The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1384: Something bad happened

"Kill." Qi Jun cavalry shouted loudly, and then turned the sabers in their hands. Cut and kill the Chu army infantry who fled.

"They rushed over." The Chu Army infantrymen who heard the horns were organizing defenses, but when they saw the Qi Army cavalrymen who were about to kill, the team immediately dispersed.

"All stand still." The Chu Army officer shouted loudly at this time. If resistance is not organized at this time, I am afraid that the artillery troops of the Chu Army will be completely destroyed by the opponent.

"Stop." The Chu army officer shouted loudly. But the cavalry rushing at high speed, the rumble sound. Let the soldiers' courage collapse all at once. Many people are frightened at once by such a situation. It is hard for them to imagine that the cavalry appeared in front of them.

"Run." Some Chu Army soldiers threw away their weapons at this time and began to flee. The officer will do this. Raise the weapon in his hand and shoot at the opponent.

"Bang." A Chu army deserter was shot dead. At this time, the other soldiers of the Chu Army saw the officer doing this, and their thoughts on fleeing began to converge.

"Give me a good formation. Fight against the Qi army cavalry." The Chu army officer shouted loudly.

"Line up. Hurry." The Chu army officer shouted loudly.

At this time, the artillery of the Chu Army was also making rapid adjustments.

"It's too late to retreat. Turn the muzzle. Aim at those cavalry. Put on shotguns. Quick." An older gunner shouted loudly at this time.

"Load the shells. Quickly." The gunner shouted loudly at this time.

"Turn the muzzle. Aim at those cavalry." Some gunners are working hard to turn the muzzle. Some gunners quickly loaded the shells. Many artillerymen immediately became busy.

"Kill" the Qi Army cavalry at this time constantly wielded the saber in their hands and slammed towards the improvised defense line of the Chu Army infantry.

"Aim." The Chu Army officer shouted loudly.

"Wow." The Chu Army put together temporarily raised their rifles at this time, and Qi Army cavalry had appeared in their quasi-letter.

"Shooting." The Chu army officer shouted loudly.

"Bang bang bang." A row of Chu Army soldiers raised their flintlocks and fired quickly at the approaching Qi Army cavalry.

"Ah." The cavalry in front of the Qi army cavalry that quickly impacted was shot one after another. Some of them lie on their war horses. Some were dragged by horses, and some were shot down by horses. The cavalry behind the high-speed impact trampled on the opponent to death.

"Bang. Bang. Bang." Qi Jun cavalry also responded quickly at this time. They raised their pistols and immediately fired from each other.

"Puff. Ah." In the Chu army queue, someone started to be shot and fell to the ground.

"Second row. Shooting." The Chu army officer shouted again at this time.

"Bang. Bang, bang." The pistol sounded. The sound of flintlock guns intertwined. Whether it was the Chu army or the Qi army cavalry unit, both sides suffered casualties.

"Kill." After shooting. Especially the gunpowder smoke has not dispersed yet. Qi Jun cavalry troops rushed up immediately. Break through the infantry defense line built temporarily by the opponent.

"Boom." The huge crash of horses and human flesh continued.

"Da da da da." The horse's hoofs continued to sound. The Chu army's infantry team was blown away by the Qi army cavalry at once. Although Chu Jun also resisted desperately. Some soldiers raised their rifles. Smashed the Qi Jun cavalry fiercely with the butt. Some use bayonets to assassinate the opponent, but helplessly, the opponent is a cavalry, occupying a height and speed advantage, and the cavalry also uses this. Very smart to attack their opponents.

The Qijun cavalry knows very well that their advantage lies in horses, and horses lies in speed. They can use speed to attack opponents flexibly. Therefore, when attacking the opponent. They will choose to attack each other at high speed. Then attack each other flexibly. Attacking the opponent is to make the opponent's formation become chaotic. Then take advantage of this chaos to completely defeat or repel the opponent. This is an understanding of the superb tactics of the cavalry. The Qijun cavalry was built with the aid of the Yanjun cavalry. The Yanjun cavalry came from the Qin army. It can be said. Qi Jun learned some tactically flexible combat methods through Yan Jun.

"Run away." Sure enough. After the Qi army cavalry broke through the Chu army's infantry line of defense. The infantry defensive line built up by the Chu army suddenly collapsed. The Chu army, which was not well-trained, collapsed suddenly, and they became collapsed deserters again. Although the officer intimidated his soldiers by killing people, this trick did not work at all.

"Run." A Chu army soldier just threw away his weapon, preparing to flee the battlefield. And when he called out his military friends to retreat. A war horse suddenly appeared in front of him.

The Chu Army soldier had no time to react. The saber has been split. Rely on the speed of horses. The saber slashed down quickly. Half of the head of the Chu Army soldier was still on his neck. The other half of his head is on the ground.

The disintegrated Chu army quickly became the center of a huge chaos and disaster. Many soldiers were at a loss, ran to the camp unorganized, and then ran away desperately. The escape of these soldiers led to the escape of more soldiers. This led the Chu Army into a chaotic battle.

"All stand still. All stand out." Some Chu army officers tried to control the situation at this time, but these disintegrated Chu army were soldiers who were temporarily recruited without strict training. They could easily lose control on the battlefield. This is the evil result of not being trained.

Soldiers need good discipline to control. If there is no discipline to control, it will be difficult to organize effectively to fight. Now, Chu Jun has tasted this evil result.

"Shall we fire?" a gunner shouted to his gunner at this time.

"Let the deserters of the gods leave here." This time. An old gunner shouted loudly. He is an experienced carpenter, but because of the professional characteristics of a carpenter, he has become a very experienced veteran gunner. The old gunner shouted anxiously at this time.

"Get out. Get out of the way." A gunner shouted loudly at this time.

"Kill the artillery over there." The Qi Jun cavalry captain saw the position of the Chu army's artillery. Immediately command his subordinates to kill over there.

The Qi army's cavalry battle flag quickly slew towards the artillery.

"What's the situation?" A general from a large camp in the Chu army camp came out and asked loudly.

"I don't know? General." An officer next to him replied.

"Quickly check it out for me," the general shouted loudly.

"It's not good General. A group of Qi army cavalry suddenly came out. They killed our army in chaos." A Chu army officer reported loudly at this time.

"What?" This time. The general shouted loudly.

"How many of them are there?" the general asked at this time.

"This." The officer didn't know how to answer at this time. Because he really doesn't know how many people there are on the other side?

"I don't know how many people? I just messed up like this." The general shouted at this time. He couldn't believe his army was actually at this time. Don't even know the other party's situation. This battle. I really don't know what it's like.

"Come here. Immediately order the general's personal guards to stop the chaos. Dare to be a troublemaker. Kill it." The general decisively issued such an order at this time.

"Here," a neatly dressed and clean officer said, arching his hands. Then quickly mobilized the army to start operations.

And on an observation post in Qi Jun's tower. A sentry quickly reported the situation to their lieutenant colonel.

"Sir. There is chaos in the Chu army camp. It seems that our cavalry has entered. The Chu army's artillery has also stopped bombarding." A soldier covered in dust came in anxiously and reported.

"En." The lieutenant colonel nodded at this time.

"Su Er." The lieutenant colonel called out loudly at this time.

"Sir. Here." The reserve captain stood up anxiously.

"Immediately throw into your reserve team. Be sure to retreat the opponent fiercely." At this time. The lieutenant colonel resolutely ordered.

"Understood. Sir. Are you optimistic." Su Er nodded and said at this time. Then turned and left.

"Those cavalry came to us." At this time the gunner realized that something was wrong. Because he saw that the cavalry was slaying over here.

"Ah." A gunner screamed. With his own eyes, he saw the gunner of the artillery lined up in two suddenly cut in half by a knife.

"Fire." At this time, the old gunner shouted loudly to his men.

"What?" This time. The gunner looked back at the old gunner. He didn't understand that the old gunner would give such an order.

"Fire. Don't care about yourself or anyone else. Those cavalry kill them. We will all die." The old gunner shouted loudly at this time.

"Fire." The old gunner cried resolutely at this time.

"Here." A gunner reluctantly agreed.

In front of the barracks of the Chu army. A team of well-equipped Chinese military guards pressed on with their bayonet-mounted rifles.

"All go back. Kill back." An officer of the Chu Army shouted loudly while standing on the chariot.

The yelling of the Chu army officer didn't help much. Some soldiers began to make a detour. Some soldiers were at a loss.

The Chu army officer standing on the chariot saw such a situation. The corners of his mouth twitched immediately.

"Shoot them." At this time, the Chu army officer gave a loud order.

"Here." A lieutenant officer under the car nodded. Then immediately communicate the order.

"Wow." After receiving the order, the Chinese guards lined up for battle.

"Raise the gun." An officer shouted loudly at this time.

"Aim." The officer then shouted loudly.

"No. Run away." A Chu army soldier realized that something bad was about to happen at this time.

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