"Charge." Under the suppression of the intensive firepower, the Qi army soldiers quickly rushed into the ruins still occupied by the mobs.

Sporadic battles are still taking place in Linzi City. However, the absolute number of areas is still calm. Those sporadic battles were when Qi Jun took the initiative to attack the mobs in the city who were still stubbornly unwilling to be pacified. For such sporadic battles. Qi Jun can still accept it. And most of the thugs are accepting pacifications at this time.

"We will replace the weapons in your hands, but now the weapons are tight, you can hold your own weapons." A lieutenant of the Qi army said to a mob soldier who had been soothed.

"There are also military uniforms. I am very nervous now. Our military uniforms have not been changed. You only need to wear these armbands. Soon after, we will distribute them to you. Go over there. Our staff will take care of them. You made a unified arrangement." The lieutenant said to a group of thug soldiers.

"The people who eat are going there," a Qi army soldier said loudly.

And there are many people like this. The long line extended from the city to the Qi army camp.

"How many people are we going to hire this time?" This time. Tian Heng asked.

"According to the latest number." The counselor said at this time.

"About one hundred thousand people have been recruited by our army. This is a huge number." The counselor said worriedly at this time.

"One hundred thousand?" This time. Tian Heng said.

"Yes. One hundred thousand. This number has just been obtained. Before, there were hundreds of thousands of them. There are many people who can take up weapons in battle. This is a lot dead." The counselor looked at the ruined battlefield. Said.

"Oh." Tian Heng lowered his head in pain.

"The cost of 100,000 people is also very large." At this time, the counselor said worriedly.

"If you add those civilians who are together. The number will exceed 300,000. This number is difficult..." At this time the counselor kept shaking his head. With the rapid expansion of recruiting staff. The last bit of Qi Jun's funds was quickly used up. If Korea does not provide loans in time at this time. A new rebellion will happen. Because it needs a lot of money to appease. This undoubtedly increased the pressure on the Qi army.

The nobles in the city also gathered at this time for the final discussion.

"Now the main force of the Qi army has entered. The most important thing is that Tian Heng actually used the means of soothing. As a result, Tian Heng's army quickly expanded by 100,000. These forces add up, yes. Quite terrifying." An aristocratic private soldier said worriedly at this time.

"We might as well kill out at this time and eliminate those thugs. How many can we kill? In the end, we can also win the king's reward." A nobleman said excitedly.

"Yes. Just do it. How many can be killed. Now those thugs are over. Just do it." As he said, the nobleman hurriedly left. At this time, the other nobles also hurriedly left. Only the last victory watched this scene. The latter can no longer control these nobles. Because his army was at a loss, at the same time, the nobles could no longer control the situation. Winners are naturally willing to see such a situation develop. Because such a situation is very beneficial to him. He hopes to see other nobles collide with Tian Heng, and through these conflicts to weaken Tian Heng's army, the rapid rise of Tian Heng's army makes the future victory worry about him. The location is seriously threatened.

The entire Linzi city seemed calm on the surface, but under the calm, undercurrents surged.

On the southern islands, the South Korean warship "Queen" and the captain of the "Independence", which have been far away from the mainland, are discussing tensely.

"Now we have initially established a forward base on this island, and now we are going back. Our ammunition supplies are seriously depleted, and we must supply them." The captain of the "Queen" said at this time.

"En. It is true, we are too far away." This time. The captain of the battleship Independence said.

"However, now we are leaving the two warships together, or leave one warship behind, and the other warship returning." This time. The captain of the battleship Independence asked.

"En. I think we should leave a warship. Another warship returns. Guide our other warships here. Leave a warship so that we can start the battle." At this time. The captain of the "Queen" warship proactively said.

"En. I agree." This time. The captain of the "Independence" warship proactively said.

"In this case. I decided to return on the initiative of the Queen. You stay and guard the base, while the battleship expands along the coastline. This is the most reasonable arrangement." At this time, the captain of the battleship Queen said.

"Then decide like this." The captain of the battleship Independence said at this time.

Immediately, the Korean warships began their return voyage.

And on the surface of the Yangtze River. The Chu State Navy is also actively preparing.

"Be careful, don't spill this tung oil." A sailor shirtlessly carried down a large altar of tung oil. At this time, some other sailors divided the tung oil into some small jars.

These little jars were soon put on some small boats.

"How are everything prepared?" the captain asked at this time.

"It can be prepared before dark." The first officer replied at this time.

"En. Tonight, we will launch an offensive." At this time, the captain looked at the tung oil and said.

"Can't wait any longer." The captain said anxiously.

"Wait this way, our fighter opportunities will be lost, and the situation is getting more and more unfavorable for us." This time. Said the captain.

"Understand, Captain." The chief officer said while looking at the captain.

"En." The captain nodded and looked at the scene in front of him.

"Are there any other circumstances for the noble navy?" At this time. The captain asked immediately.

"Not yet. Our small warship is still blocking the river." The chief officer said at this time.

"En. Don't let the news reach the noble navy, otherwise we will be in trouble." The captain said with some worry.

"We will be careful." The first officer said at this time.

"En." The captain nodded. But there is still some anxiety.

At this time, the Korean warship was docked far away to closely observe the actions of the Chu State Navy.

"Captain, the Chu State navy forces have recently robbed some merchant ships. The materials of these merchant ships should be enough to supply the Chu State navy forces." The first officer on the South Korean warship said at this time.

"En." The captain nodded at this time.

"The consumption of warships is very large. Especially a large-scale battle. The materials consumed are very large, especially, they fired artillery all night. Their gunpowder consumption is very large. And on merchant ships it is. There are very few things like gunpowder. No matter how many merchant ships they rob, they may not be able to meet their consumption." The captain said at this time.

"En." The first officer nodded at this time. He approved the captain's opinion.

"With the passage of time, the Chu State Navy’s fighter opportunities will gradually disappear, and the situation will gradually become unfavorable for the Chu State Navy. No matter what? The Chu State Navy will definitely launch an offensive. We can wait patiently. Now." The captain said at this time.

"Chu's naval forces are currently unable to launch an offensive. You must know that their consumption is very serious." The chief officer said with some worry.

"But the fighter plane is right in front of you. Don't you think those Chu naval forces dare not?" the captain asked at this time.

"No." The first officer replied at this time.

"That's right. Chu's naval forces are all combatants," the captain said.

"It's just. We don't know how they launched the offensive. This is worth learning. Qin's navy looks very powerful on the surface. But they have nothing to do. Qin has no motivation to support the navy to continue to do it. Although their warfare The ships are all advanced, but their actions are too limited. At present, what we have to do is to rise quickly and suddenly appear in front of them, creating a serious fact." The captain said at this time.

"Don't look at the backward equipment of the Chu State Navy, but they have a desire to fight. The Qin State Navy does not have such a mind yet." said the captain.

"The Chu State Navy has a great set of tactics. The Qin State Navy occupies an advantage, not their tactics. We currently have artillery and cannot have the technical advantages of the Qin State Navy. Then we can only use tactical advantages to make up for it. Our technology is up." The captain said at this time.

The first officer nodded silently. The situation of South Korean warships is very good at present. They can’t clearly show up. At the same time, their technology is not as good as Qin’s navy, but they are slightly better than Chu’s navy. However, in terms of battle ranking, Qin’s navy is unknown because of the Qin’s navy. There was no battle, but the Chu navy had a wealth of combat experience. The most important thing was that the Chu navy gave the Qin navy a disadvantaged situation. This, let the Korean warship learn. Let them understand that in the case of technical parallelism, the clever application of tactics can allow themselves to make up for their technical shortcomings.

"Hurry up, hurry up." At this moment, a small warship appeared on the river.

That's right, it was a small warship. This was a small warship of a nobleman from the Chu Kingdom. There were two artillery pieces one behind the other on the deck of the warship, and the other artillery pieces were all placed in the cabin. The muzzle was facing both sides of the strait. Small warships are rapidly advancing towards the port where the noble navy is anchored. They marched with full sails.

"There is a warship." A Chu State Navy sailor shouted loudly.

"What?" The captain picked up the telescope nervously at this time and looked.

"Not good. It's a warship. There are cannons on it." At this time, the captain called out loudly.

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