The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1212: A brand new thing, foreign exchange

"There are a large number of Qin State banknotes on the Korean market, and these banknotes have seriously affected South Korea's economic development." Shang Wen said with a wave of his arm.

"What we have to do now is to issue our bonds to them. Recycle the bonds in South Korea. And this market has huge potential." Shang Wen analyzed.

"We can take on this issuance task. We can make a considerable profit from it, which is good for us and also good for South Korea." Shang Wen said.

"En. If we do this, we can get a large amount of Qin State banknotes at a low price, buy them and sell them at the same time." Meng Yi understood Shangwen's meaning.

"Ha ha ha." Shang Wen smiled. Then continue to speak.

"For the specific implementation, we still don't want to come forward. These things are best handled by some banks." Shangwen gestured.

"In addition, we have to order a new question." Shang Wen said.

"After we take back a large amount of banknotes in South Korea, it will quickly be converted into banknotes to be issued in South Korea. At present, this plan has not been implemented yet." Shang Wen said at this time.

"South Korea also issues banknotes?" Meng Yi asked in surprise at this time.

"Yes. They also want to issue paper money." Shang Wen said.

"Moreover, there is also a foreign exchange issue involved. Although this issue is not new, it is a brand new challenge for Qin Guo." Shang Wen said at this time.

"Foreign exchange?" Meng Yi had difficulty understanding the new vocabulary mentioned by Shang Wen. Meng Yi showed a dazed expression. Before that, Qin Guo hadn't completely encountered such new things as foreign exchange. Maybe. During the Warring States Period, there were foreign exchange problems, but all currency units had an exchange object, which was gold. The emergence of gold solved all currency exchange problems. Because gold is a shared hard currency. It is the existence of this kind of hard currency that hides the foreign exchange problem. Foreign exchange exists, but this problem must be exposed after the emergence of banknotes.

"Yes. Let me explain." Shang Wen said at this time.

"For example, before the issuance of banknotes, our country of Qin used half a tael. But South Korea used it. I don't know what currency it is." Shang Wen said at this time.

"Zhao Guo seems to be the sword coin. I can't remember." Shang Wen said at this time.

"Take Qin Guo and Zhao Guo as an example. The trade settlement between us is gold settlement. It was before and now, but most of the settlement units are settled in accordance with our unit gold." Shang Wen said at this time.

"That is to say. There are some direct exchanges between Qin's half and two coins and knife coins. After removing the gold, it is the foreign exchange issue. There are many things involved in the foreign exchange issue. For example, if our money is valuable. It is so popular. Explain." Shang Wen said, swinging his pen on the table.

"If this is Qin's half and two coins, this is Zhao's sword coin. Our Qin's half and two coins can be exchanged for two or three of Zhao's sword coins, or three or more sword coins. ." Shang Wen said.

"Then Qin can buy more of Zhao's things, which is very conducive to our purchases. On the contrary, Zhao needs to spend more money in exchange for our coins. Then they will produce more When things are exchanged, their economic quantity will be very large. Their economic pull is very strong." Shangwen explained.

"It's like a balance. We exchange three for each other. But we have the same value. But the quantity and quality produced are quite different." Meng Yi seemed to understand what Shang Wen said.

"Probably. That's what I mean. I don't know much about foreign exchange issues," Shang Wen said.

"In short, we want to help South Korea issue banknotes. The issuance of these banknotes is of great significance to us. There must be a foreign exchange issue between Qin and South Korea," Shang Wen said at this time.

"En." Meng Yi nodded.

"I don't know. What does this foreign exchange mean to Qin and South Korea?" Meng Yi said at this time.

"But according to my feelings. This will definitely help us a lot." Meng Yi said while looking at Shangwen at this time.

"Yes. My feeling is the same." Shang Wen said at this time.

"What I want to say is that South Korea will have a large amount of foreign exchange reserves. We gave them bonds, and these bonds were exchanged for our banknotes. Then. South Korea will issue banknotes in exchange for the banknotes we issued." Shang Wen held three The pen gestures. And Meng Yi's eyes stared at the rotating pen.

"So, these issued banknotes are still in South Korea, but the holders of these banknotes are the South Korean government. They hold a large number of Qin State banknotes in their hands. All they have to do is to spend these banknotes. , Or it is, hold these banknotes, and ours can issue more banknotes. The exchange price of these banknotes and gold keeps beating. In the long run, these banknotes are depreciated. Then, these banknotes in the hands of South Korea are It will continue to depreciate. In order not to depreciate, they can only import a lot of things, so those things are important, it depends on how they spend the money." Shangwen said at this time.

"En. Prime Minister. Your idea is very good. In this way. We will exchange paper money for paper money and paper money for bonds. If you don't know how much profit you operate," Meng Yi said with surprise and curiousity. Although he didn't understand the meaning of those things that Shangwen gestured. Because bonds are exchanged for paper money, and bonds are exchanged for another kind of paper money, and another kind of paper money is exchanged for bonds. The number of Qin's banknotes has increased a lot. In order to make up for the currency circulation problem, Qin must adopt the method of printing paper money to deal with it. This has caused inflation, but this inflation is export-oriented. Qinggou's domestic influence is not great. But for the importing country, it is quite a fight. Because Qin, the upper reaches of banknotes, can continuously issue banknotes. In that case, South Korea's economy is in an extremely disadvantaged position.

Although Meng Yi did not expect this. However, the shrewdness and decisiveness expressed by Shangwen also has the prospect of benefiting from it. Meng Yi opened his eyes at first.

"I really don't know, we introduced a foreign exchange, which caused Qin's capital to flip several times in a row. This is incredible." Meng Yi said at this time.

"This is the power of finance. The power of finance allows capital to expand rapidly. This is why Qin has developed so rapidly. Without a developed financial system, it is difficult to support the rapid development of a country." Shang Wen Said.

"However, the nature of our financial system expansion is too strong. The continuous expansion of fatty oils can pull our Qin country to develop more capital. And more profits, we want to build more than just a Xianyang A financial center of the Qin State. Another important factor is that the State of Qin needs to expand more cities like Xianyang and incorporate it into the financial control of the State of Qin. Only in this way can the State of Qin be developed." Shang Wen Said.

"At that time. We controlled all the countries, it was easy, so to speak. Controlling the finances will prevent large-scale wars from breaking out. It is very likely that our countries will be merged without wars." Shang Wen said .

"Unbelievable." Meng Yi said non-stop.

"Okay. We need to discuss specific details. You can take these things and prepare them." Shang Wen said.

"I still have to make a call." Shang Wen said.

"En." Meng Yi nodded. Then he took away all the information on Shangwen's desk. Shangwen's foreign exchange theory immediately attracted Meng Yi. Meng Yi believes that what Qin needs now is such a brand-new thing to give Qin a different boost. For a long time, there have been no foreign exchange problems between Qin and other countries. Some countries use hard currency, gold. In other countries or regions, Qin's half-and-two banknotes were directly used, which caused Qin's half-and-two banknotes to be exported to various places in the six countries at once. Although this has strengthened the economic ties of various regions, but. The economic development of these regions is necessarily not very balanced. This imbalance needs to be balanced. The emergence of foreign exchange can transform this imbalance. Because of the unified banknote, the value realized in each region is different. And these differences in value urgently need a local currency to replace. This local currency can quickly balance the differences brought about by the unification of this paper currency.

Foreign exchange is generated under such a situation. This example is South Korea. Although South Korea's economic development is fast, it is compared with Qin State. There is still a big gap. Behind this gap comes from the overwhelming advantage of Qin's economy. This kind of unbalanced economic relationship requires the use of something that can be balanced in external trade to balance it. This is foreign exchange. The production of foreign exchange is produced in accordance with historical trends.

"Hello." Shang Wen picked up the phone and said.

"There is one thing that needs to be discussed with you." Shang Wen said.

"What's the matter?" Ying Yu said.

"It's about work, it's about foreign exchange. This is of great help to you, I think. Your bank can participate." Shang Wen said.

"En. You can tell Xiao He about this kind of thing. I don't understand, right. I saw a set of kitchen furniture today. It looks good." Yingyu immediately changed the subject.

"Oh my God. I said I don't cook." Shang Wen said on the phone.

"I didn't tell you to do it again. I read a report. Those housewives cook for their husbands every day. I think this idea is good." Yingyu said with joy.

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