The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1218: Messy explanation

"Our condition is to draw our commission in proportion to our total issuance. Moreover, we have a task. It is to acquire a certain share of the market. Only in order to earn this commission." a leader of Wenyang Bank Said.

"How much is this share?" Zhang Liang asked at this time.

"Usually it is 20%. This ratio is already very large," the supervisor replied.

"Are you the same in Qin?" At this time. Zhang Liang asked.

"Yes." The supervisor replied very simply.

"Right. Before we left, the prime minister personally said to us. Let us do everything we do in China. If our financial industry in Qin is to develop, we must do this. We will do it now." At this time, the supervisor waved his arms and said.

"We can sit down. It shows that there is a certain amount of trust between us. This trust is the basis for us to solve this problem. This is also the basis for our cooperation." The supervisor said at this time.

"That's good." Zhang Liang said at this time.

"Thank you. The Prime Minister did say so, please trust us." The supervisor at this time saw that Zhang Liang had a strong sense of distrust. In order to dispel this sense of distrust. The supervisor actively said.

"We did the same in Qin. The financial industry is a brand-new industry for South Korea. When our prime minister came. Say this to us. Say. The financial industry will bring a second leap forward to South Korea. The help. This help now depends on your country, not us. We are just here to solve the problem and charge a reasonable salary." The supervisor explained calmly. However, Zhang Liang kept an eye on each other's every move. Such every move can make the other party feel nervous. What Zhang Liang saw was calm and indifferent.

"The Korean market has a large share." Zhang Liang said at this time.

"Your salary will be huge." Zhang Liang continued.

"Preliminary statistics are that in your Korean market, we used Qin's banknotes of about two million gold. The increase or decrease in the number of banknotes is unknown. If it is abolished all at once, South Korea will be evaporated. So much wealth. I hope you can understand this consequence, the prime minister." The supervisor said frankly. They had a preliminary understanding of the situation in South Korea. The situation here makes them immediately feel an unprecedented challenge.

"We can earn such a large market share, so naturally we have to solve such a big problem. We are here to solve the problem. And with great sincerity. I hope the prime minister can understand our intentions." Said.

And Zhang Liang still looked at each other tightly. The supervisor said frankly.

As for the Qin State, Shangwen was nervously explaining the decree issued by Shangwen. This is just a decree, and it has not yet risen to a decree. If he wants to rise to the decrees, Shangwen must pass the Qin King's permission. Moreover, King Qin must be persuaded.

Shangwen's decree is a concession order for Wenyang Bank to allow capital to go out to provide capital financial services without this concession order. The actions of Wenyang Bank are illegal. However, Shangwen only provided a decree. And an illegal order. Once up to the decree. Well, all banks are eligible. Not the Wenyang Bank. In doing so, it is equivalent to allowing banks to provide financial services on a large scale. Qin's capital market will be more active. It's not just the Qin family that is active. The financial industry of the Qin State will drive the activity of the financial markets in the entire six eastern countries.

Finance is a double-edged sword. While bringing huge profits, it also allows the other party to develop rapidly. But at the same time, Qin also controlled the economy of these regions in a disguised form. As long as the State of Qin spends a lot of money at the right time. Then these countries will be paralyzed.

It is also that finance is a double-edged sword. King Qin was very worried about Shangwen's bold decree.

"You know. Qin State's capital released. What consequences will it cause?" King Qin asked.

"The consequences are huge. Frankly speaking. I can't estimate it myself. Because finance is unpredictable. Nobody knows what will happen when." Shang Wen said frankly.

"It is precisely this unpredictability." Shang Wen said proactively at this time. King Qin was about to speak at this moment, but was forced to go back by Shang Wen's sudden sentence.

"This kind of unpredictability can't make accurate predictions. The capital market has its own way of thinking and code of conduct. We can only obey. Not stop." Shang Wen said.

King Qin was forced by Shang Wen to say nothing.

"Our current situation is that the development of a market in Qin is relatively mature. The surrounding foreign markets, such as South Korea and Zhao’s market, have not yet been fully developed. For us, these places are a virgin land. . These virgin land needs us to solve." Shang Wen said.

Hear this analogy. King Qin was surprised. Because Shangwen rarely carries such words.

"Qin's capital is in urgent need of expansion. Especially in the surrounding markets. These markets are developing rapidly. For example, Zhaoguo Market is undergoing rapid infrastructure construction, and they have started a lot of engineering projects. But their financial situation. Very bad. Our rating for them is not very high." Shang Wen said.

"On the Korean side, they are rapidly expanding the scale of their factories. However, they have all encountered their financial problems. For example, Zhao Guo needs a lot of loans, but their financial income is very limited. They are trying to keep going. Increase the tax rate to solve the problem. But doing so will lead to greater domestic conflicts. This is also very unfavorable to us, because we have a considerable amount of money in their hands. Although not as much as South Korea. However, it is also part of us. Still can't hope that they will have civil strife." Shang Wen said.

"This is also the case in South Korea. We have established various companies there, and they provide various services, large and small, but there is no financial service. Especially bonds and securities services. Yes, South Korea still uses our banknotes. Although these banknotes facilitate the circulation of goods between the two countries. But doing so is not conducive to our import and export issues." Shang Wen went on to explain.

"We must have another tool at this time. This tool is foreign exchange. The prerequisite is that South Korea must have its own banknotes to settle and exchange with us, which involves foreign trade." Shang Wen said.

"Foreign exchange?" Foreign trade? Settlement? "Qin Wang asked all the words Shangwen mentioned in a series of questions.

"Yes. These things are new. These things bring a whole new meaning. This is innovation." Shang Wen said.

King Qin was silent at this time. Shang Wen said the concept. It greatly exceeded the acceptance of King Qin. Perhaps King Qin would only understand if he took a trip in person. Everything Shang Wen said.

"Foreign exchange, say so." Shang Wen said at this time.

"Foreign exchange is the exchange of our currency against each other. For example, the number of banknotes in the South Korean counterpart can be one to one, but it can also be one to two. If we can exchange one currency for each other's two currencies, then we will benefit Imports. It is extremely detrimental to exports. We import a lot of goods from Korea, and we only need to pay a certain amount of currency. These currencies can be counted as a large amount of the other party’s currency. This is good for their exports, and we need Keep importing." Shang Wen said at this time.

"En." King Qin obviously did not understand Shang Wen's statement.

"In addition, we need to issue bonds." Shang Wen said.

"Qin’s bonds are currently only issued in Qin’s country, and the market capacity is very limited. Especially our Qin’s country. Now we are issuing bonds repeatedly. The domestic bond market is very limited. In addition, many companies, banks, Investment banks and so on. They are all issuing bonds. In this way, the bond market will become very narrow. Qin government bonds will be issued very limited. If our war continues to operate. Then, we The market in China will not be able to support such a huge bond market. As a result, our bonds will not be issued. The problem is very serious. The overall financial situation will continue to deteriorate. We will not have the funds to start a war at that time. Or Say. No money, come to war." Shang Wen said.

"En." King Qin said at this time.

"So, in this way. Doesn't the widow owe the money of these six countries?" King Qin reacted and asked at this time.

"In theory, this is the case. However, we have financial advantages and we can use financial means to narrow this gap. On the surface, we owe these countries debts, but we are providing them with the necessary financial support, especially It is financial services. As long as we issue bonds to them, we can hold each other. This can achieve a balance. In addition, with foreign exchange, foreign trade, and especially war support, we can earn such money, How do you say it." Shang Wen also felt very messy at this time. But King Qin listened more chaotically.

"This requires going global to understand. In short, we need to expand the market and issue our bonds so that our financial situation will not deteriorate continuously. We use other people's money to develop our own economy. We are the economic leader. They have to follow our pace." Shang Wen said while looking at King Qin with this hand. But King Qin's mind was completely confused.

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