"Do you know what you are doing?" Meng Tian followed up and asked Shangwen at this time.

"I know." Shangwen stood at the back of the ministers' crowd, and the minister in front looked back at Shangwen at this moment. Obviously, Shangwen's position was not in compliance with the rules.

And Shang Wen nodded to indicate that it doesn't matter.

"It's best not to talk about this matter. I know what I am doing too well." Shang Wen looked at the slowly approaching train, and at this time, King Qin had already greeted Li Mu with the support of a large group of important officials and generals.

In fact, the Li Muye area can enjoy such treatment. If it weren’t for Qin State to use Guo Kai, Zhao’s treacherous minister, to kill Li Mu, it would take a long time for Qin to take Zhao State to win Zhao State. .

The people of Qin were very clear that as long as Li Mu was there, it would be difficult for Qin to conquer Zhao militarily. Although in terms of national strength, Qin State had an absolute overwhelming advantage, but a capable commander would not wait for the Qin army to attack. Even your weapons and equipment, how advanced logistics supplies are. The Korean War has proved this. Shang Wen is also very clear about this, and the senior officials of the Qin State are all aware of this, so the treatment of Li Mu is much higher than that of special envoys from other countries. For the special envoys of various countries, Qin only sent an official to greet them symbolically. The other special envoys were free, but Zhao Guo appeared to be quite grand, and King Qin came to greet him in person.

"The prime minister. King Qin came in person. The prime minister still has a lot of face." Guo Kai's assistant said happily.

"En." Guo Kai nodded with a slight smile. Guo Kai was a little surprised that King Qin came to greet him in person. However, seeing King Qin come in person. The prime minister of Zhao State was very pleasantly surprised. Think about it, King Qin came to greet him.

"It seems that we Zhao Guo is very concerned by Qin State." Guo Kaiwei said. Although this is a bit unrealistic, Guo Kai still feels very good about himself.

The generals of the King Qin welcoming a country are very non-compliant in diplomacy. However, King Qin believed that he ridiculed Zhao's prime minister and valued Zhao's Li Mu. this way. Can greatly divide the internal conflicts of the other party. King Qin is still willing to do things that are beneficial to the State of Qin. It can be said that Qin's diplomatic divorce strategy can be used everywhere. And the proponent of such a strategy was Wei Liao. At this time, Wei Liao was standing beside King Qin. King Qin's appreciation for this was probably just the relationship of appreciation. Shang Wen was not around, and he didn't notice it either.

"I really don't understand, Lord, why should you just greet Li Mu?" Shang Wen was a little puzzled, and at the same time he broke the topic.

"Don't you know?" Meng Tian said at this time.

"You asked me deliberately." Meng Tian replied in an angry tone.

"I really don't know. I don't know anything about diplomacy." Shang Wen explained.

"The trick of separation." Meng Tian replied.

"What?" Shang Wen asked back.

"The trick of separation." Meng Tian said at this time.

"King Qin estimated that he would only attach importance to Li Mu. And Guo Kai, who neglected Zhao Guo, was left." Meng Tian said at this time.

"Why?" Shang Wen asked inexplicably.

"If you are a stingy person and value external things, what would you think. You will definitely be jealous. Then you will hate the other person. As the hatred accumulates, it will gradually become hatred. Understand? "Meng Tian said at this time.

"Oh. I understand." Shang Wen nodded and admitted.

"It looks like General Li Mu. There is something good to watch." Shang Wen looked at this scene as if it were a bystander.

"General, King Qin came to greet him personally. It seems that the general is famous." A staff officer said happily.

"This is not prestigious, this is killing people." Li Mu said at this time.

"I see. The people of Qin are determined to implement a divorce plan." At this time, Li Mu saw that Qin used a large banner to welcome Li Mu instead of welcoming Zhao Guo's special envoy Guo Kai. This obviously suppressed the other party.

"Qin people have always been like this." Li Mu said.

"Oh." Li Mu could only sigh helplessly. Because of this kind of divorce, it is very well-known to Zhao Guo. There is a lot of distrust between Zhao’s civil officials and military commanders. There is no way. Zhao Guo is traditionally a country that relies on force to rise. It can be said that this country It is very martial, and it is difficult for civilian officials to control military power. In this way, a vicious circle is formed. Civil officials need to govern the country to provide effective and sufficient logistical supplies, and the country's military strength can rise to a large level. However, the civilian officials of the Zhao country cannot control the soldiers. The Zhao country has repeatedly experienced serious military affairs. Rebellion activities, as a result, it is easy to produce great taboos against soldiers. Although Li Mu is a very standard soldier. But their chief of civil servants can be said to be a noble rascal, and the rascal does not have any integrity, and his tolerance can be said. Li Mu knew this very well himself, and he felt helpless about it. This is the current situation of the Warring States Period. Countries generally lack a person with great political influence, and it is precisely that no such person has made huge political adjustments that led to a serious decline in the overall strength of the six countries. China, on the contrary, got an excellent civil official group and military commander group. Although these two groups compete with each other, the competition is reasonable. But this group can quickly and effectively integrate Qin's resources to make adjustments. Therefore, Qin's strength greatly surpasses the six nations.

"See." Guo Kai took the initiative to get out of the car and deal with King Qin.

"Oh. It's coming." King Qin said so unexpectedly.

"Then be flat." King Qin said without pain or itching.

At this time, Guo Kai, who was giving the gift, felt a sense of being left out and teasing.

"This...······Xie Qinwang." Guo Kai tried his best to suppress his inner dissatisfaction, but he could not express it.

"Oh. Our General Li Mu. Finally came to Qin again. Welcome." This time. Li Mu came out wearing a straight military uniform. The military uniforms of this period have undergone great changes. Compared with the previous military uniforms, the military uniforms used now are closer to modern military dresses. Because this military uniform is very formal. And practicality is still almost. And because of the different ranks of the military uniforms, the degree of sophistication is also different. Compared with traditional military uniforms. The military uniform I am wearing now is more concise and straight. Buttons are generally used in military uniforms instead of ropes in the traditional sense. In this way, the uniforms look very stiff.

"Come on, the weather in Qin State is a bit cold. Put it on." King Qin took the initiative and said, holding Li Mu's hand. Then he took the initiative to put his coat on Li Mu's body. Li Mu's straight military uniform made him look like a soldier, and Shang Wen viewed it this way. But King Qin's initiative to put on his coat made many people think. Li Mu is the general of Qin State.

"This, thanks to King Qin." Before Li Mu had time to salute, he was caught off guard by King Qin's enthusiasm, while Guo Kai on the side twitched the corners of his mouth, and everyone saw this twitching. Especially Guo Kai's squint eyes, the extremely hateful look in Wei Liao's eyes, this move was just what he meant.

"See it." Meng Tian motioned to Shangwen at this time.

"I saw it. Looking at the corners of Guo Kai's mouth, he couldn't control it." Shang Wen said after taking a look at the situation.

"That's right." Meng Tian whispered at this time.

"What you want is this effect." Meng Tian said to Shang Wen. But Shang Wen was disgusted with such a move, perhaps because he liked Innocence. Shang Wen felt very disdainful of such small diplomatic moves. But there is no alternative to such a move. Qin is using such a set of techniques, and the wisdom of the entire Warring States seems to be concentrated in this place.

"Thank you, the king, my soldiers from the State of Zhao are firm. Such a bitter cold environment is the time to exercise the will of the soldiers. Thank you, King Qin." Li Mu quickly pulled off the army coat at this time and gave it back to King Qin.

"Hey, the general is out there. I, the people of Qin, only respect General Li's military sentiment. There is no two-mindedness, and no two-mindedness." King Qin explained at this time. And this explanation clearly explained King Qin's intentions.

"General Li has been on the train for a long time, and the widow has ordered that he be prepared and rest early." At this time. King Qin said actively.

"This. Thank you, King Qin." This time. Li Mu can only say so.

On the side, Guo Kai was severely ignored. In this regard, Guo Kaixin is very unbalanced. Guo Kai can't wait to be Li Mu. For the close relationship between Li Mu and King Qin, it is easy for Guo Kai to have an imbalance. And this imbalance quickly became a kind of jealousy and hatred. Then there is a kind of suspicion.

"Humph." Guo Kai couldn't help but glanced at Li Mu and hummed.

The officers behind saw this scene in their eyes. They were very dissatisfied with Guo Kai's performance.

Then the group left the train station. The officers behind Li Mu talked about this.

"King Qin also gave three points to the general. He Guo Kai, what a thing." An officer said unreasonably.

"Yes. That's right." Another officer said angrily.

Hearing that the officers behind were a little aggrieved, Li Mu severely warned his men.

"Don't talk nonsense." Li Mu warned.

"Your tongue will bring disaster. Speak carefully." Li Mu taught.

The officers stopped talking at this time and watched Li Mu carefully leave the train station.

"What does Li Mu want to do? Me, I have to explain this to the king." Guo Kai said angrily. He was so annoyed about this matter. This made him lose face.

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