The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1070: The Power of Yan State Artillery

Shang Wen and Han Shu talked a lot about the economic crisis. However, Shang Wen still has no idea about specific measures. He needs to wait and wait for the economic crisis to further expand. However, some people in Qin do not think so. They believe that they can save Qin's economy from the crisis.

Just when the Qin State quietly changed dramatically. On the Eastern Front, new changes are taking place. The arrival of the Prince Yan's army began to develop toward the Allied side on the battlefield.

"Boom boom." An armored battlefield marched on the plain. The ears of the people around me hurt by the roar of the huge engine.

Behind the chariot, followed by a company of infantry of the Crown Prince of Yan.

Just after the princeling infantry advanced not far. An armored combat vehicle commander climbed out of the machine gun tower, then stretched out his arm and waved his arm. Signaled everyone to stop.

This is the only armored combat vehicle of the Prince Yan's army. The armored chariots of the Prince Yan's Army were very badly worn out. Except for most of them were lost on the battlefield, the rest were all unusable due to maintenance or other mechanical problems. With the help of Qin State's mechanics, they finally raised such an armored fighting vehicle from a large pile of scrap iron.

However, the Princes of the Kingdom of Yan were very costly to form an army, so it was difficult for them to replenish the armored combat vehicles. At the same time, the people of Yan and Qin had the same concept. That is, the performance of the armored fighting vehicle on the battlefield is very unsatisfactory. Although this weapon is powerful, it has poor maneuverability and is very heavy. At the same time, the two countries believe that such weapons can only exist as infantry support weapons. For continued development. Both countries have little interest. It is for this reason that Yan State stopped its plan to purchase armored combat vehicles. Instead, they like another weapon, which is artillery. They began to increase the number of artillery on a large scale.

"Boom boom boom." The engine still roared, and the air transfer of the engine felt a headache for all infantrymen.

"This big guy, the voice is so loud, my ears hurt when it shakes," a soldier said. The soldiers of the Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Yan stiffly spread out according to the company's marching formation. They spread out according to the combat formation as if they were using flintlock guns, one line by one, and three lines neatly spread out.

"Shhh. Stop talking," a sergeant reminded.

And in the trenches not far behind them. A group of Zhao Jun soldiers were hiding in the trenches. They were quietly hiding in the trenches. This position is where the two armies meet. Zhao Jun was very dissatisfied with the belated arrival of the Princes of the Kingdom of Yan, so they gave the attack mission to the Army of Yan, while their own troops evaded behind.

Zhao Jun did this because they couldn't take the opposing position at all.

The opposite position has good fortifications. The sporadic appearance of Qi snipers and various defensive positions severely delayed the advance of the Zhao army. They have suffered a lot of losses along the way. They lack effective fire support. Poor logistical supply capabilities severely reduced their combat effectiveness.

"Why don't those Yan people launch an offensive yet?" The Zhao Jun soldier said, hiding in the trenches.

"Did you see the cannon behind them? They are waiting for the thing to launch an attack. Their artillery is much more advanced than ours." Sergeant Zhao Jun said.

"We can't do it. There is nothing, only relying on us to rush to kill, let the Qi people shoot us to kill us like rabbits. And what we can do is wait for death." The sergeant complained. Facing the defense of the Chinese people. Zhao Jun can only rely on infantry to fight. Although infantry has taken some evasive measures, it is difficult for them to make effective breakthroughs on tight defensive lines.

The defense deployed by the people of Qi is the same as that of the people of Qin. Their arrangement is very reasonable. The long-term war has forged a lot of veterans. These veterans know how to purchase fortifications and can effectively resist the opponent's attack.

They usually deploy three lines of defense. If there is time, even if time is very short, they will arrange two fortifications. On the first fortifications, they will arrange dense barbed wire to prevent the opponent's infantry from directly attacking, because in that case, the Qi people need to allocate a lot of troops to defend these places. The appearance of barbed wire makes this situation much better.

"Those Qi people are very deceitful at war." This is the evaluation of the soldiers of Qin and Zhao and the soldiers of Qi.

The Qi people are very well-known for their tactical applications, especially strategies. It is not difficult to explain why famous military strategists appeared in Qi.

Qi Guo's strategy is very cunning, and they usually protrude from the two wings of the position. The protruding positions of the two wings are concealed for this reason, and in the position of the barbed wire on the front, they sometimes deliberately leave some gaps.

As the offensive, Zhao Jun will naturally take these gaps as a key attack. At this time, disasters will happen. When Zhao Jun soldiers concentrated their forces to attack these points. Their team will be very dense, and then they will encounter relentless shooting by the Qi army, and the dense formation is easy to kill. The results can be imagined.

There are also those concealed flanking shooting points. Those flanking points shooting from the side are far greater than the effect of shooting from the side. Zhao Jun often suffers a lot of losses from the flanks. For this, Zhao Jun turned to attack the flanks.

But the flanking positions are arranged quite cleverly. It was so ingenious that it was very difficult for Zhao Jun to attack. Hidden bunkers are arranged everywhere. Zhao Jun had just occupied one, and when he planned to launch an offensive, he was attacked by a bunker from another direction. All of a sudden, everyone stopped, they turned to attack the bunker, but just launched an attack. They will find that another one appears on their flanks. The soldiers of the Zhao Jun collapsed completely. They have engineers. But the engineers are not specialized in dry civil engineering blasting. They seldom use those engineers on the front line, on the contrary, they always use the engineers on the rear. As a result, Zhao Jun's offensive became very frustrated. It is difficult for them to expand.

These are all important reasons why infantry is difficult to advance. You can talk about it in infantry tactics. Qi Jun walked ahead of the Allied countries. The Allied forces need to learn a lot from the Qi army.

"What the **** do the Allied forces on the opposite side want to do?" A Qi army commander looked at it with a telescope at this time. And an officer behind took the initiative to ask.

"No matter what they do? They always have to find a way to occupy our position. Our task is not to allow them to make a breakthrough. This is very important to us." The commander said.

And behind the important offensive formation of the Allied attack. The artillery has been deployed. The Yan's army relied on the efforts of their engineers. It took them a long time to recruit all the Yan's nearby to level their roads. These cannons imported from the State of Qin were shipped here, and their calibers ranged from three inches to six inches. The artillery is also much more powerful. They are all post loading methods. The addition of the recoil machine slowed down the huge recoil of the artillery. The appearance of fixed ammunition has greatly improved the stability of their artillery.

"Aim at 0321,0021." An artillery captain shouted loudly. For this attack. The Yan army threw a battalion of artillery. There are many types of artillery, and they have to be separated. Fortunately, they have a telephone line for contact.

"Wow!" The artillery immediately adjusted the shooting position and height.

"Ding." There was a sharp metal crash. The artillery filled in with shells.

"Bang." The gun door closed again.

"Let it go," the artillery captain shouted loudly.

"Boom. Boom." The three artillery launched the attack first.

"Boom. Boom." The cannonball whizzed out.

"Get down." The Yanjun soldiers standing in front waiting for the offensive order heard the sound of the cannon, and they instinctively got down. Avoid the artillery attack. The tremendous power of the artillery made all Yan Army soldiers feel terrified, not just Yan Army soldiers. All soldiers are scared.

The Zhao Jun soldiers hiding in the trenches all got down. Although artillery fired from their side, they still had a natural awe of artillery.

"Not good." The commander called out loudly.

"Boom. Boom. Boom." But this time. The shells have fallen.

"Boom." The sky revolved around. Several big pits were blown up on the Qi army's position. Some shells went directly into the trenches. The Qi army soldiers inside were torn to pieces at once. Others were stunned, and the splashing mud directly covered them.

The first to launch the artillery attack was the heavy artillery unit of Yan State. Their artillery caliber was six inches, equivalent to 120 to 130 millimeters of artillery. The bombardment effect of this caliber of artillery was very terrifying. There is only one company in Yan State equipped with three such heavy artillery, but its power makes everyone feel terrified.

"Huhu." The artillery shells were still coming. The whole position of the Qi army was shaken in an instant. Many Qi army soldiers lay on the ground, trying to avoid the past, but the huge shock made the internal organs of those soldiers unbearable. They would know how stupid it was after the shelling, but none of them had experienced such a serious shelling.

The huge vibration of the shells will completely shatter their internal organs. After the shelling is over, they look good, but their ears and nostrils will flow out some blood to varying degrees, and then their faces will turn pale and weak. , Vomiting blood. In the end they died. If they dissected their bodies, they would find that their internal organs were all broken. This is the power of heavy artillery. The lethality is far behind.

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