"Charge." At this time, the Chu State navy warship quickly rushed to the place where the battle took place.

"Let it go." A Chu State naval gun commander shouted loudly.

"Bang. Bang bang bang." The Chu State Navy immediately bombarded the opponent with artillery on board. Continuous artillery firing, directly bombarding the other side's unsinked warships and launching them.

"Boom." A shell directly hit a large warship of the Chu aristocratic navy. The shells accurately hit the opponent's vitals, and the shells directly hit the opponent's gunpowder depot.

"Boom." There was a huge explosion, and the ignited gunpowder directly exploded. The explosion blasted the entire large warship to pieces. Artillery, wooden barrels, shards of meat. There were also pieces of wood burning in the fire falling into the water.

"There was fire everywhere, explosions everywhere. I saw the noble navy sailors on a warship burning with fire and falling into the water. On the ship, there were all sailors struggling with flames everywhere. They were everywhere. It's all fire. They yelled, struggling, waving their arms. Then the fire on their bodies ignited wherever they went. Then they ignited everything that could burn." An old Chu sailor Recall the situation at that time.

"We were also very scared." The veteran recalled.

"The situation at the time was very chaotic. It was also complicated. A few of our companions and I operated a cannon. The gunner kept shouting loudly, and then we directed at the burning ships or ships that were still intact at the fastest speed. Fired the shells, we loaded the shells like crazy. Then we fired quickly. Solid shells, grenade. Scattered shells. In short, we fired a lot of shells, and we didn’t use them. We shot all the ships we could see Sank.

"Those noble warships continue to explode violently. I know that our shells hit the powder kegs. Unfortunately, the opposing personnel were blown to pieces. I have seen it. One of them was covered in pieces. The aristocratic sailor on fire was treated as blasted into pieces, and the burning flesh was flying everywhere. In an instant, the people were torn into pieces.” The veteran recalled.

"There are also various floating objects floating on the surface of the river. There are dead, living, and burning things. In short, there are many. I don't know what there is." The veteran recalled.

"That night, it was chaotic. Everyone didn't know it happened. But we knew that as long as we kept firing. We could defeat the opponent." said the veteran.

"In fact, it is true. That day, we sank almost all the warships of the noble navy, almost all of them, and our losses were not much. Those who dived and planted bombs died a lot. At that time, we were fighting on the surface. It was extremely tragic. Some of the sailors were killed by placing explosives before they could retreat. Others, when they returned, were hit and killed by our warship in the water, or they were killed by artillery shells or guns. The terrible sailors, on the deck, madly shot at the living targets in the river, and killed those people regardless of the enemy and me." The veteran said.

"It's tragic and chaotic. We didn't even know what happened at the time. Really." said the veteran.

The veteran was telling the truth. In the battle that night, no one could tell exactly what happened. The scene is quite chaotic. There were warships everywhere, and that night, Chu's naval forces fought their own ships, and the two sides were in a complete mess. sometimes. The gunners themselves didn't know who was on the opposite side of the ship. In desperation, they could only fire randomly, and as a result, they hit themselves. Fortunately, this kind of thing happened by accident. As more and more warships burned into flames, with the help of these flares, the Chu State Navy's warships slowly ended the chaotic situation and gradually entered a state of combat. They soon sank those warships. Large warships, and then slowly destroy all resistance warships.

Finally, when the sky is just clear. The battle on the river surface is over. Just an hour before the end of the battle. The South Korean navy Xinzheng heard intense and intensive artillery sounds. Reflect this situation.

"Captain, there is a fierce battle ahead. Listen." The first officer rushed into the captain's room anxiously at this time and said loudly.

"I heard." The captain said at this time.

"The sound of the artillery is quite dense, and the sound of the explosion is very loud. We can hear it here. It shows that the battle is very fierce, should we go and see." The first officer said at this time.

"En." The captain nodded.

"I don't know that it is the force, but the armament that uses artillery in this way is quite large. You know. Not everyone can be equipped with artillery. The price of these things is not quite expensive." The captain said at this time.

"Anyway? Let's go and take a look first, and see the situation." The captain issued an order.

Soon, the South Korean Xinzheng quickly raised its sails. Quickly rushed towards the place where the incident occurred. And on this waterway. There are also many other merchant ships who are also concerned. They all heard dense and intense gunfire when they were discussing how to tide over the difficulties. They were all curiously dispatched a small boat to check the situation. See what happened.

And the battle is almost over at this time. This is a contest between the armed forces of the Chu State itself, but this contest is of great significance. After all, this is a contest in the orthodox sense of the armed forces within a country. The private armed forces of the nobles of Chu State have been involved in the taxation of this country, and taxation is one of the key economic issues. For the Chu State navy to have long-term development, it must have its own sources of taxation. This is the legitimacy of the country. The fundamental problem. I thought it was a problem at this time. There must be a battle between the two armed forces.

In the far south. Some Chu people are discussing some issues that they think are important.

"The place here is very warm. One of our farmers planted two crops of rice in one year. This is an amazing discovery. The climate here is much warmer than that in the north." A farm in Chu State The Lord said at this time.

The Chu people who migrated from Chu Kingdom began to cultivate a large amount of farmland near their stronghold. In the beginning, these farmland was only supplied with some food for their own consumption, but as they expanded rapidly and the population of slaves increased, they quickly began to have food demand. It is obviously very unrealistic to rely on domestic transportation, and it is worth considering if you rely on your own planting. So they began to cultivate and plant some crops on their own. These crops provided them with a certain amount of food, but the food was not enough for them to produce great economic benefits.

But with the rapid expansion and the arrival of a large number of slave populations, they needed a huge amount of food to support these slaves, because it took a long time for merchant ships to get here. To get here, they also needed a lot of food to supplement their supply. Provision. Stimulated by such demand, in the vicinity of the stronghold. The people of Chu began to cultivate a large amount of farmland. These farmlands were used by a large number of slaves. Grow up quickly. Because there are very few Chu people who have migrated here. And the land is huge. Therefore, it is easy to form Chu people's own farmers.

Under the huge commercial demand, the Chu people began to actively expand their land, and then turned it into agricultural land, planting rice. With the planting, especially after using a large number of slaves, the land was quickly cultivated. These Large areas of land were concentrated among a few people, so that the concentration of land was completed, but this time. The storage and transportation of grain are still very problematic, especially the use of wooden boats. The moisture-proof technology of wooden boats is still a big problem. The economy of continuous cropping of food can also be limited. The local Chu people are no longer satisfied. They grow food.

"Well, the grain output seems to be on the rise. This is a good thing," said an older Chu countryman. He is the manager elected by the local area, equivalent to the earliest town mayor.

"What a good thing. These grains can only be sold. If they are available, they can't be transported. They can be sold to the Central Plains. Besides. The ships are full of slaves and can't hold them. These grains are useless if we want so much grain." A farmer complained like this.

"But we don't know what to do?" another farmer said.

"Anyway, if you don't make money from growing food, everyone else can get rich. Why do we, the owners of the land, do this?" said a farmer.

"We have to get something else? Plant it out and sell it." The farmer said angrily.

"Yes. When we grow something, we have to grow something that is valuable, and the demand for this kind of thing is still high, and the economy is high," said a farmer.

"But what is good to grow? There is nothing wrong with this kind of thinking, but we don't know what to grow," said the older Chu countryman at this time.

"This." All the people stopped talking. As the land expands, it is no longer a wise choice for them to grow food. At this time, they must choose to grow cash crops. This idea is correct. However, the people of Chu do not know what to grow.

Chu people don't know much about the local crops. Moreover, they don't know the requirements of Central Plains in detail.

In this way, the development of the Chu people’s stronghold has fallen into a bottleneck. They are now going to break through this bottleneck, but they have made great progress in their thinking. This progress is that they have begun to stop growing more food and turn And planting cash crops, it has to be said that this is a brand-new development model.

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