The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1371: They are behind us

When the merchant ships of the Chu State saw such a large and openly using the Chu Army banner, they naturally chose to avoid them. Because of going directly, I'm afraid they will be attacked by the other party.

They are merchant ships, and merchant ships carry a large amount of goods, and these goods are purchased with money. If there is an accident, they will lose their money. Merchant ships are at risk, especially the cargo they carry on board. These cargoes are their lives. They cannot withstand any risks.

Regarding the emergence of this huge battleship team, they immediately took measures, that is, sailing deeper into the sea. Only in this way can they avoid the cannons on the warships. Regardless of whether they are regular troops or not, they must avoid them. After all, an armed merchant ship can't beat so many other ships.

Because Chu's ships did not accept the latest navigational knowledge, especially in ocean navigation, they did adhere to the necessary measuring tools, especially the knowledge of latitude and longitude. They were very disdainful of this way of drawing divisions. This also caused Chu's merchant ships to only develop their colonies along the coastal line, and the route was also very simple, that is, they developed all the way south along the coastal line. As long as they do not leave the southern coastal line, they can find the place they are looking for. This is a very primitive and reliable method. The people of Chu actively pioneered without sufficient sailing knowledge. This is a positive pioneering spirit.

In the north of Qin, the first heavy snow covered the entire north.

"Sir, I received a very strange order yesterday. I don't know what it means?" A quartermaster of the 12th Infantry Regiment of the Third Infantry Division of the Qin Army walked to the colonel anxiously with a document. Asked next to him.

"What order?" the colonel stopped and asked. The colonel is now going to inspect his troops on horseback. The Third Infantry Division of the Qin Army wants to defend the entire eastern border of the Qin State. The defense zone there is very large. It was so big that the Qin Army had to disperse all of its troops and conduct key defenses. For other places, they can only rely on the local militias beyond their reach. For this reason, the northern Qin army built a large number of telegraph networks and trunk telephone lines from the only military expenditure. They can only rely on their own well-informed to achieve their effective mobilization of troops.

"It is the order of the division staff. They want us to provide the old weapons in the local military depot to the local tribes of the northerners." The quartermaster said at this time.

"To the north?" the colonel asked at this time.

"Yes. Sir." The quartermaster nodded and said at this time.

"It's Xianbei," the colonel said.

"I think it should be. In short, the train will transport them to the station, and they will receive the first step weapons and other supplies at the station." The quartermaster said.

"Damn it," the colonel cursed. Because Xianbei is a transliteration. Therefore, because of the different accents in different parts of the Qin State, there are various versions, and even the Qin State General Staff also has various versions, sometimes. Even Wang Jian himself did not know whether those multiple versions refer to the same minority or multiple. However, these didn't matter much to him, because they didn't pose a threat to Qin State for the time being. Therefore, there is no one to organize these things. As a result, Qin's current understanding of various ethnic groups is still at a shallow level. This is caused by Qin's absolute confidence, and they think they don't need to understand. Qin is strong enough.

"Then give it to them," the colonel said.

"What kind of weapons are they?" the colonel stopped and asked.

"Flintlocks, and some old-fashioned smoothbore guns, the very bulky ones," the quartermaster said.

"Then give it to them." The colonel said impatiently.

"Yes, sir. You need to sign here, and we need some sergeants. To train those minority soldiers, this is also the above order, for their supplies, we must try our best to satisfy." The quartermaster said at this time. .

"What else?" The colonel said impatiently at this time.

"Also, it seems that a liaison officer will come back, and I will report to him about my future work. This is a direct order from the staff. I heard. It is the king's meaning. Officer." The quartermaster said respectfully.

"This is a strange order." The colonel said at this time.

"Just do it. Meet all their needs. Don't bother me with this matter." The colonel waved his arms impatiently, then put on his gloves, mounted his horse and left his staff guard.

And in the southwest direction of Qin State. That is today in Qinghai. The troops stationed by the State of Qin established some temporary defensive strongholds of their own, and at the same time they are actively expanding their strongholds and strengthening their fortifications. Only in this way can they defend their own positions.

"Look at what I caught." At this time, an Army first-class soldier grabbed one and quickly jumped into the trench.

"Hahaha, we have lamb stew to eat." The sergeant who was digging the trench shouted loudly.

"Those **** logistics soldiers, they bring so little things every day. I haven't had a good meal in a long time. Today we are going to have a good meal." As he said, the sergeant took the bayonet and walked towards the sheep. past.

"Get some water. Hurry up." The sergeant shouted, clutching the sheep's head.

"Okay." a second-class soldier called out loudly. He took the bucket and went to get water.

A second lieutenant came over at this time. He looked at the captured sheep, and then asked the soldier on the side.

"Where did this sheep come from?" the ensign asked.

"Sir, we found this sheep on a section of barbed wire to the east. It is estimated that a flock of sheep crossed our barbed wire and caught the barbed wire. We were lucky and found them while patrolling." A corporal was excited and happy. Said.

Because the defense zone is very large. Army soldiers can only arrange barbed wire around their line of defense, and then in the case of wealthy barbed wire. Extend to the east and west sides of the position. Then, as far as possible, some important places were placed with barbed wire. Although the soldiers knew that these barbed wire did not have any manpower to take care of it, they did so. After all, their defense zone is too big. It is too big for them to control, so they can only do this to strengthen their psychological defense.

"Damn it," the ensign said at this time.

"What's the matter?" the corporal asked.

"Those **** sheep can cross our line of defense, and those **** Qiang people can cross our line of defense." The ensign said nervously at this time.

"It doesn't matter, sir, those barbed wire fences can't prevent them, and the Qiang should do whatever they want." The corporal said indifferently. The corporal is very clear about such a large defensive area. They couldn't defend themselves at all, because their strength was too small. The few are very pitiful.

"Let's eat mutton and drink mutton soup. Sir. Maybe there is still a sheep on the defensive line in that section." The corporal said at this time.

"Haha, we will have lamb to eat soon." This time. The sergeant shouted loudly. The others watched the sergeant's performance quietly.

"I don't know what our head will think." The ensign officer said.

"Bang." Just when the ensign finished saying this. There was a clear gunshot.

"There is a situation. Hurry up," the ensign yelled. Then quickly took down his rifle. Because it is a defensive battle, officers usually take long guns, and they simply don't consider pistols that can only defend but cannot attack.

"Damn, you didn't notice that there was a Qiang cavalry behind you." When the ensign took up the rifle. A soldier covered with dirt jumped into the trench. Then scolded others.

"Hey." The sheep on the ground that was slitting its throat was making its final struggle.

"You **** it. You are still in the mood to kill sheep and eat mutton." The soldier said to a second-class soldier next to him at this time. There is still a large blood stain on the uniform of the second-class soldier.

"Yes." The second-class soldier shrugged indifferently.

"What's the situation? Corporal." The ensign asked as he walked over with his rifle at this time.

"One thing, about fifty Qiang cavalrymen are coming here. I found them on the way to the supply station." At this time. Said into the water.

"Bang. Bang." Just when the second lieutenant was about to understand the situation. The gunfire rang.

"They are behind us. Qiang people. Qiang people are behind us." At this moment, a soldier shouted loudly.

"Damn it." The second lieutenant said and saw that the Ku Qiang was rushing towards this side.

"Shoot. Shoot." The ensign shouted loudly.

"Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang." Immediately, the gunshot sounded.

"Machine gun. Bring the machine gun. Hurry up," the ensign shouted loudly. At this moment he pulled the bolt and shouted loudly.

The gunshots of gunshots continued to ring.

The Qiang cavalry was under intense fire from the Qin. Gradually back off.

"They ran away. They ran away," the sergeant shouted loudly.

"Stop shooting. Stop shooting." The ensign said loudly at this time.

"Damn it. They actually appeared behind us." The ensign cursed loudly at this time.

And situations like this happen from time to time, because the southwest defense line built by the Qin army is extremely thin. In some areas, there is no one to defend. In addition to these. There is also that the Qin army unilaterally ceased the fire and withdrew from the fighting, and the Qiang people did not know this at all, but their main force had been dispersed. There will be no possibility of a large-scale invasion. This also made the war averted. But skirmishes are impossible to avoid. There are many wars like this.

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