The development of capitalism is inseparable from capital. Without the operation of capital, it is difficult to carry out all the affairs. Therefore, South Korea urgently needs to develop the financial industry to strengthen their real economy.

"Information obtained from South Korea. The Qi rebellion has basically subsided." At this time. Feng Jie said with an intelligence briefing.

"Qi's rebellion subsided?" Shang Wen asked at this time.

"Yes." Feng Jie replied.

"So how much do you know about some specific information?" Shang Wen asked this.

"All in these briefings." This time. Feng Jie said.

"En." Shang Wen said at this time.

"I heard that General Feng has all the intelligence of our Qin State, I don't know. What is General Feng's view on the economy?" Shang Wen gestured to Feng Jie to sit down and said at this time.

"Don't be restrained." At this time, Shang Wen said.

Feng Jie sat down without any restraint with a smile.

"I heard that the prime minister has a unique view on economics. I also studied the economy and found that many things intelligence is linked to the economy. This is a situation that I noticed when I was collecting information. So, I gradually learned about it. Some things." Feng Jie said.

"En. Intelligence can often bring important news. Just like our news newspaper." Shang Wen said at this time.

"Many of Qin's businessmen get their news from news papers. They are very concerned about business information. For example, where there are special products, there is a good harvest of grain." Shangwen said at this time.

"The Prime Minister is right." Feng Jie said at this time.

"Intelligence work is very important to the State of Qin." Shang Wen seldom came into contact with Feng Jie and said nervously.

"What does the prime minister want to say?" Feng Jie said while looking at Shang Wen's eyes.

Feng Jie often encounters situations where intelligence is true or false, perhaps because of his professional habits. Feng Jie looked at Shang Wen habitually.

Shang Wen felt a little nervous at this time.

"I just hope that the general can provide Qin with some economic intelligence. Because, with the development of the economy, intelligence is no longer a single political and military intelligence. There is also economic intelligence, and there are other aspects. For example, Intelligence from Qi State." Shang Wen said at this time.

"En." Feng Jie nodded.

"If the prime minister had read my report. It wouldn't be like this." Feng Jie said while looking at Shangwen.

"En." Shang Wen nodded at this time. Then quickly flipped the report and said.

"Qi's situation. Does General Feng have any specific views?" Shangwen said at this time.

"My opinion is to wait quietly. Now the situation in Qi is somewhat clear." At this time. Feng Jie said.

"Two factions?" Shang Wen said at this time.

"Yes. Qi State is forming a reformist headed by Tian Heng. This faction will allow Qi State to rise again. I think this is a great threat to Qin State." Feng Jie said at this time.

"Then what is the other faction?" Shang Wen asked curiously at this time.

"The other faction is conservative. They are the nobles of Qi and are composed of nobles." Feng Jie said at this time.

"En." Shang Wen nodded. Means to know.

"Now, Tian Heng is rising rapidly. They have recently adapted a large number of rebel soldiers, and they have expanded greatly. However, the strength of the nobles has been greatly weakened due to the rebellion." Feng Jie said.

"At the same time, according to the information we got earlier. Tian Heng gathered the land abandoned by the nobles, and then scattered them in the name of Qi Jun." At this time. Feng Jie said.

"En." Shang Wen nodded to express understanding.

"They are distributed to the civilians who are farming according to the time limit of 20 years, and then they are paid according to a certain tax. After 20 years, these land will become the other party's property." Feng Jie said.

"En." Shang Wen thought.

"The situation in Qi is very delicate," Shang Wen said at this time.

"There are more subtle ones." Feng Jie said at this time.

"What's more subtle." This time. Shang Wen said.

"The power of South Korea is also involved." Feng Jie said.

"Korean?" This time. Shang Wen asked.

"Yes. Koreans, they provide a lot of funds, as well as various weapons and ammunition. And logistics supplies." Feng Jie said at this time.

"I think, is Qin State intervening?" Feng Jie asked at this time.

"This, did you report it to the king?" the Shangwen asked.

"En. But, Wang Shang meant to wait for further changes in the situation." Feng Jie said at this time.

"En. Then just wait for the situation to change." Shang Wen said at this time.

"However, the entry of Korean funds has triggered a new round of financial situation." Shang Wen said.

"At present, there are many places where South Korean funds enter, and they are also carrying out financial reforms in China. For example, they are using paper money. After they issued paper money, they are quickly solving their domestic capital shortage and liquidity problems. "Shang Wen said.

"And they replaced Qin's banknotes with Korean banknotes. They have a large number of Qin's banknotes in their hands, and now these banknotes have become their foreign currency." Shang Wen said.

"You can see it. The economy is one link after another." Shang Wen said at this time.

Shang Wen then shook his head. The situation in South Korea is linking up with Qi country one after another. This makes Shang Wen feel very headache.

"So, Prime Minister, does Qin have an advantage in finance?" Feng Jie asked at this time.

"Yes. Qin is now the financial center of the Central Plains country." Shang Wen said confidently.

"En." Feng Jie still doesn't understand what Shang Wen meant by financial center.

"Okay. General, go ahead. I still have some things to deal with." Shangwen said at this time.

"En. I'll leave the prime minister first." This time. Feng Jie took the initiative to leave. Shang Wen continued to get busy. Financial matters make Shang Wen feel troubled before.

Xinzheng in South Korea. The queen had some simple exchanges with some of her ministers and Meng Yi.

"Our prime minister means that we develop capital markets in Qin. Our prime minister is well aware of the current situation in South Korea. South Korea holds a large number of Qin banknotes. Only investment can increase capital." Meng Yi said at this time.

"Then developing the capital market means opening up the Qin State's stock market. Few people have heard that Qin's stock market is quite sinister." Han Shu said at this time.

"No, no," Meng Yi said with a wave of hands at this time.

"Qin State opened up the capital market, not the stock market." Meng Yi continued.

"The capital market includes the stock market, but Qin Guo did not develop the stock market all at once." Meng Yi said at this time.

"En." Han Shu nodded at this time.

"Aren't the stock market and the capital market the same thing?" This time. Han Shu asked.

"It's the same thing, but two different market concepts." Meng Yi continued.

"Our prime minister told me that the stock market is not suitable for South Korea when I came." Meng Yi said at this time.

"Oh. What did your prime minister say?" Han Shu asked as soon as he heard that Shang Wen meant it.

"Yes. These are what our prime minister said specifically to me at the end." Meng Yi said at this time.

Han Shu nodded after listening.

"So, what else did the prime minister say?" This time. Han Shu asked at this time.

"The prime minister said when I got in the car. The current situation in South Korea lacks effective financing. At the same time, South Korea has a large amount of foreign exchange, and these foreign exchanges should be available in time." Meng Yi said at this time.

"En." Han Shu nodded in approval.

The subsequent meeting became simple. Meng Yi just explained some things that Shangwen explained, according to Shangwen's meaning.

And Han Shu and some ministers just listened, and did not comment on some of Meng Yi's rhetoric.

And in the futures market of Qin State, at this time, some futures products are rising at this time.

"The price of gold rose by ten points today. Yesterday, it rose by twelve points." This time. Li Wen said to a speculator at the banquet.

"So, what does this mean?" At this moment, the speculator asked in a low voice.

"The trend. The trend is rising. My opinion is that in Qin's gold market, someone is making a big purchase." Li Wen said at this time.

"And the background is very big." Li Wen said at this time.

"You know? Our country's gold has been developed since the west and east." Li Wen said at this time. At this time, Li Wen's huge speculator said that the western and eastern parts of the Qin Kingdom refers to Qin's discovery of gold in the Western Regions and the Northeast. The mining was carried out quickly, and the two gold producing areas greatly satisfied Qin's gold demand. With the massive mining of gold, Qin's gold demand has been greatly satisfied, because Qin does not need a lot of gold to mint currency for market circulation. Therefore, Qin State has a lot of gold and silver for futures trading.

But a problem immediately arises, that is, Qin has many sources of gold and silver, and the quantity is large, but the demand is very small. This leads to a great contradiction between supply and demand. Therefore, in Qin's futures trading, especially in the gold and silver futures trading, there has been a very large decline. This decline is due to the continuous increase in gold production. At the same time, it was caused by the continuous supply to the Qin State.

"But now, the price of gold is rising rapidly. This shows that our supply and demand relationship has changed." This time. Li Wen said.

"So. Gold can do more." Li Wen said at this time.

The speculators on the side nodded continuously. Show approval.

He believed in the judgment of this speculative kid. Because many people have made a fortune because of the judgment of this speculative kid.

The reason for the rapid rise of Qin's gold futures is that South Korea is secretly purchasing gold. These gold purchases directly or indirectly affect Qin's gold futures prices. Gold once rose, but such a rapid rise must be due to a large-scale acquisition by someone behind it. This balance is slowly changing. To a large extent this change is South Korea's gold and silver harvest.

As for Qi, which is in desperate need of gold, some small frictions are occurring between the two factions at this time.

"You put down your guns. Hurry up." A Qi army soldier shouted with his rifle in his hand. This soldier is a soldier of the Qi army who has just been recruited.

"It's you who put down the gun. You thugs." An aristocratic private soldier shouted loudly at this time.

"Wow." At this time, the noble private soldier quickly raised his rifle and aimed at the opponent.

"Hullah." This time. The soldiers of the Qi Army quickly raised their rifles and aimed them at each other.

"Put down the gun. Put down the gun." The Qi army soldiers shouted loudly at this time.

"You put down your guns. You thugs." This time. The noble private soldiers shouted loudly.

Both sides are muzzle to muzzle. Bayonet versus bayonet. In their middle position, some prisoners of war squatting on the ground holding their heads. They looked at the earth with fear. They didn't dare to look up because they knew it. Serious shooting incidents will happen if they move slightly. It is very difficult to keep their lives.

"All put down the guns." Tian Heng shouted loudly while standing on a chariot.

Hear the voice of his lord. Some Qi Army soldiers just looked back, but they didn't put down their guns, because the other party didn't put down their guns at this time, and they didn't care about making jokes about their lives. Unless the opponent puts down the gun first, then it is possible for them to put down the gun.

"I heard it. Put down the gun." Tian Heng shouted loudly when he got off the chariot at this time.

A sergeant put away his rifle helplessly. At this time, other soldiers saw the sergeant doing this, and naturally put down their rifles.

"Wow." More and more Qi army soldiers put down their guns at this time. Seeing the Qi Army soldiers on the opposite side put down their rifles, the noble private soldiers also put down their rifles at this time, after all, neither side wanted to die.

"What happened? They all pointed their guns at each other?" Tian Heng walked over and asked angrily at this time.

"Master." At this moment a lieutenant stood up and said.

"They are going to kill these prisoners of war, these people are innocent." At this time, the lieutenant looked at the ground distressedly, and several headless corpses were lying on the ground. There were still a few heads piled up in the private soldier's section. Obviously, the opponent beheaded the prisoner of war.

Tian Heng's anger fell halfway and he saw it.

"Why do you want to kill prisoners of war?" Tian Heng shouted at the noble private soldiers at this time.

"These are all from my Qi country. People from the Qi country. They are just being forced. They are forced to cause chaos. Now my Qi country has become like this. Why do you want to kill?" Tian Henghuo suddenly came up and shouted at those nobles. The soldier shouted loudly. The soldiers of the Qi army looked at the noble soldiers on the opposite side with full anger. Some noble soldiers also felt the angry eyes of the other side at this time, and slowly lowered their heads.

"Kill. Why not kill." This time. A nobleman walked over nonchalantly.

"These are people who have committed disturbances, why not kill them." The nobleman answered Tian Heng's words strangely.

"These are all of our Qi people. Our Qi people were killed in this way. It was the vitality of our Qi that killed. Now that the war is over, preservation, and the most important thing to nurture the vitality of our Qi nationality is such a desperate killing. Isn't it true? I will destroy my country by myself." Tian Heng raised his arm at this time, pointed his finger at the sky and yelled at the other party.

"Hmph. These people deserve to die. Who told them to rebel. Kill. To kill." The nobleman immediately fought back to Tian Heng at this time. Tian Heng was very sad and disappointed by the nobles' rudeness and lack of any long-term plans.

The soldiers of the Qi Army behind Tian Heng held their weapons tightly at this time. At the same time, there were some people who were going to step forward impulsively. If it hadn't been for some veterans to intercept them, they would have rushed forward.

The Qi army adapted a large number of mob soldiers. Originally, Tian Heng had some concerns at the beginning, because these soldiers and his original troops were enemies at this time, and both sides had fought each other at the beginning. Therefore, Tian Heng is very worried that there will be a big conflict between the two sides. But something happened later that made Tian Heng dispel this view. Because the soldiers on both sides are from the civilian class and have their own tragic experiences. Perhaps the mutual sympathy triggered by these tragic experiences made the soldiers of the two armies quickly merged together.

In fact, it is the soldiers from the civilian class who are dissatisfied with their own situation. Under such unequal conditions, they are considering their equal status. The two sides soon became one piece.

"You rebellious people. I don't know what is good or bad. And Master Tian. If you even took in these rebellious people, do you want to rebel?" The nobleman shouted loudly at this time.

"Shut up." Tian Heng shouted loudly at this time.

"Brothers. Come on." When Tian Heng shouted at the noble's Hukou, some soldiers who were dissatisfied with the noble's insulting Tian Heng quickly greeted him.

"Fight, beat these noble private soldiers of his mother." A soldier shouted.

"Fight. Fight." As he said, a large group of Qi army soldiers stepped forward quickly.

"Bang." "Ah." An aristocratic soldier was knocked to the ground by a fist that was suddenly swung. The noble soldiers never thought that the other party would suddenly do something. This kind of hands-on is too sudden.

"Fight." The soldiers shouted this, and then the two sides fought together.

At this time, the lieutenant and some veterans quickly protected Sumida and left.

"Stop, stop." Tian Heng shouted loudly. He was protected from the fight by the lieutenant and a few veterans. The soldiers of the Qi army quickly got started at this time. They desperately fought fiercely with the noble soldiers.

Those aristocratic soldiers usually take care of themselves. They can barely rely on the superior firearms in their hands to repel the mob's offensive, but they are not opponents at all in the face of a fierce regular army. With the addition of mob soldiers, they originally looked down on those noble soldiers, but now it happens that they report their resentment in the previous battle.

"Kill your beasts." A mature man swung his fist and hit the head of an aristocratic soldier who fell to the ground. The fierce fist hit the opponent's head desperately. His brain burst, and some blood kept splashing out. But the mature man still waved his fist and smashed it down fiercely.

"Fight." Several soldiers quickly stepped forward and threw down the nobleman. Then the Qi army soldiers behind rushed up in a swarm of punches and kicks.

There were a lot of soldiers in the Qi army, and the number of soldiers in the Qi army suddenly exceeded 130,000. The noble army suffered serious losses, and they were not the opponents of Qi army soldiers in terms of numbers.

Facing such a huge opponent. The noble soldiers only had the chance to escape, and there was no chance to fight back.

The soldiers of the Qi army started beating the noble soldiers one after another. Those noble soldiers ran away desperately, they ran away desperately. The one caught was a beating.

"Stop. Stop." Tian Heng shouted loudly outside the arena at this time.

"Stop it all." The lieutenant and several veterans next to him desperately intercepted Tian Heng.

"The main public security is critical. The main man does not enter." The veterans shouted loudly. Then he tried his best to protect Tian Heng outside the field.

"Let go. You will cause disaster if you do this." Tian Heng shouted loudly at this time.

But the situation is out of control. The angry soldiers of the Qi Army swarmed at this time, desperately rushing up, beating all the noble soldiers they could catch.

Qi Army soldiers come from the civilian class. The civilian class was in a very difficult situation. When the hardship came when the regular army of the Qi army sat down with the mob soldiers, when they had a heart-to-heart relationship, both sides would unanimously dissatisfy the nobles.

The nobles occupy the huge wealth of society, and their levies and abuses put the civilians in a very bad situation. The common people are very dissatisfied with the behavior of the nobility, and the society lacks great fairness. In the case of fair loss. The soldiers of the Qi army, especially those from the poor civilian class, could easily target the nobles.

The nobles' cruel killing of civilian prisoners of war has completely angered the soldiers of the Qi army. The actions of the nobles thoroughly angered these soldiers, and the soldiers launched an offensive spontaneously. And severely taught those nobles.

This fight lasted a long time. Finally, under Tian Heng's instruction, a large number of troops were mobilized to maintain it, and it finally calmed down slowly.

"Lord, I am afraid that we have been unable to compete with the nobles..." The counselor shook his head at this time.

"Why?" Tian Heng asked at this time.

"Our soldiers killed a nobleman, and there are many noble soldiers. They were beaten to death alive. I am afraid that this matter can no longer be put down." The counselor said at this time.

"En." Tian Heng wanted to be angry, but at this time it was of no use anymore. He had no choice but to accept this fact frankly.

"Lord, we can only go one way to the dark." The counselor said at this time.

Tian Heng said nothing at this time. Tian Heng has no choice at this time, in his opinion. He can only accept this fact, but he does not want to see this happen.

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