"Princess, the prime minister will be fine." Meng Tian comforted.

Shangwen looked at Yingyu with his scattered hair, and Shangwen seemed to be saying it was okay. But what Meng Tian's thought is, in his opinion, things have exceeded his control, and there may be new changes in things. With this change, Meng Tian believes that he can only rely on immediate changes.

"All make way." Meng Tian ordered.

The Marine Corps soldiers stepped back slowly at this time to make way.

"Let's go." Meng Tian said at this time.

At this time, the senior sister escorted Shang Wen back slowly.

At this time, a group of officials and generals did not speak, and the foreign envoys were also present. Originally, some ministers wanted to persuade these foreign envoys to leave, but they did not do so. Now that the matter has happened, if we continue to deal with it in this way, I am afraid it will be difficult to end.

"I will go with you, but." Although Shang Wen wanted to say a few words to Yingyu, think about it, let's leave before such an occasion.

"Go." Senior sister urged at this time.

And a large group of Marine Corps soldiers moved slowly.

"The car is over there. I will drive the car over." Meng Tian motioned.

"Let your people drive over." Senior Sister said at this time.

"Oh. Okay." Meng Tian promised. At this time, he can only do so obediently. Once the opponent is irritated, it may be difficult to deal with.

The car drove over soon. A Marine Corps soldier got out of the vehicle and left quickly. Meng Tian gestured.

"There is no one in the car, let's get in the car." Meng Tian said at this time.

"Junior Brother, you go first." Senior Sister said at this time.

Immediately, Junior Brother Nine got on the car first, and then the elder sister pushed Shang Wen, who also got on the car. Then there is the elder sister.

Not far away, Ying Yu followed closely and looked at Shang Wen. That is a kind of worry.

"Can I get in the car?" Meng Tian asked at this time.

"Come up." Senior Sister said.

Before getting in the car, Meng Tian looked at the princess.

"It's okay, I will deal with it." Meng Tian said. The princess looked at the car with his unmarried husband in it.

"Hurry up and drive." Senior sister urged at this time.

Immediately, Meng Tian got into the car and restarted the car.

And outside the gate of Xianyang Palace. The Marine Corps soldiers who received the phone order quickly removed the obstacles. At the same time, a group of soldiers quickly stepped forward to disperse all the gathered reporters and civilians.

"Wow." A truck appeared in front of it, filled with heavily armed Marines.

"Get out of the way, hurry up," the Marine Corps soldier shouted.

"Da da da." A group of Marines cavalry also arrived quickly, dispersing the crowd, and then quickly cleared a way.

"Buzzing." There was the sound of the car engine, and the car quickly drove out of the Xianyang Palace.

"What did you post?" the reporter asked curiously. Some reporters will quickly take the photos they want with their cameras.

"Wow." The cavalry began to clear the way. The truck followed closely behind. All Marines are on guard.

The reporter, and the civilians watched a car driving away from Xianyang Palace from a distance.

"You said, what happened in the Xianyang Palace? How come so many soldiers were dispatched at once. And there were cavalry soldiers who opened the way urgently." A civilian asked the reporter next to him. The reporter did not answer. It was busy taking the photos they wanted. Such an abnormal behavior attracted the reporter's attention even more. They knew that a serious incident must have occurred in the Xianyang Palace, but they still don't know what happened.

"We are now facing south, there is a mountainous area, you can easily hide." Meng Tian said as he drove.

On the left of Shang Wen was Junior Brother Nine, and to the right was Senior Sister. The bronze sword had been withdrawn at this time. Senior sister is very confident that Shang Wen will definitely not be foolish.

"You guessed it right." Shang Wen said at this time.

"They are in the southern mountains, where the situation is very complicated." Shang Wen said.

And Meng Tian didn't say anything. Senior Sister Mo Jia didn't say anything. Shang Wen felt bored and shrugged. Means it doesn't matter.

"When will the cavalry outside leave?" Senior Sister asked at this time.

"Quickly." Meng Tian replied.

After the car drove out of the new city, Meng Tian waved. The Marines cavalry waved quickly, and then stopped advancing. They watched Meng Tian and his party leave. And the truck behind also stopped quickly, and a large number of infantry came down and kept alert. Meng Tian saw all this in the rearview mirror. And Shang Wen looked back at all this.

"Don't look at it." Senior Sister said at this time.

Because Shang Wen turned his head from the right at this time, Shang Wen happened to face the senior sister. The elder sister felt that Shang Wen was looking at herself, so she said, don't let Shang Wen continue to watch.

"Oh." Shang Wenen said.

"I". Shangwen wanted to explain something, but obviously the other party was not interested in listening. Shang Wen had to stop, and Shang Wen felt like he was very unwelcome.

"I will send you to the mountain area, and then you get off the car. I promise with the honor of an officer that no one will chase you. I guarantee your safety." Meng Tian said in the car.

"I can trust you." At this time, the senior sister said.

"Thank you." Meng Tian said.

"But I believe that you will return the prime minister to us as I said." Meng Tian said.

"I have a question." Senior Sister asked at this time.

"Oh. What's the problem?" Meng Tian asked.

"Why do you value this person so much?" Senior Sister asked suspiciously at this time.

"Well, this is a serious political, economic, and military issue. I'm afraid I can't answer you." Meng Tian said.

"En." Senior Sister arrived at this time.

"In other words, your prime minister, on the surface, seems to be nothing. This person does not seem to be that important to Qin, but he is actually a very important person, right?" Senior sister asked at this time.

"Yes. You can say that." Meng Tian replied at this time.

"So, can you tell me why your prime minister is important?" Senior Sister asked at this time.

"This." Meng Tian was a little embarrassed.

"I just noticed it. You value him very much, I don't know where it will be so important." Senior Sister said.

"I want to know. This person is very strange. I'm just interested." Senior Sister said at this time.

When Shang Wen heard such words, he smiled slightly.

"I am really important." Shang Wen said.

"I have a lot of technical invention patents." Shang Wen said.

"Shut up." Senior sister commanded without even looking at Shang Wen at this time.

"Oh." Shang Wen said disappointedly.

"Tell me." Senior Sister asked at this time.

"How do you say this question. I don't know where to start. This guy is really strange. Many things he did are different from all the prime ministers before Qin. If you say, the prime ministers of the previous Qin will be the same. A goal, and this guy." Meng Tian commented.

"I really don't know how to describe it. After this guy came to Qin, many changes have taken place in Qin. For example, from a military point of view." Meng Tian said.

"I'm just a soldier, I prefer to look at the problem from a military point of view." Meng Tian said.

"Know?" Meng Tian said at this time.

"This guy, as soon as he came to Qin, he changed his weapons completely. Hand grenades, rockets, various muskets, artillery, and new types of troops, cavalry, artillery, engineers, etc. The style of war has taken place tremendously. Change. This guy's mind is filled with strange things. You know?" Meng Tian said at this time.

"The airship flying in the sky. He invented it. He knows the principles of the subsequent various aircraft." Meng Tian said.

"Flying in the sky?" Senior Sister asked Meng Tian at this time.

"Yes. It's all he who flies in the sky." Meng Tian drove the car. And there are some bragging elements deep in Shang Wen's heart.

"It's the kind of thing that Qin Jun can fly in the sky?" Senior Sister asked anxiously at this time.

"Yes. That's it, that's an airship. Qin's machine gun airship. It can stay in the air for a long time and has great lethal power. As long as the weather permits, it will fly to many places." Meng Tian said.

"Oh." Senior Sister leaned on the back of the car in surprise, but Shang Wen didn't notice that Senior Sister's face was a little pale.

"This guy is not only in weapons. There are politics and economics." Meng Tian continued.

"Did he invent those weapons that breathe fire and quickly fly out of arrows?" Senior Sister asked at this time.

"Yes. It's him. And artillery, this guy, there are many inventions in weapons. How much do you want to know?" Meng Tian asked at this time.

"A lot." Senior Sister said at this time.

"He invented a lot of things. In short, this guy is a weapon expert. When I first saw him, he introduced him like this. In short, you are with him, and there are always many novelties. In front of you. For example, we make cars, telephones, telegraphs, radio broadcasts, trains, airplanes, etc." Meng Tian introduced.

"This person is really capable." The senior sister said with an ugly expression. The senior sister looked a little tired and leaned on the back of the car. And Shang Wen just nodded, indicating that he knew his achievements.

The elder sister did not speak for a long time, but Meng Tian further introduced Shangwen.

"Qin State stopped attacking the Six Nations. In fact, it was his decision. Qin State has been launching an offensive to the outside world. To a large extent, he should be thanked. The biggest change in Qin State is food. Qin State soldiers eat well. The battle is natural. We have bread and rice. We have plenty of wine, various drinks, canned food, ham, beef and mutton. The food is very rich." Meng Tian said.

"I think these are all his credit. He improved the soldiers' combat environment and solved the problem of Qin's grain reserves. Qin's strength has grown very fast." Meng Tian said.

"His contribution is great. Therefore, his significance is very important to the Qin State. King Qin would rather use the land than lose his prime minister. Those of us generals know it." Meng Tian said at this time.

"How long do we have to enter the mountains?" At this moment, the senior sister suddenly asked.

"We are now in the mountains." Meng Tian replied.

"Okay, get off." Senior Sister said.

"What?" Meng Tian asked suspiciously.

"Stop, we have to get off." At this time, the senior sister said.

"You, get off the car too." Senior Sister said to Shang Wen.

"Yes." Shang Wen said while looking at the senior sister.

Soon several people got out of the car.

"This person, I want to take it away." The senior sister grabbed Shang Wen at this time, and put a short sword on Shang Wen's neck.

"What?" Meng Tian watched this happen unexpectedly.

"You members of the Mohist school should abide by your credit." Meng Tian said at this time.

"I have pledged with my officer's honor." Meng Tian said.

"I know." Senior Sister said at this time.

"But, do you know?" Senior Sister said at this time.

"This person, he invented what is called the airship. One of my senior brother's arms was something he invented. It was interrupted. I want to interrupt one of his arms." The senior sister said with hatred at this time.

"Senior Sister. Calm down." Junior Brother Nine said quickly at this time.

"Get out of the way, think about what happened to your senior brothers. Two junior brothers were killed in this way. How miserable they were when they died. And all this is because of this person." Pointed to Shang Wen.

"Damn it." Meng Tian said at this time.

"Thank you, General, for your introduction. I only now know how capable this person is. Thank you." Senior Sister said at this time.

"Go." The senior sister then pushed Shang Wen.

Shangwen was pushed and staggered. And Meng Tian stepped forward to rescue Shangwen at this time, but couldn't do anything. There is still a possibility of being rescued if he is taken away, but if he is killed now, I am afraid that there will be nothing left. Thinking of this, Meng Tian stopped all activities.

"You are the Mohist school, and you should abide by your credit." Meng Tian emphasized again.

"Yes, I should abide by my credit, but don't forget. This person, he invented something that hurt my brother." The senior sister said while looking at Shangwen at this time.

It was a look of hatred, as if there was nothing left except hatred.

"Huh." Meng Tian knew that he had made a mistake at this time. It should not be this way to introduce Shangwen in their hands.

"What do you want?" Meng Tian asked at this time.

"Take him away." Senior Sister said at this time.

"Go." The senior sister then pushed Shang Wen. Shangwen was forced to walk some distance forward.

"Damn it." Meng Tian cursed at this time.

"Go." The senior sister pushed Shangwen and disappeared into the woods like this, but Meng Tian wanted to do something, but couldn't do anything.

And Shang Wen is here.

"I want to say something and pass it to my unmarried wife, you also saw it," Shang Wen said.

"Go." Senior Sister said at this time.

"So, stop, I want to write a letter to her. She needs to settle down, otherwise she will go crazy." Shang Wen said at this time.

"Let's go." The senior sister simply said such a word repeatedly.

"Damn it." Shangwen felt very regretful at this time. What shouldn't have happened, has really happened now. Shang Wen originally wanted to leave this matter for a while and teach King Qin and Ying Yu a lesson in vanity, but now it seems that he was thinking too simple. Everything that was originally false has now become true. This surprised Shang Wen very much. But now apart from accepting this kind of accident, it seems that I can't do anything.

In addition to helplessness, Shang Wen could only passively accept the current situation. All this happened too suddenly.

And Meng Tian could only get back into the car and look for nearby troops for reinforcement. Now he can do nothing at all by himself. If you get too close to Shangwen, I'm afraid there will be even greater disasters.

In addition to these, the Qin State's high-level leaders will experience a severe shock, which is no less than a coup d'etat. Meng Tian really didn't know what would happen. Shangwen's lack of position will cause great losses to Qin. Some future trends of Qin State. In the next period of time, it will be difficult to determine. Especially, at this critical moment, Qin is at a very important crossroads in foreign diplomacy and the handling of neighboring relations. If this time is not effective, In terms of the choice, Qin’s future may have great worries. Meng Tian really didn't have the confidence to think about Qin's affairs at this time. This is really important to Qin.

When Qin was at a very critical moment, Chu in the south was also sending its noble army to fight north, and their goal was Qi. However, a forward force of the Qi State New Army that moved quickly southward spotted the Chu State Army going north.

"Wow." A team of Chu people quickly appeared on the Qi State road going north.

"Sir, there is a group of people in front of you, looking at the banner, it seems that they belong to the Chu country." At this time. A Qi army soldier reported. They are forward troops, and their order is to go south to check the territory of Qi in the south, because there are a lot of hilly areas in Qi in the south. Therefore, it is still peaceful here, but the rioters who slipped through the net took this opportunity to enter the southern hills and mountains. In response, Tian Heng ordered a 5,000-man army to fight south to check the situation there. This is how this force came.

"Why are Chu people appearing?" A lieutenant looked at the situation with a binocular in confusion at this time.

"There are a lot of people coming, this team, at least 3,000 people are going up, and the team behind is still very long." The Qi Army soldier continued.

"That's right." The lieutenant also looked suspiciously.

"Could it be Chu's reinforcements?" The lieutenant didn't know at this time, because he didn't receive the order either. Worst of all, the political activities above are difficult for people below to know.

On one of the chariots of the Chu State Army, a general wearing a leather helmet said to another general who did not wear a helmet.

"Fighting in autumn and winter is really a big taboo." This time. The general in the leather helmet said.

"The supply of food and grass is under great pressure," said the general without a helmet.

"Now the army is different. In addition to food and grass, it also needs to be supplied with gunpowder and bullets. These things have increased the logistical pressure. The army has a large number of people. The original number of 100,000 is enough. Now it has increased to 200,000, not only that. Our army will now enter the mountains and fight in the mountains." The general in the leather helmet said worriedly.

"Such a battle is not good for Chu, but think about it. The positive side is the Qi people. The Qi people now lack enough soldiers. They have gone through a **** civil war and are at a loss. It's not that we can solve the battle quickly. A large number of people has a great advantage." Another general said at this time.

"No, once the war is deadlocked, the situation will change seriously." The general said at this time.

"The Qi army has already encountered such a situation, and our army has never experienced such a war. What is the future?" The general shook his head.

"Oh." The general nodded and said at this time.

"We really don't know if those Chu troops were their own people or they came to beat us. If we attack, I'm afraid we will cause serious damage." The lieutenant said at this time.

"But we can't let them walk back and forth on our Qi country at will. What do we have to do?" At this time. Said the soldier.

"I think so." An veteran said at this time.

"Good." The lieutenant said at this time.

"I need two people. Come forward and ask about it. The rest of them take cover. If something goes wrong, we will retreat immediately." At this time, the lieutenant gave such an order.

"Who is going?" the lieutenant asked.

"Who is going?" the lieutenant asked again.

"I'll go." The veteran on the side pushed a bullet at this time and said.

"I'll go too." A second-class soldier said.

"Okay." The lieutenant nodded and said.

Then the three of them quickly walked down to their location, while the others held their rifles to aim.

"Stop it all," the lieutenant shouted loudly, while the two people behind were holding rifles.

"Wow." Chu's marching brigade stopped all of a sudden.

"Who are you?" the lieutenant asked loudly.

The people in front of Chu State looked at these three people.

"Who are you?" asked an officer in the Chu army.

"We belong to Qi Jun Tian Hengbu. Who are you? Why come to my Qi country." The lieutenant asked loudly.

"Oh." The officer nodded at this time.

"We are the Chu Army. Come and help the people of Qi to fight the civil strife." The officer replied.

"Civil strife is a matter for the people of Qi, you all go back. My father-in-law has put down the civil strife." The lieutenant said at this time.

"No, not yet. You Qi people have already killed our Chu border. My king is worried that our people are seriously injured, and hereby come to wipe out these thugs." The Chu officer said.

"You should make way. After we wipe out the rioters, we will leave." The officer said loudly.

"It seems that these people came to our country to ask for land." The lieutenant drew his pistol and said at this time.

"All are ready, we are about to start the fight." Chu State officer also said at this time.

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