The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1200: Excitement, war excitement

"Hey, let's see, who are these people?" At this moment, an army soldier from the Qin inland defense unit carried a gun to another army soldier.

"What?" Another army soldier got off the train at this time and was looking for his troops.

"Look over there." At this time, the first army soldier pointed to the barbarians who got off the train. They come from mountain people in their northeastern region. They were sent directly from Xianyang to the front line. They got off the train without knowing anything. They looked at here blankly.

Soldiers are everywhere here. Qin State Army, Qin State Marine Corps, in addition to various materials. civilian. The train station is busy, and everyone is busy with their busy things.

"Oh my God. Barbarians. What are they doing here?" the other soldier said dissatisfied.

"We are at war with the savages. What are the savages doing here? They are still wearing our military uniforms." At this time. The first army soldier said very dissatisfied.

"They are here to fight for us." A captain came over at this moment and said.

"What? Sir." The two soldiers said in surprise.

"Nothing? I'm not curious at all. This is a good idea that the staff above came up with. Let the savages kill the savages so that we can watch a good show. The front line lacks manpower. So these savages are called up. Now." This time. Said the captain.

"Oh my God." The first soldier expressed his dissatisfaction.

"No need to scream from the ground. To tell you the bad news, these savages are following our regiment." The captain said at this time.

"Damn it," the two soldiers said in unison.

"It's really **** it," the captain said.

"Okay. The soldiers are going to take a break, and in two hours we will join them and the barbarians on the battlefield." said the captain.

"Wuguan defense force." An army major said at this moment, standing in a quiet place at the exit of the train.

"The Third Infantry Division of the Army." Also an Army major took the initiative to shake hands. The nature of the two forces is different. The defensive force is a fixed force. They defended their fixed fortresses and passes. The possibility of their mobilization is basically very small. However, Qin was due to the tense relationship between the soldiers. The standing troops have been used up. King Qin's reserve team was also used up. As a last resort, these defensive forces were also used.

According to the military system before Qin. These defensive forces are constantly mobilized temporarily by those mobile forces. However, after Shangwen reformed the military system. The defensive forces were temporarily fixed. Because it is very troublesome to call back. But doing so is not conducive to the formation of strong combat effectiveness of the troops. Therefore, Wang Jian asked for reform several times. And mobilize these defensive forces. Qin's army should have a strong offensive nature, and a non-offensive army is of little practical use.

Under Wang Jian's repeated requests, these defensive forces were finally mobilized. They were transferred to the southwest of Qin State this time. Start to deal with the Qiang people. Do not. It is a highland Qiang. At this time, the General Staff of the State of Qin had realized that a new ethnic group was fighting the Qin army. Their opponents were no longer the Qiangs they were familiar with, but the Qiangs of the Highlands. They are more brave and savage. They fight quite brutally and powerfully. I didn't know what fear was when I started the war.

"It's nice to meet you." At this time, the major of the 3rd Infantry Division took the initiative to cover his hands.

"We are also very happy to meet you." The defense commander also proactively reached out and said at this time. The defensive forces sound bad, because they are not mobile units, and their combat readiness and combat capability are looked down upon by those mobile units. This is also the reason why the Army defense forces do not take the initiative to offer a handshake. It is very simple. They are afraid that the other side will look down on the opponent.

The major of the 3rd Infantry Division had his own plan in mind. he knows. His mission. These defensive forces are required to provide effective support. Or. They need help from each other to proceed. Otherwise, there will be a great disaster. No one wants to be with a lot of barbarians.

"My mission, you should understand. I am responsible for the combat missions of these minority soldiers." The major of the Army's 3rd Infantry Division proactively said.

"How many of you are there?" the major of the defense force asked actively at this time.

"There are probably more than one thousand and two hundred people, of which I have less than a hundred, plus I have ninety-nine people. To supervise these ethnic minority troops." The Major of the Third Infantry Division said anxiously.

"Oh my God," the defense major said.

"So, my head, let me have a good relationship with you. The order given to me above is to arrange for them to fight. I'm likely to fight with your battalion. Fight with them. Enter the war zone. I really do. I don't know, what will happen next?" At this time. The major said nervously.

"I understand." The defense major said.

"No one will leave their backs to those minorities. Are they worthy of our trust?" At this time. Said the defense major.

"No." The defense major said, shaking his head. Obviously, it is not easy for the soldiers of the Qin Army to trust these people. There is a serious lack of trust between them.

"This is the crux of the problem. I really don't understand how our generals think about it. Put such troops among us." said the Major of the Third Infantry Division.

"I don't know. Maybe they have their own reasons. Can they do it? I'll know in two hours. Hurry up and prepare to take a break. We will soon enter the war zone. You'd better be able to comfort them at the end. ". The major of the defense forces suggested.

"Okay," said the major of the 3rd Infantry Division.

The major accepted the suggestion and took the initiative to talk and communicate with the leaders of those minorities.

"We are going to leave in two hours. We need to hurry up to prepare. If we need a break, it's best to hurry up and take a break." The major said to the young leader.

"Okay." The young leader said at this time.

"En. Tell me if you have any questions. My commander wants me to cooperate with you fully." At this time, the major said.

"Thank you." The young chief said at this time.

"Right. What is your tribe's name?" the major asked at this time.

"Our tribe is called Xianbei," the young tribe said.

"Xianbei?" the major asked at this time.

"Yes. Senbei," the young tribe said.

"Very good. Senbei." The major said with a smile.

"Chief. What's your name. I mean, we need to get to know each other." The major said actively at this time.

"They call me Tuo." This time. The young chief said at this time.

"Very good. Taku," the major said.

"You call me Ding. Major Ding is fine. My name is Ding." The major said actively.

"En. Major Ding." The young leader Tuo said.

"En." The major nodded. Then left.

"Major Tu Ding?" At this time, a corporal ran over nervously and said.

"Yes." The major agreed at this time.

"The regiment head asked me to inform you. A military meeting will be held in an hour." The corporal said.

"En. I see. Where is it?" the major asked.

"In the meeting room of the train station." This time. The corporal said.

"Got it. You can leave." The major said at this time.

"Yes. Sir." The corporal quickly left as he said.

The major looked around at this time. A large number of ethnic minority soldiers are getting off the train. The uniforms issued by the Qin Army were not suitable for them, and it was not easy for them to participate in the battle with such uniforms. Their weapons are also very backward. There were only a small number of muskets, and the Qin army also distributed them some cold weapons. These weapons can all enter the museum's weapon display.

"Can such an army fight?" the major asked to himself.

Then the major ate some food and went to the meeting.

"The goal given to us above is to launch an offensive southward. We need to drive south along the No. 2 Spur Route. We reach the barrier of Qilian Mountain. Get in touch with the 1st Infantry Division." An army major brandished a stout. The arm gestured on the map.

And all the officers on the scene listened carefully. They are afraid of missing something.

"Remember, behind us, there is only a special mixed formation to support us. They are a temporary combat group composed of various troops. Their combat capabilities are mixed." The colonel said at this time.

"Like us, they are composed of a variety of troops, marine pairs, army. There are also various combat regiments in the north. And various combat battalion-level army troops drawn from the country. They are not a whole. Combat capabilities The degree of cooperation is doubtful, and the equipment situation is not very good." At this time. Said the colonel. The colonel didn't know this until he came here. For example, the Marine Corps is an elite unit, and their equipment is naturally not too bad. They are equipped with new rifles, some air-cooled machine guns, and some water-cooled machine guns.

Some defensive infantry are equipped with a large number of rifles, and the machine guns are still water-cooled machine guns. There is a big difference in the number of machine guns. Some company-level units do not even have a machine gun.

"Experienced veterans and inexperienced recruits. In addition, we must add a few barbarian soldiers who we have no trust in each other." At this time. The colonel said disdainfully.

"I don't know. How did our generals come up with such a great idea." The colonel was obviously very annoyed by such an idea. Because doing so will greatly reduce the fight. The colonel is a mixed unit under temporary command. Whether such troops can fight, I really dare not imagine.

"Sir. They are not barbarians. They are not barbarians. They are a minority. They are people on our side." At this time. Major Tu Ding took the initiative to say.

"En." The colonel gave a gracious cry at this time.

"Can your troops manage so many barbarians." This time. The colonel asked.

"It's a minority chief. The Mongolian commander in the north will not let us discriminate against them." The major said at this time.

"En. Okay," the colonel said.

"They are very brave in fighting. They have caused great losses to our mercenaries." At this time, the major said actively.

"In the north, they are excellent soldiers. Fighting bravely. I think they are here." The major's words were not finished yet. The colonel asked when he was standing outside the window and looking at the group of minority soldiers.

"It's easy for them to dress like this. Let us shoot them as Qiangs. They are dressed like this, no different from those Qiangs." The colonel said at this time.

"This." The major didn't know how to answer the colonel's question at this time.

"Hahaha." The officers next to each other laughed at this moment. They thought what the colonel said was like a joke. They think this idea is really funny. If these minorities run around, they are very likely to be shot and killed by their own people.

Seeing all the officers ridiculing ceaselessly. The officers believed that such a minority was joking on the battlefield.

"I think I can give them hats. Or some armbands or something. It looks like this. They are people on our side. If they are allotted military uniforms, they will be unaccustomed to wearing them. Then they kill the enemy themselves. It’s also very troublesome to get up. So," the major said at this time.

"Okay. You come to find a way to solve this." The colonel said at this time.

"It's the sir." The major said at this time.

"There's still an hour. Get ready. We're going to use a carriage to send our troops to the front line." The colonel looked at his watch and said.

"Yes. Sir," all the officers said. The battle is about to begin. According to their mission area, they want to get through the connection with the 1st Infantry Division, which is their most important thing at the moment.

The Marine Corps is step by step to compress the area of ​​activity of the Qiang people, and after they get in touch, they will block the way for the Qiang people to retreat. Form an encircling circle. Then the Qiang people were completely strangled to death in the encirclement.

"What is our mission?" a second-class soldier of the Army Qin Army asked a corporal sitting on a carriage.

"Get in touch with the 1st Infantry Division." The corporal said, looking at the surroundings.

"Oh," the private soldier said.

"Will we meet Qiang people?" the second class soldier asked.

"Don't ask me about such idiot topics," the corporal said.

The second-class soldiers stopped talking, and the recruits were very nervous. The corporal was also very nervous. They seldom participated in such combat behaviors. Now, the battle is really coming. The corporal will inevitably be a little nervous.

They proceeded along the branch line of No. 2 Highway. The carriage was full of marching soldiers. On both sides of the road, there are a large number of soldiers carrying bags and guns. And behind them. The ethnic minorities who came to fight are also advancing on the carriage. They followed Qin's army.

"I really don't know what our chief thinks. Those minorities are actually riding in a carriage, and we are going on foot." An unskilled soldier complained.

"They are all going to die. Are you going too?" A sergeant came over with his rifle and said.

At this time, the private soldier looked at the sergeant walking away and couldn't answer this question. They are all recruits, and they have experienced such a situation for the first time.

"The people behind keep up." The ensign yelled from the front. Teams of people kept advancing. And the carriage walking in the middle quickly left. The developed Qin State highway system allows the Qin Army's combat troops to advance quickly. Such a developed system served the military from the beginning. However, later, with the entry of commercial organizations, some commercial shops appeared at road intersections or beside roads. These commercial shops have brought activity.

The troops in the carriage quickly left the infantry on foot far behind. The troops behind followed slowly.

"Stop. Stop." Just after the carriage had moved forward for a long time. The soldiers crowded on the carriage when their legs were numb. A captain in front yelled loudly. Then motioned to get out of the carriage.

"Come down. All down. Emergency. Hurry up and get into combat." The captain yelled loudly at this time. On both sides of the road, a group of Qin Army soldiers were constantly pulling the bolt into the aiming state. They all turned their guns at their guns.

"Fight. Fight." The captain shouted loudly, waving his hand.

"Get out of the car." This time. A corporal jumped out of the carriage and shouted loudly.

The corporal jumped down and fell directly to the ground because his leg was numb and he couldn't stand firmly. The recruits above didn't even know what happened. They still don't know what's going on.

"Get out of the car." This time. The corporal reluctantly stood up. Grab a soldier and drag it down. The soldier was dragged out of the vehicle.

"Qiang. Shoot." Just before the soldiers knew what was going on. The army soldier crawling in front shouted loudly at this moment.

"Bang." A gunshot sounded.

"Bang Bang. Bang Bang." The gunshots rang intensively.

"Shoot. Quickly." The corporal picked up his rifle at this time. Pull the bolt to stand up. Then aim.

Some soldiers reluctantly jumped out of the car at this time, curling for a long time, making their legs numb. They all jumped out of the car and fell to the ground.

"The situation was chaotic. We didn't even know what happened?" an veteran recalled at this time.

"I was just grabbed out of the carriage by our non-commissioned officer. Our legs were numb. The long ride in the carriage made our legs unconscious. I was grabbed out of the carriage and I fell off the carriage. Damn it. The ground on my face. My teeth are knocked out." The veteran recalled.

"But our non-commissioned officer kept shouting while shooting. Then he dragged us from the carriage with one hand." The veteran said at this time.

"Our situation is good. The people behind, before they got off the carriage, the carriage took them all the way, and the horses were frightened. A whole carriage of people fell to the ground, or they were rushed directly to the Qiang. "The veteran recalled this time.

"At that time. I saw the Qiang people. I saw the Qiang people at first sight. They were really barbaric and bloody." The veteran recalled.

"Without those minority soldiers, our situation would be unimaginable," the veteran recalled.

"Shoot. They rushed over." The captain shouted. Officers, non-commissioned officers, and soldiers who could fire their rifles kept shooting, and those who did not dismount in time, the carriage crashed into one piece. Others were sitting directly on the carriage, the horses were severely frightened, and they would not adapt to the gunfire. They rushed directly to the direction of the Qiang attack. This is a group of Qiang people who are resting. They have been harassed by the small group of Qin army's reconnaissance units. They immediately launched a counterattack. And this time. Qin Jun's advancing team happened to encounter the opponent. This is a sudden encounter.

"Shoot," the captain shouted.

"Bang." The soldiers pulled the bolt and shot blindly, while some soldiers avoided. They didn't even know how to pull the gun. tension. Many soldiers lost their minds. They are too nervous.

"Huh." Just when the Qin Army soldiers kept firing. The Qiang brigade rushed over immediately. They are cavalry. Riding and shooting is their specialty. Approaching quickly can give them a high impact. At the same time, some Qiang people waved the big sticks in their hands, and they wanted to beat Qin Jun with those big sticks.

"Damn it. It's too close." The captain shouted loudly at this time.

"Machine gun, strafing. Strafing." This time. The captain shouted loudly.

"Boom boom boom." But the captain felt a bit late at this time.

Because the other party has rushed towards them. The flying bullets only knocked some of them to the ground. The other Qiang soldiers are still advancing fast.

"We are late." This time. The captain felt that their line of defense would suffer a devastating blow. They were infantry after all, and the infantry suddenly faced the attack of the cavalry. Especially when the cavalry savagely uses a fast impact force to make an impact. The infantry has no way at all. Unless you can quickly assemble into a formation for defense, this is obviously impossible. This is a skirmish. too suddenly. Moreover, there are quite a few soldiers who have not been on the battlefield and lack combat experience.

"Hoho." At this moment. A loud roar. Those savage minority mountain people who followed, rushed up with loud shouts. They raised all kinds of weapons in their hands and rushed towards the Qiang cavalry who came in at a high speed.

"Oh my God. Are they crazy?" This time. The captain yelled.

Those savage people. No, ethnic minority soldiers brandished their weapons and rushed directly. They were not afraid. On the contrary, their faces were full of joy. Their extreme excitement about the war, and the wildness, made the blood of the Qin army's veterans boil. This is a fighting spirit without fear. Excitement, extreme excitement of war.

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