"This." Shang Wen was shocked when he heard the news. He, he really didn't expect it. King Qin will raise such a question. This suddenly made Shangwen trouble. Because he never thought about this problem.

When Yingyu heard the news, her face flushed to the base of her neck. King Qin looked at the two with a smile. One was stunned. One embarrassed.

"How is the prime minister?" King Qin asked at this time. But Shang Wen himself didn't know anything. Because he never thought about this problem. This question made him wonder what to do.

Before Shangwen, he was filled with all kinds of science and engineering knowledge, and then he was full of ideas about how to change history, and then did his best to prevent the expansion of the war, and then how to change the current state of Qin. As for his marriage. Shang Wen never thought about it. For Yingyu's girlfriend who suddenly appeared, Shangwen didn't care enough about her. Now, this kind of thing is mentioned all at once. Shang Wen's heart almost jumped out.

"How is the prime minister?" King Qin asked again at this time. On the side, Yingyu secretly looked at Shang Wen with his eyes. And Shang Wen stood still, the news was really amazing.

When Shang Wen heard the news, his mind went blank. I don't know anything anymore. He stood there completely.

"Hey." Seeing the dull Shang Wen, Yingyu couldn't stand it anymore at this time.

"Fool. Hurry up. My father asks you what to say?" At this time, Yingyu pressed Shangwen with his elbow.

"How is the prime minister?" At this time, King Qin asked anxiously. King Qin had already guessed Shangwen's reaction. But he was still anxious to know Shang Wen's answer. after all. Shang Wen never said that.

"Ah." Shang Wen reacted first.

"This." Shang Wen hesitated, after all, he didn't know how to answer this matter.

"Is the prime minister embarrassed?" King Qin said tentatively at this time.

"This." Shang Wen's heart was very nervous, his heart beating very hard. Not only that, but he didn't know what to do at all?

"It seems that the Prime Minister is a little embarrassed." King Qin said with a smile at this time.

"No. No, no." Shangwen stretched out his hand nervously to stop him at this time. He wanted to explain that he didn't exactly mean that.

"Oh." King Qin asked questioningly at this time.

"Nerdy. You..." Yingyu on the side whispered anxiously at this time. Although she tried her best to suppress her voice, the voice was still heard by King Qin on the side.

"Chen, Chen meant that this incident was too sudden," Shang Wen said at this time.

"Hahaha." King Qin said with a smile at this time. Shangwen's "No." made King Qin feel a burst of tension.

"The prime minister's age is not too young. Moreover. After coming to my country of Qin, the widow has never heard that the prime minister has any family members. The prime minister is loyal and responsible to Qin. Then, Qin can't live up to the prime minister's conscientiousness." King Qin said at this time.

"Yes. Father, idiot him." At this time, Yingyu still intervened in a sentence from time to time.

"No. It's..." Yingyu suddenly realized something. However, at this time, I don't know how to call Shangwen. After all, this kind of marriage is a big matter. It was the first time for a girl, and it was in front of her. This is traditionally very unconventional.

"This. This is where the minister's responsibility lies." Shang Wen could only say so at this time. Regarding his marriage, Shang Wen really didn't know how to answer.

"According to the Prime Minister’s request, Qin now abolishes the title system. But those who have merits should be rewarded. Everyone can see the contributions that the Prime Minister has made to Qin. Although the world has not yet unified, Qin is now a strong and prosperous country. The situation and the wealth of national power have allowed Qin to calm the world." King Qin concluded at this time.

"My lord, the minister has something to say, I don't know if I should say it," Shang Wen said at this time.

"Oh. The prime minister has something to say, please." King Qin stretched out his hand and said respectfully.

"This unifies the world. Many people need to die. These are my Chinese descendants. Therefore, in this world, it is better to die as few people as possible." Shang Wen said at this time.

"En. The prime minister can have the world in mind. Very good. But this world is unified." King Qin looked out the window at this time.

"Necessary bloodshed is inevitable." King Qin said at this time.

And Yingyu on the side is obviously not interested in this topic, because she cares about her marriage. She was very disappointed with the idiot next to her. Because this idiot successfully changed the topic again.

"Father." At this time, the unwilling Yingyu turned the topic back again. She hoped that through her reminder, her father could notice this.

"The world's affairs. Let's put it aside for now." At this time, King Qin was clearly aware of this.

"The prime minister's family affairs. It is Qin's major event." King Qin said at this time.

"Since the prime minister has no objection, then the widow will decide the marriage on September 15. At that time, it is also the festive day of Qin." King Qin said happily.

"This." Shang Wen was a little embarrassed.

"Thanks Father King." Yingyu heard King Qin's decision. Thank you immediately and gladly. Because she can get the person she wants.

And Shang Wen was a bit dazed.

"September 15th." Shang Wen said blankly at this time.

"Quickly thank my father." At this time, Yingyu noticed that Shang Wen was still a little sluggish, so she immediately pinched Shang Wen's waist with her hand. Grabbing Shang Wen's flesh, drag Shang Wen down.

"Ah." Shang Wen hurts. However, under Yingyu's force, she still bowed down, and Shang Wen's mind went blank. He actually said something mechanically.

"Thank you, father." After Shang Wen finished speaking. Didn't notice what was wrong with this sentence.

After King Qin heard it. My heart immediately bloomed with joy. He was very satisfied with Shangwen's performance at this time. King Qin was Shangwen from the perspective of Lao Zhangren. Shang Wen didn't notice anything.

"No gift. No gift. Hahahaha." King Qin was obviously very happy.

King Qin was extremely happy, because he made Shangwen his own through marriage. Moreover, marriage is used to make a person loyal to a country and a royal family. This is nothing new in ancient times.

If Shang Wen's previous identity was just a civilian. For a talented scholar, then, now, his identity will draw him to the Qin State, and the Qin King will come to his side. King Qin needed this to make Shangwen truly serve the State of Qin.

Shangwen was free before. Today's identity has changed. Shangwen may have to think more about Qin's interests. However, Shang Wen felt a little unhappy in his heart, always feeling very heavy in his heart.

He didn't know what was wrong, it was the kind with a heavy heart anyway. When others hear about the marriage, they may be happy and heavy, but without Shang Wen's feeling, he doesn't know what's wrong with him. In short, the mood is not right, Shang Wen did not show the relaxed feeling at this moment.

However, Shang Wen also had his own gains. As a son-in-law, he gained the trust of King Qin. In particular, on the issue of military power, Shang Wen gained the understanding of King Qin at the expense of his freedom. Perhaps King Qin himself There is no plan to pursue Shangwen's transgression in military power.

King Qin knew very well in his heart. Shang Wen is not the kind of person who is greedy for power. His impartial and straightforward style is as clear as the white clouds in the sky can be seen at a glance. It was this kind of person that surprised King Qin, because he had no ambitions and no desires. Compared with any prime minister before. These qualities of Shangwen made King Qin feel relieved.

Although King Qin was a little disgusted with military power, Shang Wen's unintentional joining at this time allowed King Qin to get rid of this wariness.

"September fifteenth. September fifteenth." Yingyu was about to fly happily.

And Shang Wen was a little sluggish, he didn't know what was on his mind. He doesn't know what love is?

Is it a feeling? Shang Wen thinks so. How to describe this feeling. Shang Wen didn't know what language to use. Perhaps, human vocabulary is a little scarce, and it is so scarce that it cannot express love in words.

But, marriage, what is marriage? Shangwen realized a terrible problem at this time. He is going to get married. Before, he didn't have the feeling of love. Although Shang Wen is a rational animal. He sees it this way.

However, in terms of feeling. Shangwen believes that there should be a feeling of getting a good inspiration to feel the wonder of love. Then under this wonderful feeling, enter into marriage. Shangwen's ideal is like this. but now. Shangwen realized the terrible nature of the problem at this time.

He didn't know, he didn't know anything. Shangwen thought a lot. He didn't even know that there were steps under his feet.

"Ah." Shang Wen fell down the steps in a daze.

"Ah." Shang Wen felt like stepping on **** at this time. He felt that the sky revolved all at once. Shang Wen felt his body flew up all at once. Then the world revolved around.

Then I didn't feel it anymore. It was pitch black all around.

Shangwen's marriage was decided in this way. The time is also very auspicious September 15th. At this time, King Qin was busy asking his own people to announce the good news. And, began to order people to prepare for this big wedding. This also means that the Prime Minister of Qin will have a special identity. This identity will give Shangwen the identity of a member of the royal family.

And in the south. A person is investigating his country, and he will be determined to change his country.

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