"What about these civilians?" the lieutenant asked the captain as he walked over with his gun.

"I don't know," the captain said.

"They are not soldiers, nor thugs, they are just ordinary civilians. They are just being coerced." said the captain.

"We have to settle them down. They are the same as our parents, brothers and sisters. We have to settle them down. Otherwise they will make trouble again." This time. Said the captain.

"Yes, sir." This time. Said the lieutenant.

"Set them up in the village first. Old people, women, children, put them together, those men. They all look good. Don't let them make trouble," the captain said.

"Yes. Sir," the lieutenant replied when ordered.

"Best. Adjust more manpower," the captain said.

"That's it." The captain waved his hand. Then he sat down on the spot. He feels very tired. If the opponent reacts by himself and fires a shot at his forehead. The captain really couldn't imagine how serious the consequences would be.

The captain put his rifle aside with a trembling hand. He only now realized that her back was soaked.

"Look at you like this, it's not a good thing." At this time, a second-class soldier of the Qi Army raised his rifle **** and slammed it at a strong man.

"Puff." The man was hit in the shoulder. The man knelt to the ground in pain.

"Get up." The second class grabbed the opponent with his hands at this time. But the opponent broke free from the second class.

"Damn it." The second-class soldier kicked it quickly at this time.

The man was kicked to the ground all at once.

"Look at you. How many people have been killed." The second class soldier said at this time.

"Dare to look at me." This time. The second-class soldiers quickly stepped forward and kicked again. Then he slammed the **** against the opponent's head fiercely. The opponent's head shot blood on the spot.

"Stop him. Stop him." This time. A second lieutenant shouted immediately. The actions of the second-class soldier aroused the dissatisfaction of the thugs who raised their hands. This is publicly causing a sexual commotion. The second lieutenant naturally couldn't ignore this kind of thing. The uneasiness of the people who raised their hands caused unnecessary fear, and they would do everything possible to resist again. That would cause a lot of trouble.

The second lieutenant must prevent this from happening.

"Stop. Private." The ensign shouted. Then immediately let the privates stop.

"Get this man away." The second lieutenant ordered the soldier to stop the second-class soldier at this time.

"Are you crazy?" the second lieutenant exclaimed.

"You will kill everyone. Calm down," the ensign shouted.

"That guy must have killed many people. Look at that look." The second class blushed and shouted loudly.

A soldier motioned to two civilians who had surrendered to carry each other away. Such things will continue to happen. Only then did we reach the border. The soldiers of the Qi army came from all parts of the Qi country, and they were very worried about the destruction of their hometown. Soldiers are willing to end the war and go home, but they don't want their hometown to be devastated. In that case, there is no point in going home.

In such fears, soldiers will attack their enemies. Such a situation. It can only be restraint from both sides. But such things will still happen.

Such things are inevitable. To know. The army is equivalent to suppressing a group of illegal and criminal mobs. Although their behavior was considered just at the beginning, they gradually put their crimes on top of the suffering of others. Such behavior itself is not just. Soldiers in the army are from the civilian class, and they are actually a victim, as far as this behavior is concerned. It can also be regarded as a form of self-venting.

What happened on the border of the Qi army is slowly brewing. Putting down a rebellion is not just a matter for the army. In fact, the most important thing to put down a rebellion is a political solution. Accurate policies are needed to eliminate this hidden danger.

This can only be resolved by a politician. Instead of relying solely on armed suppression by the army.

In Qin State, Qin State is busy forming the first party of Qin State. This party was founded by Yingyu. Yingyu always hopes to try a new side.

"Today is our Wenyang Party. The day it was founded." Yingyu said while standing on the high platform. And Shang Wen sat in the audience as a special guest.

"Oh. This is really a warm or cold opening." Shang Wen said to himself. For Yingyu's speech. Shangwen felt that Yingyu's speech was pale and weak.

"When? She can make a good change. If she is elected chairman of the Wenyang Party, my goodness." Shang Wen shook his head at this time. But Yingyu stood on the high platform with a smile.

"As everyone knows." Yingyu said again at this time.

"Qin's economic development is exceptionally rapid. Qin's policy formulation is also closely related to our economic development." Yingyu said.

"In particular, the government's fiscal expenditures. More or less affect our economic activities. At the same time, our economic development, especially the interests of businessmen, need some help with policies. For example, taxation. And some liberalization. Restriction clauses and so on." Yingyu directly introduced the tax issue of general business relations at this time.

“Some of the government’s policies directly affect our future development plans. When our business executives are formulating their plans, they have also specifically studied some measures that the government may take. These measures are too much or too little affecting our commercial profits, and at the same time How does it affect the government's revenue?" Yingyu said.

"Therefore, politics needs economy, and economy also needs politics. But at present, it seems that there is only one place for communication between politics and economy in Qin. There is only one place, and this place is the prime minister's mansion. The prime minister of Qin is elected by the people. The prime minister of China can be as close to our interests as possible." Yingyu said loudly at this time. Yingyu seemed so calm. And rich and sophisticated. This young girl looks so mature. Shang Wen thought to himself. Shangwen realized the other side of Yingyu at this time.

"However, the election of the prime minister may not be able to understand the needs of our businessmen. At this time. We need to establish a political group to express our demands and our hopes. To defend and guarantee our interests." Yingyu said loudly at this time.

"Everyone here knows that my future husband is the current prime minister of Qin." Ying Yu said publicly at this time. All the outstanding representatives of Qin's industrial and commercial circles were present. Most of them have their own industries and their economic level is very high. The total assets of everyone present are several times the gross production value of the six countries, and their industries are several of the six eastern countries.

"Everyone also thinks. My future husband is the most capable person in Qin's current reforms." Yingyu said with a smile on his face. There was a hint of shyness in this smile, and Yingyu lowered her head unnaturally.

The people in the audience saw the princess's expression. Unconsciously smiled.

"Our princess is so cute." An old factory owner said at this time.

"Haha." A young man on the side replied with a smile.

"Just like when we were young, the beautiful girls in the village. As young men, we always have to take a look. And those girls, when they see us, always bow their heads shyly. That kind of feeling, seeing those young The girl laughs. We feel a lot younger. We are full of strength. It's wonderful. It's better to be young." A middle-aged man looked at the princess and said.

"My husband is very worried about Qin's future. He said that Qin's economy and politics are being closely integrated. Who knows the most about the economic development? It is businessmen like us. The needs of our businessmen need to be expressed urgently. The government that expresses it to us, our government, needs to understand what happened here. Only in this way can the government formulate economic policies that are closest to reality. Only in this way can the State of Qin be further developed and prospered." Yingyu said.

"We have a habit of walking along the Weihe River in the Qin State. Apart from whispering, we discuss our respective jobs." Yingyu said at this time as if it were a daily routine.

"He told me some political worries. Although I don't understand, I know. He is very distressed because his mood is always heavy. Depressed. Most of the time with him. He is not there. Stop thinking about questions, and keep thinking without rest." Yingyu waved his hand. Only at this time did people learn about Shangwen's living habits.

At this time, everyone focused on Shang Wen. Shang Wen looked around. Nodded in embarrassment.

"He told me a lot of political things, and he also told me some opinions." Yingyu continued.

"A business organization is an individual in commercial activities, especially an individual in market economic activities. They can feel the existence of the market, and they can activate the market." Yingyu said.

"So, they can understand, observe, and describe in detail what they observe and know, but the government is not involved in it, and they don't understand what is happening in business life? These are two different ways of thinking. There is a big difference between these two ways of thinking, and this difference will more or less cause the Qin State’s policies to be unable to accurately reflect the situation." At this time. Ying Yu said.

"Therefore, the Qin State needs a political party, a political group that reflects the interests of commercial organizations and groups and reflects the economic situation of the Qin State to express their opinions." Yingyu said at this time.

"The political party is an organization that meets this demand and expresses the demands of Qin's commercial organization as much as possible," said Yingyu.

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