The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1223: Twenty years of land

"There are twenty miles ahead and our capital city. Linzi is now." A Qi army veteran with a sergeant logo on his shoulder hid behind a high ground with a telescope to check the situation.

"We can't attack for the time being. Our main force is still behind. We are just a forward reconnaissance unit." A lieutenant of the Qi army said with a map.

"En." The sergeant just gave a silent benevolence. With the advancement of Qi Jun step by step. The forward Qi Jun arrived at their final destination.

But they cannot launch an attack immediately. They are just forwards. Linzi's peripheral obstacles have not been cleared. The opposing force's numbers are still huge. Although it was a group of mobs, it was compared with the main force of the Qi army with only tens of thousands of people. The numbers are still huge. An army of hundreds of thousands is not defeated at once. This requires a process.

In the place where the main force of the Qi army passed. Qi Jun is undergoing a series of reforms. These reforms will greatly benefit the entire area destroyed by the Qi war.

"Get up," a lieutenant shouted, waving his arms fiercely.

"Wow." A large group of captured prisoners stood up.

"I really don't know how you fought. It collapsed at the first fight." The lieutenant sarcastically said. The sergeant on the side looked at the prisoners with disdain.

"Sir. Just tell them a few words, just arrange them. Others don't need to talk too much nonsense." A second lieutenant said at this time.

"I know," the lieutenant said.

"According to the order of Tian Heng, the commander of the Qi army, you will be released unconditionally." The lieutenant said to the prisoners at this time.

Hear these. The prisoners of war were very surprised. They did not expect. The lieutenant would say this.

"Now you can leave here," the lieutenant said.

"You can leave immediately." The lieutenant said, looking at the prisoners disdainfully.

"Sir. I need to read other orders." The ensign said at this time.

"What order?" the lieutenant asked.

"It's a special order from above." This time. Said the ensign.

"Go ahead," the lieutenant said, waving his arms.

And in the camp of the Chinese Army of the Qi Army. Tian Heng is discussing this plan with his counselor.

"The lord's doing this will surely cause disaster." A counselor anxiously persuaded.

"How is a catastrophe?" This time. Tian Heng asked calmly instead.

"Lord. The land of those nobles is untouchable. The essence of Qi is the nobles. Now that the lord moves the land of the nobles of Qi, it will be a taboo." The counselor said loudly at this time.

"These lands belong to the nobles of the Qi country. Now that these lands are taken under the hands of the lord, isn't this taking these lands from those nobles? It involves the interests of those nobles. Those nobles will surely fight back against the lord." said the counselor.

"Besides, these lands are the land of the king. There is no king's order. The lord will use these lands without authorization. This must be a taboo. Such a taboo. It will inevitably bring disaster to the lord." At this time, the counselor strongly persuaded.

"Now the army has no foundation, and our army owes millions of debts to South Korea. If once these debts cannot be repaid, then South Korea will kill the United Qin Army all the way. At that time, Qi Jun was the taboo." Tian Heng Respond loudly at this time.

Hear Tian Heng's answer. Everyone was silent. Counselors and generals all stood in place. They are very clear about the current state of the Qi army. Qi Jun can be said to have no foundation and no fiscal revenue to maintain the expenses of the army. The cost of the army is extremely large. It is the military expenses and military pay that are enough to make all soldiers feel terrified. If the war is undecided for a long time, then the Qi army will defeat himself. Why, no financial income will drag this army into the land of death.

Qi State has been unable to provide any operating funds for this army, and the materials are guaranteed. The army has not received sufficient domestic supplies for a long time. Qi State completely cut off domestic supplies due to domestic riots.

The main force of the Qi army has now undergone a major change. This change has become a force with extremely serious demand for currency, and behind the rapid increase in combat effectiveness is the support of huge funds. It can be said that the soldiers with military pay are selling their lives for the military pay. Under the stimulus of military payments. The soldiers exploded with astonishing fighting power.

Those rioting troops, in the face of such a powerful force, are simply vulnerable. The rioting people quickly collapsed in front of the more mature flanking tactics and the swift fighting Qi army soldiers.

The usual tactic of the Qi army is to launch an offensive head-on. The other force will choose to detour the opponent's flank to launch a flanking attack. The two offenses proceed simultaneously. Insurgent troops that have been severely hit in two directions will quickly collapse, and the Qi army that takes the opportunity to attack will quickly annihilate the opponent. A large number of prisoners of war were captured in this way. Rely on flank strike tactics. The Qi army advanced very smoothly.

But such a fierce army needs a lot of military expenses to support its operations, and the current combat expenses come from South Korea. Qi Guo borrowed Korean bank loans in the name of national land mortgage, but these loans are constantly being consumed. According to preliminary estimates, these funds can only sustain the army's expenditure for less than four months. Every bullet, every rifle. All Qi Jun needs to be imported. What Qi Jun fought was not bullets, but money. Without money, this army will stop advancing.

Everyone knows this situation. They are very clear. Qi Jun's ability to maintain such an astonishing combat power in the short term is the injection of South Korean funds. The huge debt has forced Qi Jun to have no choice. This kind of debt pressure makes Tian Heng anxious. The debt hanging on Qi Jun's head is a sharp sword.

"Now, the debt has accumulated to an alarming level. If our Qi army does not have any money in it, then our Qi army will not be able to maintain such a fighting capacity, the land of the nobles. They are all actively lost, and we are also from the hands of the thugs. Obtained. We are now taking possession of the soldiers and dividing these lands to those prisoners of war. It is the best way." Tian Heng looked at his counsellors and generals and said.

"Hundreds of thousands of thugs, why do they quickly make chaos. It is because they have no livelihood. For their livelihood, they will continue to destroy everything. Wherever our army goes, all the food in the city will be eaten. There is no livelihood at all. . And in order to continue this kind of battle, they will continue to destroy. Qi’s north is destroyed, and Qi’s south. Qi’s south is gone. There is also Qi’s neighboring country, Chu. If Chu is not there, it’s still there. There is the country of Yan and the country of Wei." Tian Heng said loudly.

"If this continues, Qi will provoke the anger of the people. Qi will no longer exist. Other countries will definitely use force. Qi will be divided up at that time. There will be no bones left." Tian Heng said loudly.

"Now that they occupy their land, there is nothing wrong. These nobles, I think these nobles are too greedy. They caused it. They are responsible for themselves. Our army just maintains the new order." Tian Heng said forcefully.

"The army has no money now. Most of these prisoners of war have nothing to do. It's better to let them enter the land. Resume the construction of Qi country. Not only that, but also open up money. I have ordered people to go to South Korea to find out. The South Korean side The delegation also provided some suggestions. They think that at present, Qi must make some changes. If necessary, South Korea is willing to provide some jobs for us, and their factories can give us some compensation. These compensations can be Let us get through this difficult time. Now. It can only be so.” Tian Heng said this. It seemed so helpless. However, Tian Heng could only choose this way. The army does not have any financial income, which is very dangerous. With the increasing expenditure of funds, this situation becomes more and more dangerous.

"Geng Jun Qi Jun command. We will provide you with a job." The second lieutenant said with a piece of paper.

"Did you see those lands?" the ensign said. At this time, all the prisoners of war looked in the direction pointed by the ensign. It is a barren land.

"You are free to sign such a contract." He said. The second lieutenant took out another piece of paper. Then said loudly.

"Sign him and you can farm on it. A piece of land is three acres of land. You have farmed on it for 20 years. You have farmed for 20 years. The annual payment is 50%, and the annual reduction is 1%. Continuous farming is two. Ten years. That piece of land is yours. During this period, we will provide farming tools. Cattle. Seeds. You can get them as long as you plant them." The ensign said loudly, waving the paper in his hand.

"Sign this contract and you will get everything. Twenty years later. These lands are yours. Yours." The ensign said solemnly.

Look at me for all the prisoners of war. I look at you, and they look at the paper in the ensign's hand.

"Don't you believe us?" the second lieutenant said loudly.

"You are working for the Qi army. The Qi army. The country's armed forces. We will guarantee your income. Your property will be protected by weapons made of steel. We are your guardian god." The ensign said loudly.

"Do you still want to make trouble?" the lieutenant roared loudly at this time.

Seeing these thugs hesitate. It made him feel very annoyed.

"I, I was originally. I was farming." At this time, a forty or fifty-year-old man stood up and asked in a low voice.

"So, is this land, cultivated continuously for 20 years, really belongs to us?" the man asked.

"Yes, twenty years later. It's yours. It's equivalent to Qi Jun giving you away for nothing. It only takes twenty years." The ensign said with certainty.

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