The forward of the Qi army has already arrived in the territory of Qi, and the situation in the territory of Qi is very shocking. Destroyed situations are everywhere. The destructive power of the civil war. The soldiers who were looking forward to going home were shocked.

In another village where a previous investigation company temporarily stationed for the same investigation task. Two soldiers of the Qi Army were standing guard with their bayonet-mounted rifles.

"Damn it. There is no one in this village. It is completely deserted." A sergeant Qi army soldier walked over with a rifle. He wears an extremely rare leather helmet. There is a military rank mark on his left arm. These signs are all sewn up uniformly.

"Sergeant." The second class said with his gun at this time.

"Watch your situation well," the sergeant said.

"Yes. Sergeant," the private soldier said.

"Are you worried?" The sergeant said at this time.

"What? Sergeant," the private soldier asked.

"The whole village is deserted. You have seen the situation at the head of the village. There are so many dead bodies." The sergeant said at this time.

"Yes, sergeant." The private soldier said at this time.

"We have just arrived at the border," the second class soldier said.

"In such a situation, if you go to the country. Then the situation will become." At this time, the second-class soldier said worriedly.

The sergeant didn't answer anything at this time. He covered his mouth with a trembling hand. I don’t know if it’s because of nervousness or the same concerns. The soldiers' homes are all in Qi. When they see this situation, they are worried that the same thing will happen in their home.

"Huh." The sergeant exhaled at this time.

"Perhaps they will get better. Don't worry." The sergeant patted the privates on the shoulder and said.

"Yes. Sir." This time. The private soldier said.

See this scene. The soldiers of the previous reconnaissance company were very worried. The soldiers' hometowns are all in the country. No soldier hoped that his hometown would be severely damaged. They have military pay. They hope to take these military payments home. If you look at the current situation, they might not be able to pay their family members with their military pay. All officers and soldiers have this kind of worry.

"To be honest. I am also very worried." The sergeant said at this time.

"Ahem." Just when the sergeant was speaking. A lieutenant came up at this time.

"Sergeant. It seems you have a lot of time." This time. Said the lieutenant.

"Yes, sir," the sergeant said.

"I'm going to take a team on patrol now. Are you interested in participating?" the lieutenant asked.

"Okay. I'll participate." This time. The sergeant said.

"Let's go," the lieutenant said.

Said that a patrol of the Qi army was drowning in the night.

Many changes have taken place after the reorganization of Qi Jun. First of all, they have a clear military rank, and this kind of military rank marks are almost all temporarily embroidered. But this has obviously changed the previously unclear mark of military rank.

Secondly, their combat missions began to be clear. Because the organization has undergone a fundamental change. Coupled with the radical changes in weapon effectiveness. Specific to a few people. The combat mission began to become concrete.

The last is. They got some combat manuals provided by Zhao Jun. These manuals are all printed directly from the State of Qin. Some practices of these manuals have changed some of Qi Jun’s previous practices. In addition, Qi Jun himself pondered some ways to improve. This has caused great changes in the operations of the Qi army. The combat tends to be flexible with the characteristics of the Qi army.

"Stop it all," the lieutenant led his team and gestured in a low voice.

The team behind all squatted down at this time.

"Sergeant." The lieutenant whispered at this time.

"What's the matter? Sir," the sergeant said with his rifle.

"I need two people to take a look on the road ahead." The sergeant said at this time.

"I think you can do it. You choose another person yourself." This time. Said the lieutenant.

"Okay." The sergeant received the order. He is an experienced veteran. Anyone who has been in the army for more than two years has the qualifications to become a sergeant. The sergeants are all experienced veterans to serve. Their experience played a big role in the war.

"You. Follow me." The sergeant casually called someone from behind.

"Me." A second-class soldier pointed to himself at this time.

"Yes. It's you," the sergeant said.

"Follow me." The sergeant led the private soldier along the road. They quickly disappeared from the previous situation.

"Everyone. Stay alert," the lieutenant said.

"Don't talk casually," the lieutenant said.

Everyone is hiding in the woods. The lieutenant carefully observed what happened.

"You are here, waiting. Cover me." The sergeant advanced some distance. stop.

"Yes. Sir." The second class said, raising his rifle. Second-class soldiers have certain combat capabilities, but they lack certain experience, and they make fewer mistakes during the war. But they and the experienced veterans still lack considerable experience. Experience has a great effect in war.

The sergeant held his gun. Fast forward along the road.

"Huh." The sergeant kept his breath as low as possible. But still breathing unevenly ran to the front.

"Huh." The sergeant stopped. He felt a little suspicious at the turn ahead. He stopped. Experience tells him that unpredictable things usually happen at corners.

The sergeant rested for a while. Then immediately spared the turning point.

The sergeant came directly from the mound. Nothing happened at the turn.

"Huh." The sergeant exhaled at this time. He relaxed.

However, he soon became uneasy. He saw. There was a fire at a small river bend below the bend. The sergeant bent down nervously at this time. He picked up his rifle and walked over cautiously.

"Oh my God." This time. The sergeant, who was slowly approaching, discovered at this time that a large number of people were stationed by the river. The sergeant looked around at this time and then quickly climbed down. Fire is everywhere. Take up the shore along the river.

The "Goddamn" Sergeant realized that it was not good at this time. He turned quickly and left.

The sergeant quickly ran to the second-class position.

"Go. Hurry up." The sergeant ran over quickly. Said to the privates. Then left quickly. The privates didn't know what happened. Then quickly followed the sergeant and ran away.

"They're here, sir," a private soldier said in a low voice.

"Huh." The sergeant ran over immediately.

"What did you find?" the lieutenant asked.

"Huh." The sergeant adjusted his breathing.

"The river over there. Many enemies were found." The sergeant said at this time.

"How many?" This time. The lieutenant said calmly.

"About one thousand to two thousand people. The whole river is full." The sergeant said at this time.

"Oh my God," the lieutenant said.

"Any other situations?" This time. The lieutenant asked.

"I don't know. It's all over the river," the sergeant said.

"En. Corporal. You take two people to stay here and observe the situation over there. The others quickly withdrew back." The lieutenant said.

"We want to tell the captain of the situation here." The lieutenant said at this time.

"Retreat. Retreat immediately. Quickly." The lieutenant said at this time.

Then the team quickly retreated back.

"What did you say?" the captain asked in surprise.

"At the river. Thugs ranging from more than one thousand to two thousand people were found. They are camping by the river." At this time. Said the lieutenant.

"Are you true?" This time. The captain asked.

"It's true. Sir," the lieutenant said.

"They are about three miles away from us. They didn't come here. Most importantly, why didn't they enter the village?" At this time. The captain asked suspiciously.

"Sir. They range from 1,000 to 2,000. What should we do?" At this time. The lieutenant asked.

"The disparity in military strength between us is too great," the captain said at this time.

"We should tell the situation here to the neighboring troops. Or the troops in the rear, we need support." The captain said.

"Sir, we can take the initiative to attack." The lieutenant said at this time.

"En. We are a reconnaissance force. We can launch an offensive." The captain said.

"The premise is that we have to save ourselves. We have to disrupt their rhythm." said the captain.

"Lieutenant Kun. You ask your communications soldier to tell our neighbors and the battalion and regiments behind you about the situation here," the captain said.

"The rest, get ready. We're going to beat them and one measure is too late. But before launching the attack, I have to look at the specific situation." The captain said at this time.

"Yes. Sir." said the officer present.

"Good action." This time. Said the captain.

The reconnaissance forces on the front line quickly assembled. They picked up all the ammunition and weapons they could take away, and the action team quickly unfolded in platoon units.

"Anything?" This time. The captain asked two soldiers who were observing the situation.

"Nothing happened. Sir," the two soldiers said.

"Very good. Come back to the team and rest," the captain said.

"Order everyone to hide. We need to scout their situation." The captain said to a lieutenant at this time.

"I'll go by myself, don't follow me." The captain said at this time.

"Yes. Sir," the lieutenant agreed.

The captain quickly went out with a rifle. In the combat environment. It is very unrealistic for an officer to hold a pistol. The range of a rifle is much greater than that of a pistol. The pistol is on the battlefield, which is equivalent to not having it. His range is terrible. The spear became the only correct choice for the officers.

The captain lowered his body and slowly approached the place where the thug army was found.

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