The navy needs a huge chain of maritime interests to truly establish the navy. Without a huge chain of maritime interests. It is impossible to sustain the establishment of a large-power navy.

South Korea is gradually realizing this, and after realizing it. They can smoothly incorporate the navy into their construction.

On the Liuqiu island discovered by a Korean warship.

"Sneak attack. Aboriginal attack." Some South Korean sailors shouted loudly at this time.

"Bang." Gunshots kept coming at this time.

"Uuuuuu." But deep in the jungle. There are constant cries from the indigenous people.

"Puff." "Ah." A javelin flying from the belly of a Korean sailor directly penetrated the belly. The blood was spit out directly from his mouth. Obviously there was a fatal wound in the internal organs. However, no one will pay attention to these anymore. Because the other Korean sailors were all running away in a panic with their rifles at this time.

And some more people. It turned out to be naked. A naked Liuqiu woman followed closely behind.

"Woohoo." But. The woman was quickly caught by a Liuqiu native who was catching up. A large group of people came up quickly. Threw the woman to the ground. The Korean sailors were not so lucky.

He was hit by a flying arrow and fell to the ground.

"Damn it." The captain was patrolling the shore at this time. Hearing the wailing from the depths of the jungle immediately organized the defense.

"Get up quickly. Get up quickly. Take up weapons and fight. Alert. Hurry up." The captain roared. He got out of the tent. Drag the sailors quickly. But the sailors are in the tender country of women. See this situation. He could only shout loudly. Then quickly dragged these people up. But they still didn't slow down.

"Sir. What's the matter?" A gunner ran over at this moment.

"Go back to the ship immediately. Fire the cannon." The captain shouted at this time.

"Which direction?" the gunner asked at this time.

"That direction. The sound of gunfire. Go ahead." The captain roared loudly.

"Yes." The gunner immediately ran to the boat. They need a ferry to get to the boat.

"I need some riflemen. Get up quickly." The captain roared loudly. But only a few people stood up. Only some of them found weapons.

"Damn it. I can't find my weapon." A sailor shouted at this time.

"Bang." And it was recorded when the Koreans were in a panic. At the junction of the jungle and the coast, their enemies, the indigenous people, appeared. In the front, there are Koreans. There are six people who are close to them. In fact, they are the local indigenous people.

A South Korean sailor who saw the presence of the enemy immediately raised his rifle and fired. It's a pity that the bullet went straight away.

"Hit when you get close." The captain called out loudly at this time.

Some sailors who have finished loading bullets also plan to raise their rifles to shoot at this time. He was immediately stopped by the captain.

"Help." And this is the moment. The first officer shouted loudly. And behind him there is a large group of indigenous people chasing them. Those indigenous people are launching an offensive swiftly.

"Fight?" This time. A young sailor asked uncontrollably.

"Wait. Don't shoot." The captain yelled at this time.

"Bang." But at this moment. The young sailor had already shot.

"Puff." The bullet flew out directly. Hit a Liuqiu who was running towards this side.

"Bang, bang, bang." Before the sailor had time to yell "Damn it." The bullet has flown out directly. A large group of nervous sailors took their rifles and shot them out.

"Damn it," the captain yelled loudly at this time. They are using old-fashioned flintlock rifles. Reloading bullets is unusually slow. Even the advanced tapered warhead is used. But the second reloading still takes time. Besides, they are sailors. Fighting on land is not their specialty. The Marine Corps was built on this demand. but. No such units appeared on the warship.

"Damn it," the captain called out loud at this time. Then he looked back at the old gunner who was desperately rushing back.

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu." And those indigenous people are quickly launching an attack. The offense is extremely fierce. They killed many Koreans, the local Liuqiu people.

"Get bayonet." The captain looked at the approaching native. There is no way. Only with a bayonet can you drive out your opponent.

"Get on the bayonet. Charge." At this time, the captain pulled out his flintlock pistol. Then picked up a rifle. He rushed out with the bayonet.

"Come on." Then, a Korean sailor rushed out.

"Damn it." A sailor stopped loading the second bullet at this time. He immediately picked up the rifle and rushed out. Because he couldn't find the bayonet.

"Rush." ​​The sailors rushed out quickly. And the Korean sailors who fled frantically in front saw the sailors who were quickly attacking them at this time. Realize immediately. They should attack.

Under the counterattack initiated by the captain. The sailors who fled followed immediately and launched a counterattack. Although they were bare-handed. But courage is most important in battle.

"Bang." The captain approached the natives. Quickly shoot with the pistol in his hand. One shot killed an indigenous man who was trying to approach. The height of people on this island is generally not high. But the specific average height. The captain did not count. The specific height needs to be accurately measured and calculated. But in general. The people here are basically at the height of the shoulders and necks of the Central Plains. This height is considered to be the taller person on this island.

"Boom." Then the captain threw away the pistol in his hand. Then quickly waved the **** of the rifle in his hand. I gave an aboriginal savagely. This hit the opponent's head. The opponent fell to the ground immediately.

"Yeah." The captain who quickly adjusted the bayonet quickly thrust the bayonet into the opponent's abdomen. The other party couldn't stand up all of a sudden.

"Kill" the Koreans and Liuqiuren quickly attacked at this time.

And in the captain. The gunner quickly ran into the cabin at this time.

"Put the artillery out. Hurry up." This time. The gunner roared loudly.

The gunners on duty looked at the old gunner in astonishment.

"Quickly. Launch the artillery. Shoot." The old gunner roared loudly at this time.

"Hula." A cry. The gunner uses his best strength. Launch the artillery.

"Let it go." The gunner yelled.

"Boom." A shell flew out directly.

"Woo." The shell flew directly.

"Kacha." The cannonball interrupted a big tree. It is a pity that the shells that flew past did not directly hit any targets. Except for this hapless tree.

"Damn it. What you loaded turned out to be solid shells." The gunner only found out after he shot the shells. His subordinates were actually loaded with real cannonballs. In fact, the target on the other side should be loaded with grenade. but. The gunner apparently did not load the grenade.

"Grenade." The gunner shouted loudly at this time.

Then quickly loaded the shells.

"Bang." A South Korean sailor shot and killed an indigenous person who rushed over with a rifle in his hand. The indigenous people fell directly to the ground and couldn't afford it. But at this time. An aboriginal rushed over quickly. Assassinated the Korean with a javelin in his hand.

"what". The Korean shouted loudly.

"Bang." The captain who saw this scene ran over. Rifle **** in hand. He waved it and gave it to the other party.

"Kill." The captain kept waving the **** of his rifle to attack his opponent at this time.

"Boom." At this moment. A solid shell directly attacked. Because the shells are loaded with solid shells. The gunner is in a hurry. Fire directly. Then the shells after firing are directly loaded with grenade and fired.

A **** road opened directly. Whether it is a Korean, Liuqiu, or the indigenous people who launched the attack. All were hit by flying solid shells. The person who was hit was beaten into minced meat on the spot. And those that were hit. It wasn't that the arm was broken, but the thigh was blown off. It's painful anyway. And it's quite bloody.

"Boom." There was another sound. A solid shell flew over. The shells directly hit several indigenous people and Liuqiu. Then entered the soft sand. The kill of a solid shell is the ricochet. Ricochet can repeatedly kill opponents.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu." Aboriginal who saw the artillery. This time began to initiate the retreat information. They suddenly realized that this was a terrible thing and attacked them. Or the gods. They could not explain, nor could they understand what a terrible weapon it was to attack them again.

"Kill." The Korean sailors who saw the mountain people retreating immediately launched an attack. They must act in time. In order to drive these indigenous people out.

"Don't chase. All retreat. Retreat quickly." And just when the sailors' desire to fight was high. The captain actually issued such an order at this time.

"Retreat." The captain roared loudly.

"Our artillery is attacking that area. Retreat quickly. Don't come close." The captain roared loudly. Then grabbed a sailor who was advancing.

"Retreat. Retreat." Some sailors who reacted this time. One after another changed directions. Retreat quickly.

"Boom. Boom." Just as they turned and retreated. The shell quickly flew over.

"Boom." This time it was a grenade. The grenade still exploded in the jungle. The flesh of some indigenous people also flew out. Apparently the grenade hit them.

"Retreat." And the captain roared loudly. It is very dangerous to be close to the artillery attack area. Of course, the sailors also know this.

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