The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 995: Get rich and good

\"Boom. Boom." The sound of two violent artillery fires sounded. Whether the two old artillery pieces of the Qi army have exerted their due power.

"Ah." A shell directly blasted into Zhao Jun's chaotic offensive team.

The soldiers screamed violently. The shattered body and the flying limbs instantly disintegrated the possibility of Zhao Jun trying to attack again.

"Retreat. Quick, retreat." At this moment, a lieutenant of Zhao Jun shouted loudly.

"Retreat." The Zhao Jun soldier began to run back with his weapon.

"Charge." Seeing Zhao Jun retreat. Qi Jun also launched a counterattack at this time. Three-round gun shooting. The momentum of Zhao Jun's offensive suddenly became chaotic. Seeing this situation, Qi Jun naturally pressed all over.

The Qi army reserve rushed up in a skirmish formation. The Zhao Jun's retreating team encountered Zhao Jun's reserve team at this moment, one retreating and the other attacking. The appearance of Zhao's army became chaotic after two clicks.

At this time, Qi Jun suddenly pressed forward. A catastrophic scene happened.

"Retreat." The soldiers of Zhao Jun faced the three rows of guns and fired, all of a sudden without any momentum. The soldiers of Zhao Jun behind were gaining momentum, and they could not wait to rush to fight immediately.

"Rush." ​​Many Zhao Jun soldiers rushed up.

"Damn it. Don't retreat, rush. rush." ​​A Lieutenant Zhao Jun who rushed in the front shouted loudly. But there were still soldiers who kept retreating. This situation seriously hindered Zhao Jun's offensive. Zhao Jun's situation is very bad.

"Puff." The Qi Jun soldier who pressed up unceremoniously thrust the bayonet into the back of the escaped Zhao Jun soldier. The Zhao Jun soldiers rushed to resist bravely. But the situation has become increasingly unfavorable for Zhao Jun.

"Our people are fighting desperately. The people who retreat are simply a group of scum. They don’t care about our situation at all. We retreat desperately, and our people see that we are retreating. From the momentum, we think we want Lost." a captain wrote after the war.

Although Zhao Jun's reserve team fought tenaciously, they lost their momentum in the end, at least for them. Many people are running away. This directly caused the Zhao Jun soldiers to have serious doubts and waver. In the end, they had to retreat last.

"Sir, are we...". The major on the side asked the colonel in a low voice at this time.

"Retreat. Retreat quickly." At this time, the colonel immediately issued an order. He saw the omen of his failure. The soldiers of Zhao Jun were crushed by the Qi Army. They are powerless to resist. And the reserve team in his hand was also used up at this time. They no longer have any strength to resist.

"Withdraw." A word came out loudly from the major. So he turned his horse's head and retreated immediately. Although Zhao Jun has advanced weapons. However, the machine guns may fire frantically at their own people. The most terrible thing is that their artillery has no shells. Unable to provide firepower support, the final reserve team was also overwhelmed. Zhao Jun has lost the game.

Qi Jun chased Zhao Jun like a tiger descending a mountain. And Zhao Jun is like a flood that bursts the embankment, and it has no way to end.

It is inevitable for Qi Jun to defeat Zhao Jun. Zhao Jun attacked blindly. Even with an excellent weapon system, the main body of the final war is still people. The Qi army gave full play to the advantages of people and made full use of the favorable factors caused by the terrain. The last blow was made to Zhao Jun. Zhao Jun will inevitably suffer.

The situation in the north is extremely chaotic. There are battles everywhere, and battles are fought every minute and every second. Such a failure has been unable to change the overall situation of Qi army in a defeat.

And in the south. A cruel event is changing the history of mankind.

"We should launch an attack on those mountainous people." The Korean businessman rested for a long time. Speaking to the captain in a recovered tone.

"Those people from the mountains have been kind to us, and they saved us. You know, when we first came, those people from the mountains saved us. Otherwise, we would have died here. We don't do this kind of thing. I can't do it either." The captain said at this time.

"Are you crazy? What is the purpose of our coming here. We are here to make a fortune. It is not to be kind. I spend so much money on these mountain people to make money," the Korean businessman heard from the captain. After answering, he shouted out loudly.

"Is your heart made by Wolfheart?" The captain roared loudly at this time.

"To tell you clearly, I won't do this. You don't want my subordinates to do it with yours. If you act like this, I will stand in the mountains. Go to the other side. Fight with you to the end. If you don't believe it, you can try." The captain drew out his sword.

"Boom." A sound of metal penetrating the wooden table.

"It's the same as this table." The captain said as he saw the merchant and left.

"You." The merchant said weakly, pointing at the captain.

"You are just a beast." The businessman cursed fiercely. But this curse was so weak. Because the merchant was very helpless, with the current strength of his men, he could not swallow the entire tribe of Vietnamese people in the mountains. His weapons are not enough. He needs the help of the captain. He can make a big profit to complete this operation. After all, he is here to make a fortune. Not here to show kindness. He realized all the things before he got all the current things, and now the captain told him that it was no good. He felt that everything was going to fall apart.

"I can't do this. In this case, I will lose my fortune." At this time, the businessman shouted loudly. But shouting like this is of no use.

"Boss Zhang, get angry." At this time, the first officer walked in with two bottles of wine and said.

"Your captain is simply one. Alas. Don't say it." The merchant said halfway, and then immediately turned his head.

"Hey, this is our captain, but Boss Zhang. Why is there such a big fire?" At this time, the first officer asked.

"Oh, let's not talk about it." The merchant unceremoniously picked up the wine the first officer brought and drank it.

"Talk about it, maybe I can help you." The first officer asked.

"Okay, let me talk about it." At this time the businessman began to speak.

"Brother, you also know what I am doing here. But, so many days. Our people can't do anything. Although. Those mountain people are kind to us, but we came here to make a fortune. We don't get rich, what are we doing here." The businessman said directly.

"Let me say that if we don't get rich, we won't have any favors." The businessman insisted.

"Look at the Central Plains, look at the nobles of Chu, and look at the merchants in the Qin State. Which one does not have more than one hundred gold wealth, look at us. We people have nothing. We live with these mountainous people. Happy. But what's the use of these." The businessman said dissatisfiedly.

"To tell you the truth, I think so." At this time, the first officer drank a few glasses of wine and stepped forward and said.

"The people here are very hospitable. This. I think it's good. But, after all, we are from the Central Plains, and the civilization of the Central Plains is still very developed. After all, they are barbaric places. We need wealth in exchange for more fine wines. , Beauty, there are all kinds of delicious food. Live the life of those nobles, we don't grab them, what are we doing here." At this time, the first mate seemed to have complained and expressed the distress in his heart.

Although the chief mate likes this place as much as the captain, they are people from the civilized world, and the luxurious life enjoyed by the civilized world still makes them unable to get rid of the longing of a civilized society. They yearn for these things, but they came here. They get nothing. Moreover, not only did they not get it, they had to return empty-handed. After returning to civilization, they still have nothing. This sense of loss caused serious fear in their hearts.

It's not just the chief mate who has this fear, but other people as well. Crew, mercenary. Although it is very good here and the locals are also very hospitable, in their opinion, it is still backward and barbaric. There is still a big gap between them and the civilized world. This gap has caused a big difference. Sense of loss. The generation of this sense of loss makes them feel that the whole world has become meaningless.

In this situation. They began to yearn for the civilized world, but when they returned to the civilized world, the severely divided society still gave them a serious sense of inferiority. This sense of inferiority comes from the order of the civilized world, and they need a power to change In the current situation, this power is money. They desperately need money to change all of this.

"We can't go back like this. Going back, I have nothing." The businessman began to get a little drunk and said.

"I can't go back like this. I used to be a fisherman. After I went back, I was still a fisherman. We finally came out. We almost died here. We must do something. Or, we I can't go back at all." The first officer spoke out the distress in his heart.

"Or. Let's do it in partnership." At this time, the businessman boldly proposed.

"As long as you can pull your people over, we can do it. Also, we will attack the camps of the mountain vietnamese together, so that, those slaves, treasures, etc., we can all be rich." At this time The businessman suggested.

"This." The first officer hesitated. After all, there is a captain ahead of him. He is just a first officer.

"I am with you, three or seven. You three, I am seven." At this time, the businessman continued.

"No. Five to five, you five, me five." The first officer said at this time.

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