The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1351: Chu State Water Army

"Chu has its own colony. Now, we must also have its own colony. We should encourage the Koreans to go to the sea." Han Shu said at an internal military meeting.

"As for the situation in the Chu colony, we try not to disturb them. Now South Korea, there is no need for such troubles." Han Shu said at the military internal meeting.

"Then, my lord, we need to move. What kind of methods should we take to encourage the migration of our colonies." A major general asked.

"Encourage some people, and then forcibly transport some people out. Is our public security situation very poor?" Han Shu asked at this time.

"Yes," the major general said.

"Then exile them. South Korea will exile all these people overseas." Han Shu said.

"Understood. King." The major general nodded and said.

In this way, South Korea determined its current colonial immigration plan. As South Korea's Xinzheng became a metropolis. However, the large number of urban residents brought by the metropolis. However, urban residents have not formed a good public security foundation. Free management mode, coupled with imperfect household registration system, has aggravated social security problems. South Korea has no countermeasures. This has led to a large number of illegal and criminal acts in South Korea. These crimes have caused great headaches for South Korean governors. But now, South Korea has to solve this problem.

"Sir, can we report the situation here to the ground contact center?" the captain said to Shangwen at this time. It was already night. The captain ordered his men to take out the can. There are also some daily necessities. Especially blankets. Shang Wen also put on a coat. The cold weather made Shang Wen unbearable.

"Well, you have to look at those Mohists," Shang Wen said.

"Sir. They don't know," the captain said.

"Don't say something that you think is smart." Senior sister took the initiative to walk to Shang Wen's side at this time. The Mohists are very stubborn, even if the Qin Jun volunteered to provide some military cans. They still have wild vegetable soup at night, which makes Shang Wen's stomach difficult to bear. Shangwen has had a lot of meals and hasn't had a good meal. Shangwen wiped out five cans of beef all at once.

"We are discussing food. There are also some current situations in Qin. I haven't read the newspaper for a long time." Shang Wen said.

"I want to know, what happened in Qin State?" Shang Wen said.

"Really?" Senior Sister asked at this time.

"Yes." Shang Wen nodded.

"Then you continue. I'll listen." Senior Sister said while sitting beside Shang Wen.

"Okay." Shang Wen nodded.

"In other words, you don't know what happened in Qin State?" Shang Wen asked.

"Yes. Sir." Captain Li Li said.

"En." Shang Wen said.

"Sir, I think. Qin needs you very much. I read from the newspapers in the past. Qin's economic development especially needs you to plan for the prime minister." said the captain.

"I know." Shang Wen said.

"Qin's current situation, there are still many unclear circumstances." Shang Wen said.

"For example, steel production and quality, as well as environmental issues. And coal consolidation, etc.," Shang Wen said.

"These problems will produce extremely serious monopoly incidents." Shang Wen said.

"In the process of monopoly generation, there will be great illegal incidents and social unfair incidents. These times will produce great social fluctuations. These social fluctuations will form huge social impact events. This is very important to the Qin State. I don’t know what Meng Yi will do." Shang Wen said.

"These conditions can only be known by radio." Captain Li Li said at this time.

"En." Shang Wen nodded.

"Now it can only be so." Shang Wen said at this time.

"I need to know what happened in Qin State." Shang Wen said.

"With all due respect. Prime Minister, you should go back." said the captain.

"This lady, I don't know how to call it. But, our prime minister, must, return to Qin. Please release our prime minister." Captain Li Li said solemnly.

"No. Our Mo family will not release it yet." Senior Sister said at this time.

"Very good. I also want to see other things. To be honest, this is my personal opinion." Shang Wen said.

"Some things, you have to go out and see in person, you can’t read the reports. Those reports are nice and easy to understand, but if they don’t reflect the facts, the situation will become a mess. I want to go out and see, the world has changed. How much." Shang Wen said.

"So, for the time being, I don't want to go back. Don't worry." Shang Wen looked at the captain and said.

"Many things in Qin will happen even if I am here, such as monopoly. It will cause serious social unrest. This kind of social unrest is not strictly speaking turbulence, but some things happen, don’t worry, the society Still good". Shang Wen said.

"En," the captain said.

The senior sister didn't even know what the two of them would say.

"Stop the opponent. Quickly. Stop the opponent." This time. A soldier of the Chu State Navy shouted loudly at this time. A small boat moved fast. In the front, there is a medium-sized merchant ship, and on the merchant ship, a cannon sticks out of its muzzle.

"It seems to be an armed merchant ship." A Chu soldier said loudly as he paddled the oar.

"What are you afraid of?" The veteran in front swung his short sword at this time. The bronze dagger still has not withdrawn from the stage of history. Because, at this time, the bayonet is not easy to use. The bayonet made by Qin is flat and thin. When assassinating, the bayonet is still very useful, but when the bayonet is hacked, it is not easy to use. On the contrary, it is the bronze of Chu. The short sword is actually much easier to use.

The bayonet made by Qin was not easy to use, so the bronze sword of Chu went into battle again.

"Captain, a small boat is coming." A crew member shouted loudly at this time. This is an armed merchant ship of the Chu State. Suddenly many armed merchant ships appeared in the shipyard of the State of Qin. These armed merchant ships were loaded with twelve artillery pieces. The attack layer of the artillery is only one layer. However, five artillery pieces were mounted on the left and right sides. The offensive ability of the artillery bombarded everything.

The other two guns were installed at the bow and stern. The calibers of the artillery are unified as Qin-made five-inch bronze artillery. The power of artillery is great.

"The flag above is the flag of the Chu State Navy. What should I do?" a crew member asked at this time.

"Look at what they want?" The captain said at this time.

"Tell them. Ask them what they want?" said the captain.

"Hey. The boat in front, what do you want to do?" The old crew member on the Chu State Armed Merchant Ship shouted loudly at this time.

"What to do?" The sailor said at this time, rowing behind.

"We are Chu State Navy." The old Chu State sailor who heard the other party shouted loudly.

"We are here to collect Chu's past ship tax." Chu's sailor shouted loudly.

Chu State armed merchant ships. The captain looked at the other crew members in surprise.

"I heard it right," the captain asked at this time.

"No. Captain." This time. A sailor replied.

"They seem to be levying something, ship tax," said the sailor.

"It's the past ship tax." Another old sailor added.

"A small boat like this will be taxed." The captain said with a sneer and disdain.

"Don't bother them. Let's continue walking." The captain felt very disdainful of the way the Chu State navy levied taxes in this way. In fact, many businessmen in the Chu State levied taxes by evading or evading them. If they were able to evade, they would evade. If they could not evade, they had to find a way to avoid it. This is why the nobles of the Chu Kingdom need to build the armed forces of the navy. The Chu nobles established the navy, in fact, the biggest purpose is to collect taxes, not to expand the armed forces of the Chu navy.

"They went ahead. Our boat can't keep up." The sailor behind the oars said at this time.

"These armed merchant ships simply ignored us. We didn't even collect a penny this day." Another rowing sailor said discouragedly.

"Don't say anything. Let's chase them all." The old sailor in front said loudly at this time.

In desperation, the boat immediately followed behind, but the distance between the two boats was getting bigger and bigger. The boat can no longer keep up.

And in a port of the Chu State Navy.

"We, Qin Guo, have sent economic consultants, especially tax collection consultants, to assist Chu State in establishing its own tax system." said the bank representative.

"En. But, up to now. Our Chu State Navy has not even collected a penny." At this time. Xiang Yan said.

"This. The Chu State Navy lacks a certain degree of credibility. In addition, the Chu State Navy has not established an effective taxation system. In particular, the armed forces that have always guaranteed taxes." Qin State's bank representative suggested.

"What do you mean?" Xiang Yan asked.

"That is, the establishment of a force larger than those armed merchant ships of Chu State, and the existence of these armed forces can suppress those armed merchant ships." Qin State Bank representative said at this time.

"En." Xiang Yan said at this time.

"In addition, there is a need to establish ports that can provide berthing for these merchant ships, and then collect taxes based on the merchant ships berthed in these ports, and only the places controlled by the Chu State navy can start taxation." Qin State Bank representative said.

"En." Xiang Yan nodded at this time. Didn't say anything.

"These all need money. The Chu State Navy doesn't even have the money to build ships. Where can the money be used to build any ports." Xiang Yan is very proficient in fighting. But for the use of property grabbing. But not very proficient.

"So, we, Qin, can provide such financial services. We can help Chu's navy to manage such financial affairs, so that the Chu navy can have more money." said the bank's ghostwriter.

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