The elimination of small workshops is an important part of the industrialization of countries, but the current situation is viewed. There is also a need for such small workshops, because small workshops can solve the employment pressure caused by a large number of land mergers. Such small workshops are of great benefit to a country. Although from a long-term strategic point of view. The elimination of small workshops is a must experience.

the reason is simple. With the rapid development of productivity. This original, old-style production method is definitely hindering productivity. The future trend is to monopolize. Monopoly can bring about a rapid increase in productivity. This improvement is a rapid improvement in quality.

Just when South Korea was worried about its own product sales. In the Chu colony, a brand new consumer group is emerging. This group is the local indigenous people.

"Hahaha." A crew member laughed while standing in a port docked in the far south.

"Another ship is coming in," the crew member said.

"I don't know which captain or businessman is going to make a fortune again." An old crew member said at this time.

"Work fast, hurry up." This time. A man from Chu State with a big beard holding his flintlock rifle, he walked back and forth with his bayonet.

"Hurry up, don't be lazy." As he said, the bearded Chu countryman kicked a slave to the ground.

"Working like this, I will send you to Qin Country." The bearded said dissatisfied.

"Okay. These are people too." The old crew member couldn't stand it anymore. Because the beard hit the opponent's back with a gun butt, the slave fell to the ground and twisted, obviously in pain.

"They are not people, they are a group of beasts who only babble and bark." The beard said nonchalantly.

"It's not a human being," said the crew member next to him.

"Okay. These slaves are also exchanged for things. If the merchant knows. You waste his things like this. He will send you to the country. You never come here." The old crew member said.

"Okay." The beard said and gave the slave a kick.

The old crew member looked at each other, and then stopped talking. There are too many such practices. No one will stop it. There are killings here every day. There are endless levels of various crimes.

"Look, what's on our ship. There's wine." A sailor on the merchant ship that had just arrived shouted loudly, holding a bottle of Qin's grain wine.

"There are also all kinds of industrial products. Blankets, leather boots, muskets, gunpowder, and all kinds of daily necessities. Glass mirrors, bed sheets, and leather, etc.. These things are the favorites of the local indigenous people. thing.

"We just recently delivered another batch of wine, muskets, and gunpowder." A captain said to a businessman.

"En." The businessman just nodded.

"How many?" Shang Wen asked.

"Qin Guojiu, there are about a hundred altars, we can blend it into three hundred altars. Those indigenous people can't drink much." The captain said at this time.

"So how much gunpowder and gunpowder?" the merchant asked at this time.

"About three hundred," the captain said.

"Too little," said the businessman.

"We still need thousands of muskets." The merchant said at this time.

"We need to take these muskets and provide them to the local aboriginals so that they can fight internally. We obtain considerable benefits." The businessman said.

The captain did not understand what the other party said.

"Okay. You go down first. Then I will be full of goods." The merchant said.

And in the colonial trading post of Chu Kingdom. At this time, some businessmen in Chu State were negotiating for business.

"We need more weapons, tell them." said a business veteran.

"Big quack. %......&**" There were a lot of words that he didn't understand, and a native of Chu who understood the local people immediately translated it.

"%...&&*". And a kind of local chief said a lot of words to the veteran, when he said something. The chief deliberately raised his chin. Seems to look down on veterans.

The veteran smiled slightly.

"What did they say?" the veteran asked at this time.

"They said. They have a lot of prisoners of war, but it's not the price. One person exchanges a gun. Not two persons exchanges a gun. Bullets and gunpowder need to be counted separately." The translator replied.

"Haha." The veteran said with a smile.

"It seems that the Chief has won a great battle in the latest battle." The veteran stood up and said.

The translation on the side was immediately translated.

The chieftain of the other party immediately said a lot of things that he didn't understand at this time, but it took a while for the translator to translate it.

"What did they say?" The veteran asked, looking at each other's face.

"They said that by relying on muskets, they completely defeated a tribe of the other side, a tribe of the other side, and captured a lot of prisoners." The translator said.

"They defeated that tribe, I don't know." The translator said.

"It's okay, it's not important." The veteran said.

"Tell them that they use muskets, which are very powerful weapons. They can guarantee that they will win the war. If they want to win, they must have such weapons. There are not many weapons. Our inventory is only a few hundred muskets and gunpowder. Not much." This time. The veteran said. The veteran knows the current situation very well.

The Chu people began to stop using force around mature colonies. Stopping the use of force did not mean that the Chu people gave up the use of force. On the contrary, they sublimated violence to a whole new stage.

If the colony needed security at the beginning, the Chu people had to use violence to fight. Because the indigenous people were very xenophobic at this time, they agreed that the Chu people from the sea were foreign races, and they were demons. Therefore, under this xenophobic principle, those indigenous people kept attacking. But their weapons are too backward. Under the musket attack of the Chu people, they quickly stopped fighting. In the first battle, the people of Chu won the battle that was firmly established, and the battle that followed. The Chu people continued to expand their colonies. They formed their own living environment in the colonies, and they had their own basis for survival. At the same time, the Chu people were not idle, they began to immigrate continuously.

As the colony stabilized. The Chu people began to gradually abandon their original violent behavior. They began to contact the nearby tribes. At the same time, they also exchanged some local medicines and other necessities with their daily necessities. For example, wood, and slaves. At this time, the aboriginals were also in this state, but with the migration of some of the aboriginals into other tribes. Endless battles arose among the tribes. The Chu colonists appropriately promoted their weapons and other materials, such as food. Then they exchanged local land and population. In this way, the Chu colony continued to expand. However, the wars of the indigenous people were fought endlessly.

under such a circumstance. The indigenous people who were helped by the Chu people’s muskets gained a leading combat method in tribal wars. They can win the tribe. The veteran is already very clear about such things. In all trade with indigenous people. The arms trade is the hottest, followed by wine. Finally, there are other daily necessities. Packing some food and food can allow them to fight for a longer period of time. At the same time, they can provide for those prisoners of war. Before the indigenous people fought the war, after capturing the other party’s captives, they would kill the other party. The tribes will also hollow out the entrails of the opposing prisoners of war for sacrifice, and the other parts will be eaten raw. From this we can see how important food is. Because only with stable food can the prisoners of war survive, and then be transported to the Chu people to become valuable slaves.

"Tell them that we are not surviving much. If we do not exchange at the agreed price before, we can exchange with other tribes. There was a tribe before, and their price was that three people exchanged a rifle. In addition, there was a tribe. Send ten bullets. But if we are looking at the face of an old friend, we will give such a price. If we do not agree, we can not do this business, but." The veteran stopped and looked at the translation. He looked at the other chief's face meaningfully and said.

"If one day in the future, you find the Chief Chief. Standing among the slaves, I won't be surprised at all." The old hand said.

"This." The translator said while looking at the veteran.

"Is this translated like this?" the translator asked.

"Yes." The veteran looked at each other, and then sat down indifferently.

"Just translate it like this," the veteran said.

"And in the most vicious language." The veteran looked at each other, and then stretched out his two thighs on the table with a nonchalant expression.

There was another gurgling sound. The chief felt very angry after hearing such language. He believed that the other party was insulting himself.

"He said he wants to attack us." The translator said nervously.

"Just kidding. You should pay attention to yourself. You add up to less than two hundred muskets, and how many we have, thousands of them. We have other weapons, and a complete defense system, you guys. Just kidding." Said.

"Besides, we will sell your muskets to your enemies. I don't know what your enemy tribe will think after they get these guys." The old hand said, waving his arms.

And the translator quickly translates. And after the chief heard this. The expression is extremely uncomfortable.

"Tell you." The veteran said at this time.

"We are not afraid. We are just doing business. As long as there is profit, we can continue to do it. However, you have to break the rules and make us unprofitable." The old hand shook his head.

"We Chu people have our own armed forces, and we can bloodbath your tribe." The veteran threatened.

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