"My lord, no." Zhang Liang hurriedly persuaded him at this time.

"Once the delegation is withdrawn, the loss will be even greater." Zhang Liang immediately persuaded him at this time.

"Withdrawal of the delegation will never have the opportunity to issue bonds again. Qin Guo has the initiative in bond issuance. Once South Korea takes the initiative to withdraw, then it will permanently lose the initiative." Zhang Liang said anxiously.

In fact, Han Shu is not angry with Qin Guo, and Qin Guo clearly wants to give South Korea a look. They have the initiative. South Korea is quite passive. Han Shu couldn't be mad at thinking of this, so she wanted to do it herself. However, in doing so, South Korea cannot be involved in this critical area. South Korea has always lacked financial talents.

To know. The financial industry is a completely new and unfamiliar field in Korea. The rapid development of South Korea is precisely the shortcoming of this. Development is a comprehensive factor, especially the development of the financial industry in the strength of the country as a whole. Sufficient funds have been provided. If there is insufficient funds. Lack of strong guarantees before development. It is like the lack of heart and hematopoietic stem cells in the entire human body. Now, this situation in South Korea has seriously threatened here.

"What can the prime minister do?" This time. Han Shu asked angrily. She calmed down a bit. Han Shu is also very clear that the current situation does not allow South Korea to lose its temper casually. The financial industry is not just about establishing a few banks. That is a big system.

"Chen." Zhang Liang suddenly thought of someone at this time. This person is Shang Wen. He must have a way. Moreover, this person can think of something that no one else can think of. When Han Shu proposed a solution. Zhang Liang suddenly thought of Shang Wen.

"Did the prime minister think of anything?" This time. Han Shu asked quietly. Because Zhang Liang stood there suddenly, saying nothing, but tilted his head. Such a posture usually tells Han Shu that he is thinking about a problem.

"The prime minister." Han Shu asked quietly.

"The Prime Minister." South Korea whispered again. Seeing Zhang Liang there was no response. Han Shu walked over carefully.

And Zhang Liang was thinking at this time. Will Shang Wen help Korea? You know, the other party is the prime minister of another country.

Zhang Liang shook his head at this time. I feel that Shang Wen’s identity shouldn’t be a problem for South Korea. However, Zhang Liang had a thought. That is. Shang Wen may help South Korea. You know, before the Qin State helped South Korea launch a coup. that time. The State of Qin could send troops to directly capture Korea, but he didn't know why he came to help the State of Qin. This gave Zhang Liang a fluke in his heart.

"We should give it a try." This time. Zhang Liang said to himself.

"Try what?" Han Shu asked, standing beside Zhang Liang.

"Ah." This time. Zhang Liang was suddenly startled and lowered his head. The scent on Han Shu who approached suddenly came to her face.

Zhang Liang asked about the smell of perfume on Han Shu. His face flushed to the base of his neck.

"Ah. This." Zhang Liang said incoherently at this time.

"En. It seems that the prime minister thought of what? Tell me about it." This time. Han Shu said.

"Chen." This time. Zhang Liang still couldn't speak.

"En. It seems that the widow interrupted the prime minister's thoughts. Then, the prime minister think about it." Han Shu said at this time.

"This. The minister thinks. At present, one person may be able to understand the plight of South Korea. And the most clear." At this time. Zhang Liang said respectfully.

"Oh." Han Shu's interest suddenly rose.

"Then tell me. Who can solve South Korea's plight." This time. Han Shu asked immediately.

"This." Zhang Liang hesitated.

"Say the prime minister quickly." Han Shu urged immediately.

"Prime Minister Qin." Zhang Liang said at this time.

"Qin State Prime Minister." Han Shu followed Zhang Liang's words. However, she realized that it was Shangwen's time. Han Shu's heart seemed to be hit by thunder all at once. Her heart suddenly hurt. The chest is unusually dull. The whole person feels that the sky is spinning.

Han Shu held his head with his hand at this time. Then kept shaking his head to.

"The King." Zhang Liang saw Han Shu shook his head constantly. He immediately asked with concern.

"The King." Zhang Liang looked at Han Shu's pale face nervously.

"The widow is okay." Han Shuqiang said, holding on.

"The widow is a little uncomfortable. A little tired. You go down first." This time. Han Shu said with a weak arm.

"My lord. This." Zhang Liang asked hesitantly.

"The widow is okay. You go down first. The widow is just a bit too tired. Too tired." Han Shu said, waving his arms at this time.

"This. The minister retire first." Zhang Liang didn't force it at this time. He respectfully withdrew from the hall.

After Zhang Liang exited the hall. Han Shu fell to the ground all of a sudden. The whole person felt as if he had suddenly emptied his energy.

"Huh." Han Shu suddenly felt unprecedented sadness, and that feeling seemed to be abandoned. Desolate like never before. Unprecedented loneliness.

"Woo." Han Shu curled up all over. Bury your head on your knees. Suddenly burst into tears. She herself didn't know why she wanted to. It's just that I suddenly felt infinite loneliness in my heart. There seems to be no one in this world. She is the only one. Helpless, sad, nowhere to vent. What kind of despair is that.

"Ooo, ooo." Han Shu cry very sad. She is the only person in the entire hall. When discussing major issues in the country. There is no franchise order from her. No one can enter. To some extent, this hall became a secret room for her alone. This secret room looks like Han Shu. It was empty and there was nothing in it. But there is one thing in it. Infinite sadness, loneliness.

Han Shu was very sad. At this moment, I can only vent the hardship in my heart by crying.

No one knew Han Shu's cry. And Shang Wen will never know. Shangwen was discussing a boring topic with Yingyu at this time.

"You don't even know when you were born?" Ying Yu, who was walking by the Weihe River, asked at this time.

"To be precise. I should know. But. How to say it. I don't know my birth date. Really. I don't know this, and there is such a recording method. I have never used it. And, those few words, I didn't understand." Shang Wen said, shaking his head.

At this time, Ying Yu tilted his head and looked at Shang Wen. Shang Wen shook his head and walked ahead. Shang Wen does not know his birth date. Maybe. He himself knew this thing. But when receiving a Western education that is based on rationality. Shangwen didn't care about these things. Because he didn't believe that things like crossing would happen to him. If necessary, he can ask others, and this time, when it is about to be used. Shangwen was at a loss for a moment. He didn't even know his birth date. The reason why it comes to the birth date. It's because the royal family wants to ask. And Shang Wen prevaricates on the ground that he doesn't know. In fact, he really didn't know. Getting married is a big deal. And ancient weddings have to go through a lot of procedures. None of these procedures know what to do. Fortunately, the royal family managed it all. And Shang Wen didn't know anything. What to pick. There are also nano pieces. There are many things anyway. Shangwen has never heard of it himself.

"I haven't understood until now whether you know your birth date or not." At this time. Ying Yu asked.

"This." Shang Wen waved and said at this time.

"I don't know the birth date. But I know my birthday. If it is converted to another time recording method, I know when I was born. What time is it." Shang Wen said.

"But. Converted to this time. I. I really don't know how to calculate it." Shangwen suddenly thought of a question of time at this time. How should his life be calculated, is it a negative number? You know, this era has surpassed Shangwen's era by more than two thousand years. And if you marry Yingyu. Shang Wen felt that he was marrying a two-thousand-year-old grandmother. Thought of this. Shangwen laughed unconsciously. he thinks. Sometimes history is funny. And sometimes. It is incredible.

This may be the temper of history. Sometimes I am stubborn, and sometimes. And his childish side. Shangwen felt amused when he thought of this.

"En. What are you giggling?" Yingyu asked at this time.

"I. Is there any?" Shang Wen asked with a smile at this time.

"Yes. When you laughed. Didn't you feel laughing?" Yingyu at this time. Grabbing Shang Wen's cheeks said.

"It hurts." Shang Wen whispered.

"You giggled. It's really ugly." Yingyu said, looking at Shangwen at this time.

And Shang Wen was choked by Yingyu's sudden sentence.

"I'm not ugly." Shang Wen said at this time.

"Right. Are you Leo?" Shang Wen asked at this time.

"Leo? What is that." At this time, Yingyu was confused by Shangwen's sudden questioning.

"Ah. It's our kind of personality. People think that different dates of birth have different personalities. The more I look at you, the more I feel that you are like Leo." Shang Wen said.

"Leo?" Ying said unclearly at this time.

"You were born in a few months." This time. Shang Wen asked.

"Me. A few months." This time. Yingyu didn't know what question Shangwen was asking.

"Born in a few months. You should know this." Shang Wen asked.

"I am on the tenth of July." At this time, Ying Yu said.

"Oh. In that case. It seems, probably. It seems that you are really a Leo." Shang Wen said, shaking his head at this time.

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