The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1318: Royal Navy of South Korea

"Escape marriage." Joking. "Shang Wen said to himself while lying on his bed.

"If I escape the marriage, Yingyu won't kill me." Shang Wen then thought to himself.

"But, if you don't escape the marriage, the day after tomorrow will be my wedding day. Alas. Why, at this time. I suddenly felt scared." Shang Wen said to himself.

"This. Forget it. I don't want to." Shang Wen really gave up.

Xinzheng, South Korea. Inside the Palace of the King of Han.

"This is the result of your arrest?" Han Shu asked loudly.

"My lord, the mission was too sudden. A lot of reconnaissance situations are unknown to the arresting troops." said a 30-year-old colonel officer.

"These are not excuses. The problem is that there are more than 300 people on the list who should be arrested, and now there are only 111. There are more than two hundred people, these people. What should I do?" Han Shu asked.

"This." The officers standing there stood at a loss.

"I think we should continue to arrest." This time. Said a major general officer who was standing.

"Anyway, what we have is energy. In addition, we can form a special intelligence agency and a branch." A major general officer said.

"What?" Han Shu asked immediately upon hearing such an answer.

"This. We can specifically arrest these people. We still don't understand the situation of these declining nobles." The major general said.

"So, what about the safety of widows?" This time. Han Shu asked immediately.

"The king should strengthen security precautions, especially travel should not be so hyped." The major general said at this time.

"Your Majesty, this incident was due to the King's negligence in safety precautions. It led to this kind of thing happening." The major general said at this time.

Hear such remarks. All the officers were worried about the situation of the major general.

"En." Han Shu breathed a sigh of relief at this time, and did not pursue it.

"My lord, if you don't make such excessive publicity, and don't make your travel plan public, this can be avoided." The major general said.

"If the whereabouts of the king is announced, people with ulterior motives will definitely use it." The major general said at this time.

"So, the king's future trips should be concealed, rather than announced like this." The major general said.

Having said this, everyone looked at the major general at this time. After watching the major general, they secretly looked at the queen. They were very worried that the frank general told the truth.

Quiet, short silence, this silence is quite long.

"The general is right." Han Shu said unexpectedly at this time.

People only breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the queen say this.

"The reckless behavior of the widow caused Prime Minister Zhang to be seriously injured." Han Shu said at this time.

"And there are too many people involved." This time. Han Shu self-examined.

"The general is right." Han Shu said at this time.

"The general deserves the award he deserves. You should persuade the widow more. The widow is here to thank you." As he said, Han Shu saluted. All the officers present were taken aback by Han Shu's actions. They couldn't believe that such a thing would happen.

"This matter, do it according to the general's intention?" Han Shu said at this time.

"Generals, there are still some things that need to be dealt with." Han Shu looked at the generals at this time and said.

"We have made new discoveries about the surface power in the south. I am afraid that these discoveries can no longer be concealed." Han Shu said at this time.

"We need to develop our own maritime power. Expand our future naval power." Han Shu looked at the generals and said.

Only a few generals at the scene knew about this, and most of the other officers didn't even know that there was such a thing. It was the first time they heard from the Queen. There is also South Korean surface power, and this power is a potential predecessor of the South Korean Navy.

"Here, we still have the navy." A colonel asked a general next to him.

"I don't know, this matter. I have never heard of it. Since the king said that there is, then we have. As for the development of the situation?" The general shook his head at this time.

"I don't know either." The general in front said at this moment.

"Then, please come to the Secretary of Defense to introduce our current development of water power." At this time. Han Shu said.

Originally, South Korea’s defense minister should be managed by civilian officials, but the South Korean New Army strongly believes that soldiers and civilians should not intervene. Qin State is the situation of Qin State, but the affairs of Korean soldiers can only be managed by the Korean New Army. The soldiers of the army are in charge. In this regard, the South Korean New Army occupied the position of the Minister of Defense, which should have been a civilian official.

"The current development of South Korean surface power, we now have 15 large warships. In addition, there are about four medium-sized warships. And various small warships, 20 armed merchant ships. The number is about 8,000. But. The scale of military expenditure still needs one million gold." At this time. The Secretary of Defense said.

"Oh my God. Our surface power has developed so much." said a senior officer of the Korean New Army.

"Currently, our surface power is developing rapidly, but there is a serious problem. We don't have our own home port, and our warships have no ports to berth. As a result, our warships are all disguised as ordinary large merchant ships and then enter the State of Qin. We need to pay for Qin’s expensive port leasing fees, and at the same time, we must deliberately hide. In addition, our military expenditures are tight, so that, as a result, our surface power can’t expand so quickly. "The Secretary of Defense said at this time.

"General, do you think we are going to build a navy? In this case, our new South Korean army will be divided into two. The navy and the army will exist at the same time. In that case, our military expenditure will be cut in half." The colonel kindly reminded a lieutenant general at this time.

"I understand this truth naturally, but for the moment, it is an ironclad fact that South Korea has established a navy." At this time, the lieutenant general said.

"Don't you see it?" The Lieutenant General whispered at this time.

"The king intends to develop the navy, not only that, but he also takes special care of the navy. Think about it, our military expenditure is fixed like that, and it must be disclosed to the State of Qin, but the navy is developed beyond this and on such a large scale, we Although I don't know how long the development has taken, one thing is certain is that the king must secretly support our future navy." said the lieutenant admiral.

"I heard that it costs 20,000 gold to build such a large warship. Think about it. 20,000 gold, such a huge military expenditure, can easily be seen from the military expenditure. From these expenditures, it can only be obtained from the Queen. You know, when the queen takes charge of the Han Palace, the expenses of the Han Palace are the least. It is also the most economical, but the cost is not left. In addition to some personal expenses, there is still a large part of the king. This part How to explain it, it seems that it must support the future navy." The lieutenant admiral analyzed in this way.

After listening to the Lieutenant General’s analysis. The colonel suddenly realized. It seems that to be a senior officer, one must understand some of the above ideas. In fact, it is true. After Han Shu took charge of the Palace of Han Dynasty, he quickly cut expenses, but his income did not decrease. For this part of the income, she made more reasonable arrangements, such as careers, bank construction, and investment. In addition to these, she also strongly supported the future development of South Korea's navy. The Lieutenant General’s analysis is exactly the case. The Queen strongly supports the development of South Korea's future navy.

"At present, our surface power has made a major breakthrough. Our warship has discovered some important islands. The conditions on these islands require further development, but we do have the power to develop, not only that." At this time The Secretary of Defense said.

"We have a brand new connection with Qi, and we can establish our own seaport in the coastal areas of Qi," the defense minister said at this time.

"In this way, we have a home port, and the timber from Yan can be transported by sea to expand the shipyard, we can carry out maritime trade, and rapidly expand our maritime power. In this way, we have a brand new Development." said the defense minister.

"Faced with such a brand new situation, South Korea's surface power can no longer hide it." The Defense Minister said at this time.

"So, the South Korean Navy must be established." The Defense Minister said at this time.

Having said this, the Secretary of Defense stopped.

All the officers stopped immediately when they heard this. They felt quieter than ever.

"Korea Navy?" At this time, an officer asked.

"Yes, the South Korean Navy and the South Korean New Army will undergo a major adjustment in an all-round way." This time. The Secretary of Defense said at this time.

"The New South Korean Army will be divided into two separate services, the Royal Korean Army and the Royal Navy of South Korea." The Minister of Defense said at this time.

"All the military services will be named as the royal family. At the same time, within the Korean military, special learning will be set up to train special arms, and the Korean military will be divided into specific arms. The establishment of these arms will affect the Korean royal family. A comprehensive upgrade of strength, honor is very correct for us." The Minister of Defense said.

Hearing this, all the soldiers were surprised as never before. They were shocked by such a huge plan. The establishment of the navy is enough to cause great shock. Today, internal adjustments are still being made. Everyone knows how much this adjustment will have to the new South Korean army. This is a breakthrough in military quality.

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