The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1205: foreign exchange reserves

"Let's talk about things in Korea." Shang Wen said at this time, changing the subject.

"Your problem with Korea. From a friend's point of view." Shang Wen said with a change of ears.

"It should be a currency issue. Your country should issue paper currency, not metal currency. You have to know that metal currency. This is closely related to those natural gold and silver. Your South Korea does not have such a stable source. At this time. Issuing. Metal currency is very, very unfavorable for you." Shang Wen swayed his arm to explain the problem to Han Shu.

"I'm aware of this now." Han Shu said with a phone on the other end.

"We, Qin, solved this problem from the beginning, because metal currency requires a lot of precious metals. You have to know that there was no place in Qin that could produce gold before. Without gold, it will seriously affect the economic development of Qin. "Shang Wen said over the phone.

"So, I chose from the beginning. Paper currency. Paper currency can be issued without restrictions. This is a huge advantage for Qin State. This allows Qin State to get rid of the financial crisis from the beginning. It gives Qin State a huge financial advantage. Solve all problems." Shang Wen said while holding the phone while sitting on his desk. Shang Wen believes that Qin’s most powerful weapon is not the invention of a weapon with great lethality, or a machine gun. Whether it is a rifle with a magazine, or a large-caliber and powerful artillery. These are not Qin's most powerful weapons. The most powerful weapon is Qin's banknotes, and what strengthens Qin's financial weapon is Qin's bonds. These banknotes and bonds continuously provided Qin with inexhaustible financial resources. Without these things, Qin State could not solve so many things in a short time.

Paper money and bonds are Qin’s most powerful weapons. These weapons are much larger than those invented by Shang Wen. The weapons are only consumer goods. And only money is the one who buys these consumer goods. Without money, the country will not be able to operate fast.

"Does South Korea also issue banknotes?" Han Shu asked at this time.

"Issuing banknotes is an inevitable trend." This time. Shang Wen said on the phone.

"Furthermore. You South Korea has issued banknotes. Haven't these banknotes been put to Qi country?" At this time, Shangwen directly said the information he had.

"En. It is true, but these banknotes still have a big printing problem." Han Shu said at this time.

"This is a technical problem. Technology, people will come up with their own solutions. There is no need to worry about this. I don't think you lack such talents in Korea." Shang Wen waved his hand and said.

"The first problem you currently have to solve is to issue paper money to meet your domestic currency demand." Shang Wen got off the table at this time. Said while sitting in his chair.

"Well, what you said is right. I accept this suggestion." Han Shu happily agreed on the other side.

"After the banknotes are reissued. You have to issue bonds. But this process requires the market to be filled with a large number of banknotes before it can proceed. At present, the bonds cannot be issued too early." Shang Wen said at this time.

"After the paper currency is issued. The problem you really want to solve is. Foreign exchange." Shang Wen sat down at this time. Said relaxedly while holding the phone.

"Foreign exchange?" This time. Han Shu asked suspiciously on the other side of the phone.

"Yes. To put it bluntly, it is the ratio of one country's currency to another country's currency. For example, the ratio between your banknotes issued by South Korea and the banknotes of Qin State." Shangwen explained.

"En. What you said. I can't understand. Or, you need to explain in more detail." At this time, Han Shu picked up a pen and recorded Shang Wen.

Because Shang Wen mentioned a whole new concept. This concept is likely to have a major impact on South Korea’s new rise.

"I can't explain this clearly. Sometimes. This needs to be explained in person. But." Shang Wen said with his arm waving at this time. Shangwen speaks with strong body language, and body language can often show a strong sense of consciousness.

"En. You can come to South Korea to explain this situation." Han Shu offered an invitation.

"I'm afraid not." Shang Wen said at this time.

"Why?" Han Shu asked at this time.

"Because." Shangwen didn't want to give a reason at this time. Because of this reason, it hurt Han Shu. The friendship between the two is separated because of this.

"I know". Han Shu suddenly realized something at this time. She knew very well why Shang Wen could not visit. The biggest reason is that the wedding date is getting closer. And because of this incident, Shang Wen couldn't leave Qin at all.

"However. I thought about it for a while." Shang Wen said at this time.

"You still have a bigger hidden danger in your country." Shang Wen said suddenly at this time.

"What hidden danger?" This time. Han Shu asked.

"That is, Qin's half-and-two banknotes. You have a large number of Qin's half-and-two banknotes in your country. You must solve this problem. Qin's banknotes, to a large extent, act as your Korean banknotes. This is One of the important reasons for your rapid development in South Korea. But now, if you want to issue new, domestic banknotes, then these banknotes will stand in front of you and cause you great disaster. If you don’t handle it properly." Shang Wen waved his arms a little excitedly.

"It is very likely to trigger a political crisis or even a riot. Such a thing is too normal." Shang Wen said at this time.

"So, do you have any good solutions?" This time. Han Shu asked.

"This, I think about it." Shang Wen said at this time.

"I think. I can solve this method." This time. Shang Wen suddenly saw Qin Guo's latest bond issuance plan report on the table. In this plan report, he planned to issue a large number of bonds in China. At the same time, some banking institutions are trying to issue Qin’s bonds to various countries. For example, Zhao Guo. And South Korea. Or the country of Yan. However, the final assessment report is that South Korea is currently more suitable, because Zhao Guo is in the process of development. The amount of funds they need is unusually large. This is a country lacking funds, and there is no excess funds to buy bonds. The best foreign market for issuing bonds is South Korea. South Korea's financial market has great potential. But there are very few financial institutions. This is a country in urgent need of financial development. The financial market of this country is very important to Qin. The Yanguo market is unlikely to be too big. First of all, very few changes have been made in this country. Besides, this country has just gone through a war. The huge destructive effects of the war left this country in a state of desperation. Everything was destroyed. This market can basically be removed from Qin's market list. No one wants to see a country that is ruined after a war. This country usually means that everything is ruined. Without purchasing power and a strong sense of consumption, it is still a problem for them to survive, so don't talk about consumption.

"What way?" Han Shu asked at this time.

"Let us issue bonds in your country." Shangwen said at this time.

"We help you get back the Qin Guoban notes issued in South Korea. Exchange them into bonds." At this time. Shang Wen said.

"This way. You can become Qin's bond country. This is good for you." Shang Wen said at this time.

"You took the paper money away. It was replaced with bonds, but these bonds remained in our South Korea." At this time, Han Shu immediately countered.

"Yes. We will pay you the principal and interest at that time," Shang Wen said at this time.

"So, in this way. Isn't there more banknotes left in our South Korea?" At this time. Han Shu asked back. Han Shu became suspicious as soon as it involved South Korea's interests.

"No no. You can exchange them for foreign exchange reserves. Do you know?" Shang Wen explained immediately at this time.

"Countries and countries are also like doing business. You can buy my goods with my money. Or you can buy other goods. In short, there are many things you can do. And with other people’s money, or say, With the money earned, you can do a lot of things." Shangwen explained at this time.

"This is the function of foreign exchange reserves. You can buy what you want in Qin, and then spend the money." Shang Wen said at this time.

"En." Han Shu calmed down a little at this time. Realize that Shang Wen still has some truth.

"Then what can we do with these foreign exchange reserves?" This time. Han Shu asked.

"There are many capable things." Shang Wen said at this time.

"Import. Bring in talents and more equipment. These all require foreign exchange reserves. At the same time, these foreign exchanges can buy a lot of things, gold, silver, and various resources. These things are for you. It is very important. You need to develop the economy. Without these things, it is impossible. Foreign exchange is produced under such circumstances." Shang Wen said at this time.

"En." Han Shu began to think about what Shang Wen said.

"You have to issue your own banknotes. This is a process, a relatively long and tortuous process. You have to give something to get something. This is a process. A decision must be made. Me. That's all I can say. I am a friend. That's all I can say. As for how to do it. It depends on your own choice. That's all I can help." Shang Wen waved his arm and said at this time .

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