hiding. Only when Chen Di is caught in the disaster can South Korea have reason to send troops. And only after the troops were dispatched. They can fully control the area.

Han Shu didn't understand Zhang Liang's thoughts at all. However, this is indeed not the best time for South Korea to send troops.

South Korea cannot send troops, so Qin State. Qin Guo obviously wouldn't focus on this area now. They believe that the current concern is how to conduct military operations in the Allied Forces. And Zhao Guo’s huge infrastructure plan to earn enough money. Full of Qin people's own pockets. The people of Qin people are turning a large number of military products into civilian commodities and dumping them to people of Zhao.

At this time, the Chendi Parliament was discussing a major issue. On the issue of taxation, the opinions of all parties were not uniform. The local Wei people did not have much financial capacity to pay huge military expenses. You know, this cost is quite expensive, and they can only use the militia in their hands to resist those militias. But how long can those militias resist. Everyone in the assembly knows this.

"I think our militiamen will not be able to resist for long. Our weaponry is too poor. The proportion of muskets is too small. Only those Korean factories have a large number of muskets, but they only defend Their factories. We don't care about the safety of our place at all." Said a member of Chen Di.

"That is, they are Koreans, not Wei people. They are here to make a fortune. They don't know how to pay for things that do no good at all." Another member of the Diet said.

"Then we will lure those South Koreans into the group. As long as they are willing to pay and shoot out. Our local security can be guaranteed." Said the congressman.

"Impossible, they are businessmen. What do businessmen want, do you know?" Another member of the Diet looked at the member and said.

"What they want is profit. They can't do things without profit. Do you understand this?" the congressman said in a lesson.

"This." The congressman just smiled awkwardly. Then he shook his head to show that he didn't quite understand.

"We don't have anything in our hands that can arouse their great interest." Another congressman said.

"This is the nature of a businessman." Another congressman shook his head, expressing helplessness.

but. Speaking unintentionally, the listener was interested, a Korean businessman congressman always felt that these words made sense. Businessmen are chasing profits. There are many businesses that make money, but there are not many opportunities to make a fortune. Many things are full of risks, only things with greater risks. The speed of making money will get bigger and bigger. The reason why Korean businessmen came to this place where the new South Korean army had just withdrew was because they thought they were full of opportunities here, but for now. Obviously something is wrong.

For example, they come here to build factories. The factory buildings and labor are far cheaper than domestic ones. The most important thing is that the land here is cheaper. In order to have the first start-up capital. The newly established government sold or leased the houses of the nobles to them at low prices, but soon these nobles returned. The situation that was stable just now suddenly became chaotic. Chaos means that the stable environment in which factories need to start work no longer exists.

The factory cannot be started. These merchants are also unable to make money in a short time. This makes many businessmen anxious, they also urgently need a way to solve the current problem. However, this problem cannot be solved.

"I think I thought of a good idea." Said the Korean businessman congressman who happened to hear the local congressman talk.

"What a good idea. My friend." A congressman who is close to him said anxiously.

"Listen, my thinking is like this. We can't open a factory right now. Right." South Korean lawmaker said.

"Yes." said another member of the Diet.

"Since we can't make money, we might as well invest the funds we have at hand into the army. Maybe we have a greater chance to make more money." The South Korean congressman said on a whim.

"I said Brother Zhang." The congressman called another congressman and said.

"Your thoughts. I don't understand. I don't know. What do you think." The congressman couldn't understand the congressman's thinking.

"Can you talk specifically about it?" the congressman asked questioningly.

"Well, I think my thoughts are like this." As he said, the congressman surnamed Zhang leaned into the ear of the congressman and said.

Chendi's parliament still has no progress. on this problem. The two sides formed a stalemate. The locals don't have money, and the rich Koreans can't contribute. Who knows if this battle is a waste of money. This requires a great risk of war. Obviously, this is unfair to Koreans. Because the benefits are the benefits of the locals, and the risks are left to the Koreans to bear the risks. Obviously this is unfair.

"We continue to discuss the issue of levying taxes." At this time, an elderly congressman stood up and said.

"Wow!" All the members in this room began to discuss this issue. Because of the three consecutive days of meetings, there was no consensus on this key issue. The differences between the two sides are great. South Koreans who own most of the money refuse to contribute. They are on this issue. Have their own opinions. That is, you can't suffer. Since you can't suffer, the locals can't suffer either.

"I oppose this topic." At this time, the congressman surnamed Zhang actively stood up and said.

At this time, the presence was quiet. All people can't believe their ears. Since there is opposition to this critical issue. This obviously exceeded everyone's expectations.

"Wow." After a brief silence. Everyone started talking about this Korean businessman surnamed Zhang.

"My opinion is this. Since we want to rebel against the Korean nobility. Then we have to organize armed forces. Since we organize armed forces, then we have to conduct detailed discussions on the issue of taxes. However, a problem has arisen." The congressman surnamed Zhang said loudly. Then I looked around and looked at other people's eyes.

All the people present were quiet. Obviously this topic has aroused all interest.

"Why do we collect taxes? What is the name of our taxes?" Mr. Zhang said loudly.

"Does this still need to be discussed?" A congressman said loudly at this time. Obviously, he found this topic very boring. They levied taxes just to resist the nobility. Is this wrong?

"What do you mean?" an older congressman asked actively at this time.

"We should listen to what his thoughts are. Maybe we really missed some key issues." A local councillor whispered to another councillor at this time.

"My thought is, are we a country? No, do we have the authority of the government? No. These have nothing substantive. We can't believe this authority. Let us take out the money in our pockets and provide it to the government. Or, our parliament. There is no such guarantee. We can't talk about negotiation first, this tax issue." The member surnamed Zhang said loudly.

"Wow." All of the councillors exploded. Everyone finally realized a key issue. That is, the main body of taxation is the people, but who will complete the process of taxation, as well as the purpose and use of taxation, needs an institution to complete. Obviously, the government has become the only choice for this institution. And currently, this area. There is no strong government. At the same time, the authority of this government is too weak. Although the power of parliament is the greatest, it is not an executive body. His execution ability is too poor.

"That makes perfect sense. His idea is correct." A local councillor said actively.

"The most important thing is that we don't have a strong government to convince these Koreans. We must give them a reliable answer. In this way, our taxation problem will be resolved quickly." The lawmakers realized this. All started to solve this problem.

"However, we have a big problem." Mr. Zhang said at this moment, taking the opportunity.

"We are not a country, we do not have a unified foundation." Mr. Zhang said loudly at this time. All the people present stopped breathing. Obviously, this topic was beyond their scope of understanding.

"We need to be independent, we need to be independent as a country, so that our government can be strong, can we form an army, and let us drive out those robbers. Drive out those nonchalant nobles." Mr Zhang said loudly at this time.

"The independence we need. Independence. We want independence." Mr. Zhang said loudly at this time.

"Whether we are locals, Koreans, or other countries, as long as we are independent as a country, then everyone is equal. We have the right and the obligation to contribute to this country." Mr. Zhang said loudly. His voice echoed throughout the hall for a long time.

"Independence, we want to be independent." The voice echoed in the hall for a long time. Everyone heard it. Into the ear. Into the depths of the soul.

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