"War is also a manifestation of society, but it is more violent and bloody. Cruel, but war is still a way of expression of human beings, it is a manifestation of human self-improvement. The subject of war is still human. When facing disasters, people should show the kind of noble qualities that humans have." Shang Wen said.

"Out of humanity. Out of a kind of self-management of people." Shang Wen said.

"We should help them. We should help those who are in the disaster of war. This is not a relationship between a nation’s ally or a nation’s enemy. This is a relationship between people. This is a kind of noble quality of people. Embodying. The more suffering. The more people should show such courage and spirit. This is a kind of responsibility. This is a kind of responsibility of all mankind." Shang Wen said.

After Shangwen said this, the audience was silent, some applauded, no one sighed, no one criticized, and they didn't know what to say.

Faced with such a silent scene, Shang Wen had encountered it for the first time. However, he soon figured out a way to break the silence.

"I think we should help them. To help those refugees, what Qin will do in the future is to reunify and make great contributions to the whole nation. Therefore, Qin should do something. Although this requires Qin to come up with some money, Put out some manpower to do it, but Qin must do something." Shang Wen said.

"The State of Qin should show a kind of humanistic spirit in the war, when human beings are most suffering. State of Qin." Shang Wen paused.

"Qin needs to do this. I...". What else does Shang Wen want to say. But there was a lonely applause from the audience at this time.

"Papa." The lonely applause resounded throughout the venue. Shang Wen originally wanted to say something, but the applause made Shang Wen feel a little surprised, and Shang Wen's attention quickly shifted to the applause.

"That woman in white." Shang Wen whispered himself. Because the lonely applause did come from the applause of the woman in white, the sound was not loud, but it resounded through the audience in the silent venue. Moreover, Shang Wen remembered the woman in white very deeply. Although she kidnapped herself, but he has a deep affection for that woman. In particular, the woman's praise and evaluation of Shang Wen deeply impressed Shang Wen.

"Wow." Soon, more and more people joined the applause. They gradually believed that the Prime Minister made sense. Although they think, let themselves contribute money to help those foreigners. However, what Qin wants is the world, and the people of the world will be the people of Qin in the future. This is helping oneself.

Regardless of the purpose, the people of Qin applauded. They recognized Shangwen's humanistic feelings. Shang Wen expressed his gratitude, but the person he most wanted to thank was a woman in white. Although Shang Wen knew that he was a member of the Mo family, the Mo family always had civilian thoughts. Perhaps this of their own triggered their thoughts. But thank you Shangwen anyway. After all, this helped a lot of people. Shangwen thought of it himself.

After the end of the State of the Union address. Shangwen then issued an order that Qin State would provide Yan State with material assistance worth one million Qin and a half tael notes, although it seemed that these materials were far from enough. After all, the number of refugees is increasing at a much faster rate than he imagined. But Shangwen wants more social forces to intervene, so that the government's responsibilities can be reduced. But how much civil power can intervene. Shang Wen didn't know it himself.

But Qin began to try hard to improve the image of Qin. The State of Qin not only relied on force to conquer the world, but also used a humanistic situation to absorb, gather, and finally form a cohesive core to gather this country. The biggest shortcoming of Qin's unified country in the future is the lack of effective cohesion. The generation of this cohesion requires the cohesion of people's hearts.

These are still far away. But Shang Wen is working hard to instill this spirit. And develop this spirit. But now, people still care about war.

"According to our latest battle report." A Colonel Zhao Jun said in the Zhao Jun frontline command.

"Our cavalry has reached the river, and initially established a bridgehead there. The most important thing is that we cut off the way for the Qi army to retreat." The colonel said slowly.

After Major General Zhao Jun heard the news. A relaxed smile appeared.

"How many people did we reach the bridgehead position?" At this time, a Brigadier General Zhao Jun asked.

"The number of people is not very large, probably ranging from 1,500 to 2,000, but it should not exceed 2,000," said Colonel Zhao Jun.

"Our people have gone there. Where are our cavalry?" At this time, the major general asked.

"I don't know this." The colonel said helplessly.

"I don't know?" The major general was obviously stunned at this answer. His men didn't even know where his cavalry had arrived.

"Yes, sir, we really don’t know. We just learned from the fragmented reports that our people are chasing the Qi army. Many troops are chasing and chasing them separately. As a result, the more the cavalry fights, the more dispersed, many The troops are changing, and this has caused many troops to be unable to gather together in time and form a force to gather for combat." said the colonel.

"Damn it," the major general just said.

"However, sir, the Chief of Staff has provided air assistance to Qin, do we also...". Said the colonel.

"Air assistance?" the major general asked.

"Yes, that is, help us gather the scattered soldiers. Let them rejoin the battle." At this time. Said the colonel.

"Will the Qin people help us?" the major general asked.

"This, I don't know." The colonel shook his head and said he was unclear.

"Report. Sir. Can I come in?" This time. A Captain Zhao Jun hurried in.

"Come in. What's the matter?" the major general asked.

"That's it, sir. This is an urgent telegram sent by the people of Qin. You need to look at it." This is a communications officer for Zhao Jun. He is responsible for all telegram sending and receiving tasks of the command headquarters.

"Come here. Let me see." At this time, the major general said.

When the major general checked the contents of the telegram. Qin State’s Yan State Airport is busy nervously.

"This task is to help Zhao Jun contact the scattered cavalry and other combat units." A Captain of the Qin Kingdom Heavenly Army said with the task book.

"Why are we?" a pilot asked.

"Because the aircraft's range is very limited, they can't fly long distances. We can, and we still have an altitude advantage." The captain said at this time.

"Sir." asked a trainee officer who had just joined the Celestial Army.

"What's the matter?" the captain asked.

"That's it, Captain. Our airship has not flown over the place stated on the map, and the weather data is not complete. Is this too risky?" The trainee officer said directly.

"I understand this, but what you have to understand is that sometimes we have to do this. Because many things did not happen, for example, where we are going to fly this time, you have not flown, I Did not fly, but shall we stop flying?" the captain asked.

"In the flight school, did your instructor tell you this?" the captain asked.

"What. Sir." The trainee officer asked.

"Why do eagles fly so high? So far, don't they know how to fly in the first place?" the captain asked.

"This instructor once said." The trainee officer said.

"What did he say?" the captain asked.

"He said that the eagle can fly higher because of courage. It can fly farther," said the trainee officer. The Qin Kingdom’s heavenly army is marked with an eagle as its emblem. Such problems are very common among the heavenly army.

"Yes. Because of courage, eagles have never been to many places. The reason why they are eagles is because they continue to try and challenge. Although the front is unknown, we must dare to challenge. Understand?" The captain asked.

"I understand. Sir." The trainee officer said.

"Very good. Do you have any questions?" the captain asked.

At this time, the airship crew shook their heads. Means no.

"Very good. If you have no problems, please prepare well. We will fly more than twelve hours, maybe even longer. I hope everyone is ready." The captain said.

"Go to the toilet, go to the toilet. I don't want artificial rain in the sky to make my airship smell like urine." The captain smiled happily at this time.

"Hahaha." Everyone laughed. Then they left this place.

After that, Qin's airship began to slowly fly into the sky with the help of the ground crew. There are still three such airships, and the State of Qin sent a total of four airships to fly south. They will continue to search for the Zhao Jun cavalry and get in touch, and then gather Zhao Jun again. Complete the tasks they should complete. However, none of these seem to be things that can be accomplished in a day or two.

Pilots are all prepared for this, and they are ready for continuous flight.

But just when Qin State sent a liaison airship to contact Zhao Jun's troops. On the Zhao Jun bridgehead on the north bank of the river, they encountered what they didn't want to encounter the most.

"Look. What's that over there?" A Zhao Jun soldier pointed to the sky on the south bank alertly and said.

"Probably it's Dayan or something." A Zhao Jun soldier replied.

"It's best to see what it is?" the alert soldier said.

"Okay, let me see." At this moment the soldier took the binoculars and said.

After the soldier took the binoculars and looked at it, he said nothing.

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