"Boom." The sound of a shell entering the sea.

"I didn't hit it right." The gun commander shouted at this time. The gunner's mood is very anxious. Because if you can't hold the opponent's main mast, you won't lose the opponent's motivation to move forward. It is really bad that this happens.

However, the gunner was too anxious at this time. because. When Chu's sailors were training, they all aimed at dead targets. And this time, what they are hitting is the moving target. This is why they shot twice in a row. There is no reason to hit the target.

"Three salvos." This time. The gunner shouted loudly.

"Boom. Bang. Bang." The three artillery fired immediately.

"Kacha." A volley of three shells hit the opponent's main mast directly. A shell finally hit the opponent's mast. But the opponent's main mast did not fall down immediately. Because the shells hit a section of the main mast directly, and the wood chips flew everywhere. But the main mast was not interrupted. There is still a long period of uninterrupted.

"How can the guns fired? None of the five guns hit the main mast." The captain shouted loudly while standing on the deck.

"Shoot, shoot with a musket, suppress the opponent, and don't let the opponent operate the ship." The captain commanded loudly at this time.

"Order the gunners to reload the shells. In the second round of shooting, the opponent's main mast must be knocked out." The captain issued an order to the first officer at this time.

"Bang Bang Bang." The bullet fired out quickly at this time. The sailors quickly fired at the opposite ship with their muskets. Although most of the bullets are unlikely to hit the opponent's ship. The muskets used by sailors are rifled guns. Although the range has increased a lot. However, the bullet still cannot hit accurately at a distance of one hundred steps. They can have a good performance on the distance of eighty steps. But once the distance is over, the bullets will fly around.

"Puff." "Ah." The pirate on the opposite side was repeatedly hit by bullets flying indiscriminately. They were suppressed and immobile on the deck. Bullets flying around hit the wooden hull "cracking." This kind of noise made the pirates scared a lot.

"Is the artillery ready." This time. The captain asked loudly. He is rarely anxious in his heart.

"Almost." The gunner shouted to a sailor. The sailor told the captain of the artillery preparation.

"It's coming soon," the sailor exclaimed.

"Tell them to hurry up." The captain urged loudly.

"Hurry up," the sailor delivered the order.

"Aim." The gunner shouted from below.

"Let it go." The gunner shouted loudly at this time.

"Boom." A shell made the sound of the barrel.

"Boom." There was a loud noise. The shell hit the opponent's hull directly. Some pirate crew members were beaten and fell into the sea at this time.

"It didn't hit it again." The gunner exclaimed anxiously.

"Next shot." This time. The gunner shouted loudly.

"Boom." There was another sound of a cannonball coming.

"Boom." There was a sound. The shell hit exactly which section of the weak main mast. The shell directly hit the main mast. The sawdust was everywhere. The main mast fell slowly at this time.

"We hit. We hit." The gunner operating the artillery shouted loudly at this time.

"We surrender." And at this moment. On the pirate ship on the opposite side, white cloth strips fluttered.

"Surrender. Surrender." The pirates yelled loudly, lying on the deck.

"Captain. The ship on the opposite side surrendered." This time. A sailor shouted eagerly.

"Boom." Another shell flew out directly.

"Ah." A wailing sound came from the other side. The shell directly hit a big blood hole. The pirates were killed many people.

"Anyway, their main mast also fell. Approaching the ship, we captured their ship." This time. The captain called out loudly.

"Stop shooting. Stop shooting." The captain gave the order again.

"Everyone accepts surrender. Everyone accepts surrender." The captain repeated his order.

The artillery fire soon ceased. The camouflaged warship slowly approached the opposite ship at this time, and they captured another ship at this time. And there are many more ships captured like this. And it will be more and more. The secret lies in the fact that Chu's naval forces established their own shipbuilding and refitting plants.

"Ding ding ding." The sound of hammers hitting nails and the sound of various wooden boards hitting.

This is the shipbuilding and refitting factory of the Chu State Navy. This refitting plant was established in Jiujiang area. They used the camouflage advantage of the dense river network here to cleverly camouflage the shipyard. The reason for the disguise is that the ships built here are all warships. It becomes an ordinary cargo ship.

Another important task is to refit a large number of cargo ships, merchant ships are warships, and the navy keeps attacking. A large number of captured ships were towed into this place, and then the craftsmen in this place immediately modified the captured ships. They want to convert the cargo hold into a gun bay. Install artillery of various calibers. At the same time, the damaged parts are modified and constructed. They passed these modifications. Gained a lot of experience in shipbuilding modification, which is a huge advantage for the navy.

Because they keep getting experienced craftsmen. This is of great help to their future achievements in shipbuilding. Not only that, they also transported a large number of sailors here. Come here to lay hands. They are doing heavy physical work that is unbearable for ordinary people. These hard work exercises their bodies and makes them stronger. On the other side, they worked hard. Knowing how to repair ships and understand the structure of ships, they have a clear understanding of sailing. This allows the quality of sailors to continuously improve. Learn through these.

"Oh my God." A sailor stood naked at the entrance to the port and saw it.

"Don't watch it. Work quickly. There is still a lot of work to be done." At this time, another sailor urged.

"Look at that." This time. The sailor pointed to the entrance of the port.

"Oh. My goodness." This time. The sailor behind shouted in surprise.

"Such a big ship." The sailor cried out in surprise at this time.

"It's a big ship." At this time, all the sailors stood and saw a careful warship dragging a building above it and burning it down. And there were **** ships dragging in everywhere.

"We have never come in such a big boat." A craftsman said at this time.

"We are quite busy at the moment. This big ship is very troublesome to rebuild." An old craftsman said when he saw it.

"Yes." A craftsman on the side was extremely excited when he saw the big ship being dragged in. Knowing that they had no such experience before to transform such a big ship into a warship. there has never been.

A ship used by the Chu State Navy. Especially the small and medium warships they used later, most of them were converted from merchant ships and cargo ships captured by the Chu State Navy. These ships are fast to transform and low in cost. In this way, the rapid expansion of the Chu State Navy was resolved. There is no embarrassment of the ship. The Chu State Navy also used these transformed ships to quickly and continuously attack and capture more ships. And these ships were quickly transformed into warships. Thus. The Chu State Navy's ships increased rapidly. But there is a problem. That is, most of the ships they captured were of the same size, and there was no such large ship. This can be said to be a pioneering move.

"Everyone is watching us." This time. The first officer came over and said to the captain.

"Haha." The captain laughed.

"They never thought that we would capture such a large ship." This time. The captain said confidently.

"It is true." The first officer looked back at the captain happily. And the captain looked at the crowds in the harbor.

This is a kind of honor, a kind of pride. The big ship is slowly entering the port. And at the port of Qin State. Some merchants in Chu State, the captain was spending a lot of money.

"I need all kinds of artillery. I have to figure out a way to modify our ships. And teach me those silly people how to operate the artillery. Money. It's not a problem." A Chu State captain said and put a thick stack. Two banknotes from Qin Guoban were placed on the counter.

"I'm afraid these are not enough." At this time, the boss on the counter looked at the money on the counter and said.

"Not enough. This is one hundred gold." The captain shouted.

"This kind of money requires three more." The boss looked at the money on the counter and said.

"What?" the captain shouted.

"It's useless to call. This is the market. Now the artillery is out of stock. And there are many factories renovated by the shipyard. The most terrible thing is that it is too much trouble for those stupid crew members to learn to fire." The boss said.

"There are many people like this. You can choose to go out, but I dare you to say that you will come back. There is no such price in the market. My price is much fairer. Now a gun has been bought at this price. You Go and find out." The boss said.

"You." The captain looked at the five fingers of the boss at this time. A cannon hit the hardware. This is still an old artillery.

"You can go and see. I don't know why. You all gathered together, refitting ships, and training crews to operate artillery. You are much more generous in buying weapons than before. We asked to sell them to you before, but you don’t buy them now. I really don't know what you are going crazy." The boss said.

"Humph." The captain hummed loudly at this time. Then he left without looking back.

"If it weren't for the uneven surface of the water. Who would buy these." The captain said without looking back.

The boss just gave away the one with a smile.

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