The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1053: I'll make up for you

"Just aim at that person and hit me." The lieutenant colonel roared loudly at this time. He has seen it. The armor was more refined than the average soldier. This shows that this person is the supreme commander of this force. At the same time, its fierce combat power is the backbone of this unit's strong fighting will.

"But, sir, this distance." A soldier with a rifle in his hand said at this time.

"Shoot, don't worry about so many. Kill him and all battles will be over." At this moment, the lieutenant colonel roared loudly.

"Come here." The red-eyed lieutenant colonel snatched the rifle from the soldier.

"Boom." A cry. The officer took aim immediately and pulled the trigger. At this distance, aiming didn't make any sense.

"Ah." The commander had already sensed the danger. After slashing a Zhao Jun soldier with a short sword, he hid his body behind the soldier.

The Zhao Jun soldier was shot immediately. There was a scream. On the spot, the soldier died. The entire vital part was broken. But after all, it is a physical body. Some bullets still penetrated the body and entered the body of the commander.

"Shoot. Shoot." The whole time. The lieutenant colonel has been stunned. He is very clear. Only kill the opponent. In order to truly destroy the fighting will of the Qi army.

And his soldiers, you look at me, I look at you, they don't know what to do.

"Shoot." At this time, the lieutenant colonel immediately pulled out a soldier's gun, his pistol had already been shot out.

"Bang bang bang." The lieutenant colonel fired three shots in a row.

"Puff. Puff." Two bullets hit the body of the Zhao Jun soldier. And the commander of the Qi army at this time. Still not hit. Although he had a few marbles in his abdomen. However, this still did not affect his continued fighting state.

"Damn it." As he said, the lieutenant colonel immediately swung his saber and rushed directly. And this time. At this time, the commander also quickly swung his dagger towards the lieutenant colonel.

The commander at this time also understood that only by slashing the opponent's commander could Zhao Jun retreat. Only in this way can they guarantee their position.

"Kill." The lieutenant colonel quickly swung his saber and slashed towards the commander.

"Ding." There was a sharp metal crash. The lieutenant colonel's saber swung towards the opponent. The combat power of the Sabre is mainly concentrated on cutting. This is a combat action that uses the high superiority of the cavalry to hack and kill. The lieutenant colonel used his cavalry height on horseback. He slashed at the commander fiercely.

But the commander made full use of the fighting skills of the short sword in his hand. He was only from the side position, he rushed up, but cleverly rotated his body to avoid the opponent's hack and kill. Then, rotating the blade and flicking it lightly, it resolved the opponent's hack and kill. This is a kind of ingenuity. This is much better than the ferocious slashing effect of the Zhao Jun cavalry.

"Da da." Lieutenant Colonel Zhao Jun rode a horse and flew over quickly. At this time, the commander was unable to kill the opponent because his movements were already old. The main effect of the sword lies in assassination. Although Qi Jian is more generous and is mainly used for slashing, this kind of short-handled weapon is the best in assassination. Therefore, when general swordsmen use it, they use stabbing rather than cutting. Slashing is a hard injury to a weapon.

But Zhao Jun is different. They use hacking more often, and their weapons are made of different materials. They use forged steel. High-quality forged steel manufactured by Qin Guo. The sabers of ordinary Zhao Jun soldiers are more commonly used for hot-rolling and repeated forging of ordinary steel. The officer's knife is added with the trace element manganese, which makes the officer's knife stronger and sharper. In the forged steel, not only the trace element manganese is added. At the same time, Qin Guo's engineers are still adopting cold-rolling technology, which is more costly. This is forged from a single piece of cold-rolled manganese alloy steel plate. This kind of steel has a hardness of 6% higher than ordinary steel in terms of density and fineness of texture.

After having such a sharp weapon. The hacking skills of the Zhao Jun cavalry are excellent. They rely on such tactics.

"Damn it. Bah." The lieutenant colonel was a little annoyed when he saw that he didn't use his superiority to kill the opponent in the first round.

"Huh." At this time, the commander was breathing deeply. He felt a little bit worried about the mad rush of the Zhao Jun cavalry just now. The opponent's hacking skills are very mature and powerful. If he is not experienced and clever to avoid the opponent's blow, then, ordinary soldiers, His head was chopped off early.

The blow just now. Zhao Jun used it very hard. If its strength is cut directly, it is estimated that the short sword in his hand will also be cut by it.

"Kill." Thought of this. The commander decided to launch an offensive immediately and get close to the opponent quickly, especially because of the inconvenience of turning around on the horse.

"Looking for death." The lieutenant colonel quickly turned his horse's head at this time. At the same time, turning around, brandishing the saber in his hand, hurriedly blocked the opponent's fierce blow.

"Ding." Then there was another sound.

The lieutenant colonel swiftly waved the saber in his hand to block the opponent's stab, but the commander quickly turned to the wing of the lieutenant colonel at this time.

"Puff." The dagger in the hands of the commander stabbed the lieutenant colonel's thigh fiercely.

"Yeah." The painful lieutenant colonel bit the root firmly. Then desperately brandished the saber in his hand.

"I'm going to kill you." The lieutenant colonel roared loudly. It's a pity that at this time, the commander had already avoided. He knew that his move completely angered the other party.

"Shall we step forward and help?" At this time, a sergeant asked a lieutenant.

"No." The lieutenant shook his head.

"We still stay where we are, otherwise, we will be unhelpful," the lieutenant said.

The Zhao Jun cavalry could only watch his chief's thigh hurt.

"I will kill you." At this moment, the lieutenant colonel fought immediately, and he was furious.

"Kill." The lieutenant colonel rode his horse and quickly approached the opponent.

"Ding. Ding. Ding." The lieutenant colonel waved the saber in his hand continuously.

"Ding." There was another metal crash.

"Chichi." Then there was a sharp rubbing sound between metals. The lieutenant colonel took advantage of the saber in his hand and his height and strength. Occupying the advantage of height and greater strength, the lieutenant colonel firmly suppressed the opponent's counterattack.

"Ah." The commander tried his best to resist the opponent's fierce blow.

"Go." The commander knew this. It is simply impossible to withstand such a blow from the opponent. then. Push it open immediately. Then took the opportunity to slip away.

"Kill." At this moment, Lieutenant Colonel Zhao Jun was immediately bounced off, and immediately slashed with the saber in his hand. Zhao Jun's tactics are very simple, that is, fierce hacking. Although this tactic has a certain degree of brute force, it is very effective. Moreover, in such a direct collision, few people can directly resist it.

"Puff." The lieutenant colonel's saber cut off the commander's left arm directly.

"Puff." The neat incision immediately ejected a blood mist.

"Hahaha." At this time, the lieutenant colonel finally showed a triumphant smile.

"Ah." The commander took off quickly at this time. He endured the pain and looked at the spray of blood. The soldiers on the side evaded, and such a fierce fight made the soldiers feel terrified.

"Kill." At this time, the Zhao Jun cavalry lieutenant colonel immediately slashed over.

At this time, the commander did not dodge, and he seemed so calm at this time. The surrounding Qi army soldiers saw this situation. They all exclaimed.

"Quickly dodging. General," the soldiers exclaimed.

"Kill." Under the high-speed impact of the horses. Lieutenant Colonel Zhao Jun slashed over with his saber. The saber was raised high. In an instant, the head of the commander would be split in half.

"Go to hell." That's just a moment. The commander of Qi Jun quickly threw the short sword in his hand directly.

"Puff." The short sword plunged directly into the heart of the lieutenant colonel who was caught off guard. The saber held high directly exposed the position of the heart to the commander. The commander seized this opportunity, and he wanted this opportunity.

"Puff." Then there was another sound of metal cutting off the flesh.

"Wow." There was a sound of liquid collapse instantly.

As the commander stabbed Lieutenant Colonel Zhao Jun with his short sword, the other's sabers also fell one after another. The commander was cut in half by a saber that fell from a height in an instant.

"Ah." It was an instant. This shocking change shocked all the soldiers on both sides. They were impressed by such fierce battles, and at the same time infected by the astonishing fighting will of the combat commanders on both sides.

"Kill." The death of the commanders of the soldiers on both sides did not bring the end of the battle. On the contrary, it brought an unusually fiercer and cruel battle.

The battle fought from night to noon. The whole position. There were corpses everywhere, and the whole position was empty, as if everyone had been killed.

"The silence is like death," the brigadier general said after inspecting the battlefield after the war.

After paying a heavy price. Zhao Jun regained their lost bridgehead. It was the second day that Zhao Jun had just regained the bridgehead. Ling Xun finally ended. However, for the Qi army, that is a disaster. Because they lost their bridgehead position the previous day.

The soldiers of the Qi army not far away could only look at the river in despair. They were separated from their hometown by a river now. The river makes it difficult for them to go home.

As for the issue of going home, only Zhao Jun and Qi Jun are concerned. Qi Jun is concerned about whether he can go home. What Zhao Jun cared about was whether they could not let Qi Jun go home. Let them stay here completely.

For the question of going home. Not many people care now. In other countries, they are concerned about another issue.

"My lord, Qin's telegram has been deciphered." Zhang Liang met with Han Shu secretly. He just got a telegram from the special envoy of King Qin from the intelligence office. The content of this telegram was deciphered for a period of time before it was finally deciphered. The content comes out. After Zhang Liang glanced quickly, he took it to Han Shu.

"Oh." Han Shu said absently. She has lost a lot of weight in the past few days. There is no spirit in doing anything.

"Master," Zhang Liang said with some worry.

"Oh. I see." Han Shu said directly. Zhang Liang was a little surprised. Because Han Shu said "I." instead of "Widow." What Han Shu thought was that in the future, Monk Wen would no longer call herself a widow. She wants to call me.

In this way, the distance between the monk and Shangwen is shortened.

"Prince King. Here." Zhang Liang said excitedly.

"Oh. What?" Han Shu suddenly felt what he was doing. Then he looked back at Zhang Liang. Then he asked.

"Prime Minister, what's the matter?" Han Shu asked at this time.

And Zhang Liang was shocked by Han Shu's dazed attitude and didn't know what to say.

"Prince King. Have you owed peace recently?" Zhang Liang asked.

"Oh. This. I'm fine." Han Shu seemed to realize something. Then immediately changed his words.

"That." Zhang Liang asked worriedly.

"Right. The prime minister, widowed, want to visit Qin country recently. How about the prime minister's wishes?" Han Shu asked at this time.

"This". Zhang Liang didn't know what to say.

"That's it." Han Shu said immediately.

"The widow is about to leave recently. Korea's affairs. There is also the prime minister." Han Shu has already made a decision. In her heart, she flew to Qin State early at this time, and she wished to arrive at Qin State immediately. She wants to ask Shang Wen. Ask Shangwen what he thinks of him. Whether she is interested in herself, what else can she do with this marriage. If you can, it is best not to get married. She is willing to marry him. Han Shu has been thinking about this issue these days. So much so that something happened outside. She didn't even know. Her life was completely turned upside down.

There is no day, no night. Han Shu is immersed in an obsession with Shang Wen.

Zhang Liang could only sigh and shook his head. situation. In this world, the most difficult thing to say is clear and clear. Zhang Liang thought so in his heart.

And in the Xianyang Palace of Qin State. King Qin is calling an emergency meeting. As the prime minister, Shang Wen had reason to participate. But there is no power to interfere in this matter.

Shangwen was specially arranged in a wheelchair, so he didn't have to practice any etiquette. This is King Qin's special treatment for him, and his legs are still not good at this time. in spite of. Yingyu looked at him every day. Moreover, Yingyu coaxed Shangwen to drink all kinds of bone soup. She said that this is of great benefit to Shangwen's bone recovery. Shang Wen is already very sensitive to meat products. No matter what name Yingyu used, Shangwen refused. Moreover, every time he refused directly on the grounds of work.

I don't know what happened to Yingyu recently. Yingyu unexpectedly changed his previous tough style. Become very much like a little girl. This makes Shang Wen a little uncomfortable. But Shangwen took advantage of this and successfully escaped the bone broth he didn't want to drink, the fishy smell of meat products, using work as a reason. It made him feel very upset. However, now he just has a reason to shirk the ugly bone soup.

"The widow came this time because of the agreement of the Republic." King Qin said at this time. And Shang Wen was sitting in a wheelchair quietly listening to this happening.

"Oh. God." Shang Wen whispered to himself. For this result, Shang Wen already has his own plan. Although he does not want to accept this fact, he still has to face this reality.

"Next. The State of Qin will start with this incident and intervene in the Six Nations. Break the situation of the Six Nations in Guandong from the middle." King Qin was at this time. But Shang Wen frowned and said.

Originally Shangwen wanted to support this matter, but now, all he wanted was to oppose, because only by opposing can the current situation of Qin State be maintained. For other things. Shangwen didn't think much, because at this time, it was an accident that a republic appeared, but it was not an accident that this republic dragged Qin in. If it is said that during the War of Independence that year, Britain finally had to let the United States become independent because of financial problems, then the French intervention was also due to certain reasons. But, in the end, what the French will get in the end.

"Is it just an independent America?" Shang Wen shook his head at this time. He knew this history too well. After the American Revolutionary War. The French Revolution then broke out. The result is also a financial problem. Consider your own financial problems. Shang Wen insisted on opposing this matter.

Shangwen's self-talk did not attract the attention of King Qin. On the contrary, King Qin is planning his actions.

Qin Guo will issue new bonds again. This time the bond has a maturity of two years. Because in five years, the enthusiasm for investment is not very high. The performance of the five-year treasury bonds in the market was cold. After a period of investigation. Those economic institutions came to the big conclusion that the maturity of the bonds was too long.

Then, King Qin thought of issuing two-year treasury bonds. King Qin also asked Feng Quji with great interest to introduce the issuance of treasury bonds.

But Shang Wen could only sit in a wheelchair and listen. He could only listen, and he didn't interfere too much with this matter. He was busy with taxation issues, and for national debt. He was helpless, this was what King Qin meant.

It was definitely not his intention. His original intention was that no treasury bonds would be issued any more, in that case, the only liquidity in the market would be absorbed. This is a result that Shangwen suddenly thought of reading. This result is likely to lead to a major stock market crash in Qin's future. Shang Wen could not help shaking his head.

"Why did the prime minister shook his head?" At this time, King Qin noticed Shang Wen's performance.

"Wang Shang. It's better not to issue this bond." Shang Wen said helplessly.

"Why?" King Qin asked.

"The liquidity of funds in the market has approached. Now. Bonds are issued again. The entire market will be drained of funds. There will be no funds to speak of, when the time comes." Shang Wen couldn't help shaking his head.

"The widow is just issuing bonds. What does this have to do with the market capital flow?" Qin Wang asked at this time.

And Shang Wen wants to explain the truth, but he is also a half-hearted economist. He was still confused about this.

"This." At this time, Shang Wen realized that he couldn't explain the problem. What's worse, Shang Wen didn't have a word in his head. He didn't know what words to use. His head is too blank. Being blank, he himself didn't know what to do.

"This." Shang Wen could only helplessly stretch out his hands. Then shrugged and said with a smile.

"This, I really think, I can't explain this problem." Shang Wen said at this time.

"Hahaha." King Qin laughed at this. And Shang Wen felt very embarrassed at this time. Because he objected, but could not give the reason for the objection. Shang Wen really couldn't continue.

In the subsequent meeting, Shang Wen tried to avoid embarrassment. Can only sit quietly and listen. King Qin discussed the issuance of bonds with his ministers, and the subsequent intervention has already begun. Shangwen can only listen to it, and Shangwen suddenly felt that politics is sometimes so boring. If you do nothing, then how bad things will become. At the very least, the mood is different.

Fortunately, the meeting did not last very long. For the issuance of bonds, the relevant actions have been arranged by King Qin. The next step is to follow the strategist's implementation.

And Shang Wen also left immediately.

"The prime minister, shall we go back?" Shang Wen pushed his wheelchair out of the hall by himself. His assistant has quickly stepped forward.

"Oh." Shang Wen was a little depressed.

"Where else can we go?" Shang Wen said in his mouth.

"What prime minister?" At this moment, the assistant on the side asked.

"Oh. Nothing?" Shang Wen replied in a low mood.

"Let's go." Shang Wen ordered.

"Hahaha. Finally let me find you." At this time, Yingyu's voice suddenly reached Shangwen's ears. Shang Wen heard this familiar voice alertly.

"Shangwen. I will cook you a pot of bone soup. I will make up for you." At this moment, Yingyu rushed over immediately. Push the assistant away. Shang Wen looked nervously at the devil who rushed past.

"No. No. Thank you. I have nothing to do, he healed himself." Shang Wen said at this time.

"What's okay?" Yingyu exclaimed loudly at this time.

"Really all right!" Shang Wen emphasized again.

"How can it be okay? The doctor said. You are too tired. Moreover, your bones are too loose. It seems that the doctor said that. You can't keep up with nutrition." Yingyu said immediately at this time.

"The main thing is that you don’t eat meat. So, you have to eat meat. I know you don’t like broth. Especially for those fishy smells, I have already made the best soup. Come on. Come and drink with me. Tang." While speaking, Yingyu pushed Shangwen and left the hall.

"This. This is really unnecessary. I still have things to do." Shang Wen shouted at this time. However, Yingyu had already pushed Shangwen away. Shangwen can only accept Yingyu's tough style. Yingyu is determined to push Shangwen to her place. This opportunity is just right.

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