The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1289: The key is self-confidence

"The prime minister, listen to me. The situation in Korea now requires us to do this." A security consultant waved his arm to persuade.

And Han Fei kept shook his head at this time.

"Me. Me." Han Fei shook his head constantly at this time. Then he sat helplessly on the sofa. The security adviser and other cabinet members shook their heads at this time, and their faces showed disappointment. They felt disappointed like never before.

At this time, some consultants looked at Han Fei, who was unable to sit on the sofa, and then slowly stepped back.

"We have to think of a way." The security consultant said with a wave of arms at this time.

"We can't help it. Didn't you see? The prime minister simply can't overcome his inferiority complex. This inferiority complex has too much influence on the speech." The Minister of Economy said in rejection, waving his arm at this time.

"Psychology is right. Inferiority complex can bring great achievements." The Minister of Economy said.

"However, in the face of public power." The Minister of Economy said at this time, shaking his head.

"This inferiority complex severely damaged his image among the public," said the Minister of Economy.

"This is the situation of the prime minister now. Our prime minister has a sense of accomplishment in legislation, but if we let him walk in the foreground. I am afraid that the prime minister still lacks such courage." The Minister of Economy kept shaking his head and said.

"Oh." The security consultant shook his head constantly at this moment.

Both the consultant and the Minister of Economy felt very helpless. South Korea's prime minister's cabinet system comes from the Qin system. Shang Wen has the power to form his own cabinet because he is the prime minister. However, Shangwen's prime minister's cabinet system and the Qin king's ministerial system are parallel. In South Korea, this whole system is well implemented in South Korea. South Korea’s ministers come from the cabinet, and the ministers have actually been placed in the prime minister’s cabinet. It's just that the highest order is obeyed by the king. But they also obeyed the prime minister. From an institutional point of view, South Korea’s prime minister’s cabinet system is more advanced than Qin, because Qin has two unrelated systems operating at the same time. If the will of the prime minister and the king are the same, this system can operate completely and efficiently. If the will is different. This may make it difficult to form an effective mechanism.

"Doctor." At this moment, the Minister of Economy saw the doctor walking out of the room. He immediately caught up and asked.

"Doctor. How's the prime minister?" The Minister of Economy stepped forward and asked.

And the doctor shook his head.

"The situation is not good. If the prime minister does not overcome his inferiority complex, I am afraid that no treatment will be effective." The doctor said.

"Oh. My goodness." The Minister of Economy waved his arm and looked at the doctor helplessly. He himself didn't know what to do.

"However, the Prime Minister is going to give a very important speech. This speech should be inspiring. You know the situation in Korea now, the doctor." At this time. The Minister of Economy said with a pleading look.

"No." The doctor shook his head at this time.

"It's absolutely impossible." The doctor shook his head at this time.

"The prime minister's stuttering is very serious. You are joking about the speech." At this time, the doctor thought the Minister of Economy was joking. The Minister of Economy looked at the doctor seriously.

"This speech is very important to us. The king has already asked for this. Prime Minister, we must stand up at this time. There is not much time. Impossible things must happen. Hope that the doctors can do their best. This is what we must Things to do." The Minister of Economy said solemnly.

"Oh. Okay." This time. The doctor nodded and agreed.

The Minister of Economy looked at the doctor with hope. The doctor turned and returned to Han Fei's room.

Han Shudi caused some concussions under the impact of the explosion. It is very normal for her to feel dizzy and headache, and it is precisely this kind of mental decision-making required to deal with state affairs. And Han Shu's situation has prevented him from participating in such a decision. But Zhang Liang was still unconscious. The reason was that a piece of broken glass hit one of his blood vessels when it exploded, causing him to lose serious blood. If Dr. Qin Guo was not invited from the Qin Concession to help him recover from the blood transfusion, I am afraid that Zhang Liang's life would not be able to come back to life.

However, Zhang Liang was in a coma due to severe blood loss, which immediately put the main leaders of South Korea out of their posts. When Han Shu was dizzy, he ordered Han Fei to replace herself and Zhang Liang.

But when Han Fei accepted it, he discovered what kind of South Korea he would face. South Korea is experiencing a serious crisis, and this crisis comes from an assassination by South Korean high-level officials.

Although South Korea did its best to block news. But in this telegram, telephone calls are common, and the people of Qin have their own concessions. The news spread quickly. Although there is no official official notification. However, Qin's side has already run out of news.

"Have you heard?" In Qin Guo's stock trading hall. An unknown round of stock declines appeared on Qin Guo's stock market. One stock trader said to another stock trader.

"What's the matter?" another stock trader said at this time.

"The Queen of Korea and the Prime Minister were assassinated, and now it is unknown whether they are alive or dead. The situation in Korea has changed." The trader said at this time.

"Oh. My goodness." Another stock trader shook his head incredulously.

"Is this true?" the stock trader asked in a suspicious tone.

"It's true. This round of decline in the market seems to be formed like this." The stock trader said at this time.

"Oh. My goodness." This time. The stock trader said incredulously.

And in the private trading room above the stock exchange. Li Wen, a speculative kid, is also very surprised by this unexplained decline in stocks.

"Damn it. Our government has adjusted so much interest space, why is there such a drop." A speculator said anxiously as he walked back and forth in the room.

"You better stop. We need to be calm to judge." This time. Li Wen looked back at each other. Then stare at the changing numbers on the market again. For this wave of unexplained decline. Li Wen himself didn't understand what went wrong there. Moreover, there is no sign on the board that it will fall. This makes Li Wen very confused. He didn't know what force caused the frantically rising stock market to suddenly fall.

And in South Korea. The Koreans are anxiously persuading.

"The Prime Minister, you should understand. This is not your governance issue. Nor is your legislation issue. We believe you are a good, great politician. You have proven this." The Minister of Economy said, waving his arm.

"Yes." The Minister of Security nodded in approval at this time.

"All of us. Know your great achievements in politics. But now, the prime minister, you must be open and stand on the stage. You have to overcome your inner fears and overcome your inner inferiority. You are qualified and capable. , Stand on the stage and let everyone know your contribution.” The Minister of Economy looked at Han Fei with a pleading look and said.

There was still a concern in Han Fei's eyes, and this concern caused Han Fei to feel very worried.

"Huh." The security minister on the side exhaled heavily at this time. He felt that it was difficult to persuade Han Fei to make a speech.

"We don't need to make such a speech. At present, South Korea only needs to stabilize the situation." Han Fei took up pen and paper and wrote on the paper. And seeing such a sentence, the Minister of Economy at this time also completely lost his confidence.

And in the palace. An attendant came up anxiously.

"How is the king?" The attendant asked carefully the other attendant who was serving Han Shu.

"The king is still resting." The waitress said at this time.

"The cabinet is almost a pot of oil now." The attendant said anxiously. Because of anxiety, his voice is a bit loud.

"Hush." ​​At this time, the waitress felt a little louder. Immediately stepped forward and gestured in a low voice.

"What's the matter outside? Come in and report it." At this time. Han Shu's voice came.

"Yes, Lord." The two replied at the same time.

Afterwards, the attendant told the queen what had happened in the cabinet. The queen was very worried. The queen could only let things go on. Because of this matter, I can't pay attention to the other party.

"Doctor, what can I do? Can you overcome stuttering in a short time?" The Minister of Health found the doctor in private and asked.

"Stuttering is a disease. This disease can be treated. Moreover, I have also treated those who stutter and speak fluently. Do you know?" the doctor said at this time.

"When I was in Qin State, I saw a Qin State salesperson, you know? He is very famous." The doctor said at this time.

"Before, he also stuttered, and because of the stuttering, he was very inferior. But, for some reason, he became confident. After he became confident, his stuttering disappeared." The doctor said. The Minister of Health looked at the doctor incredulously.

"Do you know?" At this moment, he looked at the Minister of Health and said.

"Sales requires a lot of self-confidence." The doctor said at this time.

"I understand what you mean." This time. The Minister of Health looked at each other and said.

"You mean, self-confidence is the key to treatment?" The Minister of Health looked at each other at this time and said.

"Yes. I mean that. If the prime minister can't overcome inferiority complex, he will never be able to overcome stuttering." The doctor said, looking at the minister.

"This is the key," the minister said.

"Yes, the key." The doctor said affirmatively.

"En. I understand." The minister nodded at this time.

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