The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1306: Burn the airship

"Strengthen defense. Pay attention. Everyone looks at each other, and the Mo family disciples will launch retaliatory attacks at any time." A lieutenant said to his subordinates standing in the fortifications.

"Yes. Sir." All the soldiers replied loudly. They are all strengthening fortifications. Qin Jun built important fortifications along the possible debut, but these were still not enough.

"We have more than two thousand soldiers, but the entire Qinling Mountain is very large, and we still can't do enough." The colonel said.

"Such a large area requires tens of thousands of talents. It is difficult to accomplish such a task with only a few thousand people." The colonel said sadly.

"But, sir." A staff officer stood up and said at this time.

"We still have air power. Air power can help us accomplish things we can't." The staff officer said at this time.

"En." said the colonel.

"At present, this is the only way. There is a lack of manpower on all fronts. It is impossible for us to get more troops in such a situation," said the colonel.

"To strengthen the defense tonight, we can't let the Mo family sneak attacks. Such things have happened a lot." The colonel said to the staff.

"We have issued such an order. Sir," the staff officer replied.

"En. Don't be careless," the colonel said.

"You will inspect with me," the colonel said.

"Yes, sir." The staff officer immediately picked up the individual combat weapon, and the colonel also entered the combat state with the weapon harness.

As Qin Jun stepped up his guard, the woman in white looked at the man in black who had broken her left arm in a cave.

"Senior Sister, hasn't Senior Brother woken up yet?" a black-clothed young man asked.

And a woman with a delicate face gently shook her head. When she shook her head, her eyes were red. Tear marks on the corners of the eyes that have not yet been wiped.

"Senior Sister, I." The Junior Brother whispered at this time.

The woman in white said nothing.

"I." Junior brother hesitantly stopped at this moment.

"Say." The woman in white said at this time.

"Oh." The younger brother gritted his teeth and stopped at this moment.

"I saw the big Asuka who got the right senior brother. It stopped at the bottom of the mountain." Junior brother said at this time.

"What?" The woman in white heard this and stood up suddenly.

"Where?" The woman in white immediately asked at this moment. The woman in white drew out her bronze sword angrily and asked.

"Down the mountain. Right down the mountain. That thing has been stopped for two days." Junior brother said at this time.

"I'm going to kill them." At this time, the woman in white walked out of the cave with her bronze sword. The younger brother followed closely behind.

"Senior Sister, I know, you are very uncomfortable with your broken arm, but this matter must be discussed long-term." At this time, the younger brother followed closely behind.

"Long-term plan?" At this time, the woman in white suddenly turned and pointed at the other party with the bronze sword in her hand.

"Senior Sister." The younger brother immediately stood on his heels at this moment. Because he is less than an inch away from the woman in white tightly.

"Junior Brother Nine, if you still think of your junior and your seniors, follow me and kill those Qin dogs. Otherwise, don't stop me." At this time. The white-clothed woman looked at her younger brother angrily and said.

"Well, Senior Sister, I will follow you." Junior Brother Nine replied helplessly.

"Go." Senior Sister said simply. Then immediately drew away the bronze sword and left.

And in the barracks of the Qin Army.

"These heavenly troops are more capable than we thought." An army sergeant said, standing beside the airship.

"I really can't believe that someone would throw such a heavy bronze sword so high. At a distance of fifty steps, it takes a lot of effort to shoot with a bow and arrow. This is still a bronze sword." A Celestial Army The corporal and a captain said as they walked.

"Oh." However, they soon stopped discussing because they saw an army sergeant standing in front of the airship.

"Your airship is quite big." The sergeant said at this time.

"En. It's really big. He is about thirty feet long. Only this big can carry more weight." The captain explained.

"En. Your Celestial Army sees more than our Army. You are the eagles in the sky." The sergeant said while looking at the huge airship.

"Thank you," the captain said.

Immediately, the sergeant saluted and left. Then the sergeant walked away. The captain looked at the corporal. Then walked away.

"Senior Sister, Qin Gou and the others are gathered together. And there is a barbed wire fence on top of them. That kind of iron box will make a noise. We have to get over it slowly." Junior Brother Nine said at this time.

"En." The white-clothed woman put on a black night walker at this time. The white-clothed is too conspicuous in the night.

"Qin dogs are all hiding together. They are very alert." Junior Brother Nine said after detecting this situation.

"Don't talk nonsense. Where is that big bird?" This time. The elder sister of Junior Brother Nine asked.

"Just behind that stronghold of Qin State's defense." Junior Brother Nine said at this time.

"Very good, let's go now." Senior Sister said at this time. Then a light leap rushed out.

"Hey, my senior sister." As he said, the junior brother also followed out. Then quickly followed.

"Be careful. This will make a sound." Junior Brother Nine whispered at this time. With that, Junior Brother Nine grabbed a piece of barbed wire. At this time, the senior sister also grabbed a paragraph like this. Junior Brother Nine saw the wire mesh bit by bit with his bronze sword, and then carefully let go. As the gap opened, they quickly crossed the wire fence.

"Who?" Just when he crossed the wire fence. A Qin army soldier's scolding sound came immediately. Junior Brother Nine who was passing through suddenly squatted between the two barbed wire fences.

"Damn it. You should ask for the code. It's not someone. If you don't answer, shoot immediately. Damn it." A Qin army officer shouted loudly at this moment.

"Yes. It's the sir." The soldier who yelled at him immediately replied.

"Go." The senior sister who had already passed by motioned.

"Yes." Junior Brother Nine also quickly crossed the wire fence at this time.

"Yes, sir." The soldier in the distance shouted loudly.

"Damn it. If you recruits were on the battlefield, your head would have been split in half by the enemy." The officer continued to scold.

"Yes. Sir," the soldier replied loudly.

"What are you doing so loudly? Do you want to know that there is a sentry here?" the officer yelled.

"Yes. It's the sir." The soldier replied in a low voice.

"Also, this is the night, how far human eyes can see in the dark, don't save flares. Use more flares." The officer shouted at this time. Then left.

"Damn it." The soldier who had been taught said immediately.

And at this time. The two black figures had quietly approached what they wanted to approach.

"Senior Sister, that's it." This time. Junior Brother Nine whispered.

"En." Senior sister nodded and said.

"Senior Sister, what should we do?" Junior Brother Nine asked.

"Burned that airship, and then killed a few Qin dogs in the chaos to avenge the senior brother." Senior sister said at this time.

"I'm going to set the fire." Junior brother said at this time.

"I'll go." As he said, the senior sister had already jumped out. Subsequently. The younger brother also reluctantly followed out.

"I don't know what our king thought, he even gave such an order. Let us continue to hunt down those Mohists." A flying sergeant stood beside the airship and said.

"Damn it. Don't say it. This is an order, we are just executors." A second lieutenant officer moved down with a heavy machine gun and said. When the two people who were already close to the airship heard this, they both clenched their fists tightly.

"Come and help." This time. Said the ensign.

"Yes." The sergeant said when he took the heavy machine gun.

"En. Have you read the newspaper?" the ensign said.

"The newspaper said that the princess and the prime minister's wedding date is approaching. The two's wedding date will be this month." The ensign said at this time.

"What? You want to get married too?" At this time, the sergeant asked.

"En. There are plans to get married," the ensign said.

"Haha. The power of the newspaper is so great," said the sergeant.

"Puff." At this moment. The senior sister saw a captain of the Celestial Army. He immediately rushed forward and gave the opponent a sword, and the younger junior swiftly gave a sword to the opponent's neck.

The captain lay down quickly.

"Set fire." Senior sister ordered.

"Yes. Senior Sister." The junior brother immediately blew the fire, then ignited some igniting materials, and quickly ignited the airship.

"No, the airship is on fire. It's on fire." Then two Heavenly Army officers and soldiers shouted loudly.

"Fight the fire, put out the fire." Then the cry spread quickly.

"Our airship is on fire." The soldiers of the Qin Army inside the fortifications immediately shouted loudly when they saw the rapidly burning fire.

"Damn it," a lieutenant in the fortifications shouted, looking back at the fire.

"Don't move everyone. Someone deliberately set fire, don't mess up your own position. Strengthen your defense, don't let the suspicious person run out from here." The lieutenant ordered.

"Yes. Sir." All the soldiers quickly entered the battle position, and then took aim with their rifles.

"Fight the fire, quickly put out the fire." At this time some soldiers began to scream. An experienced officer can command soldiers calmly. However, some inexperienced soldiers will choose their own things to do in a chaotic situation, and their uncool behavior will only aggravate the chaos of the situation.

With the help of these soldiers, several Qin soldiers were killed. Taking advantage of the chaotic situation. The two escaped from the Qin Army's control area, and the airship quickly burned into a fire in the Qin Army's area. The fire reflected the entire night.

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