The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1232: Fiscal deficit stimulus

"I know that there are several areas with oil. The oil production there is very rich, and the abundance is terribly rich." Shang Wen said at this time.

"The oil there is cheaper than water. You can drill a well. You can spray out black high-quality crude oil." Shang Wen waved his arm to describe to Meng Yi.

"Where?" Meng Yi asked anxiously.

"There is such a place. Is there no water in that place? There is more oil than water." Meng Yi asked incredulously.

"Yes. You are really right. In that place, water is really scarce." Shang Wen said.

"The dripping water there is as expensive as oil, and the oil is terrible." Shang Wen said at this time.

"That place, in West Asia, is the western side of the Iranian Plateau. The Mesopotamian Plain, and the Arabian Peninsula. And North Africa. There is another place. The Caucasus Mountains. There are Caucasus oil fields." Shang Wen said at this time.

"Just to the west of us. Almost. I think there should be more than tens of thousands of miles away. If we go on land, we need continuous expansion and more manpower to get the oil over." Shang Wen said at this time. Shang Wen is very clear that there is an unusually high amount of oil there. Too many can cause war.

"So far?" Meng Yi asked at this time.

"Yes, it's very far. Very far. Do you know why I always hope to develop the navy?" Shang Wen said.

"I don't know. You think it's useful to develop the navy," Meng Yi said.

"Yes. It's very useful. It's useful. We don't need to take the land. Because there are many countries on land, we have to cross the mountains of Afghanistan and then cross the Iranian plateau. The roads there are very difficult to walk. It is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and there are many land countries. Seeing that we get rich, they will certainly not give up so much.

The most important thing is that the Qin State has expanded too much. Operating costs are high. The state of Qin now makes us feel choked. "Shang Wen said.

"To attack from land, we need to attack a lot of countries. We need to spend huge war expenses and bear huge war risks. After all, we cannot guarantee that we can win in all wars. Not only that, we also have to face the domestic The pressure of our high-level leaders insists on expanding eastward or northward. This will take time. At the same time, it will consume a lot of resources. Can we guarantee to start a war without depleting oil resources?" Shang Wen asked.

"I don't know. Everything is unknown." Shang Wen said.

"So, I chose the sea road. The sea can avoid the troubles encountered on land, and it is easier to operate. The most important thing is that there are many resources available overseas. It is also very convenient to transport, and there is no need to invest. A lot of material costs to build the **** railway." Shang Wen said.

"We can do this. But now, we are running in the opposite direction." Shang Wen said.

"This oil issue can only be shelved for the time being." Shang Wen put the document on hold as he said.

"This." Meng Yi was obviously worried.

"I understand, but now is not the time to solve this problem. What is solved now is the problem of money." Shang Wen said.

"Funds are far more important than those resources." Shang Wen said.

Immediately, Shang Wen and Meng Yi began a heated discussion about Qin's funding. Qin State plans to expand the intensity of external bond issuance. Use debt to stimulate economic development.

And it was when Qin State was discussing funding issues. Astonishing changes are also taking place in Zhao Guo.

"All demolished. Quickly." Handan, the capital of Zhao State. Zhao Guoren is quickly integrating with Qin State.

"The city walls are going to be demolished. What if the Qin countryman comes?" A Zhao countryman said worriedly.

"I don't know. This city wall is fine, why should it be demolished?" Another Zhao Guoren asked.

"I heard that the road will be built. And it will be changed into a block. It will be built into a tall building like Qin State Xianyang." said a Zhao Guoren in the crowd.

"Build roads and build buildings." Zhao Guoren exclaimed.

"Yes. That's right. I heard that the prime minister has already done this." said a Zhao Guoren in the crowd.

"Boom." A huge explosion sounded. Then it was dusty. After all, the city wall uses a rammed earth structure, which can easily be blown up.

"Bah, baah." People immediately began to retreat, and the crowd who had been watching the excitement suddenly dispersed.

However, Guo Kai, who was watching the blasting situation from a distance, looked at the development of this scene with his binoculars excitedly.

"Yes, in the future, Zhao Guo will develop like this, without a wall. What kind of wall is needed. With a wall, it will not prevent the Qin people from attacking. It is better not to. The city will develop like this." Guo Kai said excitedly.

"Prime Minister, the city wall in the south of the city has been demolished. Is that piece of land used to build a factory?" A servant asked at this time.

"What kind of factory is repaired. The factory can make a few money. Build a building." Guo Kai shouted loudly.

But the servant can only nod in agreement at this time.

There is another person observing this scene, this person is Li Mu.

"General. This city wall has been demolished. How to prevent the Qin people from attacking the city in the future?" Sima Shang asked anxiously.

"Take it down. The city wall is useless anyway. A single shell of the cannon can knock down the entire city wall. The city wall is still rammed earth. Look at the concrete fortifications. Those fortifications cannot withstand the violent explosion of explosives. Let alone these rammed earth structures," Li Mu said.

"It doesn't matter if it is demolished. The province is guarded." Li Mu said.

"This." Sima Shang seemed very anxious at this time.

"General, the future war may occur in the city. The city is the last place to be captured. Without a city wall, it is far more difficult to defend than with a city wall." Li Zuoche from behind quickly stepped forward at this time.

"Really?" This time. Sima Shang asked back.

"It is indeed the case. The Yandu offensive and defensive battle can tell that our army, which is in a weak force, can use the complexity of the city to successfully defend the city, and it has caused a lot of casualties to the opponent." Li Zuoche Said.

And Li Mu's views on Li Zuoche. Expressed very much approval. The function of the city is getting stronger. A large number of people have gathered here. All kinds of materials, not only that, but the transportation system also began to gather here. The city became a future focus of war. Occupying a city has become a brand new task of a war. The large-scale field battles of the past have begun to become less important.

Li Mu did think so. In terms of heavy weapons. The gap between Qin Jun and Zhao Jun is too big. In the field. If Zhao Jun and Qin Jun fight directly, Zhao Jun will undoubtedly lose.

The field battle is basically the opponent of the Qin army. The gap between the two sides in terms of weapons is too great. It is difficult for Zhao Jun to win a major victory in the field. Li Zuoche experienced fierce shelling. The effect of bombardment makes any fortifications unbearable and reusable. Not only the fortifications were destroyed, but also the human will to fight. Soldiers can easily lose their fighting spirit under fierce shelling.

If the State of Qin and State of Zhao went to war, the Qin Army would easily enter the State of Zhao in field battles. Even if the Zhao Army was defending an important pass in the Taihang Mountains, it would be difficult to resist the insane attacks of the Qin Army.

The artillery attack will quickly and violently smash the defensive strongholds completely. The addition of air power makes the battle even more bizarre. The coefficient of variation becomes very large. It can be said that the power between Zhao Jun and Qin Jun is not balanced. If the Qin State were not a minority to contain the main mobile force of the Qin Army, the Qin Army was likely to launch an offensive. Because Qin Jun has an overwhelming advantage.

Faced with such an aggressive and huge unprecedented military advantage, Li Mu was worried. It is not just external forces that are worried, but internal forces as well.

Just yesterday, at a meeting in front of the royal palace, Guo Kai made it clear that in order to reduce military expenditures, the number of military armed forces needs to be reduced to a standing military strength of about 100,000. Hearing such a topic, Li Mu was stiff in his seat at the time, and he dared to propose such a topic.

The economic development of the country of Zhao is extremely rapid, especially the recent loan from South Korea. Under the loan of the Korean bank, the country of Zhao quickly resumed all the work. Zhao Guo immediately started a lot of infrastructure construction, and they opened all the roads from Qin State to Zhao State. There are also several major railway constructions. In addition to these, there are also a lot of minerals for sale, as well as land. The land in the hands of the nobles was also used by the commodities to mortgage bank loans.

These engineering projects also stimulated Zhao's employment needs. Zhao people who lost their land swarmed into the city. They found a lot of engineering and technical work. They sell their labor for a living. Some South Koreans came to Zhaoguo to open factories by borrowing crazy money from South Korea. To a certain extent, they also contributed to Zhao's employment and economic growth.

Behind the crazy construction is the crazy expenditure of Zhao Guo's fiscal expenditure, and the fiscal deficit is astonishing. And economic development depends entirely on domestic engineering and resource extraction. No one knows how far such economic development can go.

but. In general. Guo Kai's crazy fiscal expenditures are also very effective. Without these financial expenditures. Zhao's economy cannot be activated quickly. And these are what Qin State Bank hopes to see before. Without stimulating economic development and fiscal expenditure stimulus, it will be difficult to activate such a large market demand. Qin's steel and cement crazily rushed into Zhao's market. And Zhao Guo also stimulated Qin's market development. This is a process of mutual stimulation. The two markets are being closely linked. The closeness of economic construction is reducing the possibility of war between the two countries. This is the result Shangwen most hopes to see. But how great this remedy is depends on the effect it will produce in the future.

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