The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1336: History will explain

"These are all good things that you Qin State did yourself." Senior Sister Mo Family walked over to Shang Wen at this time.

"Spit up." Shang Wenqiang resisted the desire to vomit. Get up hard. Shang Wen felt that his legs were weak.

"Those are not Qin people, they should be prisoners of war, they are slaves. They are aliens." Shang Wen reluctantly stood up and said.

"Prisoner of war? Slave? Foreign race?" Senior Sister asked continuously.

And Shang Wen slowly squatted on the ground.

"Yes." Shang Wen closed his eyes, letting himself not think about those terrible things.

"Yes, those people are prisoners of war. The Qin State continuously expands its territory, and then arrests all the locals, whether they are the elderly, children, women, young laborers. They are all arrested. Then, these people are transferred through slave traders. Go to the railway hub of the Qin State, and then transport it to various places in the Qin State. In these places, the Qin State needs slaves. The construction of railways, mining of minerals, and various places that require labor will have these people, farms, ranches, etc. Their life and death are in the hands of their factory owners, mine owners and farmers. It is estimated that these people died because of these." Shang Wen said with a breath.

"You are too cruel." Senior Sister said at this time.

"To be honest, I don't know. I just saw the report written like this, but there are too many stories behind the report and the things recorded on it." Shang Wen said in pain.

"Such a thing. It did happen in Qin, and it was the first time I met." Shang Wen said at this time.

"Senior Sister." At this time, Junior Brother Nine walked over in a low voice.

"Someone is coming. We have to hide." Junior Brother Nine said at this time.

"Hide." As she said, the senior sister grabbed Shang Wen, and Shang Wen was almost dragged and hid behind a stone.

"That's it." After they took shelter, a carriage came over soon.

"All down. Hurry up." Shang Wen secretly checked the situation ahead from behind the stone. There are trees all around here. Because of the relationship of ancient times, there are many undeveloped areas. Such virgin forests are everywhere in the mountains, which are already rare. After all, there is a road here, and there are signs of logging on both sides of the road. Obviously this is a place where no one cares.

"Bring them all down. Hurry up." Shang Wen saw a Qin armed man with bullets pinned to his body. Holding a spring rifle in his hand, the magazine of the rifle is in the butt. The bullets are pressed in through the front position, and then the bullets are strung together one after another. This type of bullet uses black powder. After all, black powder is very cheap, but this kind of rifle has an advantage, that is, it can be fired continuously, as long as you continue to pull the operating lever, you can shoot quickly.

"Hurry up." As he said, the man with the spring rifle gave a man wearing a leather jacket of indistinguishable color with a disheveled hair. From the physical point of view, it looked like he had come from the Western Regions. Because the people over there are tall, while the Huns are fatter. There is a big difference in food structure. This is still quite certain.

"That's a Western Region. As for the race, I don't know. The two armed men guarding them have a spring rifle in one hand, and a pump-action shotgun in the other. One is fine. Continuous firing, one can beat people into a sieve at close range." Shang Wen whispered to the senior sister. Shang Wen watched nervously at what was happening before him, and he didn't know at this moment, he was already very close to the face of the senior sister. The senior sister just nodded when she heard Shang Wen's introduction, but he soon realized that Shang Wen was close to him, and then pushed Shang Wen away very annoyingly.

"Cough cough." A Western Region man who got out of the car coughed constantly. He could not lift the body because of a cough.

"Damn it." The man with the spring rifle saw this scene. Kick the opponent immediately with one kick.

"You're sick and dead," the armed man cursed.

"Bang." There was a clear gunshot. Shang Wen got up immediately. The gunpowder smoke did not dissipate, and the coughing Western Region native was already lying down.

"Hurry up. You are alone, throw all the corpses in. Otherwise, I will kill." The man with the shotgun yelled at the other man. The man raised his hand in fear, and then under the constant roar of the other party. Immediately, get the corpses off the carriage one by one, and then throw them in.

"These people." The senior sister immediately leaped out violently. And Shang Wen hasn't reacted yet.

"Who?" The person with the spring gun who felt that there was someone immediately raised the gun and looked around, but the forest was the same, which gave a good opportunity to conceal and approach the opponent.

"Boom." There was a sound. Shang Wen was surprised to see that Senior Sister looked at the opponent's rifle in half with the bronze sword, and then Senior Sister immediately cut the opponent.

"Bang." A gunshot sounded. Shang Wen felt his heart beat.

"Ah." The man with the pump shotgun was knocked to the ground by the Ninth Junior Apprentice, because Shang Wen closed his eyes. So I didn't see what was going on.

"Gudong." Shang Wen swallowed.

Shang Wen showed his head again. Shangwen looked at the situation, and the two men had already controlled the two armed men. Shangwen walked out nervously at this time.

At this time, the slave was nervously watching the scene that happened before him. Because of the tension and fear, he was so frightened that he didn't know what to do. He just stayed in place, watching what happened before him. He didn't know what happened suddenly. A man and a woman are friendly people, and will they kill themselves? These are unknowns.

"Huhu." Shang Wen panted.

"You'd better remove the pistols from them," Shang Wen said after approaching.

And Senior Sister and Junior Brother Nine didn't care about him at this time.

"Help me. Ah." The person who was chopped by the senior sister shouted loudly. Shang Wen walked over and took off the pump shotgun man's pistol. Shang Wen searched by the way. There is a short knife. At this time, there was no such thing as a dagger, and no first aid kit. Shang Wen took the weapon, retracted it to the bullet, and then took away the firing pin from the gun.

Then Shang Wen walked over to look at the injured person.

"He." Shang Wen turned his head and didn't want to see the blood.

"He is seriously injured. If he is not rescued in time, his life will be in danger," Shang Wen said.

"Well, you'd better let your younger brother come and search, and let them go back. This is good for everyone," Shang Wen said.

"I'll deal with the gun." Shang Wen picked up the rifle at this time, withdrew the bullet, and then took away the firing pin.

"Without this thing, the bullet cannot be fired." Shang Wen said after taking out the firing pin. The senior sister watched Shang Wen disassemble the gun like magic.

"You are very skilled with weapons." Senior Sister said affirmatively.

"Thank you. These guns are all the same," Shang Wen said.

"You, it's best to send him to a place where you have supplies." Shang Wen said to another armed man like this.

"Do you understand what I'm saying?" Shang Wen knelt down at this time and asked.

"Understood. I know who you are. You are the prime minister of Qin State." The armed man lay on the ground and said. Junior Brother Nine controls each other at this time.

"Right." Shang Wen admitted.

"I can't protect myself now." Shang Wen said.

"What company are you?" Shang Wen asked.

"We are a highway construction company. Those people are our slaves. They are responsible for starting construction and repairing roads." said the armed man.

"Damn it. You killed a lot of people." Shang Wen said.

"This." The armed man shook his head helplessly.

"Go back quickly," Shang Wen said. Then motioned to let them go.

"I want to kill them." Senior Sister said at this time.

"No, no," Shang Wen immediately waved.

"Don't kill them. In that case, there will be trouble." Shang Wen said.

"These people. They are from the Qin country, to put it bluntly. They are also innocent people." Shang Wen said.

"Don't kill innocent people indiscriminately." Shang Wen waved his hand and said.

"So, what are the people they killed?" Senior Sister said at this time.

"These things are not something you can manage." Shang Wen said.

"Why can't we manage? Now we are in charge." Senior sister is the kind of stubborn person.

"Huh. Some things are unclear." Shang Wen said.

"Only after history has happened for a long time will anyone realize the problem." Shang Wen said.

"Time, time will wash away many things." Shang Wen said.

"The government of Qin State allows them to do this. That is to say, I gave an order to allow them to do this. If you want to correct it, you can just come to me." Shang Wen said to the senior sister at this time.

"What?" Senior Sister asked.

"This policy is formulated by me and allowed to be implemented. If you want to bring justice, you can come to me." Shang Wen said.

"They are all innocent. Let them go." Shang Wen said, he helped the injured person up, and at the same time signaled another person to hold down the wound.

"You go back." Shang Wen said to them.

"Weapon, I have it." Shang Wen said.

While Shang Wen was talking, the senior sister put the sword on Shang Wen's shoulder. Shangwen didn't feel scared, nor did he feel scared. It feels heavy on the shoulders.

"I will explain it to you. If you want to listen." Shang Wen waved his hand and said.

"Some things must be done." Shang Wen said.

"If you read history, you will find out. Many times. Bleeding is not necessarily a bad thing. I know what I did is wrong, but there is no way." Shang Wen said.

"This is history." Shang Wen motioned for the two to leave, and the slave followed in fear and left. Shang Wen watched the two leave.

The senior sister just held the sword and did nothing.

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