The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1255: Give me a kettle

"Peace? Can peace come to us? This is a war between Qin and the few Qiang people. There is no peace at all between us. Negotiations are absolutely not allowed." A Qin Marine Corps colonel confronted one at this time. Said the major.

"However, the war we have experienced is really weird." At this time. Said the major.

"For the enemy we are facing, we have never fought each other on a large scale, and the largest scale of combat is at the level of a thousand people. And small-scale sporadic battles continue. This kind of war is really weird. This is how it is. The war will drag on for a long time. The domestic situation is not very optimistic. The prime minister has been worried about economic issues. Military expenditures are high. This is not good for us. The best way at the moment is to negotiate with them." The major said to the colonel at this time.

"I don't think you should be in this place, being my adjutant." At this moment, the colonel looked back at the major and said.

"You should go to the prime minister's mansion and be a security advisor. Perhaps the prime minister appreciates your talents. Major." The colonel said, looking at the rank of the major.

"You are here. I will send you to the front line to fight." The colonel warned.

Speaking, the colonel turned and walked to the front, and then continued.

"Yesterday the Second Battalion reported that one of their reconnaissance platoons found an airship?" At this time the Marine Corps colonel asked.

"Yes, sir. The airship belongs to the Celestial Army, and they flew over to investigate the situation. The photos they took can only be in the process of printing." said the major.

"En. It seems that we are not far from the troops on the Eastern Front. The heavenly army can fly over to investigate." The colonel said at this time.

"Yes, according to a briefing provided by the pilots themselves, they said that they only flew for three days. They arrived here. Their flying speed is very low, and the land conditions, according to their own observations, show that the ground There are not many Qiangs fighting. Many places are empty. During their reconnaissance situation, Qiangs are rarely found. Even the discovery is sporadic." The major reported.

"Oh. Got it." The colonel thought it was no big deal. At most, it can be regarded as a united force, and their combat missions have not been completed much.

And a small town in the middle of the Hexi Corridor is westward and upward. A group of soldiers from the Qin Army are conducting reconnaissance missions.

"Damn it, did you find Qiang people ahead?" an army corporal shouted at this time.

"Be quiet. The enemy can hear you." A captain lowered his voice.

"Damn it." The corporal cursed softly at this time.

"Pay attention to our left wing, the Qiang is very likely to appear from that direction." The captain said with his telescope waving his arm at this time.

"Yes. Sir." A second-class soldier raised his rifle and looked towards the left wing. The right wing is a big rock. It is impossible for the Qiang cavalry to rush out from that direction. And the only possibility is suddenly from the left. The Qiang cavalry has very good mobility, which is what they must take special precautions against. The reinforcements of the Qin Army were infantry, and even the cavalry were scattered and became a small number of mobile units. The absolute number is still infantry, and the infantry can only rely on themselves to complete the reconnaissance mission. They can only disperse the troops. Advance slowly.

And on the other end. The same is the Qin army, but the difference is that they are cavalry units, and they are cavalry units of the Marine Corps.

"Have you not found the Qiang?" At this time, a Marine Corps cavalry lieutenant asked a sergeant.

"No. We didn't even find the footprints of the horses' hoofs. The situation is really weird," the sergeant said.

"We should be scouting. Maybe they are hiding somewhere." said the lieutenant.

The lieutenant said while holding his telescope to observe the situation.

"I need some volunteers. Sergeant, are you willing?" the lieutenant asked at this time.

"I hate volunteers. But there is no way, I will go." The sergeant said at this time.

"Very good. We walk along the big rocks over there, so that we can move forward quickly under the cover of the rocks. This way, it will also help not to be discovered by the other party." The lieutenant said.

"We are ready to execute," the sergeant said.

"Prepare, let's go." The lieutenant said at this time.

On the other end. Army soldiers are lying leisurely under the big rocks to rest.

"Why have we been reconnaissance, just because we are a reconnaissance force?" a soldier asked.

"Hurry up and rest, there will be no such time in the future," a second-class soldier said.

The private was eating with a can of canned food, and he looked out from time to time.

"We have guards." Another soldier said.

"I just don't feel safe.

"DaDaDa." At this moment, a faint sound of horseshoes came.

"It looks like someone. It's the sound of a horse's hoof." The corporal on guard pulled the bolt of the gun suddenly.

"Someone. Ready to fight." The captain urged in a low voice at this time.

"Damn it." The second class immediately threw away the can in his hand. Then he picked up the rifle and pulled the bolt, found a position to enter the aiming state.

"Da da da." At this moment. The sound of horse hooves came closer and closer.

"Bang." At this moment, a private soldier shot suddenly.

The crisp gunfire immediately rang out in the open space.

"Bang. Bang." After hearing the gunshots. Everyone was shocked because it was so sudden. The private soldier was obviously also shocked, he did not expect that he would pull the trigger.

The random veterans knew that the fighter plane was exposed. And all that can be done at this time is to shoot.

"Damn it," the captain cursed loudly at this time. However, the subsequent shots obviously failed to hit the opponent.

At this time, the Marine Corps lieutenant on the opposite side immediately dismounted and hid behind the boulder.

"Damn it," the lieutenant scolded. His kettle was broken. That is an aluminum kettle because of its lightness. The lieutenant paid for one himself. very expensive. Because the cost of aluminum is very high.

"Mother. My water bottle." The lieutenant scolded looking at the water bottle pierced by the bullet.

"Bang." At this moment. A bullet hit the stone next to it, and the flying stone shavings were flying everywhere.

"Sir, it was our own people who fired. Qiang people can't have guns." The sergeant on the side reminded.

"I know." The lieutenant replied grimly. His kettle was broken. He is naturally in a bad mood.

"Call them, it's your own." The lieutenant gave the order.

"Your own. It's your own, don't shoot." This time. The sergeant shouted loudly.

"Bang." The response was still the sound of bullets.

"Damn it," the lieutenant cursed at this time.

"Bang. Bang." The lieutenant fired several shots into the sky. But the opponent still shot.

"Not useful," the sergeant said at this time.

"Shoot them." The lieutenant shouted loudly at this time.

Army side. "It seems that I heard gunshots." The private said to the corporal at this time.

"Shut your mouth. If you didn't shoot, I'm afraid the other party would have been killed." The corporal cursed without annoyance.

"Yes. Sir." The privates had no choice but to shoot again. Because of the gunshots. The Army did not take active measures against the firing of marines.

"Throw a grenade." The lieutenant said to the sergeant on the side at this time.

"Yes." The sergeant took out a grenade with him at this time.

"Puff." After catching the fire, he quickly threw it out with a grenade.

"Boom." There was an explosion.

After a huge explosion. Everyone was shocked.

"It's his own." The army finally realized who their opponent is at this time.

Both parties subsequently revealed their identities.

"The Seventh Army Combat Regiment." The captain indicated his troop number at this time.

"Don't report the serial number. You have to pay me for the kettle. This is an all-aluminum kettle. Do you know his price?" the lieutenant said impatiently. He felt very annoyed.

"Damn it. We thought you were Qiangs, and it is considered good that there were no casualties." The captain immediately counterattacked at this time.

"Furthermore. I am a captain, a lieutenant, look at your rank. You are a lieutenant. After you see me, you should call me a commander. Don't think that you are the Marines and you can look down on the Army. We are regular troops, and we can do the same. Fight." The Army Captain said at this time.

The sergeant and the army corporal on the side looked at their chief. This situation often occurs among the services. For vigorous competition between the two different services. And this dynamic competition is often overdone. There have been serious fights between the Marine Corps and the Army because of the looting of some combat materials. In the laws before Qin. Private fight is a very serious crime. However, the internal competition of the Qin Army canceled this kind of legal provisions. As long as there are no casualties, the internal competition is fine.

As a result, the struggle between the military and the Chinese is often intensified.

"That's a question of rank, and in the battlefield environment. The rank of an officer does not need to be proactively stated." The lieutenant retorted immediately.

"Also, don't you have binoculars? Can you not see the difference between the Qiang and us when you shoot at such a close distance?" The lieutenant shouted at this time.

"Are those **** Qiangs wearing uniforms?" the lieutenant roared loudly at this time.

"Because of your mistake, my kettle was pierced. The **** Qiang was not broken, and was pierced by his own. It was unlucky, you paid me the kettle." The lieutenant shouted to the captain.

"Damn the Marines." The captain retaliated unceremoniously.

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