The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1004: We don't care too much

In the final analysis, the disastrous defeat of the Republican Army is that the newly-born country is weak. Even with a single decent weapon, they will always completely lose to the other side in some respects. This is strength. They don't have any economic foundation. Taxes only come from individual groups. This is obviously not the situation that the country needs. The newly born republic is about to face the situation of life and death all at once.

However, no one cares about such a country now, because all the newspapers and media will not pay attention to what is happening in the east. The news media is paying attention to another thing, and that is the economic report made by Prime Minister Qin Guo.

Shang Wen was originally a weapon expert, and he didn't know anything about the economy, but the times needed to place him in such a position. He doesn't have to be, and he doesn't know how to say it. Moreover, because of his luck, Qin's current economy is very strong. The State of Qin has become a veritable big country, especially a few important social resources. Qin State occupies absolute control.

98.8% of the steel output of all countries in the Central Plains comes to Qin. Percent of cement came to Qin State in vain. The glass is also 100% from the Qin State. In addition, there are all kinds of gasoline, fuel oil, these things, only Qin can extract them. In an important chemical position, the State of Qin leads the way. These are all symbols of Qin's economic strength. These things, before. It's unprecedented.

Qin’s power generation is hundreds of times that of the six countries combined. Thousands of times. In fact, among the six countries, only South Korea can generate electricity. It was also funded and constructed by the State of Qin, and the control is in the hands of the people of Qin. In fact, it can be regarded as the power plant of the people of Qin.

In addition, there are other scarce resources, such as lightweight aluminum, an industrial material. At present, only the Qin family can produce it, and other countries have no idea that there is such a material as aluminum.

The Qin people have already used this material in aviation aircraft. In addition, there is man-made plastic. Qin Guo has always been at the forefront. These are the reasons why Qin maintains a strong export momentum. Qin State has too many novelties.

"A lot of things are only in Qin State, and we have nothing." This is what a Chu man said after returning from Qin State.

Qin State has maintained extremely advanced in many aspects. The emergence of trains, telegraphs, telephones, and electric lights, as well as the development of the steel industry, gave Qin State sufficient industrial capacity to produce enough steel to build their country. Airplanes, cars, and wireless broadcasting kept Qin in a position that was difficult to surpass.

These things are inseparable from Qin's education. All the development of Qin State is so stable. These fast-developing things gave Shangwen a high approval rate in Qin.

"A lot of people ask me, what does Qin Guo rely on for being able to have today's situation?" Shang Wen said while standing in the lecture hall of Qin Guo University.

"A lot of people have asked this question. Others have given different answers. They have given different answers. They want to know, what is my own answer?" Shang Wen said in an impromptu speech.

He doesn't have the habit of taking manuscripts, because in many places and occasions, Shangwen will be asked some questions, and these questions, Shangwen will give some answers, and gradually, Shangwen's answers began to become impromptu speeches. People are also willing to listen to this kind of impromptu speech, because this is the young prime minister of Qin. Shang Wen is not the youngest prime minister, there was a younger prime minister before Qin. It's called Gan Luo, but unfortunately he has already died. And Shang Wen's age will never exceed that of the prime minister who is underage. However, Shang Wen's influence lies in his originality, and there are more things unprecedented. The attraction of this new creation is very huge. In many cases, Shang Wen's view represents that this is a new force and a future force.

"My answer is my own answer, and many people’s answers are correct. They look at the problem from different perspectives. There is no right and wrong. They just look at the problem from a different perspective. You don’t have to worry about this issue. People What should be entangled is whether the problem of these opinions actually reflects the problem itself." Shang Wen said, waving his arm. He was like a lecture, giving a detailed analysis to the people present.

"My opinion is only a personal opinion." Shang Wen did not directly answer his opinion.

"Oh." The people in the audience let out an anxious cry.

"Well, let me talk about my views." Shang Wen said with a helpless smile.

"My answer is people. It's people in our equal society." Shang Wen said.

"Oh." All the people exclaimed. They obviously didn't believe this answer, and no one had said this answer before.

"It seems that everyone is surprised and hard to understand this answer. Okay, let me explain." Shang Wen said.

"The main body of our society is people, you, me, and him. There are thousands of you, me, and him." Shang Wen said.

"You and I, and him, are different. Just like the view of Qin's economy. The same thing, because of the different observation angles and thinking, everyone sees that there are different ways of thinking. This is diversity. Sex, this world is so wonderful, so beautiful." Shang Wen said.

"Your way of thinking is different from mine. This is the power of people. It is the power of people here." Shang Wen said, pointing to his mind.

"We are all different, everyone has his own shining point. Everyone has his own value in this world, no matter what kind of profession they are engaged in, they have their own uses." Shang Wen said.

"Then Prime Minister, is robber also a profession?" a college student asked.

"Yes." Shang Wen admitted frankly.

"Oh." Everyone was surprised. This means that the professional characteristics of robbers are recognized.

"That's just the wrong direction. If they are used in the military, they may be brave and good soldiers." Shang Wen waved his arm and said quietly.

"They have extraordinary courage. This is a must, first of all." Shang Wen said at this time.

"Because they don't have the courage, they won't stand up with weapons and rob." Shang Wen said with a smile.

"Hahaha." The people in the audience burst into laughter. Obviously, people recognize this fact. The robber needs very courage, because you have to have the courage to stand up with a weapon.

"On the battlefield, you need such a person with extraordinary courage to stand up. To fight. To complete some difficult tasks. This. We must admit." Shang Wen said.

Everyone nodded silently. Obviously, Shangwen's view has convinced everyone.

"This is humanity. Human nature. Before me, many scholars, and many university inquirers like Shangjun, Laozi, and Confucius, have expressed their views on these views. I personally express my respect, and I respect them. They admire and agree with their insights, but I personally think that whether it is good or evil, or those for no reason. Forgive me to say so." Shang Wen waved his hand and said.

"The central point they can't get around is people. Humans are still at this center, no matter what good or evil or other things. They just see the side of human beings. What is the value of human beings. What is the meaning of human beings. They have to explain The problem of this, rather than entangled in some detailed issues." Shang Wen said.

"People, the central issue is people, what is the meaning of people," Shang Wen said.

"People have many facets. People have different performances at different times. It's like giving positions. There are different identities in different environments. At work, you have a special position, worker, teacher, Soldiers, reporters, etc. In the family, you are a family member, or a son, or a father, or a grandfather, or someone’s elder brother or younger brother. Your roles are constantly changing. , Constant transformation. This is the result of constant changes in the social environment." Shang Wen said.

"So, how is this in our society. How is our role transformation? You or being a worker is unqualified, but your other specialty makes your other occasions different from ordinary people. Performance. For example, you are in finance, you are in literature, or legal unique opinions, opinions, etc." Shang Wen said.

"It is also true that our country is so powerful. I just mobilize people's strengths. Let you play freely. This is the mystery of the economy." Shang Wen said.

"'Papa." This time. The people in the audience burst into fierce applause. Obviously, Shangwen's rhetoric brings new perspectives. On this issue, Shang Wen made a successful transfer of the center point for the first time, and the ancients did not need to entangle the problem. They realized the nature of the problem, and the root of the problem was there.

"Speaking of this, let's answer the question that was asked at the beginning." Shang Wen dragged the topic back.

"Since people have so many specialties, how do we manage so many people." Shang Wen said.

"Many people will ask me if this problem is difficult." Shang Wen said.

"Yes, it's difficult. It's terribly difficult, but it's also terribly simple." Shang Wen said.

"Since it's hard to manage. Then don't worry about it. We are dealing with many things ourselves." Shang Wen said.

"Oh." The people in the audience exclaimed again.

"We don't care too much. Too much is of no use." Shang Wen said.

And the people in the audience, faced with Shang Wen's astonishing conclusion, suddenly entered a place at a loss. They really didn't expect it. Shang Wen will have such remarks.

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