The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1050: Han Shu's telegram

"The prime minister of Qin and the eldest princess of Qin." Zhang Liang said blankly at this time.

"Ah." Han Shu fell to the ground all of a sudden. And Zhang Liang and Han Fei looked at each other left and right. Perhaps they understood something at this time. If nothing happened, the king would not have such a big reaction.

"The king. The king." Zhang Liang immediately stepped forward to greet him.

And Han Shu was a little lost at this time, her face was not good. And his hands were shaking a little. Some of the whole person is not in the state at all.

"This news is true?" Han Shu asked in whitish language at this time.

"It's true, King Qin has announced the date." Zhang Liang said at this time. He speaks lightly. But these words still reached Han Shu's ears.

"When?" Han Shu asked at this time.

"September, September 15th." Zhang Liang said.

"I see." Han Shu said at this time.

"You go down. There are a few widows and a little uncomfortable." Han Shu said at this time.

"Master Wang. Yes." Zhang Liang said after looking at Han Shu's face. Then he retreated.

When Zhang Liang withdrew, he looked back at Han Shu helplessly. The queen is the queen after all. Women still have certain limitations on the issue of love. After all, that girl doesn't cherish spring.

Han Shu's line was lost in thought for a long time. For Shang Wen, the queen didn't like Shang Wen when she first met. She was even disdainful, but gradually, she began to understand this shameless person, although there was no special place on the outside. In fact, it is true, even to say that it is a bit ugly.

However, as the contact deepened, especially at the beginning, the support on the Korean issue, she began to understand this person, and left a better influence.

"This person is still a good person. He is helpful, but very principled. He has strange ideas, but they are basically useful ideas. The goal is long-term. Most importantly, he has a heart for the people. This heart makes He became kind." Han Shu commented on Shangwen privately.

In fact, Han Shu spoke highly of Shang Wen. It's not simply in character, he has some special techniques, these strange and ancient techniques are enough to impress the heart of a strange woman. Because Han Shu has never admired such a person so much.

"But in terms of feelings. It's really fluctuating." Han Shu is undoubtedly very accurate in human judgment.

It is precisely because Shang Wen is too much rationally, the result is that he loses the balance between his emotions. This balance will directly lead to his inability to make accurate judgments on emotional issues. Therefore, he was very hesitant, hesitant to erratic.

Shang Wen himself doesn’t know how his feelings are, he can’t make accurate judgments, especially in his own feelings. Shang Wen always feels that his feelings are always so erratic. He doesn’t know what’s wrong with women’s feelings. . That was what he wanted. His principle made him very confused. He didn't know what he liked. What are the specific principles? He didn't understand at all.

Shangwen's erratic volatility directly led to his shelving on emotional issues. However, once a rational person loses his rationality, then the potential of emotional explosion will always make him feel crazy.

Qin's tax collection meeting is still going on. Shang Wen is still making a detailed summary. This is because the State of Qin now needs a reform. The place where this reform began is the taxation issue of the country. The State of Qin has been developing for quite some time and already has such a foundation.

Shang Wen thought so. The State of Qin has accumulated a certain tax base, and this foundation is already quite solid for the State of Qin. In particular, Qin State’s tax rate is 1%. This tax rate is universal enough to allow Qin's economy to develop.

Now that the State of Qin has such a foundation, then the State of Qin will implement differentiated taxes. This is summed up by Shang Wen himself.

In Shang Wen's office. Shang Wen is having a heated discussion with Meng Yi. Shang Wen put forward a reform view of his own.

"For now. The situation of Qin State is that Qin State’s "May Tax Case" gave all grass-roots units of Qin State the same tax. However, this tax rate is quite low. This positively stimulates our The economy is developing rapidly. This expectation is very consistent with our expectation." Shang Wen said at this time.

"But this tax case now has a very serious problem. This problem is told to me from the feedback from various representatives." Shang Wen said at this time.

"This tax case has a period of twenty years." At this time, Meng Yi reminded. When Shang Wen signed the bill at that time, he believed that Qin Guo had to take a long enough time to stimulate the economy. Therefore, it has been used for twenty years at a time. But as a result, the speed of Qin's economic development obviously surpassed Shangwen's own prediction, and this prediction greatly exceeded Shangwen's imagination.

"I know this, but we can pass an amendment. To amend this bill, we can effectively improve the current situation before it is repealed. If it continues to be implemented for 20 years, then our "May tax" "The Case" will cause us a lot of trouble." Shang Wen said at this time.

"In fact, it is true, but how should we change it. At present, there is a lot of feedback information. My summary tells me that there are basically two general directions." At this time, Meng Yi said.

"Tell me, is it consistent with my opinion?" Shang Wen said. Speaking, Meng Yi started to open his own folder.

"This is the situation." Meng Yi said at this time.

"We analyzed at different levels and found that it is more appropriate to analyze from two levels." Meng Yi opened the folder, then picked up a document in the folder and said.

"En." Shang Wen nodded. Speaking and poured himself a glass of juice. In an era without coffee, Shangwen could only use this drink to refresh himself. However, at this time, a special drink appeared in Qin. There was a man who mixed soda and juice for sale. This bubbling soda juice drink is very popular in the market. Especially young people, they are very fascinated by this new type of beverage. Shang Wen also believes that this beverage can be improved. At the same time, it can endure hunger. This is very practical for people like Shangwen who do not eat according to the order. Shangwen has also become a user of this drink.

However, this kind of drink is not popular in places other than Qin. As for the reason, the economic level and openness of these areas to accept new things are far less developed than the Guanzhong area of ​​Qin State, which is also an important reason why this kind of beverage can only be sold in Guanzhong. A drink can reflect this kind of affairs, so it can be seen how unbalanced the regional economic development of Qin State is.

"One is the development of the industry. According to the report, funds are increasingly concentrated in heavy industry. However, the other part is the large-scale outflow of funds to invest in the economy of South Korea and the State of Zhao." Meng Yi said through reading his report. Because of the unstable factors in the war, Yan's investment enthusiasm in Yan is not very high.

"Although funds are increasingly concentrated in heavy industry, there is an important problem that makes us a little embarrassed. That is, there are only a few companies that can use heavy industry funds. The rest are rarely able to enter it, because those expensive Equipment cannot meet its needs. From the perspective of heavy industry steel demand, the current steel output is far from what we need, and the gap is still large.” Meng Yi said at this time.

"This question is consistent with my opinion." Shang Wen said at this time.

"What is the other one?" Shang Wen asked Meng Yi at this time.

"The other one is the regional economy. The regional economy of Qin’s economic development is very unbalanced. The Guanzhong region where we are located is the most developed region. There are many industries here, from the textile industry to the heavy industry for the production of steel. There are three A city with millions of people. However, apart from Guyang in the north, other places are relatively remote. Especially the Hetao area where the agriculture is developed, and the northern grassland where the animal husbandry develops, and the northwestern region, which we newly occupy. The economic development speed of these areas is far behind ours here." Meng Yi said, looking at his folder.

"Your opinion is basically the same as mine." Shang Wen said in summary at this time.

"Ha ha ha." Meng Yi looked at Shang Wen with a smile at this time.

"But, I think this is basically normal, but if we want to change the current situation, we must make some adjustments in taxation." Shangwen said at this time.

"For example, I found that Qin's financial industry is too developed, especially the emergence of venture capital companies, far more than we expected. Qin's venture capital companies have appeared too many. These investments Companies, most of which carry out commercial activities for foreign investment, as long as they are registered in Qin State, they will quickly move abroad, and after they make money abroad, they will not transfer their funds back. This way they can avoid us. At the same time, these foreign investments have made our imaginations of transferring our funds abroad very serious. As a result, we often lack a certain amount of financial support for domestic investment projects." Shang Wen said at this time.

"En." Meng Yi nodded at this time, expressing his agreement with Shangwen. In fact, Qin's lack of currency liquidity was not only caused by capital exports. What's more is the rapid economic development of Qin State. Qin’s money supply did not increase accordingly.

"We need to adjust the tax situation to save this situation. We need to re-inject these funds into the businesses that Qin needs to develop, such as steel, machinery manufacturing, and the large-scale production of various industrial products. Especially. It’s automobile and aircraft manufacturing. These things are very important to us.” Shang Wen said.

"But the situation is that these companies lack a certain amount of capital, especially in the steel industry and automobile industry. Only a small number of companies can enter, but their capital scale cannot support their large-scale industrial development. We need to give them taxes in The support on the financial policy, and the preferential financial policy." Shang Wen said.

"In addition, there are still some industries that we need to eliminate. For example, for some textile factories, we can only keep a small number of enterprises in Qin. Most of the industries have to be transferred to other countries. The labor cost in Qin is too great. High. These companies have been unable to support them, and our taxation support for them is condoning this situation." Shangwen said by hand at this time.

"But in this way, many people will be unemployed." At this time, Meng Yi nervously put forward his views.

"There is no way. This is a major upgrade within the Qin State. We can only sacrifice part of the interests of the industry. If we continue to keep it, it will not be good for anyone. Think about it, who wants to do heavy work for the same amount of money. Those. Factory owners are unwilling to spend so much money on these things." Shang Wen gave an example at this time.

"That's right." Meng Yi nodded and expressed his understanding. It is precisely for this reason. As a result, Qin's funds are reluctant to invest in the country, because the cost is increasing rapidly, and the profit of the output product is declining. As a result, many factory owners directly invest funds in investment companies, and through investment companies, transfer funds to invest abroad and build factories because there are cheap labor. They can continuously reduce labor costs and finally achieve their goal of increasing product profits.

However, some industries need to invest large sums of money, such as heavy industries such as steel. They need to invest a lot of equipment in advance, these equipments need to spend a huge amount of capital, and currently there are very few companies that can afford huge capital investment. This has caused some imbalances in industrial development.

Although that industry is a high-income industry, the capital invested is too large, coupled with the influence of Qin's capital export, and the equality of various Qin's tax policies. As a result, these industries cannot enter in time.

In general, Qin needs a brand new industrial upgrade, and this brand new industrial upgrade is no less than Qin's second reform. Shangwen has just begun the industrial revolution, and he has to carry out a large-scale industrial development without stopping.

"For example, in the steel industry, we really don't invest much. The current demand for steel is very large. And our steel output cannot be raised in time. Many places start to use iron. But the real demand is steel." Shang Wen said at this time.

"So, we need to formulate a new plan. This plan is to provide these steel companies with an excellent development opportunity. This opportunity is to bring them intensive financial support. At best, the government can intentionally support it. I think it is very necessary to give them preferential taxation." Shangwen said at this time.

"That's right." Meng Yi said at this time.

"However, for another industry, we need to adopt a different strategy." Shang Wen said at this time.

"Another industry?" Meng Yi said at this time.

"Yes, another industry, this industry is our Qin State's financial industry. Don't you think that the current speculative activities are very prosperous?" Shang Wen said at this time.

"Although the development of the financial industry has greatly promoted our real economy, the current situation is that the development of the financial industry is too prosperous." Shang Wen said at this time.

"This one·····". Meng Yi asked incredulously at this time.

"Although speculation can bring prosperity to the market, the excessive prosperity of the market will have a great impact on us. This impact will largely affect our "false prosperity." "Shang Wen said at this time.

"Oh." Meng Yi nodded in agreement at this time.

"This false prosperity will make a fatal error to our economy. This error will cause catastrophic harm to us. Maybe you don't believe it, but you will believe me. Right?" Shang Wen looked at Meng seriously at this time. Yi. And Meng Yi looked at Shang Wen at this time.

"You know, our economy is currently in a state of imbalance between supply and demand. Basically, demand exceeds supply." Shang Wen said at this time. And Meng Yi kept nodding at this moment. Qin's economics, especially in theory, developed faster than any other country, although these theories are not so advanced now. However, this theory is already in a very advanced state in the Warring States Period.

For this theory of contradiction between supply and demand. Meng Yi still knows a little bit. Know these things. Meng Yi already has a certain economic theoretical foundation, and this foundation will have a brand-new understanding of the economy of the Qin State, which is a brand-new understanding of the concept.

"Our demand is greater than the supply, which is nothing. However, if the virtual economy, especially speculation, operates on speculation to expand the contradiction between supply and demand of funds, especially when supply is less than demand. Then it will cause a huge disaster. In particular, stocks and bonds have gone up frantically. When they rise to a high price, think about it. At that time, the stock market and other financial markets will face a major collapse." Shang Wen said at this time.

And Meng Yi hadn't thought that such a thing would happen at this time.

"These are nothing. I'm afraid that these virtual economies will expand to the real economy. Then at that time, what kind of situation will we face." Shang Wen shook his head at this time.

"I can't believe it," Shang Wen said.

"Oh my God." Meng Yi said at this time.

"So, we need to adjust these things in time. We first start with taxation. This will have a certain regulatory effect on the real economy. We must try our best to avoid these situations from happening." Shang Wen said seriously at this time.

"En." Meng Yi nodded at this time.

Shangwen thought of the economic crisis. According to the current state of Qin's development, an economic crisis might be brewing. Shangwen knew very well what kind of disasters a free economy would bring. This is no less than a war.

"We now need to formulate a feasible taxation plan. We have to hurry up." Shang Wen picked up a pen and Meng Yi did it at this time. They began to study a new taxation plan, which will be made up by amendments.

"Hum." The door knocked at this time.

"Come in." Shang Wen put down his pen.

"The prime minister. An urgent telegram from South Korea." At this time, an assistant said with a telegram.

"South Korea?" Shang Wen said in surprise at this time.

"Yes, Prime Minister, South Korea. An urgent telegram from the Queen of South Korea." The assistant said at this time.

"Oh. Take it here, let me see." Shang Wen reached out and took the telegram at this time and opened it.

And Meng Yi looked at Shang Wen.

"What did the Korean side say? At this time, Shang Wen looked at the telegram in surprise.

"The prime minister?" Meng Yi asked at this moment. At first, Shangwen looked at the content of the telegram and didn't say anything. The telegram only said that they wanted to know how to deal with the issue of the New Chen Republic, and they hoped that a new country would appear next to it.

Shang Wen didn't interfere too much in this matter. However, just as Shangwen continued to read the following, Shangwen's face suddenly blushed. And the breathing started to become quicker.

"I don't want to use the term widow to ask about your personal matters. But, I want to know, is your marriage between Princess Qin and Wenyang true? I just want an ordinary person to determine this matter." Han Shu no longer uses the identity of the queen, but asks this matter as a normal person.

"I made no secret of it. I have a feeling for it. This feeling comes from deep in my heart. I was not sure at first, but I think that this feeling does exist. It is a kind of admiration. I can't Restraint. I can't restrain it." Han Shu said directly in the telegram.

"I hope this thing does not happen. It never happens. I want to get a definite answer from your own mouth. I will come to Qin country soon. I want to talk to you individually in the name of a private person." Han Shu straightforwardly Said right away.

And Shang Wen's hand holding the telegram was shaking at this time. He really didn't know how to answer such a straightforward question and answer. Shang Wen had already understood at this time that Han Shu had a feeling for himself. But Shang Wen himself does not have such a feeling. The other party is the queen. And myself.

Shang Wen really can't imagine. Imagine it, in the age of the Warring States Period. Han Shu can ask herself with such straightforward remarks. Shang Wen's heart beat very fast. Shang Wen could not imagine.

"The prime minister." Meng Yi continued to ask at this moment.

"Has any major situation happened in South Korea?" Meng Yi asked at this time.

"Ah." Shang Wen was relieved at this time.

"Oh." Shang Wen swallowed at this time.

"No. There seems to be nothing?" Shang Wen said at this time.

"South Korea, South Korea, it seems. There seems to be a problem." Shang Wen stammered at this time.

"Oh. Then can I read this telegram?" Meng Yi asked at this time.

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