The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1236: Repel the Qiang cavalry

"The good machine gun continues to shoot." The captain walked over and saw it. Then said loudly.

"Suddenly. Suddenly." The machine gun kept turning. shooting. Fierce bullets kept shooting and killing the Qiang cavalry who tried to get close.

"This time, the offensive of the Qiang people is extremely fierce, as if they are not a test." The ensign ran over and said to the captain at this time.

"I know. I'm shifting a row over to strengthen defense." This time. The captain said loudly.

"In that case, the number is not enough," the ensign said.

"Don't talk nonsense. Shoot, I want to find a way." The captain roared loudly at this time. Then leave here immediately, he needs to raise more people to strengthen his defensive circle.

"Shoot." The captain roared loudly.

The Qin army at the forefront still had only one battalion strength, and the strength of this battalion still lacked a company of soldiers. They just pieced together two companies to build a ring fortification. And the center of this fortification is three mortars. At the supporting position of the fortification, the machine gun was used for supporting shooting. This kind of defense itself is not a big problem, but if you rush towards a certain point, then this point will show signs of collapse.

The captain faced this situation.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu." This is their battle cry. The sound of such slogans made the soldiers of the Qin Army feel very disgusted. This disgust, disgust to the extreme.

"Damn it, the pile of corpses is too high." This time. The machine gunner roared loudly. The machine gun kept firing. The bullets flying out directly hit the pile of corpses that piled high. Obviously, such a shot couldn't penetrate the corpses and then killed the Qiang people.

"I need to get those corpses open. The machine gun's rays are blocked." The machine gunner roared loudly.

"The machine gun stops. They are approaching us." A soldier of the Qin Army saw this in horror. The Qiang people crossed the dead pile. The Qiang cavalry passed the second barbed wire directly. The piled up corpses just pressed out a big hole in the barbed wire, and the Qiang cavalry rushed over from this tone.

"Bang." A soldier immediately squeezed the trigger and hit a Qiang cavalry who rushed over. But more and more Qiang cavalry rushed over at this time.

"Damn machine gun. You move a little bit. Shoot." A lieutenant shouted loudly at this time.

"Close the gap. Hurry up." This time. Seeing the crisis, the lieutenant quickly waved his arms and summoned his men to fill the gap.

"Boom." A sound of physical collision came. A second-class soldier used his body to block the opponent's cavalry attack. But soon, he was knocked out by cavalry.

"Boom." "Boom." The lieutenant had no choice but to take out his pistol and shoot.

"Grenade, hurry up. Throw the grenade." The lieutenant roared loudly.

"Pouch," a sergeant pulled out a grenade and threw it out.

"Boom." A sound. The grenade exploded in the intensive charge of Qiang cavalry.

"Go on." the lieutenant shouted loudly.

"Boom. Boom." The explosion kept coming. The soldiers of the Qin Army temporarily stabilized their precarious line of defense with this grenade.

"Your class, follow me. Hurry up." The captain quickly mobilized the manpower. Run towards the position where the crisis appeared.

"Sir, our manpower." At this time, a second lieutenant in charge of this position said anxiously.

"Don't worry about it." The captain had already explained that he couldn't take care of it at this time. Then waved quickly. Let the people in that class follow him quickly.

"And your class. Hurry up." The captain roared at this time.

"Lieutenant, follow me." The captain shouted at a lieutenant at this time.

"What?" This time. The lieutenant did not understand what the captain was going to do.

"I still need a class of personnel. I need more volunteers, volunteers, hurry up. We urgently need manpower." Standing on a trench, the captain yelled at the Qin Army soldiers in the trenches.

"I'll go." A second-class soldier stood up and said actively at this time.

"Very good. Who else." The captain nodded at this moment.

"I'll go too." A corporal said with a rifle at this time.

"Very good. We have a platoon now." This time. The captain yelled. The captain had never transferred manpower from a unit he was not affiliated with, because his manpower had already been dispatched. Without effective support, his defenses will collapse.

"Sir. What can we do?" This time. The lieutenant asked.

"Do you know the platoon tactics?" The captain said to the lieutenant at this time.

"Understood." The lieutenant said immediately, pulling the bolt of his rifle.

"Very simple. I need you to command this platoon manpower. At the place where we have a gap, shoot the platoon guns. Until our machine guns resume shooting. Your mission will be completed." The captain said at this time.

In the absence of machine guns, platoon gun tactics are the only tactics that can make up for machine guns by shooting with rifles. However, he needs a certain number of people, and then a good officer can quickly organize effective tactics. Then row after row to shoot at the enemy.

"You are the first row, you are the second row, and you are the third row." The lieutenant said loudly to the volunteers who had just arrived at this time.

"What you do now is to listen to my orders. In that position, organize platooning tactics, no matter what happens. Don't care about other things. When you shoot, aim and shoot." The lieutenant said loudly.

"Do you understand?" the lieutenant roared loudly at this time.

"Understood. Sir," the soldiers shouted.

"Good start," the lieutenant exclaimed. The noisy environment of the battlefield can only shout so loudly.

"First row. Shooting," the lieutenant exclaimed. Direct his first row to shoot. Shoot in prone position in the first row. The second row shoots in a squatting position. The third row uses a standing position to shoot. This shooting method just staggers the contradiction of shooting in space. Because of the use of rear-mounted rifles, soldiers can make effective adjustments in space. They don't need to use flintlocks like before, because the flintlocks need to be loaded with bullets from the position of the muzzle. It is impossible for soldiers to shoot in prone position. The most terrible thing is the time for them to load the second bullet. It is much higher than the bullets currently used.

"Hurry up. Machine gunner." The captain ran into the trench anxiously. He saw several soldiers taking apart the heavy machine guns. Two soldiers were carrying a heavy machine gun rack.

"Hurry up," the captain yelled loudly at this time. He can't wait to go up and help himself, but that will only get worse and worse.

"Aim." The lieutenant shouted at this time.

"Let it go," the lieutenant roared loudly.

"Bang Bang." A burst of thunder and lightning shot out.

"Puff. Wuwuwu." The bullet instantly formed a surface and fired out. At this time, the Qin Army Zhengbei was suppressed in the trenches. The Qiang cavalry is launching a fierce attack.

"Let it go." The lieutenant roared again this time. The second round of offense then began.

"Bang bang bang bang." Bullets fired out in a dense burst.

"Third row." The lieutenant shouted immediately.

"Bang bang bang." Bullets fired out in a dense burst.

"The first row." The third row just finished shooting. The lieutenant immediately let the first row start shooting loudly. Because of the use of a back-pull rotary bolt. And there is a magazine design. The second round of bullet firing is much simpler. Such rapid and continuous shooting has given platoon gun tactics a greater tactical power.

"Bang bang bang bang." The dense bullets ejected again. The Qiang cavalry attack was frustrated again.

"Hurry up." The platooning tactics on one side are proceeding quickly. The captain urged this time. The machine gunners arranged the machine guns. This time their shooting position was on the flank of the position where the Qiang cavalry appeared, and the flank strafing was very powerful. The Qiang broke into a gap in the Qin Army's defense line. Fortunately, this gap has not widened much. At this time, the captain needed the machine gun to give full play to its firepower, and severely hit the opponent on the flanks. So they can achieve the effect he wants.

"Shoot." The captain waited anxiously. Seeing that the machine gun is fully assembled, the bullet enters the barrel. Immediately shouted loudly. He really couldn't stand it anymore. If the danger continues to develop, it will cause the loss of the entire position. In that case, Qin Jun would be finished.

"Tututu. Tututu." The machine gun was quickly assembled. Before he had time to locate the ruler, he immediately plunged into shooting. The machine gunner can only shoot supplementary shots based on the position where the light bullet appears. Can only shoot.

"Tututu. Tututu." The fire from the flanks immediately interrupted the Qiang cavalry assault team. The platoon gun tactics suppressed the opponent's attack from the front. The morale of the soldiers of the Qin Army increased greatly. Fight back immediately.

The Qiang's swift attack was repelled again. The Qiang slowly backed out. The soldiers of the Qin Army felt exhausted, and it was the first time that they had allowed the opponent to break through their defenses in this way. If it were not for the effective command of the officers and the timely appearance of machine guns, the consequences would be disastrous.

The captain sat on the ground, putting down the rifle in his hand, feeling very exhausted. His back was all wet with sweat. The tense fighting environment made him feel very tired, but it was more fear caused by tension. He felt unprecedented fear. The officer above was responsible, and his responsibility was to defend his position.

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