Just when Qin Guo was making a lot of noise about this scandal. Within Qi country, changes are taking place drastically.

"Report. Severe civilian riots occurred in Jibei." A small official of the government broke into a county government office in a panic and reported.

"What?" an official inside the palace called out in shock.

"What did you say? Say it again." The official asked immediately.

"Serious civilian riots have occurred in Jibei. They have already occupied three cities. The mobs have killed local officials and opened local granaries and treasuries. All their belongings were looted." The little official said.

"This." The official touched his beard in shock at this time.

"Can all this be true?" a man dressed up as a military commander stepped forward and asked.

"Small sentences are true." The official said respectfully.

Hear this answer. The general began to observe the little official. The clothes of the little official are in tatters, which shows that he has experienced a fight. There is still a blood stain on the arm. There are splatters of blood on the clothes. The blood stains have turned black. It can be seen that a long time has passed. Seeing this, the person who looked like a military commander stepped forward and whispered to the officials at this time.

"My lord, the final judge believes that this official is telling the truth. It seems that riots have indeed occurred in Jibei." At this time, the final judge said to the official.

"I've seen this. But now the entire government can't send people to suppress it. Do you know how many soldiers we have." At this time. The official said.

"Less than a hundred people. There were thousands of civilians in the riot. This is less than a hundred people to fight against, it is simply..." At this time, the official shook his head unceasingly.

"This." The military commander didn't know what to say at this time.

There are already few officials and soldiers in Qi. The country can maintain a standing army of two hundred thousand. There are very few soldiers in the place. Most of them are hired temporarily. The number of soldiers is in one county. Only about a hundred people remain. Because they only need to be responsible for the local security situation. The rest is not needed at all.

In the context of the town at the time. About a hundred soldiers are enough to cope with the scale of such a city. At that time, with the development of the times, especially the urban population. The number of people losing land in rural areas has increased dramatically. The urban population is increasing. The number of soldiers cannot be adjusted for a long time.

Coupled with the relationship of war. Most soldiers directly transferred other places. Carry out taxation work. All of a sudden. Quite a lot of manpower was divided. In the government office, there are not so many people to defend their town.

"We don't have enough soldiers on hand. We can't hold them at all. There is no garrison in the area. It's better for us to surrender." The official said at this time.

"My lord, no. The mob must be cruel, and if they wait for me, they must add up to their flesh and blood. I'll just stay at the town." At this time, the general said. In fact, he is no more than one hundred and ten. The general said a little too much. The big one is the local public security chief. Naturally, there are not many manpower.

"But I won't wait. It's a dead end." The official said anxiously. Retire is also dead. To enter is to die. This is a difficult choice for him.

"This." The military commander was in trouble at this time. They don't know what to do.

And at this time. The rioting civilians took new actions.

The rioting civilians still had discipline at the beginning. In other words, they still abide by the order between them, but soon, they began to lose this order, and they began to become crazy.

"Wow." There was a sound of iron chains. A rioting civilian used a blunt tool to open the door of a warehouse, which was the warehouse of a local nobleman. A large amount of supplies were stocked inside.


"Oh." A large number of civilians looked at this treasure house with curious eyes. There was a large amount of various materials accumulated in it, not only materials, but also all kinds of gold and silver. And various bronze wares. These bronzes are used for sacrificial offerings. These things are only used when offering sacrifices. They are usually kept in key warehouses.

"Grab it." This time. One shouted loudly. So he took the lead and rushed out first.

"Grab it." The people behind quickly followed.

"This is mine. This is mine." They began rushing to search for all the things they could touch. They couldn't wait for everything they touched with their hands to be their own.

"This is what I want to see. This is what I want to see." The civilians began to **** their spoils.

The rioting civilians suddenly entered a state of anarchy, without human control, and no legal basis at all. Here, there is no moral restraint, and the moral restraint has become zero.

Originally they rioted to resist unreasonable taxation, but now, this riot has brought extremely serious destructiveness.

"Ah." In the noble house. A group of men are chasing several women.

"Grab them. Let the grandpas have a good time." The men irritated the woman with nasty words, while the women ran away desperately. The nobleman has escaped. They know that under such circumstances, no one can control them. It is said that this is just an ordinary house for the nobles to enjoy temporarily, and there are already relatively few people here.

"Haha. Grab one." As he said, a stout man grabbed a woman. Just forcibly drag the woman into a room. Then there was a loud shout from women in the room, but only men entered, no women came out.

The social justice of Qi has been severely broken. Women have become a serious uneven distribution of resources. Many men lack women. They cannot get married. That is, they cannot satisfy their desires, even if there is a war. But it cannot consume too much labor. In addition, the society is undergoing rapid turmoil, amidst turmoil. The distribution of wealth in society is extremely uneven. The nobles took the opportunity to madly accumulate wealth. They gathered a large amount of social wealth and all the various resources they could think of as a gathering. Including women. This has caused a sharp imbalance in society. This imbalance directly leads to the possibility of social riots.

However, after such social riots, they will quickly seek their balance. Especially without the control and restriction of the local government, this balance will soon tilt in another direction. As a result, such anarchic behaviors occurred continuously.

"You shouldn't do this." A scholar waved the bronze sword in his hand and yelled at the civilians without any order. But they didn't care about it at all, and they still snatched all the things they could snatch. Everything became so disorderly.

"We are becoming a mob." The scholar said with emotion. In fact they are becoming like this. Not only did they retaliate against the nobles for the imbalance in their hearts, they also focused their attention on those merchants and various wealthy families. In their view, these people deserved revenge. As a result, the irrational mob gathered their eyes on the wealthy merchants.

All of a sudden, they began to suffer severe suffering.

The riot became a real riot. The civilians became a group of greedy thugs, and they grabbed whatever they saw. At the same time, there is no way to possess everything desperately. So little social resources are allocated to them. At the same time, they have nothing in their hands. This has led to the social enmity and revenge formed by this unfair distribution. This is a twisted mentality of revenge. Unfortunately, this mentality still exists, as long as the social distribution is unfair. This kind of hatred of the rich has always existed.

Qi State and Jibei area. A small-scale riot was formed. But this riot has the potential to spread. No one controls them. This contributes to their arrogance.

"Quickly open the city gate, if we don't open the city gate, we will fight in." This time. A group of thugs gathered. They were preparing to attack the next city. They had already ransacked the city they had occupied, and that city was still bubbling with blue smoke. The fire burned all the noble houses and the suffering of the commoners.

"My lord, what should we do?" the gatekeeper of the city asked.

"This." The official's face was pale at this time, and he didn't know what to do.

"Mother. If we don't open the city gate, we will attack the city." At this moment, the mob below shouted loudly.

"The cannon is ready, everyone takes guns and shoots me." This time. A mob's head shouted loudly. Behind him, there were more than three hundred people, who gathered together, they were about to attack a city.

"Bang Bang. Bang Bang." The sound of gun firing soon sounded. Qi State has all large and small weapons workshops all over the country. These workshops provide a variety of guns and ammunition for the front line. This gives these thugs a stable source of weapons. They only need to rob a few weapons workshops. You can have stable weapons. With weapons, they can rob more places.

"Boom." At this time. There was a huge roar.

This is a bronze artillery of Qin that was imitated by Qi. After constant exploration and exploration, the artisans of Qi State finally learned to forge this artillery. Moreover, they also learned about the use of coal ash and the use of iron molds to cast artillery. As a result, the artillery manufacturing process and cost have been greatly reduced, and the quality of the artillery has been improved to a certain extent, but they still lack certain mechanical equipment. Perfect their finished products.

"Swish." The cannonball flew in howling. But the shells flew directly into the city wall and fell into the city. The mobs were not professional artillery. Artillery firing shells required certain training. Especially some theoretical training.

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