"Tututu. Tututu." At this time, the machine gun shot out bullets accurately and landed on the offensive road of the Qiang cavalry. But such shooting directly caused some Qiang people to fall under the horse.

However, the momentum of the Qiang offensive did not stop at all.

"Damn it. Qiang people, they seem to know our shooting method." At this time, the lieutenant saw that the Qiang people's offensive momentum did not stop, and he felt very bad.

"Stop shooting and don't let the barrel heat too much." The lieutenant shouted at this time.

"Suddenly. Suddenly." At this time, the machine gun was still shooting.

"Stop shooting, stop shooting." The lieutenant shouted loudly.

A second-class soldier on the side pushed the machine gunner. The gunner stopped when he heard the order. The huge sound of the machine gun made the machine gunner unable to hear the surrounding sounds.

"Boom boom." The roar of the horseshoe fell over like a cloud.

"Shoot. Stop them from approaching us." The lieutenant shouted loudly at this time.

"Bang." The sergeant on the side shot first at this time. A Qiang cavalry in the distance fell off his horse at this time. But more Qiang cavalry came here like a tide, and the situation was extremely unfavorable for them.

"Bang. Bang. Bang." And the rifleman behind immediately shot.

"Tutu. Tutu. Tutu." The machine gun fired rhythmically. The mountain man behind the rifle watched quietly.

"Give them grenades." The lieutenant called out loudly at this time.

"Wait until the Qiang cavalry approaches. Let them throw it vigorously." The lieutenant exclaimed. A soldier left at this time.

And in the camp. The corporal arrived here quickly at this time.

"Looking for death." An veteran who was almost hit by a horse cursed loudly at this time.

The corporal can't control these at this time.

"Boom." When he arrived at the camp. The corporal rolled down immediately. Instead of dismounting. He arrived here as quickly as possible. He tried his best.

"Quick. Give him a hand." The guard at the door quickly stepped forward and gave him a hand.

"Quick. Quick." The corporal said weakly.

"Report quickly. There is an emergency military situation." The corporal said anxiously.

"Get him in quickly." The same corporal waved immediately. Several soldiers quickly moved into the tent.

"What happened?" the lieutenant colonel asked at this time.

"The forward reconnaissance unit is back alone." The corporal said at this time.

"Get in. What's the situation?" the lieutenant colonel asked.

"Sir. Qiang people are attacking. Send troops immediately, our people may not last long." The corporal shouted anxiously at this time.

The lieutenant colonel was not shocked at all when he heard the news. But I didn't expect it to be so fast.

The lieutenant colonel quickly calmed down and listened in detail to everything the corporal heard. Then according to these circumstances. The lieutenant colonel immediately sent one of the companies out. At the same time, the force was urgently contracted for reinforcements.

"Boom." There was a sound of a grenade exploding.

"Ah." "Hula la la." The cavalry that the Qiang rushed up was blown up. A Qiang cavalry was directly hit by the flying shrapnel. Shoot down the horse. The Qiang horses behind directly trampled on them and trampled them to death.

"Boom." Another huge explosion came. A mountain man quickly threw the grenade in his hand.

"Swish." A cry. A bow and arrow flew out directly. The arrow passed directly through the neck of a Qiang cavalry. The Qiang cavalry was shot directly.

"Bang. Bang." The soldiers of the Qin Army continued to pull the bolt to shoot. They want to repel the opponent's offense in this way. But the offensive of the Qiangs is not so easy to deal with, especially when the forces are so disparity. It is simply impossible to fully defend the Qiang people's offensive methods from all directions. The Qiang's tactics have been outflanked. Especially the attack on the left and right wings. Nomads often use this tactic, which comes from the left and right attacks of the wolves. This tactical lethality is very amazing. Because the left and right defenses are usually weak. Even if the left and right defenses are strengthened, the difference between the two sides is due to the distance. Often leads to defense failure. Especially in the case of serious shortage of troops. This tactic is very effective.

The Qiang people are seizing the situation of insufficient strength of the Qin army. Quickly launch an attack on the left and right wings. Then swiftly launched a fierce attack on the Qin army.

"Boom." Qin Jun gave the mountain people enough grenades. have to say. Grenades have amazing lethality in front of such a dense charge. The Qiang cavalry who charged intensively were killed and wounded many people by grenades.

"Swish." An arrow flew directly. "Ah." A mountain man was shot in the neck. The arrow directly penetrated the neck. The mountain man threw away the hand grenade that was already on fire.

"Boom." There was an explosion. The grenade exploded in the Qin Army's defensive circle. The explosion had serious consequences. Several mountain people and one or two Qin soldiers were hit. This greatly weakened the Qin army's defensive strength. And it directly led to the attenuation of the Qin army's combat power.

"Damn it." The lieutenant was hit in the cheek by a flying shrapnel. The shrapnel hung directly on it. The lieutenant called out loudly.

"Qiang." A soldier was also hit by shrapnel at this time. A piece of shrapnel stuck in his back. But the soldiers didn't care about these, the Qiang cavalry had already appeared in front of him.

"Kill." The soldier immediately slammed his rifle at the neck of the opponent's horse. However, the Qiang cavalry directly hit the Qin army soldiers with their horses. The soldier was hit directly into the foxhole.

"Woo." A mountain man waved a big stick. Rushed over directly.

"Om." A cry.

"Bang." The mountain man gave the opponent's head directly. The Qiang was beaten to the ground all at once.

"Boom." But soon, the Qiang people fought back. The Qiang cavalry who rushed up also used the impact of the horse to knock the mountain man and fall to the ground.

"Bang. Bang." Just when the Qiang people quickly expanded their battle results. The lieutenant held back the pain. His face was everywhere, and blood kept dripping on his collar, extremely bloody. But the lieutenant seemed nothing happened. Quickly fired at the Qiang cavalry with a pistol in his hand.

"Boom." "Puff." A Qiang cavalry was hit in the chest and fell off his horse. Two more were hit and fell on horseback.

"Bang." After emptying the last bullet. The lieutenant put the pistol in his hand back into his holster. Then quickly picked up the rifle and pulled the bolt to fight back.

"Machine gun. Machine gun." The lieutenant shouted loudly at this time.

"Tututu. Tututututu." And this time. The machine gun was shooting frantically. There are too many Qiang people. They can only use crazy continuous shooting to suppress, but in this way, the use of the barrel will quickly drop. Moreover, the barrel will rapidly redden. Not available. But now facing a sudden emergency. The machine gunner could no longer control his inner anxiety.

"Puff puff puff puff." The bullet that flew out like a saw blade smashed all the Qiang people who had rushed over to pieces. The machine gun is an old-fashioned water-cooled machine gun, according to the standard. It should be equipped with an air-cooled machine gun, at least a machine gun with a heat sink. But the situation of the Marine Corps call is really too bad. Moreover, some troops that are not in a state of combat readiness are called up. The original equipment of the Marine Corps took two months to be in place. In desperation, they had to find a water-cooled machine gun used by the Army. Some are better than nothing.

However, the shooting durability of water-cooled machine guns is higher than that of air-cooled machine guns. Especially in the case of rapid shooting.

"Tututu. Tututu." The machine gunner kept turning the machine gun to shoot. Bullets flew out continuously, and on the fan-shaped shooting surface of the machine gun, a large number of corpses of Qiang cavalry were piled up. Some Qiangs who tried to stand up were beaten directly through their bodies. They became a corpse.

"Wow." But the Qiangs were not lambs to be slaughtered. Some archers among them immediately started shooting at them.

"Swish swish." Dense arrows shot at them. The machine gun shooter was shot several times in an instant.

"Tutututututu". The unsupported machine gunners held the machine gun tightly and fired. The machine gun kept firing. The assistant gunner on the side was also hit with many arrows. Lying early in front of the machine gun position.

"Bang." The lieutenant fired a shot at the Qiang cavalry pile at this time.

"Quick, we want to resume our machine gun shooting." This time. The lieutenant roared loudly.

"Woo woo woo." And the Qiang quickly rushed to the machine gun position at this time. They rushed up on the corpse. The horseshoe trampled on the mud mixed with blood. The loss to the Qiang people is also huge.

"Damn it. Hand grenade," the lieutenant shouted. But there were no grenade throwers, and everyone was guarding their narrow positions. The Qiang's swift attack quickly compressed the Qin army's defensive position. Qin Jun only had a small position. And all of them are fighting.

"Grenade." The sergeant shouted loudly at this time. The lieutenant was quickly pulling the bolt for the second round of shooting.

"Boom." A huge explosion sounded. A mountain man was shot. The grenade was shot to the ground. This is how the grenade is detonated. The lieutenant was confused by the bombing, and the last thing he saw was that the sergeant blocked most of the shock wave. And all around, the mountain people, or their own people, are holding on to their last position. There are more Qiang people, and more and more Qiang people are coming over. The lieutenant finally realized. The position is over. lost. They are too few. It is simply impossible to defend their position.

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