The slow speed of information transmission of the Qi army severely hindered the further mobilization speed of the Qi army's forces. However, it also needs to be pointed out that Zhao Jun’s situation is not going to be better. Zhao Jun does not master the cable telegraph erection technology. Even if they can erect it, their equipment cannot be obtained. This way. Zhao Jun also needs to rely on manpower and horsepower to convey the news. Both parties are fair on this point. Because the southern part of Yan State is an area for development, and the infrastructure there is extremely weak, so weak that the road conditions are the same for everyone.

After losing most of the personnel, Qi Jun had to stop again. They temporarily confronted Zhao Jun, but this confrontation will soon change. The Qi army's thousand-man cavalry squadron is coming here quickly. They will be the first batch of Qi forces to quickly reinforce them. Their purpose is to regain the bridgehead positions and open up a path for their follow-up troops.

On the other hand, troops from Zhao Jun continued to arrive, and the forces on both sides were constantly increasing. The war quickly escalated.

In the east of South Korea, the defeated members of the Sinchen Republic are advancing toward the border of South Korea. They are chased by the nobles of the Wei state and can only continue to advance to the westernmost border of the Sinchen Republic.

"Oh, I didn't expect it." A member of the Diet said.

"We have been defeated so thoroughly that we can't beat those with spears and halberds," said another councillor sitting in the carriage.

"Isn't it. We don't know what to do next," said the congressman.

"Isn't it? What should we do?" the congressman said.

Many congressmen have this kind of sorrow, and the congressmen who have just experienced failure have not yet eased up. It was defeated by the noble army of the Wei state who was chasing after the victory. They didn't even have a chance to organize new forces.

Their losses were getting heavier and heavier, and many of their properties were taken away by the chasing nobles before they could carry them. It can be said that the parliamentarians are almost bankrupt. Even the South Korean factory owners suffered heavy losses. The worst thing is that the number of soldiers is decreasing, and the newly established Republican Army has suddenly changed from a few thousand people to less than a hundred people.

Although parliamentarians continue to use their power for recruitment activities. However, the people who had just been recruited were soon run away by them. In this way, the Xinchen Republic will face a new situation, and they will not have any strength to resist the offensive of the Wei state noble army.

However, the parliamentarians were not reconciled. Their initial wealth was in the Xinchen Republic. Their power also comes from this newly established republic, although their country, among those big countries, is only equivalent to a region, and this country is not recognized by any neighboring countries. After the establishment of the Republic. The parliamentarians believe that the most important thing at present is to drive out the noble army of the Wei State, and then use this matter as a capital of their diplomacy to conduct foreign affairs. Only under this kind of war can they be recognized by neighboring countries. It can be said that this idea was very correct at the beginning, but when it was implemented, they encountered new troubles. The trouble was that they failed to drive away the noble army. On the contrary, the nobles caused more serious damage to them. And this kind of damage made them unexpected.

"What should we do next?" The South Korean congressman on the side asked the congressman surnamed Zhang.

"I don't know either." Mr. Zhang said unwillingly. This fiasco caused him a heavy loss. Not only him, but many Korean parliamentarians are like this, they don't know what they should do. They can say that they have nothing in their hands. Some people became very frustrated by this. However, Mr Cheung is unwilling. He wants to regain what he has lost instead of accepting such a loss.

"We are bankrupt. Will we return to South Korea next? Maybe we can do something new." Another member of the Diet said.

"Back to South Korea. What did you just say?" Mr. Zhang said.

"Didn't you tell me? We went back to South Korea and we are already bankrupt. We have lost a lot. We don't know whether we can get a loan from the bank. Without a loan, we can't do anything." The congressman said.

"You are right." Mr. Zhang grabbed the congressman's shoulder excitedly and said.

"You are right." As Mr. Zhang regained his spirits, he jumped out of the carriage and ran to the other carriages. The South Korean congressman watched Mr. Zhang leave with a skeptical look.

"We must go to South Korea now. South Korea attaches great importance to us. Only with the help of South Korea can our republic be restored and drive away the noble army. Otherwise, we will have nothing. We are just like those Korean civilians." Mr. Zhang said.

"Will South Korea help us?" an elderly congressman said.

"It should be, and South Korea can defeat Wei Jun, and they can hold each other down. We should look for South Korea, but it really can't. We go to Qin, and Qin's power can definitely hold Wei." At this time, a member of the surname Zhang. Said.

"The question is, what do we do if we drive out a wolf and invite a tiger?" the older man asked at this time.

"The elders know about the battle of Changping." Mr. Zhang said at this time.

"What do you mean by this?" the older congressman asked.

"How did the Changping War arouse, the elders don't know?" Mr. Zhang asked at this time.

at this time. The older congressman looked at the other congressmen in the car. The young man's bold questioning method shocked everyone present. They all knew very well that the Changping War that year was due to an enclave to join the party. South Korea gave the land that Qin was supposed to get to Zhao. This triggered the Changping War between the two countries. The Changping War shocked the entire six countries of Shandong. It is impossible for these old people to not know.

"We are getting old. It seems that today's world is the world of your young people." Said the older congressman the whole time.

He understands very well that this kind of strategy can only be made by such young people, and ordinary people simply don't have such courage. This is playing with fire in several big countries. This approach shocked everyone in a cold sweat. Obviously they couldn't accept this idea. This is too bold for them.

The older congressmen agreed with this view in this way of silent and acquiescence. Currently, they can only do this. Because they will have nothing. If this continues, this country will go bankrupt like them. This is a situation that no one wants to see.

Soon, this defeated army moved towards their westernmost border.

Speaking of. This area is not very large, at most it is the combined size of several counties. It is a bit reluctant to establish such a country, but this is a delicate work of history.

"Who? Going to enter South Korea." After reaching the border of South Korea. The border guards of the new South Korean Army quickly noticed the approach of this armed force. The border guards of the new South Korean Army must use their own strength to defend South Korean territory from infringement.

"How do you say?" a member of Parliament asked at this time.

"We are the Xinchen Republic? We are here to seek protection in South Korea. We need to meet with your local governor to explain our situation. In order to negotiate with the Queen." At this time, the senator surnamed Zhang said loudly.

"What kind of republic, we have never heard of it." The Korean New Army soldier standing guard said loudly at this time.

"We need to meet with your local governor. Only after the meeting can we explain the situation." At this time, the member surnamed Zhang said loudly.

"This." The soldier felt a little embarrassed at this time. Because this is the first time I have seen it, and I have taken the initiative to meet with the governor.

"What's the matter?" At this time, the officer on duty came over and asked.

"The next person from the Republic wants to see our local governor. They all have armed forces. I am afraid they will be unpredictable to us." At this time, the soldier said.

"Well, you did a good job. Let me take care of this matter." The officer said.

"Stay alert." The officer looked around and said.

With that said, he went to prepare to go.

"Come out." At this time, a member of the Diet said anxiously.

The officer came out with several soldiers armed with bayonet rifles.

"I am the officer on duty here. If you have anything, you can explain to me. I need to report the situation according to the specific situation." The officer on duty watched the congressmen vigilantly and said.

"We need to meet with your local governor to explain the situation. Moreover, we need your protection and we can give up our weapons." At this time, a member of the Diet said anxiously.

The officer on duty frowned after listening. Obviously, he encountered such a thing for the first time.

"Well, well, I need to apply, and it takes a long time, you need to wait a long time." At this time, the officer on duty said.

"Okay. Okay." A member of the assembly quickly agreed.

"However, we need to search. You cannot carry weapons. Only two people can go together." The officer on duty said at this time.

"This, this." The request of the officer on duty was clearly beyond the acceptance of the congressmen.

"Okay, let's go now." As he said, the congressman surnamed Zhang took off the saber from his waist. Then stepped forward. A soldier of the Korean New Army quickly stepped forward to search, and then nodded to indicate that he did not have any weapons.

"Anything else? The officer on duty asked.

\"Let's go, we are very anxious, I hope you can hurry up." Said the congressman.

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