"I found no target." The captain walked over anxiously and asked.

"I haven't noticed yet. Those **** trees are blocking our view, and we can't see anything." The machine gunner saw through his binoculars.

"I can lower the height a little more." The captain said after looking down. The densely wooded areas cover some areas, which greatly restricts the pilot's vision.

"Can you? Sir," the machine gunner asked.

"I think so. We can lower to a height of fifty steps. Beyond this height, I think we will be in danger." The captain said at this time.

"Thank you, sir," the machine gunner said.

"Don't thank me. I just think that doing this is not dealing with our errands." The captain looked at the machine gunner and said.

"Okay. We are going to lower the height." The captain said at this time.

"Right. Radio, tell our contact group. We are going to fly at an altitude of fifty steps." The captain said at this time.

"Sir. It's too dangerous to do this," the radio operator said at this time.

"I know. Tell the contact group below. We are doing this. I am the captain here. I have the right to make this choice." The captain said at this time.

"Yes. Sir." The radio operator immediately began to make a telegram.

The following contact group quickly received the content of such a telegram.

"Sir. A telegram from the Belle." A second lieutenant walked over and handed a document to the lieutenant colonel.

"Damn it," the lieutenant colonel cursed immediately after seeing it.

"Report immediately, let those **** ones, pull up, hurry up." The lieutenant colonel shouted loudly at this time.

"Yes. Sir." The second lieutenant left immediately.

"Flight altitude. Fifty. Direction 230." The first officer reported the flight attitude.

"Very good. Keep the course. Speed ​​down. We need to fly slowly to give those machine gunners a chance to aim." The captain said at this time.

"Sir. At this height and speed, it is simply difficult to maintain safety." The co-pilot said.

"Our height and rifle can knock us down. The other is that our speed is very difficult to slow. With such a large target, we will definitely be hit without aiming." The captain said.

"Yes." The co-pilot said at this time.

"Okay. Follow the order," said the captain.

"Now, we only have to do this. Since we can complete the task very well, if there is no result, we will stop flying. Let's do it boldly." The captain said at this time.

"Sir. Telegram from the contact group," the radio operator said anxiously.

"Don't look. Those **** bureaucrats. They will let us pull the airship up. Then finally threaten us with a threatening word." The captain said at this time.

"Brother, look, there is a big fat bird in the sky." Below the airship Belle, who lowered its altitude to search, there happened to be two Mo family disciples. They had not seen Qin's airship with their own eyes, so they still thought it was a big Fat bird.

"Below, there are two people, they are dressed very earthy." At this time, another machine gunner on the side of the airship reported loudly. He saw the target below in the telescope. The height is very low, which allows him to clearly see the clothes of the two people.

"It should be a member of the Mo family. Their clothes are very dirty. We must shoot." The machine gunner shouted loudly at this time.

"Found the target, right below us. Two people." The machine gunner on the other side also shouted loudly.

"Shoot. Quickly." The machine gunner on the other side quickly lowered the telescope in his hand.

"Suddenly. Suddenly." The 500-point air-cooled machine gun equipped on the airship quickly ejected dazzling flames.

"Puff." "Bang. Bang, bang." The flying bullet directly hit a Mo family disciple.

"Puff." The Mo family disciple was hit in the chest. Immediately afterwards, another bullet hit his left arm, and the caliber of the .50 bullet was powerful. The bullet directly interrupted the opponent's left arm.

"Puff puff." Blood spurted out instantly.

"Junior Brother." Another person shouted loudly.

"Woo." The bullet was at this moment. It's crackling.

"Tututu. Tututu." I hit one. There is another one. Shoot quickly. "Another machine gunner quickly pulled the trigger at this time. The muzzle kept emitting a long tongue of fire. The gunners of Qin State were not aware of the use of flame arresters at this time, because weapons appeared. Great imbalance. And this imbalance prevents the firearms from making great improvements in details.

"Puff puff." The bullet flew over quickly. The stones on the ground were hit everywhere, and then I knew it quickly hit another person's shoulder.

"Puff." The bullet hit the shoulder. Another bullet hit the opponent's neck.

"Puff puff." It was obvious that the artery was hit and blood was ejected directly.

"There seems to be gunshots." The black-clothed man heard the gunshots.

"It's over there." The woman in white cried out in surprise.

"Quick." The man in black ran quickly at this time. The woman in white followed closely behind.

"I hit them. See them. They were all shot. Blood was flying everywhere." The machine gunner said at this time.

"Are they all dead?" The captain shouted loudly from the cockpit at this time.

"No. Both hit. We are waiting. See if anyone comes to treat them." A machine gunner shouted loudly.

"Very good," the captain replied.

"Pay close attention to them. We can't stay still in this place when we make a circular selection." The captain ordered.

"Yes. Sir." The co-pilot said at this time. Then quickly began a circular flight.

"Uh." The two Mo family disciples who were hit moved as much as possible at this time.

But they were seriously injured and could not move at all.

"Watch carefully." The two machine gunners looked at the surroundings with high tension with binoculars. The dense woods obscured their observation.

"Junior Brother." The white-clothed woman who followed followed stared at everything in front of her in horror. At this time, the man in black looked at the two people from a distance, and there was a lot of blood flowing under them.

"I'm going to save them." The white-clothed woman swiftly stepped forward at this time, and was caught by the black-clothed man at the moment when she was about to rush to the woods.

"Don't go out, there are Qin's airships on it, they will kill you mercilessly." The black-clothed man said anxiously.

"Then you can't watch the juniors die like this." The woman in white shouted loudly at this time.

"You're waiting here, I'll save you." At this moment. The man in black looked at the airship in the sky. The height of the airship is not very high. Such a height is very advantageous to them.

"Brother!" The woman in white shouted loudly at this time.

As he said, the man in black quickly flashed out.

"Someone." This time. A machine gunner on the airship quickly found the target.

"Tutu. Tututu." The machine gun rang soon.

"Damn it. He was too fast. The bullets couldn't stop him." The machine gunner saw the bullets flying out, but he couldn't stop the man in black.

"Tututu. Tututututu." The other machine gunners kept pulling the trigger, and the shells were flying everywhere, but the bullets that flew out did not hit the opponent, no matter how they operated the machine gun to aim. But it just can't hold the opponent. Not only that, the bullet did not hit the opponent. The other party was shrewdly avoiding.

"Damn it," the machine gunner cursed loudly.

"Did you see him?" another machine gunner shouted loudly at this time.

"No. He hid in the woods on my side. I can't see anything, the **** tree blocked our sight." The machine gunner on the other side watched the other side hiding, but there was no way.

"Calm down. We still have some time." The captain said at this time.

"Tututu. Tututu." At this moment the machine gun sounded again. The machine gunner on the other side saw the opponent hiding, thinking that he could shoot with the machine gun in his hand, and then he could quickly kill the opponent.

"Swish." The bullet hit the woods. Cut off a lot of branches.


"Brother, hurry up," the white-clothed woman said anxiously.

"Go to hell," the machine gunner on the other side shouted loudly. Then the bullets kept flying out.

"Huh." The black-clothed man took a look at the opponent's situation at this time. Exhaled. Because the gunner is not sure about the opponent's situation. Then he shot randomly. At this time, he had shifted the target area of ​​shooting.

"It's this time." The black-clothed man quickly drew out his long sword, and then threw it at the opponent's shooting position.

"Be careful. Your left." As a temporary observer, the radio operator quickly spotted the man in black and shouted loudly.

"Suddenly." The machine gunner heard the shout. The muzzle of the machine gun can be reached quickly.

"Suddenly." The machine gun fired continuously. But at this time the long sword that flew quickly hit the machine gunner directly.

"Puff." The long sword plunged directly into the machine gunner's chest.

"Damn it. Someone was hit." Shouted the radio operator. Then his hands trembled, watching the blood constantly popping out in a bewilderment, while the machine gunner was lying on the ground uncomfortably.

"Ah." The man in black who threw the long sword also yelled at this time. Because a 1.550 bullet that flew directly hit the opponent's left arm. The powerful bullet directly unloaded the opponent's left arm.

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