The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1058: War of attrition

War can start easily, but it will not end easily. This is war. Contradictions can intensify in an instant, but I want to let them calm down completely. This is very difficult.

On the one hand, Qi Jun is working hard to shrink his front. They continue to send active forces to delay, consuming Zhao Jun's limited offensive power.

On the other hand. The Qi army is also slowly recovering their combat effectiveness, and they drew a troop from the recovered combat effectiveness to fight. In order to regain the initiative on the battlefield.

This is the most effective way for Qi Jun to fight for the current situation. Without troops, Qi Jun will only accept the current situation.

The situation between the two sides was temporarily stalemate. Just when the north was in a stalemate, the state of Chu in the south was entering a new turning point in history.

Near a military port in the south of Chu State. Things are happening that will change the fate of Chu.

"Go forward," a Chu officer shouted loudly.

Under the loud shouts of the officers, the Chu State Navy's soldiers marched forward in rows. They are all carrying rifles. The bright bayonet looked very mighty under the sun's rays.

"General Xiang, this is Chu's navy?" At this time, the young master Ning asked.

"Master Hui, this is indeed Chu's navy." At this time, Xiang Yan replied respectfully.

"But why is it the way of training on land warfare?" Gongzi Hing asked at this time.

"Master Hui. This is the land and water warfare of our Chu State established in accordance with the military system of the State of Qin." Xiang Yan said at this time.

"Oh." Young Master Mincu nodded and said at this time.

"Why set up an army in accordance with the military system of the State of Qin. Is there any reason for this?" At this time, Gongzi asked.

"Back to the son." Xiang Yan said at this time.

"Then Qin was the first to be equipped with muskets and artillery weapons, and its organization was also reformed first, and it had actual combat experience. Our military equipment was reformed a little later. But there is also a little experience to follow." Xiang Yan said at this time.

"En. But..." Minzu asked at this time.

"But after all, our army is late in equipment, and there is not much experience in land warfare. Therefore, the Qin military system is adopted." Xiang Yan explained at this time.

"I heard in that newspaper. The Qin State's military system reforms are great. The company's platoon combat power is huge. For example, this musket platoon shoots. A company can shoot more than three rounds, and the Huns can attack by turns and cannot approach." At this time, Xiang Yan Said.

"Oh. It's so powerful." Ning Chu said in surprise.

"Yeah. Son, there is another thing. That is, that Qin State uses officers in the two ranks of the company platoon. Those basic-level officers can manage the entire company platoon, and those company platoon officers are concentrated in training and tactical arrangements. At the squad level, they use experienced veterans for management. Those veterans are usually awarded certain ranks. After they have a certain amount of experience, the combat effectiveness of the entire army is greatly improved." Xiang Yan said.

"En. In that case, Qin's combat power is much stronger than that of our Chu army." At this time, Young Master Suzu asked.

"It's true, it's true." Xiang Yan said actively at this time.

"That's it." Ning Chu was not in a good mood at this time. After all, it was quite uncomfortable to hear his own people say such things.

"Because of this, the old man wants to reform the military system. According to Qin's military system to strengthen our Chu army." Xiang Yan said at this time.

"Then, can't we surpass Qin's military system?" Su Chu asked somewhat unconvinced at this time.

"My son, there is indeed a reason why Qin is strong," Xiang Yan said at this time.

"Does the son know about the new South Korean army?" Xiang Yan asked at this time.

"En." Ning Chu nodded and said at this time.

"Then how powerful is the new South Korean army?" Xiang Yan asked at this time.

"Compared with my Chu army. But I can fight with my Chu army." Xiang Yan said at this time.

"Back to the son, the new South Korean army was trained by the Qin Army." Xiang Yan said at this time.

"Ah." Ning Chu obviously did not expect such a result.

"Is this true?" asked negatively.

"It's true." Xiang Yan nodded and said at this time.

"The final general never lies. The new South Korean army is indeed from the hands of Qin Jun. According to the information provided by the meticulous work from South Korea. South Korea sends a large number of military officers to Qin for training every year, and not only that, they They also purchase military equipment extensively, and will conduct a military exercise every time period. These military exercises are conducted in accordance with the actual combat requirements set by the Qin Army. It can be said that the Korean New Army is a small-scale Qin Army. "Xiang Yan said at this time.

"Not only that, although the new South Korean army's combat power is comparable to ours." Xiang Yan said at this time.

"But if the two armies go to war. Then, the new South Korean army has more advantages." Xiang Yan gave the negative analysis.

And negatively nodded at this time. He thinks Xiang Yan's analysis has a lot of truth.

"The new South Korean army is backed by Qin, and they can use their diplomatic advantages to use Qin's power to suppress our army. Especially in terms of logistical supplies. The new South Korean army can receive unlimited supplies, and they can rely on the developed railway transportation network. , Their supplies can be transported to the front line regardless of cost. That train can transport more than one thousand soldiers. The speed is much faster than the speed of our army assembly." Xiang Yan said at this time.

"These alone are not enough. They can also purchase a large amount of military weapons and equipment from Qin. According to the news that the final commander has, the South Korean New Army has established a small-scale air force, and their combat power is small. But if If the State of Qin allows, then the new South Korean army can get the advantage from the air. In addition, the new South Korean army can get heavy artillery. The power of those artillery is no longer manpower, and the fortifications can withstand it. As long as the artillery attacks once. Then, our army will inevitably Unable to resist, if the opponent's infantry makes a charge, our army is bound to be defeated." Xiang Yan analyzed at this time.

"Even though our country of Chu has a lot of territory, it can't resist such a heavy blow." Xiang Yan said slowly to the negative.

"En. The old general can have countermeasures." Su Chu asked at this time.

"If the new South Korean army has a battle in the future, the old man can still fight, but." At this time, Xiang Yan suddenly stopped talking.

"The old general said it's okay." At this time, Ning Chu asked excitedly.

"Our country's power loss is serious, I'm afraid that time. Our country is full of contradictions." Xiang Yan said.

"What are the contradictions?" Fu Chu asked anxiously at this time.

"Although our army won and lost, the reason is the lack of national strength." Xiang Yan said at this time.

"The operations of the new South Korean army are ostensibly attrition operations. Each time the new South Korean army fights, it will inevitably have sufficient logistical supplies, and then move forward slowly. The cooperation of the arms is extremely tacit. Although the combat is serious, the results are extremely stable. Our army can only If you don’t retreat, the more you retreat, the greater the loss. The space is getting smaller and smaller. In the end it was exhausted by the new South Korean army.” Xiang Yan analyzed.

"The new South Korean army consumes property and acquires the annexed land. South Korea is not considered defeated. They can greatly reduce its material consumption with the help of its railway transportation. But our army cannot. Our army needs to fight against it for a long time and consume it. Seriously, moreover, the country's space is slowly being compressed. What's terrible is that weapons and equipment can only be purchased from Qin. As a result, the loss of property far exceeds any previous wars. The high cost of war has far exceeded all previous wars. "Xiang Yan analyzed. Ning Chu listened slowly at this time, in his opinion. Xiang Yan's analysis has many reasons, and she needs to analyze these reasons carefully.

"The war has changed. The attacker consumes property, but wins the war. The defender consumes a lot of national power. Our nobles in the Chu Kingdom will inevitably undergo internal change when the war is at a loss. That's why. Our army will inevitably take the initiative to attack. The longer the time, the defeat of our army is determined." Xiang Yan analyzed.

"In this way, internal chaos. The army will inevitably attack. And the other side is as stable as Mount Tai, and our army is like ants. It is difficult to shake Mount Tai, and its ending..." At this time, Xiang Yan shook his head and said.

"This is a war between national strengths. Although our army can fight the enemy, there is civil strife. Fear..." Xiang Yan did not finish.

At this time, Ning Chu also fell into a long time of thinking.

In fact, Xiang Yan's analysis is quite correct. Back then, Wang Jian defeated Chu by relying on Qin's strong strength to support him. He mobilized 600,000 troops from Qin and fought for more than two years. During the two years of his army, he did not take the initiative to fight the Chu army. And Chu Jun frequently challenged. No results.

Although the two armies did not have much combat effect, their logistical power is in serious competition. Qin State mobilized unprecedented forces, and its logistics guarantees that it would naturally be able to withstand it. Qin State's accumulated national strength for many years was revealed at this time.

But Chu State is different. Although the country of Chu was large, it was unable to gather so much financial resources. The longer the war was fought, the greater the wealth that these nobles would spend to complain. Finally, under the pressure of the nobles, Xiang Yan had to take the initiative to attack. As a result, after two years of exhaustion, how much national power the Chu army has left to fight.

It can be said that destroying Chu failed in the final exhaustion of Qin's national power. The final demise of the Chu Kingdom was due to lack of strength. right now. Xiang Yan has clearly realized this. The State of Chu could not withstand such a consuming battle. But the current tactics are very exhausting. This made Xiang Yan very worried. So he pointed this out early.

"How can our army avoid it?" Ning Chu suddenly asked at this moment.

"This." Xiang Yan was not easy to say at this time.

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