"Buzzing." Amid the loud roar of the motor, one plane after another took off. The fog in the early morning had not yet dispersed, and the aircraft slowly entered the thick fog and disappeared.

The ground crew watched the plane leave here, and then they returned to their posts, and everything was calm again.

Shang Wen's on the airship, asked the radio operator.

"Have you not gotten in touch yet?" Shang Wen asked.

"No, I received a weather forecast, saying that the cold air is moving quickly in the direction of Xianyang. In the next few days, we may have a large-scale snowfall here." The radio operator handed the weather forecast to Shang Wen.

"Oh." Shang Wen said.

"I don't know if our signal has been transmitted. But we can occasionally receive some telegram content, but there are still incomplete ones. I think our signal is very weak, causing our communication to be unsmooth." At this time, the radio operator Said.

"Do you know the reason?" Shang Wen asked.

"I think it should be because of the mountains. We are on the hillside and there are mountains around, so the signal cannot be transmitted. If we were in the sky, I am afraid that would not be the case." The radio operator said at this time.

"Yep". Shang Wen nodded.

"Sir, let's take off. I think we can send a telegram signal when we take off." The radio operator looked at Shang Wen and said.

"What does your captain mean?" Shang Wen asked.

"He lets you make a decision," the radio operator said.

"En." Shang Wen nodded.

"We still don't want to take off. The weather here is very complicated, and I don't want you to be in danger." Shang Wen said.

"Sir. Our pilot is an eagle, and it is natural to defeat the sky." The radio operator pointed his finger at the eagle emblem on his chest at this time.

"I understand this. But, safety, we must have safety." Shang Wen said.

"Flight is a dangerous thing. If you act rashly and not prepare enough, you will have problems. Your airship has not been inspected. You still take off under such circumstances. I am a little worried, and this is the end of the matter." Shang Wen said .

"Right. If you want to transmit a signal, you can make a large antenna. To transmit the signal. Or to receive the signal. When you were in the radio course, you should have taught you how to make a temporary simple antenna, right?" Shang Wen this Time said.

"I think so. But, sir, the radio is very big. We can't carry it to the upper floors," the radio operator said.

"Use copper wire instead." Shang Wen said.

The radio operator shook his head at this time.

"We don't have spare copper wires. Sorry, sir." the radio operator said.

"That's fine. This thing ends here. If the weather is good at noon, I will let you return to the base. I wish you all the best." Shang Wen said with a smile.

"Thank you sir," the radio operator said. Then Shang Wen went to look for the captain of the Pegasus.

"Thank you for being here. I am very grateful, but now you are going back. Return to your base." Shangwen said at this time.

"But now you should go back." Shang Wen said.

"But, sir. You should go back with us." Captain Li Li firmly pleaded.

"No. The people of the Mo family won't let me go back. I don't know the reason, but I still think. This problem must be solved. The king has done something too radical. In this matter, if you can't get calm for a long time, then There will be big problems. I don't want to see such problems happen, so this matter is decided like this. I wrote some specific ideas in this letter. There is also a copy for the princess." Shang Wen said and took it. Take out two folded notebook papers. Shangwen got a little bit of rosin from the Mo family to seal it.

"After they have read it, they will understand. This matter, just do it. You can go back." Shang Wen said.

"But, sir." Captain Li Li was still a little unwilling.

"No need." Shang Wen shook his head.

The three bombers taking off from Lantian Camp are flying in the shape of a product.

"Are we going to parachute? The general told us that we don't need to parachute." A sergeant asked.

"I don't know, I know, we can dress like this." The sergeant on the side said at this time.

"Oh." The sergeant nodded. For such a flight, he didn't know what to do. He felt, it felt a little weird, he said that he didn't need to parachute, but he was carrying an umbrella bag. I really don't know what the above is thinking.

"This kind of weather allows us to perform such a task. It is really not very sure." The captain of the "Beauty" among the three planes said while looking at the weather outside the window.

"It's cloudy, the situation below is unclear." The captain said.

"We couldn't find a place to land when we came this way. The bomb behind could not be thrown down." The first officer said at this time. Since they are bombers, they are accustomed to comparing bombs to all the cargo behind them.

"Look at what the pilot aircraft in front does. Let's do it." The captain decided at this time.

"Okay." The co-pilot said at this time.

The captain of the "Eagle." bomber in front is having intense discussions with Meng Tian.

"Sir, in this kind of weather, we can't land at all. The situation below is not clear. It seems that there is fog below, and we cannot make a forced landing. It is difficult for us to find a suitable landing place if we know the situation below. "The captain said at this time.

"Can you wait any longer." Meng Tian said at this time. Because it is safer to use the airborne method. And it can gather people as much as possible, but if the parachuting method is used, Meng Tian himself doesn't know how much to keep me safe, especially at this time, there is a princess.

"I'm afraid there is not much time. There are at most twenty minutes, and we must take measures. Otherwise, we will not be able to return to the base." The captain said at this time.

"Okay. In the last ten minutes, I am ready to skydive." Meng Tian said.

"Okay, General." The captain said at this time. Meng Tian came to the rear cabin.

"Princess, we are going to parachute down. But by doing so, we don't know the following situation at all. It's too dangerous to go on like this. We have to be prepared." Meng Tian said to the princess at this time.

"En." Yingyu nodded.

"I'm ready for this." Yingyu said.

"I'm not afraid of these." Yingyu said immediately when he saw Meng Tian's full face of sorrow.

"En." Meng Tian nodded looking at Yingyu.

"We are going to check it." This time. Meng Tian looked at the sergeant and said. Then the three people are ready to check it out.

"How about the plane in front?" This time. The co-pilot on the "Beauty" bomber behind asked. Because their fuel is close to the fuel that they return to voyage.

"We won't be able to go back in ten minutes," the co-pilot said anxiously.

"Wait and see." The captain said to the first officer at this time. In fact, he was also very anxious.

"Wait. What happened to the Swan next to it?" At this time. The co-pilot saw from the side window that the Swan bomber was sliding sideways.

"What's the matter with them? Why don't their propellers turn?" the co-pilot shouted loudly.

"Their engine seems to have stalled." The co-pilot shouted loudly.

"Damn it." The captain shouted loudly at this time.

The captain on the Swan is trying hard to pull their plane at this time.

"Damn it. Damn it." The captain pulled the control stick vigorously, but the plane kept sliding down.

"Damn it. We'll be fine," a Marine Corps soldier in the cabin behind shouted loudly. On his back, another Marine Corps soldier squeezed against the Marine Corps in front of him at this time.

"I, I, I'm fast. I can't breathe anymore." Just when the soldier was so crushed that he couldn't breathe, the plane turned quickly again, and people squeezed to the other side.

"Damn it. The plane is too heavy. We can't control the plane." The captain of the Swan called loudly at this time.

"What should we do?" the co-pilot asked loudly.

"Throw those **** bombs down. We can control the flight." The captain yelled.

"But they are people, not bombs." The co-pilot shouted loudly.

"I can't take care of so much." The captain said loudly while looking at the altimeter. The altimeter quickly descended from more than 3,000 steps in the air to more than 1,000 steps. If it continued like this, their plane would lose control, and then it would crash.

"Crack." At this moment, the captain quickly opened the bomb bay. The Marine Corps soldiers were thrown away before they had time to hook up.

"Ah." The Marine Corps soldier shouted loudly at this time and fell.

"Pull up. Pull up." The captain didn't have time to care about the Marines, and then quickly pulled the joystick to pull the plane.

"Huh." The co-pilot also looked outside. Although nothing can be seen. But the co-pilot was extremely scared.

"We, we." The first officer wanted to say that they would be sent to a military court. But such a situation is too scary. The fear made him feel extremely panicked.

"Both of our engines have stalled. Pull the plane quickly, or we will all die." The captain yelled.

"Yes." At this time, the first officer squeezed the control stick tightly and pulled the plane up together. Qin's engine stalled due to high altitude and low temperature, engine oxygen supply or other problems, and such things happened from time to time. But this problem cannot be solved. This is the cause of the accident.

The Marines who were thrown down could only shout loudly, and then disappeared into the thick fog.

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