"No. This telegram is no longer available," the local chief said at this time. The content of the telegram is to keep them from interfering in the affairs of the Republican Army. It is enough for them to maintain their own national boundaries for the time being. Regarding the practices of the Republican Army, they have adopted a non-interference approach.

"Let it go." A gunner fired immediately.

"Boom." "Howl." The shells roared out, and the shells flew out directly. The shells fell accurately among the noble army. The noble army was directly defeated by fierce shelling. After all, it was the first time they met under such a bombardment.

"Swish." At this time, the company commander drew his saber.

"Rush." ​​At this time, the company commander took the lead in rushing.

"Rush." ​​The company commander rushed out immediately. The cavalry behind rushed out immediately.

The triangular cavalry company flag followed his military chief and rushed out.

"Da da da." The cavalry killed the fleeing noble soldier like an arrow.

"Boom boom boom." The cavalry quickly lined up to kill the noble army.

"Brothers. What are you waiting for? Follow the South Korean army." The Republican army rushed out immediately.

"For the Republic. Go ahead." The Republican Army rushed out immediately. They were all infantrymen, and the infantrymen followed closely behind the cavalrymen.

"Charge." The Republican soldiers armed with the bayonet were in high morale, and they all rushed out.

"Kill." This time. The cavalry swiftly caught up with the fleeing aristocratic army, and the Korean cavalry brandished their sabers and slashed and killed the fleeing infantry. For them, these infantrymen who were bombarded by artillery were much easier than slashing targets.

"We won this battle very easily." The governor said to the congressman surnamed Zhang.

"En." Mr. Zhang said.

In fact, the senator surnamed Zhang has a new contact with the Korean regular army. The Republican Army has only infantry, while the Korean regular army has established various types of arms. Artillery, infantry, cavalry. The cooperation between the various arms, coupled with the neat military uniforms, and the full fighting mood, all of a sudden, this congressman came into being. The Republican Army established such an army, but how to establish such an army made him fall into contemplation.

The governor did not have the mind to control what this member of the Diet thinks. He needs to report this matter to Hanwang Palace quickly.

"These troops. They never listen to our orders. If they don't give orders to die, they won't listen at all." Han Shu just received a telegram from the Korean governor. After reading it, Han Shu immediately threw the telegram on the ground. She was very annoyed by the new South Korean army's practice. This was because the new army had happened so many times that it did not follow orders. It is true that she relied on the new army coup to gain crown power, but the army did not listen to the above orders, which annoyed him. She was very annoyed by this.

However, the army is essentially loyal to the kingship. It is only in military operations that military units have great freedoms, and it is precisely this freedom that has allowed the new South Korean army to explode with amazing combat effectiveness. But this kind of freedom sometimes conflicts with the royal power, which leads to the unhappy of the royal power.

"It doesn't matter. Forward the situation to Qin Guo. We don't care about this matter anymore." Han Shu said immediately.

For this matter, she has no energy to deal with it. This place is a sad place for South Korea, they have lost patience. The internal expansion of Central Plains is facing extremely difficult expansion, and this kind of expansion is very difficult for them. This made the queen aware of some new problems.

"These matters will be handled by the people of Qin. We just need to wait for the results. For the current Korean affairs, we need to choose a new strategic space and then develop these strategic spaces." Han Shu turned around and left after speaking.

Subsequently, the prime minister and ministers began to order the secretariat to sort out documents and send these matters to the State of Qin.

Qin State, Guanzhong, Xianyang, Shangwen's prime minister's office, Shangwen's office is still in his original place, although Qin's main office is unified in an office building in the new district. However, Shang Wen believes that Qin Guocheng should maintain the simple style he deserves. So he decided to postpone the relocation of the prime minister's residence, the prime minister's office is still here, but in fact, the main office of Qin has been moved to the office. The prime minister's mansion has also begun to draw up a relocation plan. They plan to move the prime minister's mansion of Qin State to a comprehensive office building in the second half of the year. Because, with the rapid increase in economic affairs, the Prime Minister of Qin State has established many departments, and these departments all have their own responsibilities. The prime minister's office is the central department that coordinates these departments. Therefore, the prime minister's affairs are comparatively oriented, and the mutual cooperation of various departments is particularly necessary. In this way, all departments need to be integrated to speed up the efficiency of affairs, which is very important to Qin State.

"Boom." At this time the office door rang.

"Come in." Shang Wen said.

"Prime Minister, this is an emergency telegram from South Korea. They encountered a new diplomatic incident and we need to deal with it." The secretary said, putting several thick telegrams on Shang Wen's desk.

"Sent from South Korea." Shang Wen put down his pen and said.

"Yes, from South Korea." The secretary said.

"Well, let me see." Shang Wen said.

Speaking, Shangwen opened the thick telegram content.

Shangwen quickly checked the information reflected in the telegram. The content of this information is very large.

"Republic." Shangwen laughed immediately after seeing that there was something about the Republic in the telegram. He felt very incredible. This was far beyond his expectation. He did not expect that a republic would appear in this era. In that era of war and chaos, a republic actually appeared, which was far beyond Shangwen's understanding.

"This is incredible." Shang Wen said.

"A republic unexpectedly appeared." Shang Wen exclaimed.

Shangwen's understanding is that only his time can understand this kind of republic system, of course. The West at the same time was the era of the Roman Republic, and perhaps this era was the most prosperous era of the Roman Republic. However, in this era facing Shangwen, such a republic was unexpectedly born. I have to say, it gave Shangwen a big surprise.

Out of curiosity, Shang Wen carefully read all the contents of the telegram. The telegrams are sent out from the perspective and tone of South Korea, and these telegrams have more or less Korean views. In other words. This telegram will influence Qin's own views.

Shangwen read this telegram with keen interest, and he was concerned about the content of the telegram. Shang Wen has his own opinion.

"It is not easy for a republic to emerge in this era, but the timing of the emergence of this republic is really uncoincident. No one likes this kind of government, and no one is willing to cooperate with this kind of republic. Because they do not have a king, It is also because there is no kingship, no one is willing to help them." Shang Wen said while looking at the telegram.

In fact, Shang Wen pointed out the key point. This is the crux of the republic. There is no king's allegiance, which is an important reason why many royal nations are unwilling to cooperate with it.

Why did Han Shu receive an emergency telegram from the Republican Army? Will give orders to keep their people from acting rashly, watching these Republican forces be defeated. Instead of actively giving orders to let your army help them.

Because they are the Republican Army, they have no object of loyalty, which means that they have no king, and their army is only loyal to their own country and has no sense of loyalty to whom. This kind of consciousness is very advanced, which greatly exceeds everyone's understanding, and it is precisely this way that Han Shu decided not to cooperate with him. Because this is too risky.

Kingship is the symbol of a country. The kingship represents a country, and the kingship is the symbol of a country. Without royal power, it is not a country, and all national consciousness in this era is royal power consciousness. At this time, a country that is not state-conscious suddenly emerged, and this country regards the will of its citizens as the will of the country.

The position of kingship was completely abandoned. This is a threat to this era, a threat to the king's power.

In the age of royal power, no one likes a country where the will of citizens is the will of the country. Especially the traditional countries like King Qin and King Han. Although the republican system is very reasonable in Shangwen's view, in this era, this system is a kind of anti-social consciousness, and this kind of consciousness is very dangerous.

These kings can make new research in science and technology, and can make bold innovations in the system. However, in terms of state control, they will absolutely not accommodate the existence of a new system, which is the republic system. This is also the reason why the republican system is not liked.

"All kings will oppose it, and no one will tolerate the existence of such a country." Shang Wen said.

"Oh!" Shang Wen sighed.

"If I advocate help, then other ministers will definitely oppose it. And the reason is very good. This is a republic, and their system is different from ours. This will affect the royal power." Shangwen said.

"I have to think of a way to keep this system. At the very least, he has to have a good chance of survival." Shang Wen said.

"What should we do?" Shang Wen said while looking at the telegram.

"There is only one way. I oppose it, arouse the support of others, and oppose it at all costs." Shangwen thought at this time.

"Only by opposing, can this republic have hope of existence." Shangwen said. After speaking, he immediately sat down, picked up a pen and drafted a report, which was about the handling of the New Chen Republic. This method is explained in terms of objections.

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